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在性别研究领域,美国有色人种妇女长期以来一直被称为"白人妇女空间的闯入者",而这一"闯入者"身份不仅体现在美国社会二元对立的男女空间建构中,同时也体现在有色人种妇女与白人妇女"女性空间"的对话里.在分析20世纪70年代以"女性咖啡馆"为代表的女性空间的建构和女性研究中白人妇女的主导地位,揭示了有色人种妇女在美国女性空间建构中的身份缺失.  相似文献   

梁忠宝 《前沿》2013,(4):137-138
菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》精准地刻画了20世纪20年代美国的社会现实。本文试图从女性主义角度解读这部作品中“臭名昭著”的黛西这一女性形象,探讨男权社会的文化背景下女性生存的困窘。  相似文献   

本文讨论的是由女性运作、面向女性、关于女性的报刊(by,forandaboutwomen)。①女性报刊作为女性群体发声与交流的渠道和探讨女权主义理论的平台,对推进当代妇女理运动起了广泛而深远的影响。本文对20世纪60年代末美国女性报刊兴起的社会背景和原因略作阐述,并尝试分析了早期女性报刊的特征及分类。  相似文献   

布依族民间文学中成功地塑造了布依族古代劳动妇女的各种典型形象。这些女性形象集中体现了布依族妇女的传统美德  相似文献   

杨洋 《求索》2013,(3):141-143
20世纪40-50年代,孙犁的小说创作塑造了数量众多风采各异的女性形象。在他的女性形象谱系中,有普通的劳动女性,有女战士,也有女性知识分子,还有一些颇具"另类"性格的女性。孙犁之所以钟情于女性形象书写,与他童年的家庭影响、个人性格以及文学修养密切相关。对孙犁创作中的女性形象进行梳理研究,应该成为现当代文学孙犁研究的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯,是20世纪最具争议的英国作家。在他的小说中,有非常多令人印象深刻的女性角色。这些角色塑造的是思想认识各不相同的女性形象,但是却都反映了劳伦斯对于女性的思考。从女性主义的视角对出现在劳伦斯小说中比较有代表性的女性形象进行解读,可推动对于劳伦斯小说中女性角色的深入研究。  相似文献   

在美国,公开宣称整个频道是服务于女性的有3家:分别是人生频道、氧气频道和女性娱乐频道。美国女性频道一定程度上表现出对女性问题的敏感与关注,彰显了社会性别意识,高扬了社会性别旗帜,因而具有历史意义和社会贡献。然而,女性电视频道并没有能够杜绝输出妇女的负面形象、片面现象和关于妇女角色、能力和兴趣的刻板印象,女性媒介仍是商业媒介,女性观众仍被视为消费者而非公民,反映出女性电视频道囿于商业和市场的压力而不得不进行的修正与妥协。  相似文献   

清末是中国文学从传统向现代转型的一个重要阶段。以新小说和新女性为重点的文化诉求,使得这一时期成为文学中现代女性形象开始形成的关键时期。清末小说中女性形象的建构,在性别革命的意义上,不管是民族解放还是个人解放,都有多层面的反映,20世纪女性的问题在清末几乎已经被悉数提出。而清末文化失调的语境,造成现实的女性和想象的女性之间的距离,形成了清末小说中女性形象的张力。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,台湾现代妇女运动兴起发展,女性参政逐渐成为核心议题。妇女团体通过与体制对话以影响政策,或推选女性公职人员参与施政来增加女性集体的政治力量。目前,女性“立委”在“立法院”中人数增多,对妇女团体及其相关议题有所帮助,但实质作用仍有限。在社会性别主流化趋势下,女性政治力量的增长可以预期。  相似文献   

论女性领导媒介形象的偏差塑造对女性参政的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦晓红 《求索》2007,(8):57-60
在当下的媒介文化传播中,媒介对女性形象表现刻板化,尤其是对女性领导形象塑造存在着种种偏差。且明显呈现出性别歧视倾向。这种形象宣传,潜在影响了女性参政的自我认知,亦影响了社会公众对女性参政的正确认知和评价。我们必须采取一些有力的措施和对策,促使现代传媒在为女性参政营造良好的舆论环境、促进妇女发展等方面发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

"五四"时期对易卜生与王尔德戏剧的译介进入了高潮,针对其中离家出走和试图出走的女性的探讨,成为"五四"女权话语的重要内涵。出走的娜拉被奉为女性解放的最高象征,但并不能解决女性出走后所面临的重重困难,作品中那些"归来"并实现觉醒的女性亦得到读者相当的认可,并被作为解决女性盲目出走、身陷困境的一种选择,显示出"五四"语境在出走风潮之下,对女性解放的多元思考和接受。翻译作为一种文化建构力量,推动了中国女权话语的发展。  相似文献   

LAUREL BOSSEN 《当代中国》2007,16(50):97-116
Recently much attention has focused on the rising tide of rural to urban migration in China. Some of this migration is inter-provincial, and some is merely a shift to the nearest big town or city. Much less is known about the effects of long-distance marriage between rural areas. This type of migration does not entail a shift to urban household registration, nor does it involve adaptation to city living. Distant rural migration is a phenomenon that often includes risk-taking women who marry into distant regions seeking a better life, or better opportunities, compared to their natal village. Yet these migrants typically remain farmers. Based on fieldwork in rural Henan and Yunnan I discuss cases of village women and men who had married at great distance from their natal kin. I observe some of the effects of family separation and social strategies adopted by migrants in rural settings. Much as urban migrants often face a world of uncertainties, those who migrate long-distance to other rural communities face a world of strangers with little legal or social protection.  相似文献   

