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Formal invalidity or revocation proceedings must be broughtin order for the distinctiveness of a mark to be challenged;challenges to distinctiveness must not derive from the defendant'suse of an infringing mark.  相似文献   

The medical examiner's office in Broward County is responsible for determining the cause and manner of death in cases falling under its jurisdiction and issuing death certificates on these decedents. Amendments are occasionally required to correct misinformation on death certificates or within the autopsy reports. The purpose of this study was to investigate the major causes for the amendments and to develop strategies to avoid future errors. We found 128 cases from 2006 to 2007 that required amendments; 103 contained sufficient data in the file for further analysis. Over this time period, 3790 death certificates were issued over that same period, resulting in a 3.37% amendment rate. In this study, the cohort included both males and females with a ratio of 2:1. Their ages ranged from newborn to 103 years, with a mean age of 49 years. Of the 103 amended cases, amendments were made to the cause (n = 30) and often the manner (n = 21) of death listed on the death certificate; the remaining changes were limited to the autopsy report. The most common reasons for amendments included reception of delayed laboratory findings (35%), acquisition of additional medical history (22.5%), and typographic errors (15.5%). Typographic errors mainly occurred because of inaccuracies in the names originally provided to our office, the use of aliases by decedents, incorrect personal/demographic history, or various misspellings by funeral homes or medical examiner staff. The most significant reclassifications involved changing certified natural deaths to accidental overdoses and vice versa, based on toxicological analysis. Because of delays in specimen turnaround, these amendments often were made months after the original death certificate was issued. STAT urine drug screening has been helpful in reducing the number of amendments made, but certain drugs of significance are missed by rapid screens. Given that our office performed complete toxicological analysis on all cases over this period, it seems likely that we detected several overdoses that would have been missed if natural deaths were not routinely screened for potential toxins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although quality assurance programs for medical examiners are required by the National Association of Medical Examiners' Inspection and Accreditation Checklist, quality assurance programs specifically targeting death certificate completion have not been addressed. The Fulton County Medical Examiner, Atlanta, GA, has implemented a pilot quality assurance program for death certificate information, and this report contains information about 1 year's experience with the program. METHODS: All death certificates are reviewed by the case medical examiner(s) and chief medical examiner prior to their release to funeral homes. Death certificates with errors are retained for quality assurance and review purposes, and needed corrections are made before death certificates are released. During a 1-year period, death certificates with errors were collected and then reviewed and tabulated by type of error. RESULTS: Between May 26, 2003, and May 25, 2004, the Fulton County Medical Examiner certified 1267 deaths. Of these, 47 (4%) were found to contain errors that were corrected and an additional 52 (4%) had been amended for various reasons. The most common errors were misspellings in causes of death or poor or incomplete wording in injury-related information. Forty-seven percent of errors involved omitted, incomplete, or incorrect information that was potentially significant. The most common reason for amended certificates was unexpected detection of acute intoxications among people with significant cardiovascular disease. CONCLUSIONS: Quality assurance review of death certificates can assist in preventing the release of death certificates with incomplete, erroneous, or omitted information and may also be useful as an educational forum regarding completion of the death certificate.  相似文献   

In this essay, I apply Jacques Lacan'sfour discourses to the legal profession. A lawyer –i.e. a legal expert – engages in the Master'sdiscourse when he writes the law; he engages in theUniversity discourse when he interprets or attempts tojustify the law. In contrast, an attorney – i.e. a legal advisor – engages in the Analyst'sdiscourse when she counsel's her client; she engagesin the Hysteric's discourse when she represents herclient. From a Lacanian perspective, the two lawyer'sdiscourses are masculine, while the two attorney'sdiscourses are feminine. I divergefrom Lacan's view that the Analyst's is the mostradical discourse. The insight gained throughanalysis can only challenge and change the law iftranslated through the Hysteric's discourse. Consequently, despite dominant sexual stereotypes tothe contrary, to be an effective advocate should takeon a radically hysteric femininity.  相似文献   

补充侦查对于弥补侦查阶段的证据缺陷,维护公正具有积极的意义,却在一定程度上牺牲了诉讼效率.职务犯罪案件补充侦查率相对普通刑事案件为高.由于立案管辖不同,职务犯罪案件补充侦查程序与普通刑事案件有所区别,但相关规定忽视了这一特殊性,导致职务犯罪案件补充侦查的程序失范.必须采取提高侦查人员素质、明确证据标准和完善起诉程序等措施,降低职务犯罪案件的补充侦查率,完善职务犯罪案件补充侦查程序.  相似文献   

The mortality and the causes of death have been studied in a cohort consisting of 1548 male alcoholics in Stockholm. During the period 1969-1981 there were 542 cases of death in this population. The mortality rates were triple those for males in Stockholm generally. Using the official causes of death there was a highly significant excess mortality in the following diagnostic groups: Cancer in the upper digestive region, primary hepatic cancer, cirrhosis in the liver, pancreatitis, pneumonia, alcoholism and alcoholic poisoning, suicides and other causes of violent death as well as ischemic heart disease. The underlying and contributing causes of death on the death certificates were reclassified according to ICD-rules using clinical records and autopsy protocols. It was found that the underlying cause of death was incorrect in 21.8% of the cases. Important information was withheld in further 19.8%. After validation there was no longer any excess mortality in ischemic heart disease. The number of alcohol-related diagnoses, i.e. alcoholic cardiomyopathy, cirrhosis and fatty liver with alcoholism and alcoholic intoxication, was much greater. It is concluded that there is a underreporting of alcohol-related diseases and injuries which has a great influence on the reliability of death statistics.  相似文献   

