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在欧盟政府环境信息公开取得极大成功的当下,中国政府环境信息公开虽然在不断进步,但与欧盟相比仍有很大差距。首要的原因就是中欧政府环境信息公开的立法宗旨存在差异,中国侧重于规范政府行为,而欧盟构建的是环境知情权保障型政府环境信息公开法律制度。通过对两者的比较及分析,在吸收欧盟政府环境信息公开制度实践成功之处的同时,加快我国转向以保障公众环境知情权为宗旨的制度构建。  相似文献   

从政府、市场、公民社会新三元结构来看,政府绩效评估系统的外部环境影响因素主要包括经济因素、政治因素、制度因素及文化因素,由此形成绩效评估环境性偏差的四种形式:经济环境性偏差、政治环境性偏差、制度环境性偏差及文化环境性偏差。政府绩效评估环境性偏差的生成是在制度环境核心作用的基础上各环境要素作用的共同结果。缩小或消除绩效评估结果的环境性偏差,要从政府、市场、公民社会多元治理的角度出发,优化政府绩效评估的外部环境,使得绩效评估环境对绩效评估系统发挥良性作用。其重点应是构建多元合作治理框架,推进政府绩效评估的制度化与规范化;发挥各主体在社会治理中的作用,处理好政府与市场、政府与公民社会的关系。  相似文献   

“入世”促使我国经济步入与世界经济深度接轨的新阶段,市场制度的普遍性特征将在很大程度上影响政府的行为模式。这客观上要求转变政府与市场和企业的关系,规范政府管理方式,提高政府治理水平,以顺应“入世”后的环境置换,发挥政府的积极作用,努力获取“入世”的正效应。  相似文献   

蔺相才 《学理论》2008,(11):47-48
今年5月1日,是《中华人民共和国价格法》(以下简称《价格法》)颁布实施十周年纪念日。《价格法》作为我国社会主义法律体系中最重要的法律之一,是价格法律体系中最根本的法律。它的颁布实施,对于巩固和继续深化价格改革,进一步规范价格行为,创造价格合理形成的公平竞争环境,发挥价格优化资源配置的作用,增强政府宏观调控能力,稳定市场价格总水平,  相似文献   

地方政府创新行为的制度分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文运用诺斯关于制度变迁的路径依赖理论 ,考察了具有独立利益目标与拥有资源配置权的地方政府在我国向市场经济体制过渡中的影响专用性 ,论证了地方政府制度创新活动曾经有着合理的存在理由。同时 ,随着市场经济制度发展到较高水平 ,地方政府创新行为将逐渐偏向于可能无效率 ,中国的制度变迁则会通过一个博弈过程或强迫执行过程而退出锁定 ,向其他制度变迁方式转变  相似文献   

我国现阶段实行承包的企业是否有可能游离于政府行政干预之外,成为真正的“无上级企业”?政府既要以自己的行为积极地作用于企业,又要避免不恰当地干预,如何把握这个“度”?当企业的盈亏包含有政府行政干预的因素时,怎样评价企业和政府各自的责任?绵阳市食品公司承包人王斌和市商业局的这场官司把这些问题尖锐地摆在了人们面前。据本刊从全国各地搜集的信息来看,大多数承包企业都程度不同地遇到了这些问题。如何妥善地解决这些问题,进一步发展和完善企业承包责任制,很值得研究。本刊去年第22期曾系统报道了安徽阜阳地区建立商品经济新的运行规则的试验情况。这个地区将政府的行为规范化,用制度来界定政府行为作用于企业的范围、程度、责任等等,使企业与政府都有章可循。这可能是目前较为可行的办法之一。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会通过的《关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》指出,经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。城乡二元结构是制约城乡发展一体化的主要障碍。必须健全体制机制,形成以工促农、以城带乡、工农互惠、城乡一体的新型工农城乡关系,让广大农民平等参与现代化进程、共同分享现代化成果。在城乡经济一体发展过程中如何更好发挥政府作用是一个值得深入研究的重大课题。而要研究这个重大课题必须首先分析研究影响和推动城乡经济一体发展的政府因素及其作用。政府对城乡经济地位和相互关系的根本看法和观点、对不同经济体制的价值判断和选择、对城乡经济发展战略的价值判断和选择、对不同经济增长和发展方式的价值判断和选择,创造的国际贸易环境、国际投资环境、市场经济体制环境、软硬投资环境和利用国际贸易摩擦解决机制,确定的经济增长和经济结构调整目标、物价变化和通货膨胀控制目标、就业目标、资源节约和环境保护目标,制定和实行的土地政策、产量和价格政策、金融与投资政策、财税政策、科技教育和培训政策、以及户籍和社会保障政策等都对城乡经济互动协调一体发展产生直接的影响和促进作用。  相似文献   

