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个人数据隐私权“被商品化”的法律问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据主体因其个人数据隐私权"被商品化"而不胜其扰,传统隐私权法律保护的被动模式应当随着信息通信技术的发展而不断创新,即不仅关注对隐私权侵权行为的司法救济,更应当注重对用户隐私内容泄漏风险的事前防范、事中控制。因此,个人数据隐私权保护面临着法律架构上的创新,并在技术层面、用户层面以及政府监管三方面设置屏障以充分维护用户的合法权益。  相似文献   

On 12 July, while addressing people he trusted who had helped him in the elections, President Yeltsin finally said something that many people had long wanted to hear from him: Russia needed a new national idea. It may "already be needed in the next presidential elections in the year 2000," the head of state predicted, and hence its development should begin promptly, with the first results visible within a year.  相似文献   

As part of a much larger investigation into the use of macromorphoscopic trait data by forensic anthropologists to estimate ancestry from unidentified skeletal remains, we conducted a fourteen‐year (2002–2016) intraobserver error study. Motivated by the development of a large macromorphoscopic database―which will potentially utilize data collected in 2002―quantification of observer error, the impact of technological improvements in macromorphoscopic trait data collection and observer experience is necessary. To maximize comparisons between the two samples, ten macromorphoscopic traits were assessed. Results revealed three patterns of error relating to observer experience, the introduction of new technologies, and error inherent in the method. Overall, this study found the effect of error on macromorphoscopic trait analysis could be predicted and did not significantly impact their utility.  相似文献   

彭辉 《比较法研究》2022,(1):101-115
前互联网时代的既有数据确权立法无法有效映射信息时代对于数据权利的实质性诉求,现有学术研究亦对新型数据权属的阐释和论证力有不逮,数据确权已成为数字化转型亟待解决的基础性理论研究问题。数据权属体系的构建,应遵循数据产生及其市场运作的底层逻辑,以实现数据产业健康可持续发展、维护数据权益相关方利益平衡为目标,将数据权属赋权于在数据生成与利用中处于核心驱动地位方为准则,避免数据权利内容及界限过于模糊、笼统,以此缓解激励数据生产与降低个体隐私权侵害风险之间的内在张力,形成个人用户、平台企业、政府国家之间对于数据权属的内容和边界的合理界分,构建社会公众、网络平台、政府国家数据治理"共建共治共享"的格局。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the institutional role of courts in dealing with long term political conflict. Such conflict is likely to involve group mobilization on both sides; the analysis therefore utilizes a judicial interest group approach, presenting evidence from the on-going policy debate surrounding presentation of the Darwinian theory of evolution in public schools. The findings demonstrate the importance of courts in developing public policies, not only by articulating policy, but also by affecting subsequent moves by interest groups to promote their agendas elsewhere in the system. Many extended conflicts may not be resolved in institutional settings, but they may be repetitively reformulated and translated to engage the decisionmaking process of specific forums in on-going activities. In successive moves, each adversary attempts to shift the balance of power to its respective advantage, where, paradoxically, the parties may change sides as the debate travels full circle. The analysis also illustrates the advancement of the creation science advocates' game plan, beginning with a publicity-oriented strategy, which is a hallmark of the relatively "amateurish" litigant, and eventually moving to a result-oriented position, a more "professional" approach to the courts.  相似文献   

In a modern, plural society, there can be no settled agreement on the concrete legal content of a country's constitution. The idea of the constitution is nonetheless pivotal in contemporary, liberal-minded theories of political justification, such as the ones advanced by Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls. Justification in these theories depends finally on "constitutional patriotism," a consciously shared sentiment arising from an ethical assessment of their country by the country's people, according to which the country credibly pursues a certain regulative political ideal for which the constitution stands.  相似文献   

