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国际金融危机与亚太国际关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年爆发的世界性金融危机对亚太地区造成了一定的影响.但是,与1929年的经济危机相比,2008年的金融危机对亚太地区的影响较小.由于深刻的历史根源,不同政治文明间的冲突是亚太地区现在和将来面临的最主要问题.在关注亚太地区不同政治文明间冲突时,尤其是后金融危机时代,有必要把中国与世界的关系放在一个更大的区域里审视.  相似文献   

顺义位于北京市东北部,城区距市中心30公里。顺义1998年撤县设区,总面积1021平方公里,下辖19个镇、6个街道办事处、424个行政村,户籍人口56.7万,常住人口73.6万。顺义是北京重点建设的新城、临空经济高端产业功能区和现代制造业基地。中国最大的航空港——首都国际机场坐落境内。  相似文献   

A building that recently appeared in the embassy area near the Lufthansa Shopping Center in Beijing's Chao-yang District has aroused the interest of local Beijing residents. It is the newly constructed Capital International School (CIS), sponsored by the Chinese government and the education authority of New Brunswick, Canada. The school, with its advanced, international standard teaching methods, offer the best opportunity for an international education in Beijing. Classes start this September.  相似文献   

正There are two airports in Beijing.Every time Guo Shuangchao goes on a business trip,he chooses to fly via the Beijing Daxing International Airport,nicknamed the Starfish of Beijing.That' s because he is among its builders.  相似文献   

国际合作是国际关系理论与实践的重要议题,但长期以来,西方学者在这一领域的研究上一直占据着主导地位。《国际合作理论:批判与建构》的面世,挑战了西方国际合作理论的话语霸权。它在对西方国际合作理论进行理性批判的基础上,建构了以“国家能力-国际合作”为主轴、国家意愿和国际社会为干预变量的国际合作模式,实现了对现有西方国际合作理论的超越。  相似文献   

国际犯罪是指为达到特定目的,违反国际社会公认的国际刑事规范或有悖于人类的和平安全精神,严重危害国际社会共同利益而应受国际刑罚处罚的行为。恐怖行为是指由个人、组织甚至国家对人身或财产施以暴力或暴力威胁,以引起人们的心理普度恐惧,危害社会安全秩序,并以此企图实现其预期目标的各种行为。而国际恐怖主义犯罪是为达到特定的国际目的,违反国际公认的国际刑事规范或有悖于人类和平安全精神,运用暴力、胁迫或其他极度危险手段制造国际恐惧和惊慌,严重危害国际社会公共安全秩序,应受国际刑罚处罚的不法行为。  相似文献   

伴随着综合国力的上升,中国作为发展中大国,需要积极争取国际话语权,推进国家利益在世界范围内较好实现。中国共产党在革命、建设和改革中逐步探索形成以中国新型政党制度为核心的政党制度和政党理论,推进了中国民主政治发展,为丰富和完善世界政党理论做出了贡献,但是目前政党制度及其理论的国际话语权仍然掌握在西方国家手中。我们需要直面西方国家在政党制度及其理论方面的话语主导、国内学术话语影响力不足以及话语传播形式和途径不够丰富等现实问题,创新我国政党理论的话语体系,完善我国政党制度的理论体系,不断提升我国新型政党制度在世界政党政治中的国际话语权。  相似文献   

美国“9·11”遭恐怖袭击事件虽然已过去近8个月,但“9·11”事件对国际大环境造成的深刻影响,则随着时间的推延和美国反恐后续行动的推进正在愈益显示出来。一“9·11”事件表明,当前国际形势局部层次中影响全局的因素在发展。冷战后的国际形势呈现出三个总体(总体缓和、总体和平、总体稳定)与三个局部(局部紧张、局部战争、局部动荡)相交织的特点。从局部层次来看,地区冲突虽有复杂的民族、种族、宗教、社会等矛盾因素,但新干涉主义盛行也是造成地区局势动荡不定和使恐怖主义成为新威胁的主要原因。道理很简单,当一个民族的生存…  相似文献   

