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律师制度作为法律制度、民主制度的重要组成部分,它的健全与否是衡量一个国家文明程度的重要标志。改革开放20年间,伴随中国社会现代化的进程,我国的律师制度取得了长足的进步,青年律师作为一个新兴的阶层迅速崛起。2000年由中国青少年研究中心会同七省市青少年研究机构在北京、上海、广州、深圳、西安、济南、青岛、郑州等城市进行的“当代中国青年律师状况调查”,以及由此形成的《当代中国青年律师状况分析》的调查报告,较为全面的分析和阐述了当代中国青年律师的整体状况、执业表现、社会参与水平、人生价值取向、以及与社会双向互动过程中需要解决的问题,使我们盼望了解当代青年律师状况的愿望成为可能。本文就是《当代中国青年律师状况分析》调查报告的节选,摘编给您,让我们共同感受他们的成功与艰辛,奋斗与希望!  相似文献   

A New Era     
<正>Last year was a very important year in China’s movie industry. In 2010,China’s annual box-office receipts for the first time surpassed 10 billion yuan($1.49 billion), 60 percent higher than 2009. From Avatar’s great success in  相似文献   

A Golden Era     
<正>Five-year survey unveils a thriving wildlife habitatin central ChinaScientists have identified new insect and plant species in central China’s Hubei Province as part of a recently completed research project.Ten new insect species were discovered,along with 52 plant species found for the first time in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve,said Wang Daxing,chief of the reserve’s administration authority,  相似文献   

A New Legal Era     
The Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference took place at a time of increased uncertainty regarding the future of the international order.Since the 2008 financial crisis,which had the U.S.as its epicenter,China has been preparing for more challenging scenarios at the global and domestic levels.  相似文献   

<正>In-depth changes transform China’s retail sector By Deng Yaqing Wang Xiaojing,a 29-year-old working for a real estate company in south China,found her spending exceeding 6,000yuan($900)on November 11,also known as Singles Day,a day marked by an online shopping frenzy nationwide.She bought skincare products,lingerie,a supply of snacks to last  相似文献   

视频监控系统的侦查应用一直受到侦查部门重视,同时也是理论研究热点,但对视频人像的辨认路径探讨并不充分。通过全面回顾视频人像的利用路径,提出视频人像辨认的重要性,继而提出视频人像辨认应具备的客观条件、主体条件和主观条件,在此基础上阐述了视频人像的清晰化处理现状,之后对于视频人像辨认范围的确定进行重点探讨。根据视频人像辨认范围的不同,分别对在警方内部开展辨认、根据视频中目标对象的籍贯范围、职业范围、活动范围进行有限范围内的辨认,以及无限范围辨认的方式与风险作出深入探讨。  相似文献   

正Mutual state visits by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau within one month of each other have highlighted the emphasis both sides place on their relationship.Premier Li paid an official visit to Canada from September 21 to 24,the first such trip by a Chinese premier in 13 years.Trudeau completed a successful visit to China between August 31 and September 6.Sino-  相似文献   

Strengthening the financial regulatory system is an im-portant lesson drawn from the global financial crisis.While the banking sector has adopted the Basel Ⅲ,insurance regulators world wide are to bring out newregimes.  相似文献   

A Modern Merger     
Lai Xin a college student in Jiangxi Province,now rarely visits relatives and friends with her parents during the Spring Festival.Instead,having glamorous shots taken at a studio has become one of her new ways to spend the most important festival of the year.She starts losing weight a month prior to the holiday so she can look better in the photos.Most of them feature a red background,as the color symbolizes good luck for the Chinese.She puts the framed photos by her bed for the coming year.Lai also has other special rituals for the festival,such as creating emojis of herself wearing red scarves or carrying red lanterns.  相似文献   

The 1998 Asian financial crisis made China a financial giant in Asia, whereas the 2008 global financial crisis made China a financial giant in the world. This comment by C. H. Kwan, a senior fellow with the Nomura Institute of Capital Market Research, reflects the rise of China’s international status. China maintained high growth in a difficult economic environ- ment, which exceeded the expectations of the  相似文献   

HE has made over 90trips to China. Hehas already writtenover a dozen bookson China. He isgoing to write sevenmore books on modern Chinese history. His name is Adriano Madaro, andhe is an Italian journalist and writerwho comes from Marco Polo's hometown.The Diplomatic Bag"I often dream of my grandfather, who told me many times in mydreams to take care of his luggage,and that there would one day come anItalian man who would understandthis," says Camila Salvago-Raggi,granddaughter of marqu…  相似文献   

<正>Although many reforms are still at the pilot stage,real progress has been made in advancing the rule of law in China in the past year.Aside from corruption investigations,a series of mistrials were placed under the legal microscope.Among them was the retrial of the Hugjiltu case involving the wrongful conviction and subsequent execution of a teenager accused of rape and murder.From reforms of the judicial system to the implementation of a system that accords lifelong responsibility to judges for the cases they handle and the decisions they make,new breakthroughs have materialized.  相似文献   

正A good book pulls you in.Whether i ction or non-i ction,it can conjure up another world and draw you into it.You smile and you grieve;you marvel and you sigh.Only when you i nish the last line on the last page is the spell broken–yet some of the scenes stick with you.  相似文献   

1949年中国大陆的女性解放运动,拓展了女性参与社会生产的广度和深度,以"铁姑娘"为代表的女英雄形象的出现,改变了社会对女性能力的评价,打破了女性柔弱无力的僵化性别印象,在一定程度上触动了"男主外,女主内"的传统性别分工模式以及支持这一模式的文化观念系统,为女性争取到了更多地参与到社会公共领域的权力,改变了传统社会评判女性的标准,瓦解了传统社会对女性角色的设定,但是,消匿女性特征的女英雄和凸显女性性别特征的反面女性的脸谱化文学叙述,又将中国社会具有巨大进步意义现代性社会性别建构推向了另一个二元对立、不平等的性别神话之中。  相似文献   

由陈三井主编、张玉法总校订、鲍家麟等人撰写的《近代中国妇女运动史》,2000年12月由我国台湾省台北市近代中国出版社出版,2004年9月再版。该书是一幅中国近代妇女运动史的画卷,由台海两岸及旅美学者共同执笔,分别论述了晚清、辛亥革命时期、五四时期、抗战前后、战后台湾地区  相似文献   

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