吉屋信子和林芙美子是名噪一时的流行作家,有多次前往中国战场的经历,并作为女性杰出代表入选1938年第一批"笔部队",被称为"笔部队"的"两点红"。吉屋信子在海军班一如既往地扮演"女性"角色,突出自己作为女性的价值和作用;林芙美子则用激烈的方式在中国战场演出了一场新的放浪记。两人用不同的方式自觉地将女性话语和人生诉求融入军国主义话语中,成为侵略战争的协助者。与普通女性不同,她们成为战争协助者并不是受制于国策话语而做出的完全被动的选择,其文学创作反映出的思想缺陷和浅薄认知与她们的战场报告意趣相投,是她们在战争爆发后与军国主义话语一拍即合、轻易地滑落到战争协助陷阱中的本质原因。  相似文献   


The stress management training model (SMT) was developed as a multi-dimensional program for low-income women. The program provided an introduction to life coping skills as well as a means of helping women feel better about themselves, take more control, accept responsibility, and learn about ways of handling stress. Two studies were conducted in Michigan: one as a prevention model and one as a treatment alternative. Findings from these two projects indicated that trained women were in better mood states and reported a greater perception of control than did women who did not receive such training. Services for SMT participants were also found to be nearly half as expensive as traditional one-on-one outpatient therapy.  相似文献   


Three samples of urban Latina and African-American women in hospitality training programs were assessed on their perceived self-efficacy. In Sample 1, the typical Latina (n= 25) and African-American (n= 71) woman was a young, single, mother of three children who had received benefits for over six years and who, at the start of a two-week training program, reported low self-efficacy and moderate social desirability. Sample 2 participants were mostly single Latina (n= 25) or African-American (n= 49) mothers who received six weeks of training/internship, but reported no significant change in their level of self-efficacy, social desirability, or hopefulness from pre- to post-training. Sample 3 (16 Latinas, 36 African-Americans) was a subset of women from the first sample who were interviewed by telephone four months after completing the two-week training program and were now employed. These working women reported a significant increase in their level of self-efficacy compared to the start of training. Results suggest that some minority women may benefit from job skill training in terms of their sense of mastery over their life situation, although the impact of such training may not emerge until after they have been actively employed.  相似文献   

Delia Davin 《当代中国》2007,16(50):83-95
This paper explores the connections between the shortage of women in China that is making it more difficult for men to find brides and the growing phenomenon of long distance marriage migration. It argues that marriage migration has tended to be from the poorer areas toward the richer ones. The movement satisfies demand from men too poor or disadvantaged to afford a bride from their local community. Women undertake marriage migration in the hope of achieving a better life for themselves or being able to help their families. A similar phenomenon can be observed in international marriage migration chains such as those from the Philippines, China and Korea to Japan, from the Chinese mainland, Vietnam and Thailand to Taiwan, and from North Korea and Vietnam to China. Marriage migration puts the women who engage in it into an especially vulnerable position.  相似文献   

明清时期长三角地区方志中的遇虎孝女给人以女德化身的印象。然而细细考量,可以发现虽然国家话语体系认同此孝,但因为统治阶层(男性)对典范女性的塑成寄予更多期待,女孝的边界亦随之延展。本文通过对相关文献的钩沉与梳理,着重分析女性遇虎行孝的数量、类型及对象,进而对这一特殊女孝文本所隐涵的教化目的与性别含义进行探讨。文章指出,兼具凶猛和灵性的"山兽之君"不过是检验女德的一剂良方,以身代亲的行为不仅被着上了道德和功利的双重色彩,而且被用来移孝作忠、移孝守节甚至是移孝替孝,女性只能也必须依赖自己在家庭中所扮演的角色获得更多的道德肯定。  相似文献   

ONE of the many outstanding women in Chinese history is Kong Sizhen - the Han princess who devoted her lite to upholding the 268-year-long Manchu Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Kong Sizhen, daughter of Han general Kong Youde. is immortalized in the name Gongzhufen (tomb of the princess). a district and subway station at the western end of Beijing's Chang'an Avenue. Kong Sizhen was the only woman ever to have been entrusted with the post of chief imperial guard, or to have been given command of troops de fending the southwestern border. Her spirit of self-sacrifice is regarded with similar reverence as that of Joan of Ark of France and Elizabeth I of England.  相似文献   

亲密与伤害:美国家庭暴力中受害妇女的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭暴力是与婚姻关系中的文化观念和权利分配不公平息息相关的。幸运的是,在妇女运动的推动下,世界开始变化。在美国,反对家庭暴力的呼声和行动日益增强,为家庭暴力的受害妇女提供救济的途径越来越多。社会各界开始关注家庭暴力问题,并给妇女权益保护运动提供了强有力的支持。政府也开始意识到家庭暴力问题的严重,通过立法的方式对施暴者严厉制裁,从而维护受害妇女的合法权益。  相似文献   

李秀清 《青年论坛》2010,(4):126-129
托尼·莫里森在《慈悲》一如既往地表达了对女性的关怀,不同于其他作品的是,作者关注的对象除了黑人女性之外,还包括了贫困的白人女性和土著女性等弱势女性群体,挖掘了女性群体受压抑和受损害背后的蓄奴制这一社会根源,在父权文化的背景下,女性或做男人的附庸,或在寻爱的过程中开始女性书写,进行女性主体的建构。  相似文献   

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