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Fatal fat embolism is usually thought of as a sequel to long-bone fracture, although cases secondary to soft tissue injury and atraumatic conditions have been infrequently reported. In this case of a two-year-old child-abuse victim who sustained multiple blunt traumatic injuries without skeletal fractures, pulmonary and systemic (brain and kidney) fat emboli were identified. At autopsy, all thoracic and abdominal viscera were intact; cranial contents exhibited only diffuse symmetrical petechial hemorrhages of the white matter. Because of the severe and widespread nature of soft tissue hemorrhage, and the absence of a grossly discernible cause of death, fat embolism was suspected. Using a combination of frozen section with oil red O staining and formalin-fixed osmium stained tissues, the immediate cause of death was determined to be diffuse fat embolism. Review of the literature reveals a pathophysiologic basis for fat embolism in the absence of fracture, both as a consequence of an acute increase in local pressure at the site of trauma and an alteration of the emulsification of blood lipids during shock. In light of these findings, we present this case to remind the forensic science community to consider fat embolism as the cause of death in cases of blunt-force injury without fracture.  相似文献   

钟继荣 《证据科学》1999,6(1):39-39
虐待损伤具有病变的多样性、广泛性及新旧不一性等特点,与其它损伤有较大区别,现报告一例.  相似文献   

Childhood panhypopituitarism may be acquired or congenital. Children with panhypopituitarism can present clinically with diabetes, growth failure, decreased bone density, and morbid obesity. In the forensic setting without the proper history, it can be misdiagnosed as child abuse or neglect. We report a case of a 3-year-old black girl who was admitted to the emergency room with apnea and subsequently died. While at the emergency department, it was discovered that the child had a fractured left hip and was severely growth retarded for age. The coroner wanted to rule out child abuse and/or neglect and requested an autopsy based on the physical findings identified by hospital staff. Significant findings at autopsy included small for age (15th percentile for age), hypoplastic brain/pituitary gland/adrenal gland/thyroid gland, abnormally formed skull with an occipital protuberance, a fractured left hip with decreased bone density, and central adiposity. Subsequent to the autopsy, it was discovered that at 6 weeks of age the child suffered from group B streptococci meningitis that resulted in panhypopituitarism. The panhypopituitarism then resulted in seizure activity, diabetes insipidus, and growth retardation. The authors hope this case report and review of the literature will assist investigators, pathologists, and clinicians in making a distinction between neglect or inflicted injury of child abuse and panhypopituitarism that can present with similar signs and symptoms.  相似文献   

Penile strangulation or entrapment is an unusual entity that requires urgent treatment due to its potential complications. Several cases have been reported in the medical literature, some of them describing serious injuries such as necrosis, gangrene, and amputation of the penis. However, as far as we know, no fatal cases have been described before. We present the death of an adult male secondary to the complications due to penile strangulation with a plastic bottle neck. The time of incarceration was unknown, but according to a witness it could be about 10 to 14 days. The findings of autopsy were penile strangulation, necrosis of the penis, acute pyelonephritis, and bronchopneumonia. The subject's refusal to ask for medical help was the cause of this atypical evolution.  相似文献   

A case of perforation of the stomach following blunt abdominal trauma is described in a two-year-old boy. The abdominal trauma was the result of a blow to the abdomen by the stepfather. The child had ingested a large meal in the hour preceding the injury. The child died from peritonitis and shock 12 h following the injury. The literature on gastric perforation by blunt trauma is reviewed. Injuries to the stomach from nonpenetrating trauma are quite rare and are most often related to vehicular accidents. Gastric injury in a child presenting with a history of a minor home or play injury should arouse suspicion of more significant and perhaps intentional trauma.  相似文献   

Intestinal ischemia induced by cocaine abuse is a rare condition. To this date, only three cases have been described. The diagnosis of bowel ischemia should be suspected whenever a cocaine addict has severe abdominal pain. A pathological examination of the resected bowel segment was performed in one case, and the diagnosis was confirmed microscopically. However, the existence of pathologic alterations of the intestinal vessels was not confirmed. Why the intestinal injury is segmental and whether it is related to the dose ingested, the administration route, or the combination of cocaine with alcohol, caffeine, or marijuana remain unclear. The authors report one fatal case associated with cocaine-alcohol overdose. The postmortem examination demonstrated the existence of segmental intestinal ischemia. Microscopic study failed to demonstrate thrombosis in the mesenteric vessels; however, we found an unusual lesion affecting the arterioles located in the intestinal submucosa of the hemorrhagic areas.  相似文献   

