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Forensic dental evaluation methods for use in a systematic approach to the dental identification of charred human remains are described. A systematic, conservative approach prevents the loss of valuable dental information before a thorough picture of the individual's dental remains has been adequately documented. The presenting conditions of fire victims are explained and illustrated with photographs, and a series of illustrations and text describe the damage seen in the dentition of the fire victim. A systematic four-stage process for gaining access to the intraoral structures of charred human remains is outlined and illustrated. Utilizing methods of access to the oral structures that maintain the integrity of the dentition through each stage of the evaluation of charred remains will prevent the loss of potential dental information before a thorough dental charting, intra-oral photographs, and radiographs can be obtained.  相似文献   

Despite a recent increase in the reporting of crime, student attitudes associated with crime on college campuses have been well documented. To the contrary, there is a deficiency of studies that examine the views of students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify student attitudes in relation to crime within the context of victimization, offender characteristics, and crime prevention measures. Analyzing nearly 200 questionnaires, chi-square analyses reveal that age, gender, and residential status bear statistically significant relationships in association with student attitudes towards various aspects of campus-related crime. In a similar vein, binary logistic regression models demonstrate the existence of significant associations in a number of specific categories such as victimization and crime prevention measures. Limitations, areas of further research, and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines nine cases of “spinback,” the flow back to laboratories of technical advantage from technology transfer activities. The benefits revealed in the cases are discussed and assessed for their value to the participating laboratories and the scientists involved. The objective of this study was to explore and test the feasibility of undertaking a comprehensive study of the value of spinback in order to encourage support for technology transfer activities by middle management in a laboratory. Spinback is defined as the phenomenon by which scientists’ and engineers’ participation in technology utilization activities results in a technically valuable flow back to their laboratories or organizations, thereby increasing or improving techical capability. It was anticipated that this exploration would provide evidence that the phenomenon does occur, with important consequences for the organization.  相似文献   

This article highlights trends in testamentary behaviour in modern Ireland derived from registers of probate cases. Primary findings show a consistently high level of intestacy in modern Ireland. It argues that such rates were more closely related to popular perceptions rather than an understanding of succession law. It also highlights that while real property was not normally divided pre-mortem transfer of non-fixed assets complicated efforts to understand how estates devolved. Testamentary behaviour also shifted significantly in favour of pious bequests in the period under review.  相似文献   

民事司法程序具有多元化的目的,如保护民事权利、维护法律秩序、解决民事纠纷和保障正当程序等。我国的民事司法实践能够在多大程度实现上述目的,可以通过实证评估的方法进行测量。中国司法文明指数项目的调研数据,反映了我国民事诉讼在及时受理起诉、符合程序公正、自愿和合法调解、有效执行裁判、提供有效诉讼救济等方面的情况。其中,对调解自愿性、程序公正性的违反,是制约我国民事司法文明的两个突出因素。进一步的数据挖掘显示,这两个因素明显地降低了社会对法官形象的评价;法官强制调解与法官所感受到的压力源存在关联性。民事裁判受到不正当干预的现象,降低了对民事司法程序公正性的评价。  相似文献   

This response argues that the National Research Council (NRC) report, while valuable and thorough, would have benefited from conceptualizing evaluation activities along a continuum of knowledge development, with evaluations initially verifying the effectiveness of program concepts, before moving to evaluations of the feasibility and generalizability of anti-crime strategies and, finally, to evaluations of the costs and benefits of implementation of new strategies.
Adele V. HarrellEmail:

Researchers studying correctional institutions rarely have attempted to assess and conceptualize the special impact of the correctional setting on their research experience. Using a ‘research chronicle’ of a study of work programs in an Indian prison and some analytic categories based on Cohen and Taylor (1977), the present study found that research in correctional institutions faces specific problems of access and data acquisition. It is suggested that such research can be conceptualized in social exchange terms and that it can benefit from using techniques of reciprocity. More specifically, correctional research appears to call for team research, triangulation, and considerable investment in establishing rapport. Some examples of the applications of strategies are provided.  相似文献   

