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A sensitive immunoblotting method for the routine detection of group-specific component (GC) from fresh serum, and from control and casework bloodstains has been developed. GC phenotypes were separated in a thin layer polyacrylamide gel by isoelectric focusing, transferred to nitrocellulose by a rapid capillary blotting procedure, and detected using a double antibody enzyme immunoassay. This method is capable of phenotyping 8 ng of GC extracted from bloodstains, a four-fold increase in sensitivity when compared to immunofixation and silverstaining. A total of 2424 casework bloodstains have been analysed and GC phenotypes identified in 78% of samples. The method is suitable for use in routine laboratories and is more sensitive than other methods for GC phenotyping of casework bloodstains.  相似文献   

Casework bloodstains were typed for group-specific component (GC) at eight forensic laboratories. Approximately 600 bloodstains were examined of which a mean of 62.7% gave results. This is comparable to other blood grouping systems in current use. Stains that were over three-months old were successfully typed in six of the laboratories. A wide variety of substrates was examined; these included many items of clothing as well as metal blades, concrete, paint, cement, glass and grass. Of substrates that were examined several times, none consistently gave problems with GC typing. The GC system has been shown, therefore, to be an effective test in operational forensic science.  相似文献   

In TLC screenings of 335 urine samples taken because of suspicion of heroin consumption, positive evidence of morphine was found in about 50% of the cases, which was confirmed without exception by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In 66% of the positive cases, morphine and codeine were found; in about 31% only morphine was found, and the median value of 0.4 mg/l free morphine and 1.0 mg/l conjugated morphine was considerably lower than in the whole collection of samples. Comparison of the codeine/morphine quotients (Q), especially the free bases, proves that the groups of heroin/morphine or codeine consumers can be distinctly differentiated. The critical conditions of the conjugated bases worked out by Dutt et al. (1983) proved to be right. Using the equation Qf less than 0.5 square root c, a boundary condition for the free flare bases can also be developed, which is dependent on the sum of the codeine and morphine concentrations and which proves heroin/morphine consumption with 98% certainty.  相似文献   

Urine samples from 28 donors with known blood group and secretor status were concentrated by three different procedures, and ABO typing on the concentrated samples was successfully performed after 12 weeks of storage. The effects of storage with or without sodium azide on ABO typing and on the pH values at several different temperatures were also studied.  相似文献   

A method is described for subtyping group-specific component (Gc) derived from human bloodstains. Bloodstained cuttings were extracted in 6 M urea. The extracts were subjected to ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing in the pH 4.5-5.4 range. After isoelectric focusing, Gc was detected by immunofixation in cellulose acetate membranes. This method permitted the successful typing of Gc in at least four-month-old bloodstains maintained at room temperature. Bloodstains from 266 liquid blood samples of known origin were subjected to both this method and immunofixation conventional agarose gel electrophoresis with no phenotypic discrepancies observed. The Gc population data for Whites from Baltimore, Maryland, were homogeneous with white sample populations from other geographical locations within the U.S.A.; while Gc data from northern U.S.A. black sample populations appeared to be heterogeneous compared with a southern United States black sample population.  相似文献   

This report describes a collaborative study on typing group-specific component (GC), conducted between the Central Research and Support Establishment and the forensic science laboratories of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. A population study (n=114) was performed. Fifty blood donors were selected to provide a distribution, slightly biased from normal, in favour of the GC 1F-1F and GC 1F-1S phenotypes. A protocol was devised for preparing large bloodstains. The strongest GC bands were obtained from the edge of a stain after the blood had been treated with K+/EDTA. Each laboratory received a representative portion of the large bloodstains for GC typing. Five of the eight laboratories correctly grouped all the bloodstains. No errors directly attitributable to the system were recorded in over 800 tests, indicating that GC in bloodstains can be typed reliably using the combination of isoelectric focusing in ultrathin narrow pH interval gels followed by immunofixation and silver staining.  相似文献   