当前,无论是在既成污染型环境群体性事件,还是预防风险型环境群体性事件中,对于事件的控制和应对,基层政府都在不同程度上表现出"被动性"和"人为性"。为此,当务之急是通过规范政府的行动立场,规范政府的生态补偿行为及干预事件的行政行为,规范环境利益受损方的维权行动,规范传统媒体与新媒体的舆论行为等方式,形成控制环境群体性事件的"制度化"和"法制化"支撑。在环境群体性事件的后控中,应充分发挥"正范立行"的核心作用,避免环境群体性事件向暴力事件的演变,使对其控制尽可能地具有"可预期性"和"可调节性"。  相似文献   

公司并购史就是一部政府干预经济的演变史。在公司并购过程中,由于政府行为同时受"公共利益"和"经济人利益"的双重因素影响,使政府控制的代理问题难以避免。在此背景下,研究政府控制的代理问题,有利于梳理中国上市公司并购的机理和规范公司行为。  相似文献   

考察城乡关系演变的历史,政府、市场和农民是三大核心要素.基于三者在城乡关系演交中的地位与作用,在当前统筹城乡发展的实践中,必须重塑政府、市场和农民,形成政府主导,市场、农民共同作用的合力协同的动力机制,即以制度创新为重点发挥政府的主导作用,以优化城乡资源配置为根本发挥市场的基础作用,以提升农民的组织化与平等发展为核心发挥农民的主体作用.  相似文献   

法律冲突与制度扭曲环境下的投融资平台公司,从诞生之日起即具有结构性信用风险,而平台公司的信用风险与地方政府的信用具有相关性,其所具有的传导效应构成地方政府信用风险、宏观经济结构调整风险、土地政策调整风险、银行系统风险、财政风险这样一条具有多米诺骨牌效应的信用风险链并或将成为推手。加强地方政府的信用治理,从财政体制上、法律制度上规范地方政府信用秩序是防范平台公司信用风险的根本手段。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of China's green credit policy on the environment. In particular, we consider an initiative that requires all banks to base their loan decisions on corporate environmental performance. This is an important issue since it is globally gaining popularity to leverage bank loans as an avenue to enforce corporate environmental responsibility. Moreover, there are only a handful of empirical investigations in relation to the impacts of credit constraint on corporate environmental behaviors and strategies. This research also provides useful insights on how to enhance environmental regulation enforcement, using the Environmental Protection Bureau in partnership with local banks to exert a creditable threat of financial constraint on unfavorable environmental outcomes. Using the synthetic control method and difference‐in‐differences analysis, we find that this policy has significantly motivated firms, particularly those firms with a higher dependence on external financing, to reduce water pollution. We further discover that the policy compels firms to favor pollution prevention at the source instead of end‐of‐pipe treatments, since the policy imposes a long‐term credit constraint on pollution.  相似文献   


This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of market segmentation and lender/purchaser specialization in the primary and secondary mortgage markets. It describes and assesses the 1990 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data, which for the first time provide detailed information on the borrower and neighborhood racial and income characteristics of mortgage loan originations and securitizations in the primary and secondary mortgage markets. Evidence presented in the paper indicates that home purchase loan origination rates for black applicants—and, to a lesser degree, Hispanic applicants—appear to be significantly lower than those of other racial or ethnic groups. Similarly, the HMDA data reveal that home purchase mortgage origination rates in predominantly minority census tracts are significantly lower than those in predominantly white neighborhoods. The HMDA data also indicate a striking reliance of black borrowers on government‐backed forms of mortgage credit.

