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<正> 合同责任法的研究我从研究角度接触德国法是从合同责任法开始的。在1963年出版的《契约责任的研究》一书中,首先学习了19世纪的学说汇纂法学和德国民法的学说史。当时,对许多日本民法学者而言,研究德国法学是研究日本民法学的必要前提。德国法解释学过去曾作为日本法的组成部分。我在《契约责任的研究》中,以德国法为讨论的中心,以法律史和比较法为补充。其中19世纪中叶的F·Mommsen的"履行迟延"、"履行不能"论很重要。F.Mommsen建立  相似文献   

十九世纪的德国民法科学,似乎都是围绕《德国民法典》而展开的。民法史学者将十九世纪的德国民法学说分为两个时期,十九世纪的前半期为"法典争论"和"历史法学"时期;十九世纪的后半期是"概念法学与德国民法典"时期。其实,整个十九世纪的德国民法学都是围绕"历史法学与《德国民法典》"开展的。  相似文献   

民法学总论与民法总则之互动——一种历史的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐国栋 《法商研究》2007,24(4):24-30
从民法学总论与民法总则的互动关系可以看出,并非近代德国学者创立了民法学总论,早在古罗马法学家著作中就存在民法学总论的理论。这种总论在德国法族国家发展成了民法典上的总则,在拉丁法族国家发展成了民法典上的序题。这两种现代的民法总则模式沿着不同的方向发展:德国式的总则越来越民法化,拉丁式的序题越来越跨部门法化。这也说明了德国式的民法总则是对罗马法蓝本的发展。  相似文献   

在德国古典自然法中,人被视为具备理智与意志的伦理人,他是伦理与法律上的主体。普芬道夫与沃尔夫从伦理人概念中推导出自然权利义务理论体系。德国民法学对该理论体系予以批判性地吸收,从而形成古典私权一般理论。权利开始成为民法学的核心范畴,以之为逻辑主线,民法素材被重新整合为一个与传统的法学阶梯式体系迥然有别的潘得克吞式体系。民法体系由此发生基因突变。历史经验表明,民法体系植根于民法学理传统。我国民法典应采用潘得克吞式体系,并对其作必要的改进。  相似文献   

中国民法学60年的发展给我们诸多启示。在各个关健的时期,民法学者都能坚持独立的学术品格,这是民法学发展的学术基础。独立主体之间的平等关系即市民社会关系的存在和发展是民法存在和发展的基本条件,也是民法学发展的基本条件。正是改革开放,促使民法学不断发展。民法的研究充分吸收和借鉴他人的最新成果,立足现实,放眼未来,勇于创新,百家争鸣,使民法学的发展充满活力。  相似文献   

近年来,德国、法国、日本等国均对民法进行了一系列的修改。而民法指向的目标也即民法所追求的价值、理念逐步向和平、人权、社会正义、民主主义、国际交流等方向发展。把握世界民法学的现状及未来发展方向,无疑有助于我们的民事立法及民法学的发展。  相似文献   

比较民法研究应以解决实际问题为目的,采用功能主义的研究方法,对各国法制的关联项进行比较,寻求较优的问题解决方案。就研究立场而言,在宏观比较过于繁荣的中国当下,比较法的研究应更多地强调微观方面,即法教义学比较。功能主义与法教义学的结合让比较民法的研究超越了"概念法学"的局限,以司法机关的裁判或判例为研究对象,关注社会中的"活法",从而获得更真实可信的结论。当下中国,民法学人的使命应当是将"法教义学、比较法、案例研究"结合起来,通过判例研究展开学界与司法实务界的良性互动,促进法律的合理化发展;用点点滴滴法教义学知识的累积构建当代中国的法学和法治。  相似文献   

肇始于20世纪70年代,以计算机网络技术、纳米技术、生物工程技术为代表的新技术革命,已深深的影响了人们对自然、社会与法律的认识,制度创新成为了上个世纪80年代以来我国法学、经济学、管理学等领域的学者争相探讨的对象。高科技的发展给民法学带来了前所未有的挑战,同时也带来了民法制度创新的机遇。科技的发展促进了社会生活的现代化,社会生活的现代化又带来了民法制度的现代化,传统民法在高科技环境下面临着一场法律观念与法律技术的整体性变革。  相似文献   

<正>2011年7月26-27日,由中国法学会民法学研究会主办、吉林大学法学院和吉林大学理论法学研究中心共同承办的"中国法学会民法学研究会2011年年会暨学术研讨会"在吉林省长春市举行。本次会议的研讨主题为:民法典的编纂;民法方法论与民法基本理论;人格权法立法  相似文献   

许德风 《法学评论》2012,(4):154-160
随着立法的推进和法学研究的发展,我国民法学研究有了长足的进步。未来的进一步提升,有赖于共同学术平台的构建、就基础性价值达成共识和有效法律技术规则的形成。着眼于这些问题,《民法原理与民法学方法》一书成功区分了不同的法律问题并提出相应的研究方法,不仅在知识上就具体的制度问题有所建树,更重要的是在方法上也有重要的突破,或许将成就未来民法学研究的新路径。  相似文献   

From the mid-17th until the beginning of the 20th century, French censuses became increasingly more frequent and organized. This article focuses on the purposes of the first censuses (military), how the population was conceived of, and what variables were collected. The main characteristics of included individuals, the data considered important during each period, and the major categories chosen are examined. Also included are the evolution of reasons for knowing the precise age of individuals and how age groups were standardized because these aspects are closely linked to census operations. Finally, we will see how censuses have been used to obtain an overview of the population and, during the 19th century, how they were central to the discussion of the decline in fertility and, more generally, the changes occurring in the French population. How each new question led to the invention of a new variable and how data were presented is also examined.  相似文献   

From the mid-17th until the beginning of the 20th century, French censuses became increasingly more frequent and organized. This article focuses on the purposes of the first censuses (military), how the population was conceived of, and what variables were collected. The main characteristics of included individuals, the data considered important during each period, and the major categories chosen are examined. Also included are the evolution of reasons for knowing the precise age of individuals and how age groups were standardized because these aspects are closely linked to census operations. Finally, we will see how censuses have been used to obtain an overview of the population and, during the 19th century, how they were central to the discussion of the decline in fertility and, more generally, the changes occurring in the French population. How each new question led to the invention of a new variable and how data were presented is also examined.  相似文献   

Witch's marks and injecta, two magical phenomena discussed in the law-courts are here examined from the perspective of forensics and medical history. While stigmata were already deprived of their magical aura in the time of Zacchias, injecta continue to puzzle legal medicine for a long time. Gradually the solution is discovered in natural (diseases, dermatology) and psychological (simulation) phenomena.  相似文献   

Widows in the past have often been viewed either as poor and lonely or living under the control of their family members. The aim of this article is to show that the situation of widows in the 18th and 19th century Nordic countries does not necessarily correspond with these images. Law and custom provided landholding women with a certain amount of economic security in widowhood, and it seems to be relatively clear that women knew how to make use of their position. However, the frequency of co-habitation between mothers and children also indicates the creation and maintaining of mutually supportive strategies. The increasing stratification of 19th century society did on the other hand inflate the group of widows without property. As a result of running a household without a production element these widows had a greater need to launch their children into the labour market and therefore found themselves in greater need of assistance from the community in old age.  相似文献   

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