The 3478 death certificates (7.1% of all annual death certificates) of this study comprise those national death certificates in 1995 submitted for validation to the panel representing both medical and nosological expertise. As such, it is highly selected and represents, from the nosological point of view, the most inconsistently filled-in portion of Finnish death certificates. The routine validation procedure is essentially based on exploitation of the extra medical information, i.e. the case history, on the Finnish death certificate form. Altogether, 2813 (80.9%) out of 3478 certificates could be adjusted at the primary panel session; the rest required further clarification. The re-assignment of cause of death by the panel and the impact of panel adjustments on the national mortality statistics is assessed here by comparing the initial death certification and the finally registered underlying cause of death grouped into ICD-9 major categories with special reference to the subcategories of neoplasm, cardiovascular disease (HVD) and unnatural death. A statistically significant decline (p<0.0001) in deaths, both in the category of symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions and in the pulmonary circulation disease subcategory of HVD with 37.6 and 35.1%, respectively, was observed. The decrease of 11.1% in the benign or NUD neoplasm subcategory and the increase of 8.6 and 7.0% in the categories of endocrine disease, and musculo-skeletal and connective tissue disease, respectively, are essential observations as to the quality of the cause of death register. The effect on the HVD major category was practically nil. At the HVD-subcategorial level, a decrease of 14.0% for diseases of the veins and lymphatics and other circulatory diseases and an increase of 3.5% for hypertensive diseases (HYP) were the two next most obvious alterations to the diseases of the pulmonary circulation, but were without statistical significance. For ischaemic heart disease and other subcategories, the effects were minor. The unnatural deaths as a whole increased in the final statistics with only 0.9%. In the study data, categorial changes ranged from the decrease of 75.2% for symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions to the increase of 77.3% for endocrine diseases. In conclusion, the Finnish death certificate form, death certification practices and cause of death validation procedure seem to serve the coding of causes of death for mortality statistics appropriately. The results of the study form a relevant reference background to evaluation of epidemiological studies on mortality.  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》仅列举了侵权补充责任的数类适用情形,缺乏统一的客观适用标准,亦未明确具体的适用规则.责任分担是责任成立的后续命题,不应再以责任构成原理为立论基点,而应以外部被侵权人受偿及内部各侵权人终局责任分担为考量因素.按份、连带责任的终局责任分担困境及不真正连带责任全额赔偿的僵化,使得补充责任不可或缺.由该正当性可推知,侵权补充责任应适用于“具有全部原因力的直接作为侵权+过失不作为侵权”之一般情形.补充责任人应承担与过错、原因力相当的补充责任,并可向直接责任人全额追偿.  相似文献   

Rape reform legislation in Canada was designed to change: 1) the way sexual assault cases were processed by the criminal justice system and 2) public opinion about crimes of sexual aggression. This article reports findings from a representative survey of the Canadian public and an experimental analysis of the effects of the legislation on public knowledge and attitudes. Results from the nation-wide survey indicated that most people are unaware of the semantic shift (from the old language of rape and indecent assault to the new crimes of sexual assault). However, there is awareness of the substantive legal changes introduced by the rape reform legislation (such as the fact that husbands are no longer immune from criminal changes involving their wives). It is clear that rape reform legislation has affected public knowledge of statutory reforms regarding crimes of sexual aggression. Results from the experimental component of this research show that the new sexual assault label has not achieved one of the important goals, namely of changing public perceptions of the nature of crimes of sexual aggression. Indeed, one negative effect predicted by feminist writers seems to have emerged: sentencing decisions made by the public for the offense of rape were less severe when the incident was described as a sexual assault.  相似文献   

Demands for changes and reform in our correctional system have a long history. Currently many of those active in determining policy are advocating a shift away from the use of imprisonment to greater local supervision. However, many of these “elites” perceive the public as unreceptive and thereby an obstacle to change. This study focuses on an analysis of public opinion in the state of Washington and a comparison of those attitudes with the attitudes of elites (decision makers) in the state. Further, the study describes elite perceptions of public opinion and the implications of those perceptions for social policy. The public is found to be far less punitively oriented than elites expected and far more receptive to the reforms advocated.  相似文献   

Very little attention has been devoted to the public's opinion of media coverage of court cases despite extensive research on pretrial publicity (PTP). Following a provincial judgment to restrict media access in Quebec courthouses, a preliminary unpublished study found that the public was largely in support of these restrictions. The present study sought to expand on this finding in a more widely generalizable sample. Subjects were recruited from continuing education classes and completed a questionnaire that assessed their support for restricting journalists in courthouses. Nearly 80% of the 243 participants supported media restrictions. Although participants in the four experimental conditions and one of the control groups were largely in favor of the restrictions, one control group was opposed to the restrictions. The results suggest that the public prefers that journalists have restricted access to courtroom participants, resonating research on PTP and the Supreme Court's decision on the case.  相似文献   

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