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作为俄国马克思主义的创始人,普列汉诺夫毕生反对各种关于落后国家发展的"跳跃论".他提出的俄国社会发展规划在理论上是有力的,在反对民粹派时起过决定性作用.后来俄国马克思主义运动走上了一条新的"跳跃"之路,而又未能克服落后给社会主义带来的种种困难.  相似文献   

上世纪60年代在西方兴起的新社会运动与中国的文化大革命是两个同时发生但在原因、主体、斗争目标、运动形式诸方面各不相同的运动.新社会运动在文化、社会和政治各方面的后果和影响,能够为我们观察改革开放30年后的中国提供有意的经验.  相似文献   

东欧中亚地区曾经是中国共产党对外工作最为活跃的地区。20世纪80年代末开始的苏东剧变,使各国执政的共产党相继丧失政权,多党制风潮席卷整个地区,党派林立,分合频繁。1991年苏联和南联邦解体以及1993年捷克斯洛伐克分裂,使这一地区国家数量由剧变前的9个(包括东德)  相似文献   

Chainbuilding: A New Building for the New New School   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Until a souring national and local economy led them to scale back their plans in 2008, The New School in New York City had been designing a new, 500,000-ft2 “signature building” intended to embody what administrators were calling The new New School, a university committed to progressive, interdisciplinary, urban, global education. The building was to offer glimpses of the horizon of academic infrastructure and media and their potential impact—structural, pedagogic, and symbolic—on the university and its communities. Although the building will not be realized in the form presented to the public in spring 2008, the design deliberations that generated that proposal offer valuable insights into how a university might reembody its ideals in a time of intense globalization and mediatization. Complementing Robert Kirkbride’s paper on the pedagogical practice of chainmaking and its historical relationship to learning spaces, we examine in this paper how media can be instrumental in wayfinding, how they can help to organize a building into various “processual” paths that reflect different approaches to learning, and how their presence in learning spaces can enhance teaching and learning. We also discuss how the building can serve as a mediator within the community, reflecting the institution’s identity and its pedagogical philosophy.
Shannon MatternEmail:

Contract budgeting attempts to reconfigure public budgeting as a system of purchase contracts between provider agencies and central government. It draws its inspiration from a simple model of contract in which the purchaser buys clearly specified outputs from a provider at a preagreed price. Contract budgeting thus represents a fusion of output-based budgeting schemas with the newer enthusiasm for placing the public sector on a 'market' footing. This paper reviews the problems which confront any form of output based budgeting, and then analyses the specific issues of contractualization. It concludes that contract budgeting does not well fit the realities of budgeting in a complex public sector.  相似文献   

The once high-performing East Asian economies were suddenly rocked by the 1997 financial crisis. This raised the question of whether the crisis signals the end of the 'Asian development model' and provides further evidence of the 'globalization of poverty'. This article attempts to answer this question by examining the connection between liberalization (and deregulation) and the pattern of poverty reduction and income inequalities in four East and Southeast Asian economies severly affected by the late 1990s crisis. Based on the findings, it contests the view that globalization means the end of the role of the state. Instead, it is argued that, while some states are playing the role of promoters of the globalization process, others are redefining and resisting globalization. The crisis also has drawn attention to a possible third policy option, which would involve the revitalization of the regulatory role of the state, greater attention to social issues and a more national approach to economic management.  相似文献   

南亚地区安全是亚洲大格局的一个重要组成部分。和亚洲其他地区一样,冷战结束后,南亚地区的历史遗留问题没有得到解决,并因大国相继退出该地区后一度严重恶化;“9·11“以后,南亚更成为国际恐怖势力活动的温床,2008年11月26日发生在孟买的连环恐怖袭击将南亚地区的各种矛盾冲突置于国际媒体的聚光灯下,主要角色间的互动再次使该地区成为亚洲地区安全的一个重大缺口。本文拟从地区安全的角度剖析南亚多重矛盾斗争的现实,试图从该地区形式各异的冲突中找到一些可以解释这种错综复杂现象的真实原因。  相似文献   

西欧社会民主主义新变化评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来,随着新自由主义走到了尽头,社会民主主义从思想理论到纲领政策均发生了重大变化.在社会民主主义的改革和创新过程中,英国工党走在了前列.如何看待90年代以来社会民主主义的新变化,是一个颇具争议的问题.  相似文献   

To date, very few studies have explored practical strategies for exercising effective financial management of local government contracts through two main stakeholders’ perspectives of the contracting system at the same time. Employing a series of semi-structured interviews with public officials and private contractors in New Jersey, this study attempts to fill this gap in the scholarship. The finding of this study suggests that government agencies should pay greater attention to competitive bids without favoritism, contract specificity, a statewide performance database, sufficient staffing with well-trained personnel, strong leadership, team-based structures, two-way communication, and evaluation based on both qualitative and quantitative values.  相似文献   


The transition and consolidation of democracy in Southeast Asia has proven fragile and tenuous some 30 years after the current wave of democratization began. A critical ingredient in the process of democratization is the role of public opinion and the extent that the public supports the democratic ‘rules of the game’. This study uses 2006 and 2007 public opinion data from the AsiaBarometer Survey of six Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore) to examine popular perceptions of democracy and democratic principles and practices. Specifically, it seeks to shed light on the following interrelated questions: Do democratic institutions in Southeast Asia work well in the short and long term? To what extent are citizens in these countries satisfied with various political and civil freedoms? Do citizens trust specific institutions to operate in the best interests of their society? Does the current political system and government perform well?  相似文献   

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