Not many case reports of suspected child abuse as assessed solely on skeletal remains are available. Forensic anthropologists have intimate knowledge of normal skeletal anatomy, bone trauma and processes of healing of bone and may therefore be of help in suspected cases of child abuse. Patterns of trauma in juvenile skeletal remains which are suggestive of abuse include fractures in different phases of healing, multiple fractures, typical fractures on ribs and long bones and severe, complicated cranial fractures. The aim of this paper is to report on the findings of the analysis of the skeletal remains of a 3.5 years old boy. Forensic pathological examination indicated that the boy had died from a massive cranial fracture, with multiple injuries present to the rest of the body. After the body had been buried for some time, it was exhumed and we were requested to look for signs of chronic, long-term abuse. Findings included a massive cranial fracture, another fracture in the roof of the orbit, two areas of non-specific subperiosteal bone growth and several untreated carious teeth. No clear healed fracture could be found, except for a possible healed cranial base fracture which stretched transversely across the petrosal bone. This area showed signs of recent bone activity. The court decided that this was not enough evidence of chronic abuse and found the accused guilty of murder but not of chronic child abuse. This case illustrates the difficulty to obtain clear signs of chronic injury on juvenile remains.  相似文献   

A case of a fatal rotenone poisoning in a three-and-a-half-year-old girl is described. The case report and autopsy findings are mentioned. For the extraction of rotenone out of biological samples, a solvent partitioning and silica gel open column chromatographic cleanup procedure has been used. The determination of rotenone was performed by high pressure liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

On learning that her child was sexually abused, a mother must interact with professionals charged with the implementation of investigations, treatment, and legal remedies. This qualitative study, based on data from three focus groups (n = 19) and open-ended survey questions (n = 40), documents mothers' experiences with these professionals. Mothers report a lack of support from many professionals including receiving poor services, being criticized, insensitivity to their concerns, and being accused of false allegations and state that they have difficulty seeing the "system" as a positive future resource. Mothers reported appreciation for helpful professionals, whom they most often identified as therapists. Determining which mothers are reporting system problems and the effect of negative maternal-system interactions on mother and child outcomes are recommended as follow-up research.  相似文献   

Commotio cordis secondary to a blunt blow to the chest wall can result in ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in children. While it is commonly reported in adolescents during sporting activities, it may result from non-accidental trauma especially in infants and younger children. We report a case of a 6-month-old baby boy who presented to the emergency department in cardiac arrest. The patient's hospital records, postmortem imaging, and the autopsy results were reviewed. External examination of the infant did not reveal any evidence of trauma. Postmortem imaging revealed multiple healing posterior rib fractures and a metaphyseal corner fracture, both considered fractures highly specific for physical abuse. The autopsy revealed a structurally normal heart with no microscopic abnormalities. The infant's father confessed to hitting the child on the chest after which the child became unresponsive. Given the constellation of postmortem imaging and autopsy findings in addition to the father's confession, the child's death was ruled as a homicide secondary to commotio cordis. Since there are no structural and microscopic abnormalities in the heart autopsy in cases of commotio cordis, timely on-scene investigation and a thorough investigation regarding the mechanism of injury are required to make this diagnosis. Early identification of non-accidental trauma is crucial and can prevent further abuse in other siblings.  相似文献   

The case of a 14-month-old child who died of caffeine toxicity is presented. The evidence for prolonged toxicity associated with inappropriate delay in the seeking of medical care and the presence of various recent and healing injuries are diagnostic of child abuse. Fatal caffeine toxicity and child abuse by drug/substance administration are uncommonly reported. Relevant medical literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

The death of a three-year-old child by asphyctic mechanism is described. The child was accidentally suspended by the neck from a half-opened car window. This report details the form in which the accident occurred. The influence of the type of window and the autopsy findings.  相似文献   

A premature black female infant born at 31 weeks gestation with history of 4 weeks in the newborn intensive care unit was discharged healthy to the care of her mother and was lost to follow-up. At age 4 months the infant was found dead in bed. There was no history of trauma and no external injuries were noted. There was no attempt at resuscitation. Coroner's autopsy showed acute bronchopneumonia, 3 partially healed skull fractures, a chronic subdural hematoma, chronic intracerebral hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhages, multiple healing rib fractures, a fractured fibula, and a partially healed fracture of the distal right radius. The fracture of the right radius showed a medullary abscess of the bone surrounded by scar tissue and containing pus and granulation tissue. We believe this inflicted fracture became secondarily infected by a hematogenous route. The final diagnosis of the cause of death was pneumonia secondary to multiple blunt force trauma, and the manner of death was diagnosed as homicidal. This is believed to be the first reported case of osteomyelitis in a context of child abuse.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 3-year-20-day-old girl who died of starvation as a result of severe neglect. Her body weight had been 12 kg 70 days before her death, but was only 5 kg at the time of autopsy. From information supplied by her parents to police, we calculated her daily caloric intake and estimated the factors for physical activity. The daily recommended dietary allowance for the victim was calculated from 700 kcal/ day x the appropriate factor for physical activity. In the absence of enough food, body fat (7.2 kcal/g body fat) and protein (4 kcal/g protein) would have been used to compensate until death. The calculated body weight at the time of death was around 5 kg. The statements of the parents therefore appear to be true.  相似文献   

