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Personal Information Protection Law Under Legislative Procedure Following the recently-promulgated E-signature Law, a Personal Information Protection Law is currently undergoing the legislative process. The law aims to protect Internet users' privacy, and their personal information, such as phone numbers, addresses and professions. The law also encompasses regulations governing the use of closed-circuit television cameras in public places and the abuse of video recording equipment in private investigations. In addition, regulations on the publishing of government information and an information security law are soon to be promulgated.  相似文献   

C hinese is an important language on the world stage, but many foreigners hesitate to attempt learning it, believ- ing it also to be one of the hardest languages. Despitethis, many have tackled Chinese in the classroom and on thestreets of China, to varying effect. Why do foreigners chooseto learn Chinese, especially as the number of Chinese nationalsstudying high levels of English (and other languages) are in-creasing every year? Here are the stories of five young wom…  相似文献   

正In the West,tiger mothers and wolf fathers are considered examples of extreme parenting.However,many Chinese parents put pressure on their children and probably look to such tiger mothers and wolf fathers as role models.When I first came to China in 1985,it appeared to me that the pressure concerned only high school students who were going to enter  相似文献   

Sports on Screen     
Thanks to the development of technology and official recognition, today a new band of "athletes" are flexing their muscles. The computer screen is their stadium where they take on the persona of heroes and vie with one an other in a virtual world. For many, these on-screen matches are just as mesmerizing and full of nail-biting suspense as any conventional sport, be it tennis or soccer.  相似文献   

THE debate on whether to observe Valentine's Day on February 14 heats up every year with as much intensity as a new romance. On the Intemet both supporters and opposers are many. On the evening of February 12, 2009, two men in Changsha City, Hunan Province erected a banner on the pedestrian thoroughfare of Huangxing South Road with the slogan, "It is everyone's duty to boycott repugnant Valentine's Day." On the banner are the many signatures of netizens who agree to do just that.  相似文献   

正"There is nothing that can’t be painted;if I can imagine it,I can paint it,and I can imagine a lot."WHEN I think of Ji Dachun,I can imagine him sitting down with Rene Magritte over tea and discussing theories on painting or playing chess with Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray.Dachun is a true surrealist and there are simply not that many contemporary Chinese surrealist painters.He is as unique as the subjects of his paintings that,for all their diversity,are consistently whimsical,irreverent,absurd,and always minimal like the workspace in which they are created.  相似文献   

Healthcare workers in Shanghai are walking the line after recent news that regulations issued by local health authorities will soon enforce the opening of an “ethics file” for each of the city’s 140,000 medical workers. According to the regulations, once it is found that medical workers have taken commercial bribery orhongbao (cash gift in envelopes), or even disrespected the rights and interests of patients, they will be deprived of the right to be awarded the title of “excellent worker” and the right to pro-motion. The regulations also advocate dis-missal.  相似文献   

The draft rules on permanent residence for foreigners were recently published by China's Ministry of Justice,sparking heated and profound debates as it solicited public opinion.Some argue that China's economic development demands a great deal of foreign talent,while others worry that loopholes in the draft rules will be taken advantage of by foreigners who only intend to enjoy special treatment while making no special contribution to China's economic and social progress.  相似文献   

As the storm of the financial crisis gathers strength, China's market has shown its governance superior to the chaotic forces at work. The momentum of its economic development has been maintained throughout, and that success was bound to create a need for more human resources. So it is no surprise that Chinese enterprises are increasing their recruitment abroad, an effort focused on high-level overseas Chinese and foreign talent. The call is being answered - by more and more returnees and foreigners seeking to make China a career milestone.  相似文献   

Wang Zetian, a seven-year-old girl, is the lead singer in the Qiang Children's Choir. Born on the day before Christmas Eve, she believes her special talent, a strong musicality, to be a God-given gift. Young she may be, but she has already amassed plenty of awards. Her room is packed with mountains of trophies and prize certificates won in singing, dancing, painting, English and many other competitions. “I always want to come top,” Zetian says proudly. This little girl has also shown her talent on the international stage, having traveled and performed around several countries and participated in many charity shows, for which she has won wide acclaim.  相似文献   