During the entire postwar period, the term "interdependence" has figured repeatedly in statements by American governmental figures and in the writings of bourgeois political scientists. In the past two or three years, it has acquired a new ring. Whereas previously American expressions regarding "interdependence" applied to relationships within the framework of NATO, today they have to do with a considerably broader sphere of foreign policy relationships of the United States, including those involving the entire capitalist world and the developing countries. In a number of cases, American writers working on the "interdependence" problem have also included certain aspects of the relation between capitalist and socialist states. They undertake to analyze, from the standpoint of bourgeois political science, various aspects of "interdependence" — economic, physical-geographical (deriving from mankind's ever more intensive joint utilization of the atmosphere, the waters and floor of the world ocean, near outer space, solar and subsurface energy, etc.), military-political (having to do with the threat of destruction of world civilization should a nuclear war occur), cultural, and so on.  相似文献   

If statistics are any indication, the system may well be allowing some innocent defendants to be executed.
- Justice Sandra Day O'Connor  相似文献   

我国民营经济制度变迁、制度"锁定"及"解锁"研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民营经济制度变迁历程是我国经济体制改革过程的一个缩影.运用新制度经济学分析范式对我国民营经济制度变迁、制度"锁定"及制度"解锁"进行研究探讨,有助于我们总结民营经济发展的经验,把握民营经济未来的发展方向,为我国民营经济更好更快发展提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

沈浩蓝 《科技与法律》2021,(3):17-25,54
《民法典》关于"数据"的规定是其对大数据时代的响应,彰显了《民法典》的时代性与前瞻性,具有重要的价值宣示功能.然而,《民法典》对其具体意涵、法律性质等均未明确,无法为数据要素领域的后续规则建构提供切实指引.长远观之,这无疑将阻滞我国数据产业的发展.鉴于《民法典》采取了"个人信息"与"数据"二分模式,可以推知其规定的"数据"仅指具有财产属性的市场主体数据而非主要体现人格利益的个人数据.在此基础上,可以通过利益成权的理论正当性、受保护利益的独立性和利益成权的现实影响三个标准考察《民法典》规定的"数据"在法律性质上是权利还是法益.洛克劳动理论证成了市场主体数据成权的理论正当性;数据条款保护的利益具有区别于其他接近利益的独立性;市场主体数据成权将积极助推我国数据产业发展.因此,《民法典》规定的"数据"应当被认定为财产权利而非法益.  相似文献   

和谐社会这一社会形态,落实在国家制度层面上、落实在宪政层面上,就是人民共和;人民共和是和谐社会的国家制度基础,和谐社会是人民共和的社会形态;邓小平"一国两制"、"各方面都能接受"的观点,充分体现了建设人民共和及其和谐社会的重要理念;"一国两制"是民族包容性的光辉典范,体现了人民共和及和谐社会的内涵;"一国两制"使一国内四个法域的不同社会制度不断健全和完善,这是人民共和及高度和谐社会的体现;"一国两制"在实践中不断充实其内涵,也是人民共和及和谐社会理论和实践的丰富和发展."一国两制"是人类高度和谐社会的体现.  相似文献   

The essay evaluates the general problem that, while most modern republican constitutions follow the U.S. and French models in declaring religious freedom, absolute religious freedom is impossible and undesirable. How are religious freedoms constrained, and how much should they be? The essay evaluates the strategies by which limitations on freedoms of religion are constructed and imposed, especially the powerful isomorphism of law and science described by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Taking the example of Afro‐Brazilian religions in relation to the Brazilian state since 1890, post‐emancipation, the essay argues that pseudo‐scientific discourses of “public health” constrained the religious practice of former slaves, thus allowing the trompel'oeil of religious freedom to continue in the new republic, even as freedoms were in fact constrained by the state.  相似文献   

BiDil, a drug approved in 2005 by the FDA only for African Americans, was seen by many as almost reparations for the horrors of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-72) where treatment for black men was denied. The logic of race, however, rather than racism, links BiDil to the past many thought it was escaping.  相似文献   

Sudden, unexpected death due to "pineal apoplexy"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 20-year-old woman had a minute vascular malformation in the wall of a glial cyst of the pineal body. Bleeding into the cyst lumen caused rapid expansion of the pineal body, resulting in compression of the midbrain and her sudden, unexpected death.  相似文献   

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