It has been attempted to develop an economised craniofacial identification system, as a special automated version of photo/video superimposition technique, that can deal with common cases of personal identification with the aid of a skull and a nearly front view face photograph of the suspected victim.The proposed method is economic in respect of (i) cost of hardware configuration, (ii) processing time as well as (iii) manual labour involved. Over and above, it has got a capability to take care of ambiguities due to soft tissue thickness during the selection of facial features, which is a part of the procedure.In order to reconstruct a 2-D cranial image, superimposable over the facial one, the new method does not need any reconstruction of a digitised 3-D cranial image. It works simply by a suitable segment-wise processing of a 2-D cranial image with the aid of the symmetry perceiving adaptive neuronet (SPAN), that has recently been introduced in connection with nearly front view facial image recognition. The final comparison of the facial and the superimposable cranial images is as versatile as the same for facial image recognition by SPAN.A practical application of this extended version of SPAN has been demonstrated in the present paper.  相似文献   

樊传明 《证据科学》2015,(2):143-151
行政司法程序对于审查行政执法行为合法性、保障行政行对人的合法权益具有重要意义。我国的行政诉讼实践能够在多大程度上实现行政司法程序的制度价值,可以通过实证评估的方法进行测量。中国司法文明指数报告项目的调研数据,反映了我国行政诉讼在及时受理起诉、符合程序公正、有效执行裁判、提供有效诉讼救济等方面的情况。通过对调研数据进行挖掘可以发现,行政司法程序的运行情况与法官形象之间存在正关联,对于这种关联可以进行多种解释。对于行政司法程序的评估,不同职业群体之间存在差异,这可以解释为视角偏差、社会信息供给负面化等原因。  相似文献   

Crime control teams (CCT) have been operational in Syracuse, New York, since 1968. The CCT concept of policing places the responsibility of disposing of criminal incidents on a single individual—the CCT officer assigned the initial complaint. The effectiveness of this method of crime investigation, as measured by clearance rate, is compared with the effectiveness of the conventional method in which the responsibility is shared by the patrol officer and the investigator. Specific strategies responsible for the difference in effectiveness are also discussed.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to assess ethnocentrism and stereotypes as possible mediators of intergroup fairness biases. In Study 1, subjects wrote fair and unfair behaviors about their own sex (the ingroup) and the opposite sex (the outgroup). More fair and fewer unfair behaviors were written about the ingroup than about the outgroup, supporting the ethnocentric hypothesis. In Study 2, subjects rated the fairness and frequency of random samples of each item type. Half the subjects rated these items as they were originally written, and half rated them with the gender of the actor reversed. Ethnocentrism was evident in ratings of ingroup actors as more fair than outgroup actors when both performed fair behaviors, but this bias was reversed in favor of outgroup actors for ratings of unfair behaviors. In addition, the items written about women were rated more fair than those written about men, and men rated the reversed gender items less fair and less frequent than did women, supporting the influence of gender stereotypes in intergroup fairness biases.  相似文献   

The sentencing decision reflects the culmination of a long series of processing and, thus, selection decisions, with cases leaving the system at each decision point. Accordingly, the substantive implications of bias due to sample selection are of particular concern for sentencing research. In an effort to assess the existence and manifestations of selection bias, the sentencing decision is modeled for three samples, each of which was selected from different stages of the justice process. Event-history data on felony arrests in the State of California over a 3-year period are used, along with a relatively simple analytic technique which reduces such bias. Results indicate that biasis introduced when censored observations are excluded from the analyses. Also, the effects of certain exogenous variables on sentence length differ, depending upon the selection criteria. Of these, the influence of pleading guilty rather than going to trial is especially interesting. Overall, our findings are consistent with the possibility that selectivity bias has concealed effects of sentence bargaining in some earlier studies.The data utilized in this study were collected and made available by the State of California Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Statistics. The Department of Justice bears no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.  相似文献   

This study examined Axis II personality disorders and replicated dysfunctional family patterns in adult children of alcoholics (ACAs). Parental and spousal confirming and disconfirming communication patterns, and replicated physical, sexual, and emotional abuses were explored. Sixty ACAs were assessed using structured clinical interviews and self-report measures. Sixty-five percent met DSM-IIIR criteria for one or more Axis II disorders. Failure to feel confirmed (valued) by one's alcoholic parent was significantly associated with ACA Axis II disorders and alcohol abuse. Significant relationships between physical and sexual abuses and Axis II pathology were found. Replication of childhood abuse and dysfunctional communication was also noted.  相似文献   

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