Finding Friends     
An expatriate life has a certain thrill to it-a new country, a new culture, the exploits and escapades-but it is the interaction with the people that we carry with us on our last flight back home.My China sojourn began in the summer of 1999-September 20 to be exact. It was supposed to last a couple of months, and as it happens to many of us,I ended up staying longer than I had planned to.  相似文献   

Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to regulate the administration of the Customs on bonded logistic parks and the flow of goods into or out thereof, enterprises in the bonded logistic parks and their operation, these Measures are formulated according to the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China as well as the relevant laws and administrative regulations.  相似文献   

Beijing has begun work on laws and regulations to guarantee the smooth operation of the 2008 Olympics One of the major tasks for Beijing as host of the 2008 Olympic Games is to establish regulations and laws to govern the preparations for and conduct of the Games. Thus, on April 10 the Olympic Legislation Coordinating  相似文献   

正IF you turn on the TV at 5 p.m.in China,you will find a multitude of programs about diet and health maintenance,and such programs are becoming increasingly popular.The high audience rating of these shows in China is far above what is expected in France for the same type of program,despite its own culinary global influence.Among the best-known Chinese food programs,which are well received by all ages of the population,are Hubei Satellite TV’s Gourmet,CCTV International’s Traditional Chinese Medicine(usually ranked fi rst among health programs),Hunan Satellite TV’s Encyclopedia(presented sometimes by foreigners,and often occupies second place in national audience ratings),as well as BTV’s Yangshengtang(health maintenance lecture).Many of these programs are sponsored by brands of medicines or tonic foods,a mark of their great inf luence.  相似文献   

BY the turn of the19th century,Beijing's status as economic,po-litical and cultural capital had attracted so many theatrical troupesfrom Shaanxi,Anhui,and Hubei that it resembled a multi-facetedperformance venue.The Anhui Opera troupe initially arrived at theinvitation of the imperial court,but its popularity soon extendedfrom the nobility to the common people.Lesser-known companies came on theirown initiative,and their warm reception encouraged many,in common with theAnhui Opera company,to…  相似文献   

LET'S make sure we understand each other. That, in a nutshell, is the driving ambition of interpreters, translators and editors working in China. These are the folks who are responsible for the conversion of anything written in Chinese into your language: articles, novels, biographies and histories, those subtitles that allow you to enjoy television programs, films and opera. Others labor over professional, academic and press conferences, live at official meetings,  相似文献   

SINCE itsfounding over100 years ago,the Red Crosshas given essentialhelp to victims of disaster worldwide, Itprovides human lifewith the protectionand respect it deserves.The Red Cross Society ofChina emerged in 1904. Sincethen, its symbol - a red crosson a white background - hasspread to many places in China,even to frigid Qinghai Province,located high on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the"Roof of the World."The natural conditions inQinghai are harsh, and its medicine and hygiene…  相似文献   

<正>Taxation reform is a big headache among governments of many countries,as it touches on very complex interest chains For China,reforms are inevitable as the current fiscal and taxation system no longer suits today's economic and social development and such reform can't afford to wait any further.  相似文献   

More Chinese Abroad Spurred on by rapidly rising incomes, many Chinese travelers are heading for exotic overseas destinations, and are proving to be big spending tourists. Chinese tourists spend an average US $175 a day per capita, according to the organizer of the China International Travel Fair, making them the world's second most extravagant bunch of travelers. A survey carried out in Australia shows that per capita spending among Chinese tourists in  相似文献   

正The world needs a new consensus on growth strategy Taoist thinking holds that nature and the universe are in balance,the Yin and Yang,and it is up to man to shape his thinking and actions to ensure he is aligned with this natural balance and to achieve harmony. This is as true for 21st century economics as it was for day-to-day life in 14th century China.As representatives of the world’s 20 largest economies gather for the annual G20  相似文献   

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