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邓小平对马克思主义的科学解答同时折射出他对待马克思主义的科学态度。他既强调坚持马克思主义,又强调发展马克思主义;既强调要坚定共产主义远大理想,又强调要发展社会主义生产力;既强调要学习马克思主义理论,又强调要运用马克思主义理论解决现实问题,从而形成了第二代中央领导集体科学的辩证的马克思主义观。  相似文献   

郭奇清  朱斌 《学理论》2010,(10):8-9
马克思主义中国化必须要有鲜明的民族特色。推进马克思主义中国化,要坚持马克思主义的普遍真理与民族特点相结合,要坚持立足中国国情,要注意汲取中国传统文化的智慧和养分。  相似文献   

邱荷 《学理论》2011,(24):1-3
认知环境、认知主体、认知思维的改变,要求我党在推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的进程中,必须实现认识上的创新。要确立人民群众在接受马克思主义过程中的主体地位,对待马克思主义与非马克思主义要坚持辩证的思维方法,在马克思主义和社会主义的宣传教育上,要重视理论教育,但更要注重用事实说话。  相似文献   

要坚持、发展马克思主义,必须客观地时待、完整地理解马克思主义,并大胆地与中国具体实际相结合,必须在理论与实践上走出对马克思及马克思主义认识的三个误区一是要走出教条化马克思主义的误区; 二是要走出神化马克思主义的误区;三是走出以主观需要解释马克思主义的误区.  相似文献   

马克思主义作为当今中国社会的主流思想与主流文化,能否作为人民的信仰进一步巩固就显得至关紧要。过去,党要取得革命胜利,需要马克思主义信仰;今天,党要长期执政,国家要长治久安,更不能没有马克思主义信仰。当前要直面马克思主义信仰危机,切实巩固马克思主义作为国家信仰的地位,切实加大马克思主义信仰的灌输力度,切实改善马克思主义理论上生存环境,让马克思主义信仰真正在中国扎下根来。  相似文献   

马克思主义始终追求无产阶级及广大劳动人民的解放和自由,主张对现实世界加以积极改造。目前,反马克思主义、假马克思主义、非马克思主义等社会思潮的出现,造成人们思想混乱。坚持和发展马克思主义,加强党的意识形态工作和思想政治工作,不仅要在理论上划清马克思主义与反马克思主义、假马克思主义、非马克思主义的界限,而且在实践中要避免"左"和右两种倾向。  相似文献   

张晓 《理论探索》2012,(6):25-26
马克思主义理论是指导中国特色社会主义发展的理论基础。提升马克思主义理论教育水平,一要充分认识开展马克思主义理论教育的基本要求,二要掌握马克思主义理论教育的实现方式,三要通过推进理论创新保持理论活力。  相似文献   

习近平同志最近在中央党校所作的《领导干部要重视学习马克思主义经典著作》的重要讲话中,深刻地阐明了领导干部学习马克思主义经典著作和马克思主义基本原理的重要性和紧迫性,提出了用马克思主义理论武装全党干部的历史性任务。这个讲话将会对我们党的思想理论建设发生深远的影响。在讲话中,习近平同志特别强调领导干部学习马克思主义经典著作,尤其要注意学习马克思主义哲学。他指出:今天,我们的领导干部要正确判断形势,在错综复杂的  相似文献   

在《中央机关要做全国的表率》的重要讲话中,胡耀邦同志精辟地阐述了坚持和发展马克思主义的问题。他说:“我们一定要坚持马克思主义。坚定共产主义的理想和爱国主义的理想。马克思主义是发展的,我们既反对那种否定马克思主义、认为马克思主义已经“过时”的资产阶级自由化倾向,又反对把马克思主义当成僵化教条的错误倾向。正确对待马克思的义的精髓,就是要运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,研究和解决社会主义中国面临的现实问题,也就是要把马克思主义基本原理同中国社会主义现代化建设的具体实际更好地结合  相似文献   

对发展马克思主义哲学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构马克思主义哲学的当代形态是马克思主义哲学发展的内在要求 ,也是时代发展的必然。首先 ,要破除、摒弃对马克思主义哲学的错误理解 ,重新回到马克思主义哲学的真精神 ;其次 ,要立足当代科学和实践 ,进行哲学创造 ,不断丰富和发展马克思主义哲学 ;最后 ,建构马克思主义哲学的当代形态应从全球化着眼 ,注重民族化和个性化。  相似文献   

A product is simply something that is material or substance of some kind. In order to be transformed into a brand with its own code of meanings and system of rhetorical allusions, it needs to be semiotized. And the marketing and advertising industries have become semioticians in this sense, semiotizing a product by assigning it a name, a visual sign (logo), a system of language forms (slogan, taglines, etc.), and then textualizing the brand by creating appropriate ads and commercials for it. This paper will show how this network of semiotizing events coheres into an overall macrotext to produce the brand as a sign system.  相似文献   

法治行政是构建和谐行政的根本保障。当前行政法治建设中存在的障碍对构建和谐行政仍造成一定的负面影响,具体表现在:依法行政观念淡薄;行政体制运行中存在诸多缺陷;行政执法实践中还存在诸多矛盾等。因此,在促进依法行政的前提下应实现治理理念与服务理念的和谐;执法权力与公民权利的和谐;执法中"情、理、法"的和谐;执法过程与执法结果的和谐以及执法权力与执法责任的和谐。  相似文献   

Bailey  Martin J. 《Public Choice》1997,90(1-4):73-115
This paper outlines a preliminary radical plan for a constitution based primarily on recent contributions on mechanisms for choice of public goods and on constitutional rules and concepts, but based also on experience with present constitutions, corporate charters, and private arbitration procedures. It uses the standard economic perspective, disregarding such motives as herd instincts and the desire to serve the public interest. The result is markedly different from existing constitutions.  相似文献   

This article surveys developments in recent social theory in the course of outlining a new rationale for Politics following the subject's own expansion and in the light of developments in post-empiricist thought. It suggests reasons for thinking of Politics as a cultural rather than a positive science. It outlines a number of core or primary political problems which comprise the intellectual foundations of the discipline. It suggests, overall, that Politics is especially concerned with maintaining and improving the viability of human association(s) in the light of conditions created by the rise and expansion of complex societies.  相似文献   

Cross-pressure was introduced as a concept in political analysis half a century ago. While different forms of political cross-pressure have been noted, they are generally considered to have the effect of making citizens withdraw from politics. However, this conclusion is not always supported by data. A modified proposition is suggested in order to account for other reactions to cross- pressure that have been registered from time to time.  相似文献   

In this article I want to outline an argument for a New Critical Theory with a cosmopolitan intent. Its main purpose is to undermine one of the most powerful beliefs of our time concerning society and politics. This belief is the notion that “modern society” and “modern politics” are to be understood as society and politics organized around the nation‐state, equating society with the national imagination of society. There are two aspects to this body of beliefs: what I call the “national perspective” (or “national gaze”) of social actors, and the “methodological nationalism” of scientific observers. The distinction between these two perspectives is important because there is no logical co‐implication between them, only an interconnected genesis and history.  相似文献   

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