It is known that the typing of group-specific component (Gc protein) in human blood stains is difficult since Gc protein of the extracts of blood stains migrates more anodally to the α1-globulin region in agar-gel immunoelectrophoresis, while Gc protein in liquid blood normally migrates to the α2-globulin region. We have reported that the Gc protein found in the α1-region is the result of binding of actin to Gc protein (Shinomiya, K., Kimura, H., Yoshida, K., and Shinomiya, T., J. Biochem., 92 (1982) 1163–1171, which renders it difficult to determine the Gc-phenotypes in the blood stains. On the basis of the above findings, we developed the method of phenotyping the Gc protein of human blood stains by agar-gel immunoelectrophoresis. Since the binding activity of actin to Gc protein is lost after treatment with a high concentration of guanidine HCl, the extracts of blood stains were treated with 4 M guanidine HCl to dissociate Gc protein and actin and then dialyzed to remove guanidine HCl. By this method we are able to determine the phenotypes of Gc protein in blood stains. The method we have developed is a useful tool in the forensic laboratory.  相似文献   

An improved method of group-specific component (Gc) typing was conducted electrophoretically on agarose gel. Individual bloodstains randomly collected from different individual donors over a five-year period at intervals of approximately one month were checked for Gc activity. Group-specific component was typed accurately in dried bloodstains stored at room temperature up to 43 months in age. From 100 different donors, bloodstains ranging in age from 38 to 43 months were tested by the methods described and 73% of the samples were interpretable for Gc.  相似文献   

The detection of haptoglobin (Hp) from serum and bloodstains is utilized extensively in forensic science laboratories in order to include or exclude possible donors. There is an increasing need to make the same discriminations utilizing genetic markers from urine samples. This paper describes the use of enzyme immunoassay and Western blotting (electrophoretic) techniques to determine Hp phenotypes from concentrated urine samples. Serum and urine specimens were collected from volunteer donors. The serum sample from each donor was typed for Hp. The urine specimens were concentrated 3000-fold from the starting volume of 15 mL to a final volume of 5 microL and applied to the gradient polyacrylamide gels. This procedure allows the separation of Hp samples into the three common phenotypes as well as the other rare variants found in humans. The Western blotting electrophoretic technique was used to achieve the transfer of Hp bands from the gels to the nitrocellulose membranes. Enzyme immunoassay with goat anti-Hp antiserum and rabbit anti-goat immunoglobulin alkaline phosphatase conjugate were used to identify the Hp bands from the concentrated samples. Specimens stored for six months at -22 degrees C were also concentrated and typed successfully. Recent implementation of drug-screening policies has resulted in an increase in the submission of substituted urine specimens. The above procedure can be used to detect an additional genetic marker from urine samples and thus facilitate the identity of the donor.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic studies of psilocybin in humans have shown the rapid dephosphorylation of psilocybin to psilocin with further conversion to 4-hydroxy-tryptophole (4HT) and 4-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (4HIAA) in plasma. Our study shows that psilocin also undergoes conjugation and can be found in the urine as the psilocin-glucuronide conjugate. Recoveries after enzymatic hydrolysis of the urine with beta-glucuronidase (Helix Pomatia or E. Coli) when compared to non-hydrolyzed urine confirmed the presence of the glucuronide. Detection of psilocin from hydrolyzed and extracted samples was optimized for GC/MS by derivatization with MSTFA. The method developed allows for the detection of psilocin in urine with a limit of quantitation of 10 ng/mL, based on 5 mL of spiked urine. Using this method, our laboratory has confirmed the presence of psilocin in 6 out of 8 urine samples, with concentrations ranging from 10 ng/mL to greater than 200 ng/mL. Before implementation of the hydrolysis and derivatization steps, our limit of detection was 200 ng/mL, based on spiked urine standards. No case samples were positive without hydrolysis and derivatization.  相似文献   