The paper further reveals that secondary market loan purchase distributions arrayed by borrower and neighborhood characteristics generally reflect those of home mortgage originations. The borrower and locational characteristics of home purchase loans acquired by the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) directly reflect that agency's legislated specialization in government‐backed loans, whereas the characteristics of loans acquired by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the most part derive from the borrower and geographic composition of conventional home purchase loan originations. Findings of analyses of HMDA data raise concern regarding the access of minority and low‐income households and neighborhoods to mortgage finance. Those results also raise some question as to whether the federally chartered agencies in the secondary market are adequately promoting the availability of mortgage credit to low‐ and moderate‐income and minority households.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the recent experiences of two different institutions in providing credit and savings facilities in the countryside of Tamil Nadu, southern India. Ever since the late-1960s, there has been a rising demand for credit to finance investment in agriculture. This has been reinforced by Government policy over the last two decades, and especially since 1980, to provide credit both to priority activities, including agriculture, and to disadvantaged rural groups. Part of that policy has been to encourage the commercial banks to offer services in the countryside, alongside the previously well-developed network of cooperatives offering formal rural credit. The commercial banks have had considerable success in expanding their network of branches, and in increasing bank deposits and loans in rural areas. Operating as corporate bureaucracies, the banks have been able to expand without being crippled in the process. On the other hand, their institutional strength has meant that Government credit policy has been implemented cautiously. The agricultural credit cooperatives, no newcomers to the countryside, have still to fulfil their long-declared function of providing short-term credit for crop production to the majority of agricultural households. Loan recovery by the cooperatives has been weak. The cooperatives have suffered partly from the internal contradictions inherent in any cooperative structure imposed upon the peasantry, from major flaws in the organizational structure of Tamil Nadu cooperatives, as well as from the increasing appropiation of the cooperatives for party political ends. The contrasting experiences of the two different institutions in providing rural credit illustrate how policy applied through different institutions can produce quite different outcomes. They also demonstrate how changes in the socio-political environment, neither immediately obvious nor predictable, can critically affect policy results.  相似文献   

通过对我国上市商业银行资产业务创新与经营绩效的实证研究,发现个人信贷创新业务与商业银行的经营绩效是正相关的,而公司信贷业务以及证券投资业务与商业银行的经营绩效是负相关的。根据研究结果,提出目前我国商业银行应大力发展具有特色的个人信贷产品,注重客户需求、拓宽产品的销售渠道、做好产品的售后服务,走个性化发展道路;同时,要注意风险的防控。  相似文献   

信任危机是最深刻的危机,如何提升政府信用水平,重塑政府公信力是政府和学术界面临的共同问题。在对信用与信任两个概念进行严格区分,并对政府信用内涵进行清晰界定之后,根据以往研究成果,文章提出了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化对地方政府信用影响的四个假设,进而构建了地方政府信用影响机理的概念模型。在对我国116个县级行政区域问卷调查的基础上,运用回归分析和路径分析等方法首次定量考察了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化四个变量对作为公共主体的地方政府的信用水平的影响强度、影响路径。结果表明,制度环境对地方政府信用的影响最强,影响路径最为复杂。信用文化、政府能力、公务员素质对政府信用的影响依次减弱,且公务员素质只能通过政府能力间接影响政府信用。因此,在信用政府建设过程中,需要重点优化地方制度环境并加强信用文化建设,同时也要积极提高政府能力和公务员队伍素质。  相似文献   


This article explores why the Japanese government did not decisively intervene on behalf of bank bailouts at the early stage of the banking crisis of 1997–98 and investigates the institutional and political context behind the use of fiscal money for bank bailouts in 1997–98, 1998–99, and 2001–05. In contrast with prevailing views, which emphasize the conflicts of interest or differences in policy preferences between politicians and bureaucrats and their captured nature either by bankers’ special interests or political/bureaucratic interests, this article argues that Japanese policymakers shared a congruent policy preference — that is, minimizing the disruptions in the existing institutional arrangement in government-bank-firm relations and this congruence in policy preference (or ‘cognitive capture’) compelled the government to take a creditor-centered approach to the banking problem — i.e., letting banks resolve their own problems. It also argues that a strong political leadership that can break with the ‘cognitive capture’ and sustain government's resolute commitment to solving the nonperforming loan problem is an essential factor for successful bank restructuring.  相似文献   

民营经济虽然已经成为推动中国经济发展的重要力量之一,但中国民营经济的融资现状却不容乐观,民营经济融资难问题已经成为制约中国经济持续发展的瓶颈。民营经济融资难是和银行对民营经济的贷款偏小有关,其根本原因在于信用制度与监督制度的缺陷。这些缺陷造成了中国企业的“道德风险”、逃废债。另外,信用评估制度不完善导致银行难以得到企业信息,而在政府补贴国有企业与银行时,其结果就会是银行贷款偏好国有企业,引起民营经济融资难。解决民营经济融资难的问题需要完善相关制度,制度的完善有赖于提高国家的制度转型能力。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The allocation of resources between the federal and state levels of government is a key institutional variable explaining the congruence or similarity of party systems. It affects the incentives voters and parties face, and opportunities for cleavage mobilization. This article pioneers measures for comparing congruence across federations. Evidence from state and federal elections in six federations produces clear evidence that party systems are least congruent in decentralized federations and most congruent in centralized federations. Voter behaviour, indicated by the variation of electoral support for parties across units of the federation and the similarity of swings in support between the state and federal levels, is most responsive to the allocation of resources. Party system structure is less responsive to this variable.  相似文献   

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