Endoscopy and laparoscopy are part of modern gynecology. Using them, however, implies the occurrence of certain complications. The rate of complications, according to international statistics, about 3.5 per thousand with a lethality rate of 0.02 per thousand, is significantly influenced by the practitioner's personal experience and skill. The most relevant complication is hemorrhage. As a result of the patient's position, the aorta and pelvic arteries are most endangered. The symptoms of complications should be kept in mind by the physician, as well as the methods of rendering immediate medical support. Two cases with a fatal outcome are illustrated, which were caused by ignorance of an acute and slow hemorrhage, respectively. Publishing them could help to prevent further such cases.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of victim age, victim attractiveness, the victim's abuse history and respondent gender have on attributions of blame and credibility towards a female victim in a hypothetical child sexual abuse case. A total of 397 respondents from a community sample read a hypothetical child sexual abuse (CSA) scenario in which victim age, victim attractiveness and the victim's abuse history were manipulated. Respondents then completed a 16-item blame attribution questionnaire. Several predictions were made. First, a 10-year-old victim would be deemed less blameworthy and more credible than a 15-year-old victim. Secondly, an attractive victim would be viewed more positively, and attributed less blame, than an unattractive victim. Thirdly, a victim with previous history of being sexual abused—either by the same or different perpetrators—would be deemed more culpable for their own CSA than a first time victims. Finally, female respondents were expected to take a more pro-victim and anti-perpetrator stance than males. Whilst comparatively few differences were found across victim attractiveness and abuse history. Overall findings were broadly in line with predictions. It was concluded that victim age and respondent gender play particularly important roles in the attribution of blame towards victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles of respondent, perpetrator, and victim gender on attributions toward a 10- or 15-year-old victim and an adult perpetrator in a hypothetical sexual abuse case. It was predicted (a) that female respondents would be more provictim and antiperpetrator than men, (b) that 10-year-old victims would be deemed more credible than 15-year-olds, and (c) that men would deem a 15-year-old male victim more culpable when child sexual abuse is perpetrated by a female abuser. Three hundred thirty-seven respondents read a 350-word sexual abuse depiction in which victim age, victim gender, and perpetrator gender were varied between respondents. Respondents then completed a 14-item attribution scale, relating to victim blame, perpetrator blame, assault severity, and victim credibility. A series of ANOVAs revealed support for all predictions. Results are discussed in relation to gender role attitudes. Suggestions for future work also considered.  相似文献   

We present the case of an anal sexual abuse involving a 2-month-old boy, who was admitted to the Pediatric Surgery Unit of the University of Padua for low bowel obstruction. The infant had been already hospitalized for 3 days in a peripheral hospital and treated with daily rectal wash-outs for a fecaloma. Only after a careful interpretation of the plain abdominal radiograph, along with the performance of a rectoscopy and a laparotomy, a vegetable foreign body (about 3 cm in diameter and 7 cm in length) was discovered in the sigma. The morphology and dimensions of the foreign body, as well as its location, left no doubt about the etiology of the partial bowel obstruction, proving that it was clearly related to an anal sexual abuse.  相似文献   

An original liquid chromatography method with photodiode-array detection (DAD) is presented for the determination of strychnine in blood. This sensitive method allows the use of only 0.1 ml of sample. The strychnine was isolated from blood using a liquid-liquid extraction procedure and chloroquine as an internal standard. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification were 0.06 and 0.5 mg/l, respectively. The recovery was 94% and the coefficients of variation (CV) ranged from 5.9 to 10.8%. A fatal case of strychnine poisoning is presented, with a lethal blood concentration of 25 mg/l.  相似文献   

We retrospectively evaluated 5108 case files from all children and adolescents under 16 years who were treated as in-patients during a four-year-period (2001-2004) in the Pediatric Department of a large University Hospital in Northern Germany. Statistical evaluation was performed with the epidemiologic software Epi Info 6.0. 472 cases where a trauma was diagnosed or suspected upon admission to hospital were further evaluated. Most frequently concerned were children between two and five years and the most common cause for their injuries, according to the anamnesis, were falls. These falls were analysed on the basis of the reported story and the established injury pattern. The height of the falls and the severity of injuries correlated well in most cases. The often critically discussed falling height of about 100 cm. which is obviously often stated by caregivers to cover up nonaccidental injuries, proved to be again the decisive problematic aspect concerning the differentiation between non-accidental (abusive) and accidental injuries.  相似文献   

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