血液和尿液样品中海洛因代谢物稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对尿液和血液中海洛因代谢物3-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸吗啡(M3G),吗啡,O6-单乙酰吗啡(O6)在180d内的稳定性进行研究。方法准备空白添加血液、尿液、染毒动物(大白兔)血液、尿液和吸食海洛因者血液、尿液样本,分别置于20℃、4℃、-20℃下,分别于0、1、2、4、7、14、28、56、112、156、180d时间点测定样品中M3G、吗啡,O6相对含量。结果在3种不同温度下,随保存时间的延长,血液、尿液中的O6含量均逐渐下降至零;血液中吗啡含量升高(空白血液添加组)或下降(染毒动物组),在尿液则均升高;血液样中M3G含量均升高,尿样中则略有下降。下降和升高的幅度均随保存温度的下降而缩小。结论海洛因代谢物在-20℃时保存稳定性最佳。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the detection of AB0 antigens extrinsic for a person in his (her) hair. The hair was kept for 1-7 days in whole or diluted blood (96 experiments) and semen (11 experiments). Only the group-specific antigens, intrinsic for the subjects whose hair was examined, were detectable in the hair after this exposure.  相似文献   

Two complimentary assay techniques were used to determine triazolam levels in greyhound urine samples following a single oral dose. The results from the trials were statistically compared. The relative non-specificity of the benzodiazepine antibody used in radioimmunoassay caused a significant difference in teh two sets of results. This was independent of hydrolysis.  相似文献   

An improved technique for cocaine extraction from urine samples for gas chromatographic (GC) analysis is described. Employing a simple liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of cocaine with a mixture of ethyl ether:isopropanol (9:1) the method presents a mean recovery of 74.49%. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 5 and 20 ng/ml, respectively. The method is highly precise (coefficient of variation (CV) <8%) and linear from 20 to 2000 ng/ml. It can he applied to detect the presence of cocaine in urine as a marker of its recent use in drug abuse treatment protocols.  相似文献   

目的建立一滴溶剂萃取技术(SDE)在尿样中苯丙胺类毒品检验的提取优化方法。方法通过GC/NPD分析,系统考察了溶剂体积,萃取溶剂,搅拌速度,萃取时间等参数对苯丙胺类毒品的SDE萃取效率的影响。结果经实验研究,建立了SDE最优化方法。结论SDE技术是一种新型样品前处理技术,具有操作简单快速,成本低廉等特点,在毒物毒品检验中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

To date, the screening of meconium for the determination of tobacco exposure in newborns has proven difficult. It was hypothesized that cotinine forms reversible Schiff base bonds with free amino functions on proteins, therefore, hydrolysis of meconium would be necessary for the detection of 'free' cotinine. One-hundred-and-two (102) meconium samples received into our laboratory were extracted using a routine non-hydrolysis screening procedure for drugs of abuse. Separate aliquots of the specimens were hydrolyzed and re-extracted according to the same procedure. The results of the two methods were compared using a highly specific cotinine micro-plate enzyme immunoassay procedure (EIA). Of the non-hydrolyzed samples, 33% were positive for cotinine, while 79% of the hydrolyzed samples were cotinine-positive. Common drugs of abuse did not interfere with the analysis. Micro-plate EIA provides a rapid, simple and reliable screening method for the determination of cotinine in meconium following hydrolysis and extraction. In general, the meconium specimens received into our laboratory are from newborns considered to be at risk for post-natal problems due to suspected drug and/or alcohol abuse during pregnancy.  相似文献   

从有机磷农药的性质、生物检材中有机磷农药的提取净化和分析检测等方面概述了生物检材中有机磷农药的检验研究现状。  相似文献   

PCR-STR分型技术在尿样DNA分型中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 对尿样的DNA分型进行研究。 方法  10份尿样随机收集于无关个体 ,同时采集血液样本做DNA分型对照 ,用PCR -STR分型技术对尿样DNA进行FIBRA和D18S5 35基因座分型。 结果  10份尿样 10ml、1ml及 0 .2ml体积均获得准确的分型结果 ,且与同一个体的血样DNA分型结果完全相同 ;室温储存 4天及 4℃保存 4周的尿样均分型成功。 结论PCR -STR分型技术对尿样DNA分型是一种有效的方法 ,在尿样的个人识别中具有极高的实用价值。  相似文献   

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