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Renewed peace talks between Palestine and Israel are in everybody’s best interest The efforts of U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry to facilitate peace between Palestine and Israel have paid off-somewhat,at least.After the top U.S.diplomat’s six mediation trips to the Middle East within half  相似文献   

The Real Motive     
U.S.President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan,called by some the"deal of the century,"is an important step-to win the support of Jewish voters in this year's presidential election.Given the complexities of the situation in the Middle East and the failure of negotiations between Israel and Palestine,the plan is unlikely to take the peace process between the two key actors forward.  相似文献   

正The current confrontation between Israel and Palestine erupted on May 10 and has been deemed the most serious of its kind since 2014. With no hope for peace,the continued tensions have not only impacted security in the Middle East, but also renewed the debate surrounding the Palestinian cause.Though a ceasefire between Israeland Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement,  相似文献   

<正>Riyadh-Tehran detente demonstrates China’s peace diplomacy March 2023,Beijing,two long-term rivals in the Middle East have decided to open a new chapter in their relationship.Saudi Arabia and Iran held talks from March 6 to 10,ending seven years of hostility by agreeing to resume diplomatic relations.According to a joint statement released by China,Saudi Arabia and Iran,  相似文献   

Hamas Moves In     
As the radical Palestinian group begins to form a joint government, the future of Middle East peace talks hangs on tenterhooks Israel tried measures to stop Hamas from coming into power, but plans were scuttled February 22 when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas approved Ismail Haniya, a moderate Hamas leader based in Gaza, to lead a new Palestinian Government as prime minister. The new cabinet would be formed within  相似文献   

Even the best experts on international politics cannot accurately predict events in the Middle East, even over the short term, and particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian con- flict. They have been taught enough lessons. The world was inspired by the ceasefire agreement reached by Israeli and Palestinian leaders to terminate five months of fighting in late November. But when the fragile hope of peace was dashed several days later as fighting resumed, people were not surprised; it was…  相似文献   

Iran and the U.S.must look for ways to deescalate tensions in the Middle East A U.S.airstrike in Iraq that killed General Qassem Soleimani,head of Iran’s elite Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary GuardCorps(IRGC),hasledtoincreasing tensions in the Middle East.His death came amid recent escalating antagonism between Iran and the U.S.in Iraq,which has become a microcosm of the intensifi ed rivalry between Washington and丁ehran.  相似文献   

Both China and the European Union have a major role to play in achieving global equilibrium and peace Escalation in the Middle East, chaos in Iraq, uncertainty in Afghanistan, tensions over Iran's and North Korea's nuclear programs, the spread of terrorism, large-scale economic exclusion, a deadlock in the Doha trade development agenda, rhetorical disputes between Washington and Moscow, the evaporation of U.S. soft power and the discrediting of the very values it is supposed to project.  相似文献   

<正>Palestinian rival factions’reconciliation brings hope for Middle East peace Palestinian rival political factions Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation agreement in mid-October in Cairo,marking not only a thaw in their relations,but more importantly,a major step toward reaching the end of a decade-long split between the two major Palestinian political forces.Promising prospect  相似文献   

正Groundbreaking talks between DPRK and ROK expected to usher in peace Last year,the Korean Peninsula remained under a cloud of imminent nuclear war.But today,the situation has evolved into one of the most dazzling highlights of the current chaotic world.On April 27,the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK),Kim  相似文献   

正Will the controversial EU-Turkey Agreement alleviate the refugee crisis in Europe?Turmoil in large swathes of the Middle East and North Africa has caused a mass exodus of people desperate to reach safer countries in Europe.The refugee crisis currently engulfing the European continent has led to a controversial deal with Turkey,potentially tarnishing the EU's image as a"bastion of human rights."  相似文献   

Qatar Airways Award-winning Qatar Airways boosted its tally of international honors by grabbing four key titles at the prestigious 13th World Travel Awards during a glittering ceremony in the Caribbean islands of the Turks and Caicos. The Doha-based airline picked up awards for the World's Leading Business Class Airline, World's Leading Airline Inflight Meal Service, Leading Airline in the Middle East as well as Leading Middle East Business Class Airline. The airline gained high praise at the travel industry's equivalent to the Oscar's and triumphed as the Leading Airline in the Middle East. It gained the inflight meal service award for the second year in a row.  相似文献   

正Chinese president's visit to the Middle East is not just an economic,butdiplomatic investmentChina's friendly diplomatic links with Middle Eastern countries are not a new phenomenon.Some would argue that they go back centuries to the era of previous imperial trade links,and the Silk Road routes that carried spices,resources and precious metals between the two regions.In modern times,however.  相似文献   

Lasting instability and intensified conflicts have reshaped the region’s political landscape The regional situation in the Middle East has remained unstable this year as a variety of conflicts further intensified.Political structures began to reconstitute. Whereas some Arab countries that have undergone transition encountered great difficulties in  相似文献   

If Hamas and Fatah achieve reconciliation,they will advance the Palestinians'political development and ensure peace in the Middle East  相似文献   

China and Russia conduct routine joint military drills for the protection of regional peace and stability On August 15,the sixth China-Russia joint anti-terrorism military drill entitled Peace Mission 2013 concluded in Chelyabinsk.Russia.The joint military drill program has been an important aspect of bilateral military relations and security cooperation.The program not only  相似文献   

DANG DUNG CHI 《人权》2007,6(1):19-20
Peace, security, harmonious development and human rights are closely related. Firstly, peace and security are premise and precondition for the insur-ance of human rights. It is obvious that when human beings continue to be threat-ening by wars, conflicts and chaos, their right to life is faint and insecure, and other human rights would not be fully respected or protected. On the other hand, peace and security are foundation for everyone to pursue his or her own objectives. In other words, in a society where peace and secu-rity are maitained, people will have oppor-tunity to enjoy their human rights and to affirm their own ego.  相似文献   

<正>New uncertainties emerge as the Middle East war on terrorism entersa decisive stageThe so-called"Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams"(ISIS)has suffered one defeat after another on the battlefi eld in Iraq and Syria over the past several months.The Iraqi Government started the battle to recover the city of Mosul last October.Now the campaign is drawing to a  相似文献   

Will Acting Premier Ehud Olmert lead Kadima to victory in the March election and keep the peace process on track? One person's fate can sometimes influence an entire region's future. Today, this is true of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, a key figure in the Middle East. As of January 11, the 77-year-old leader is in critical condition. Sharon was rushed to the hospital with chest pain on January 4.  相似文献   

Despite the renewed violence in Gaza,foreign affairs experts still believe there is,hope for peace between the IsraeIis and,the Palestinians The situation in the Middle East grew more intense after Israel closed all its border crossings with the Gaza Strip on January 18 and cut off the Palestinians' crucial supply lines for fuel and food in retaliation for rocket attacks by Hamas militants. In light of the resurgent violence,some officials and observers argue that Israel's border closures hurt the Palestinian civilians  相似文献   

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