The APEC meetings return to China in 2014 after 13 years.Themed "Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership," the 2014 APEC Economic Leaders' Week will kick off in Beijing on November 5. The Leaders' Week is expected to generate substantial results based on extensive and in-depth consensus that members have already reached on such aspects as advancing regional economic integration, promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth, and strengthening comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development.  相似文献   

<正>Zhengzhou,Transforming into China's Central City,and Welcoming Global TalentZhengzhou,as the provincial capital of Henan,is the political,economic,cultural,scientif ic and educational hub of the whole province.Now it has jurisdiction over six districts,f ive cities and one county,as well as the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone(Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone),Zhengdong New District,Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and  相似文献   

正THE 2014 informal meeting of the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)is to be themed"Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership."The meeting this year will focus on three topics–advancing regional economic integration,promoting innovative development,economic reform and growth,as well as strengthening interdependence and infrastructure.The summit will also discuss the feasibility of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP)and determine if the Free Trade Area can be started.Bright Future for the FTAAP Founded in 1989,APEC,as an intergovernmental organization operating on the basis of non-binding commitments,open dialogue and equal respect for its 21member economies,is devoted to facilitating economic  相似文献   

Traveling to Beijing for the first time? Don't get caught in, out, or up by culture shocks. Know how things should - and shouldn't - be done to ensure your trip is a memorable one for all the right reasons.  相似文献   

Propelled by APEC and newly bolstered bilateral and multilateral relations between China and the Asia-Pacii c region, economic and trade relations between China and other major APEC members have witnessed bounding development.  相似文献   

The 4th Beijing Ethnic Expo and Beijing Ethnic Wine Songs Festival will be held during the Nation,'d Day Holiday, announced Niu Song, deputy director of the Beijing Ethnic Affairs Commission at a press conference on June 24.  相似文献   

本文介绍了公安部一所安检事业部开发的机场安全检查信息管理系统。这个系统软件的任务是将整个安全检查过程中与旅客、安检员有关的所有动态/静态图像、旅客信息、安检员信息、安检员操作信息等全部数据进行对应存储和记录,便于查询、重现,为处理飞行安全突发事件提供决策依据;同时,对安检员的工作起到了监督和考核的作用,还可帮助旅客寻找遗失的物品,提高了机场安全检查部门的形象。  相似文献   

国际私法上的公共秩序与国内民法上的公共秩序不完全相同,必须把国内民法上的公共秩序和国际私法上的公共秩序加以区分。相比较而言,国内民法上公共秩序要比国际私法上公共秩序的范围更加广泛。本文结合相关立法,分别从民法的角度和国际私法的角度分析公共秩序的含义,两者之间的关系,以及我国公共秩序立法中存在的问题和应做的修改和完善。  相似文献   

积极应对国际人才流动的新局面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国留学人员国际流动已达到相当大的规模,其影响已经越来越受到世人瞩目。当前,中国留学人员跨境流动出  相似文献   

<正>Lately,Tianlun International Hotels announced the appointment of Claudia Jiang as PR Director.Jiang will take charge of branding promotion and public relations,as well as brand management of Tianlun International Hotels.Jiang graduated from the Beijing International Studies University and worked in HK CTS Hotels Co.Ltd.,responsible for brand standard establishment,public relations,new media applications,events,exhibitions,advertisements and promotions.Tianlun International Hotels was incorporated in Hong Kong in  相似文献   

亚太地区技术移民数量不断增加,"人才外流"到发达国家的现象非常突出,与非技术移民的情况相比,亚太地区不同国家或地区间对长期移民和短期移民的政策存在不同的差异。亚洲地区技术移民的流动与资本流动和贸易往来紧密相关,最主要的特点就是技术移民的短期性。  相似文献   

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