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There exists a major problem for criminal justice students in transferring from the two- to four-year institution. This article addresses the historical foundation of this dilemma and provides a path toward solution.  相似文献   

The types of changes facing criminal justice education administrators and faculty mandate attention to the real world of fiscal stress and the concomitant problem of student declines. Current trends emphasize that all of those involved in the criminal justice education field must look beyond short-term cyclical problems involving the delivery of criminal justice educational services. The issues of fiscal tension and student declines require hard choices, the development of new administrative skills, and the recognition that new behaviors will be mandatory for criminal justice education administrators during the rest of the eighties.  相似文献   

Various commissions from the Wickersham (1931) to the National Advisory Commission on Higher Education for Police (1978) have called for the upgrading of police educational levels. Junior colleges, colleges and universities have responded by creating a plethora of educational programs. However, currently, little is known about the nature, form, or practice of criminal justice education in the United States. In attempting to fill this void, data from the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP) are presented concerning the number of students, criminal justice majors, and degrees awarded as well as institutional control, location, and type. These previously unpublished data are presented in a primary form (frequency distributions and cross-tabulations) to allow the reader to draw conclusions about the nature and scope of criminal justice education. Brief interpretations, however, are provided.  相似文献   

The formulation of crime policy is as complex as the phenomenon of crime itself. Numerous orientations to crime vie for consideration in the policy process, and the result is usually a confounding mixture of concepts and policies. It is the purpose of this study to analyze four prevalant orientations to crime and to assess the impact of a college education on student attitudes toward the different orientations. The findings suggest that criminal justice education and higher education, in general, have a significant impact on individuals' perceptions of the causes of crime and the functions of the criminal justice system. Given the increased emphasis on higher education within the justice system, the educational process is likely to play an important role in the evolution of criminal justice policies.  相似文献   

Criminal justice higher education has grown rapidly beyond its early roots as subfields of sociology, social work, political science, and law. Programs, which are generally found at state institutions, are initiated at the institutional or state level and must be approved by campus governing bodies, who must be satisfied of the need, and by state legislatures, who must approve funding, and by separate coordinating councils. Influences such as the traditional vocational background of some of these programs, police training councils, associations of practitioners and educators, national organizations, and, to a lesser extent, students and minority groups, should be taken into consideration, but the responsibility of initiating programs should lie with the faculty members and their institutions. The state should then determine the need for graduates of such programs and should oversee the programs' continuity and quality.  相似文献   

B. A., University of Michigan 1949; J.D., University of Michigan 1951.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a steady rise in crime in Israel, especially in the type of violent crime. This note describes the criminal justice system in Israel and analyzes some of the problems of law enforcement, courts, probation, and corrections in Israel.  相似文献   

The historical growth of criminal justice education programs can be directly related to the creation of LEAA and the education incentive program, LEEP. With the demise of LEAA and federal funding, there is the natural question of what effect, if any, this lack of financial support might have on criminal justice education programs. A stratified sample of 125 colleges and universities having such programs was surveyed to determine possible effects in student enrollments, characteristics, research funding, and other perceived changes. The data illustrate that changes in student characteristics appeared to be more significant in relation to enrollment changes than did LEAA/LEEP withdrawal. Program increases have been generally related to increases in full-time, preservice students and larger numbers of minorities and females. Programs which relied heavily on part-time, in-service students declined the most in enrollments. Colleges and universities with growing graduate programs experienced growth in bachelor and associate degrees as well. The demise of LEAA funding appears to have negatively affected most dramatically technical type programs which attracted large numbers of in-service, male, part-time students. Those which broadened their student characteristics appear to have been less affected.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the legal rights of criminal justice employees. Among the issues discussed are: property interests in employment; due process and other rights in discipline and termination; First Amendment rights; privacy rights; and protections against discrimination and a hostile work environment. The affirmative obligation of the criminal justice agency to take a proactive stance in formulation, implementation, and enforcement of policies is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports an empirical assessment of the current status of criminal justice scholarship within the southern region of the United States. The data reflects stratification both of scholarly productivity within the discipline of criminal justice and across the various disciplines that contribute to the literature on crime and justice. The data should be particularly useful for identifying weaknesses in scholarly productivity and, hence, directions for growth within the discipline of criminal justice.  相似文献   

During the last five years, there have been a good deal of discussion about the nature, purpose, and future of criminal justice education. On the whole, this research has focused upon three areas of investigation. First, it has focused upon the distribution of criminology and criminal justice programs and majors within the United States. Aside from a few comments about the composition of student bodies as an aspect of the makeup of criminal justice programs (Bennett and Marshall, 1979; Berger, 1980), there is little analysis of criminal justice students. This research note focuses upon an on-going longitudinal research effort which is tracking a cohort of criminal justice majors from their upper level college experience through the first few years of their early career development.  相似文献   

Law enforcement in Mexico has not effectively prosecuted participants in organized crime and drug trafficking. Enforcing current laws to prosecutecriminals is difficult because members of the cartels have infiltrated andcorrupted the law enforcement organizations that are supposed to prosecutethem, such as the Office of the Attorney General. Changes in Mexican criminallaw in 1996, like harsher sentences for those who participate in organized crime, offer a legal foundation for improvement; additional changes shouldbe considered.  相似文献   

Criminal justice in the Middle East conjures up images of severed hands, religious police, and qadi justice. Yet those seeking a more accurate picture find few sources. Conventional treatments of the region focus on Islamic law, although few Middle Eastern states actually base their legal systems on Islamic law. This article argues that in the Middle East as elsewhere, rulers use criminal justice to achieve two related ends: to maintain order generally, and to maintain a particular order — to preserve the regime in power and the interests and values of those who support it. A comparative historical analysis of the emergence of the police and judiciary links these two ends, and these two institutions.  相似文献   

魏晓娜 《法学家》2005,(1):107-115
刑事诉讼的理想境界是这三者的和谐结合有罪者受到惩罚、无辜者获得保障、罪与刑相适应.其中,无辜者获得保障是最为重要的价值.为了实现刑事诉讼中的实体正义,应当坚持无罪推定原则和证明标准高要求.同时应当将起诉法定主义和起诉便宜主义结合起来.  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of psychological individualism on nineteenth-century law and criminal justice policy. The nineteenth century—a formative period both for American law and for human sciences—was dominated by a single overarching conception of human behavior. This article explores the implications and consequences of that domination by first examining the general conditions under which individualism flourished in the United States, and then focusing on specific criminal justice policies that were pemised on this individualistic paradigm. It suggests that individualistic assumptions about human behavior were incorporated into what became intractable legal and institutional forms. The article also develops the relationship between law and human science during this period, and the way in which criminal justice policies were advanced as scientific doctrines. Finally, it concludes with a brief discussion of the role played by psychology in criminal justice policy since the nineteenth—century, and the recent resurgence of psychological individualism.  相似文献   

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