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Syria’s Future     
<正>With reform pledges and public support,the Bashar al-Assad administration is likely to survive protests The Syrian domino has finally fallen,joining many other Arab and Middle East nations embroiled in unrest.Demonstrations burst out in southern Syria in mid-March,and rapidly spread to other  相似文献   

My tather is an excellent surgeon and has just retired from the town hospital. Whenever 1 think of my father, his voice rings in my ears, always soft and encouraging. As time passes, I better understand my father and his seemingly endless and boring prattle.  相似文献   

<正>Besides their geographic proximity and status as developed Western nations,the Oceanian states of Australia and New Zealand are largely synchronized in their stance over relations with their Asian neighbor—China.This is attributable in some respects to the similar economic and social structures of the two countries,as well as their shared history as former British colonies.Both Australia and New Zealand are  相似文献   

正Will Australia's double-dealing tactics in South China Sea work?By Bai ShiBoosting bilateral relations is the common goal of China and Australia.The two countries have seen multiple successes in recent years,forging closer partnerships in trade,industries,science and technology,in addition to educational and personnel exchanges.A recent achievement is the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement(FTA)that went into  相似文献   

正The military standoff between China and India in the Donglang region has lasted for almost two months by far,and there is still no end in sight.China has made it clear that there is no room for negotiation and the only solution is the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Indian troops from the region.  相似文献   

I am now yearning for my second home.China,you are very hard to get out of one’s system,and I will return in a couple of weeks!I have just spent three months back in Australia,where the cost of living is so high that it is almost impossible to live without a second source of income.Fortunately,in my case this comes from my writing.While in Australia I negotiated two contracts,one of which was  相似文献   

Beijing Review has conducted a survey on how foreigners view the city, sometimes referred to as China’s Big Apple. Survey respondents included: an anonymous 30-year-old UK male, who has lived in Shanghai for five years and works for an import company focused on high-end market products; Steve Bisogno, a 28-year-old American, who resided in Shanghai from 2001 to 2004, working there as a teacher at the Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce and as a writer, while attending Shanghai International Studies University (he is now a commercial underwriter for a European insurance firm based in New York and contributing writer to Beijing Review); Australian Elyse Singleton, 33, who has been in Shanghai since 2001 (on and off), working as a freelance writer and designer; Sami Zabel, from Maryland, U.S., who studied in Shanghai for half a year in 2006 after graduating from a U.S. college; and an anonymous 43-year-old U.S. male from Maryland, who works as a business consultant and is married with two children.  相似文献   

THE Sixth Sage Calligra-pher Cultural Festival will be held this September in Shandong’s Linyi. "The festival is Linyi’s cultural calling card presented to the world," says Zhang Shaojun, mayor of Linyi City and dep-uty secretary of the CPC Linyi munici-pal committee.Linyi began holding the festival in 2003, and has since successfully staged the event fi ve times. As well as enhanc-ing the city’s fame, the festival has pro-moted economic and trade activity.  相似文献   

正Since its introduction of the one-child policy for most Chinese couples in the late 1970s,China has effectively reined in its rampant population growth.Benef iting from the policy,Chinese women have been liberated from the birth burden to a great degree and their education and employment situation has improved dramatically.To promote long-term,balanced development of the population,China is gradually adjusting its family planning policy.On December 23,2013,a bill to allow couples to have two children if either parent is an only child was approved at the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress.The move marks another major adjustment to China’s family planning policy since the country allowed couples to have two children if both parents are only children.  相似文献   

NIU YOUNING 《人权》2011,(5):16-21
Employment is fundamental in improving the livelihood of the people and social security is the source of human happiness. This is how the international community protects and improves basic human rights. It is also the policy China has adopted to achieve sustainable economic and social development. Furthermore,  相似文献   

<正>Better ties with China could help Japan’s economic recovery The Japanese political merrygo -round has spun out yet another new prime minister. On August 30, Yoshihiko Noda replaced Nao to Kan to become Japan’s third prime minister in the last two years and sixth in the last five years. Observers are  相似文献   

THERE is a small piece of village land near Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province that has changed many hands since it was surveyed and registered in 1949. Wang Huojin, a village old timer, remembers it grew one crop a year 60years ago, and the yield was merely 200 kilograms. Today its two crops produce 750 and 800 kilograms respectively.  相似文献   

GIVEN the vast cultural and linguistic differences between China and Australia, writer-director Eddie White knew he would need some serious help when he dreamt up the idea of an animated film coproduction between the two countries. Working across cultures is never easy, but producing a movie in the labor-intensive world of animation, with two teams speaking different languages, would be a maior achievement.  相似文献   

SINCE implementing its reform and opening-up policies in the late 1970s, China has gradually moved into the international spotlight to become the second biggest economy and exporter/importer. In 2001, China joined the WTO and became part of the global economy. Its international standing has grown, and its voice is heard more and more within the international community. But what about its soft power?The concept of "soft power" was first conceived by American thinker Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr.,  相似文献   

With Kevin Rudd at the helm,Australia seems poised to embrace major changesAustralia's prime minister-elect Kevin Rudd has caught the atten- tion of the Chinese with his modest appearance,fluent Mandarin and personal bonds with China. Rudd,50,graduated from the Australian National University in Canberra, where he majored in Chinese language and history.He is the first Mandarin-speaking leader from an English-speaking country and is known in China by the elegant name Lu Kewen.As a diplomat,he worked in the Australian Embassy in Beijing in the 1980s.  相似文献   

CHINA is approaching its once-in-adecade change in president and gov- ernment. It’s a good time to pause and reflect on the last 10 years of China’s economic performance. The data for 2012 is stil being produced, so our decade has to be 2001- 2011. This doesn’t give us a precise overlap with the country’s politics - 2001 was the final year of the previous administration,  相似文献   

DU Lala's Promotion has become a legend in Chinese publishing. For two years the novel topped the bestseller lists of the two leading online booksellers dangdang.com and amazon.cn, and the movie adaptation Go Lala Go! has performed well at the box office, fetching in excess of RMB 100 million within two weeks of its first screening this April. Similarly, there is hot competition for the rights to make stage play, TV drama, radio, and audio book versions.  相似文献   

St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, is located at the Neva River Delta at the eastern end of the Gulf of Finland. It is Russia's gateway to Europe. The city which had been the capital of Russia for two centuries during the rule of Tsars is still a political, economic and cultural centre of the country only next to Moscow, and the central city of the Russian northwestern region. St. Petersburg, with its  相似文献   

ENN has helped local U.S. governments to provide the same green electric power,green manufacturing and smart ecology that it has already applied in China to American cities,in order to save energy and reduce emissions.  相似文献   

正ONE of the strangest claims about China that sometimes appear in the media is that it has a slow growth of consumption and living standards.In reality China has the fastest growth of consumption of any country in the world–whether this is measured only by household consumption or includes government consumption in areas vital for quality of life,such as education and health.Furthermore,indicators show that compared to other countries,China’s quality of life is better than would be expected from its present stage of economic development.First the facts regarding these issues are established and then they will be analyzed.  相似文献   

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