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余丰慧 《法人》2009,(1):12-12
补办完“身份证”的中投公司羞涩地亮出了60亿美元的浮亏,两拓合并失败后,中铝公司的80亿美元亏损毫无遮挡。中国平安没有施行它那1500亿元庞大的融资计划,但157亿元的亏损计提已经完成;QDII没肩负中国人海外淘金的使命,1120亿元投资,已现600亿元的浮亏。如果接着往下算,今年海外收购的损失肯定越过2000亿元。  相似文献   

2009年的岁末,我省最大的国有企业——延长石油集团,销售收入首次突破800亿元,提前10天完成了全年奋斗目标。全年实现销售收入806.28亿元,比上年净增184.04亿元、增长29.58%;实现上缴各级财政273.9亿元,比上年净增70.64亿元、增长34.9%。  相似文献   

尚明 《中国法律》2008,(4):24-26,86-90
今年是中国改革开放三十周年.三十年来,改革开放取得了举世瞩目的成就:国内生产总值(GDP)由1978年的3645亿元上升为2007年的246619亿元,经济总量由世界第十位跃至第四位:货物进出口额由1978年的206.4亿美元增长到2007年的21737.8亿美元,位居世界第三。2007年实际利用外商直接投资747.7亿美元,对外直接投资(非金融部分)187亿美元,对外经济合作完成营业额479亿美元。  相似文献   

“十五”期间我国征券市场稳定健康发展,各项改革稳步推进,市场化程度和对外开放水平不断提高,历史遗留问题逐步解决,市场运行基础得到夯实,对国民经济发展的支持促进作用不断显现,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)证券市场规模基本稳定。截至2005年11月底,沪深两市上市公司1381家,总市值31095.16亿元,流通市值10135.70亿元。截至2005年11月底,交易所市场登记债券181只,债券市价总值4177.83亿元。(2)证券市场功能逐渐完善。2001年初至2005年11月底,通过股票市场筹资合计为6891.22亿元。其中境内市场筹资3983.16亿元,境外市场筹资2908.06亿元。股票印花税为796.14亿元。  相似文献   

河北敬业集团是一家以钢铁为主业,兼营化工、酒店的跨行业集团公司。现有员工1万余名,总资产75亿元,已形成铁、钢、材各350万吨的规模,在全国500强企业中名列295位,在河北省百强企业中排第9名,是石家庄市民营企业第一利税大户。2006年产值达到129个亿,上缴税收5个亿。2007年销售收入可达150个亿,上缴税收4个亿。  相似文献   

刘毅 《刑警与科技》2005,(4B):67-72
一项资料显示,“十五”期间,全国城乡住宅累计竣工面积将达57亿平方米,其中城镇为27亿平方米,农村为30亿平方米。2005年城镇居民人均住宅建筑面积将增至22平方米。如按“十五”期间城镇住宅竣工计划的半数实现智能化计算,则用于智能化系统的投资就可达810亿元。一项调查分析,2003年中国智能建筑市场规模已达300亿元,而且仍在以年均35%的增幅高速成长,预计到2007年市场规模可达l000亿元,2009年达1800亿元。智能建筑服务市场规模也正急骤上升,到2007年约占智能建筑市场的3%,即30亿元,2009年将占到5%,服务市场总规模达90亿元。  相似文献   

日本财务省2005年10月7日公布了各国外汇储备额,中国内地与香港的外汇储备总额首次超过日本跃居世界首位。根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)发布的6月底国际比较基准计算,中国内地和香港的外汇储备总额为8379亿美元,超过了日本的8340亿美元。根据中国央行的统计,今年上半年中国外汇储备增加1011美元,同比多增337亿美元。六月份,中国外汇储备增加200亿美元,同比多增80亿美元。而据香港金融管理局不久前亦宣布,香港于今年八月底的官方外汇储备资产为1223亿美元。  相似文献   

江舟 《政府法制》2008,(21):54-55
原海南华银公司负责人、大连证券公司董事长石雪,贪污2.6亿元,挪用公款近1.2亿元,另外伪造金融凭证企图诈骗央行14亿元、非法集资24亿元……面对这天文般的数字,人们不禁要问——“中国金融第一素”何以发生?  相似文献   

据《中国酒患调查》显示:全国“破过酒戒”的人不少于8亿,其中“喝酒成瘾”的酒民接近2亿;每年产酒380亿公斤,喝掉300亿斤。  相似文献   

柞水县小岭工业区管理委员会在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在相关部门和乡镇的大力支持配合下。按照县党代会、人代会精神。以全面完成工业产值36.43亿元。工业增加值13亿元,招商引资签约3.4亿元,到位资金1亿元,实施总投资8.33亿元的6个重点项目和5个重大前期项目为目标。狠抓落实。团结拼搏,各项工作实现了新突破。  相似文献   

"Business spending on the Internet marketing and sales and services will increase to more than $300 billion in year 2002. Internet commerce or the purchase of goods and services over the Internet, will near $250 billion by that year."  相似文献   

伍洲奇 《法人》2020,(4):51-53,4
瑞幸爆雷,市场哗然。4月2日晚,瑞幸咖啡(Nasdaq:LK)自曝:发现公司首席运营官刘剑涉嫌财务造假,牵涉约22亿元交易额。当晚,美股开盘后瑞幸咖啡股价当即雪崩,一度暴跌逾84%,最终收跌7.57%,报6.4美元,市值蒸发超300亿元人民币。业界人士断定,瑞幸破产是大概率事件。  相似文献   

In 2005, the Central Bank of Nigeria introduced a programme of reforms which created a new minimum paid‐up capital for all banks, from two billion Naira to 25 billion Naira; with a compliance deadline of 31 December 2005. This reduced the number of banks operating in Nigeria from 89 to what is now the 25 mega banks. However, the process equally threw up a major legal issue in terms of the impact on the bank‐customer relationship. This article analyses the new reforms, their implications for the banker–customer relationship and concludes with proposals towards better achieving the objectives of the reforms.  相似文献   

Russia Tomorrow     
A well-known banker uttered a paradoxical thought: not only did we believe that Russia was somehow unique, a country with the potential for a wondrous transformation not governed by general economic laws, but we were evidently able to convince our Western partners of the same point. For this reason, in 1996 and 1997 they invested large sums of money in the Russian economy—approximately $20 billion in short-term treasury bonds (GKOs) and federal loan bonds (OFZs) alone. They also invested in Eurobonds, as well as pouring money into the stock exchange and bond market. Altogether these sums total $25-26 billion. Direct capital investments were also made.  相似文献   

Trafficking in women and children for purposes of sexual exploitation increases annually, generating an estimated 7 billion to 12 billion dollars a year. Although Ukraine supports international initiatives opposing trafficking and imposes criminal penalties for those responsible, only a few non-governmental organizations have been successful in searching for and rehabilitating victims. Government instability, poor public health, and high unemployment rates in Ukraine distract government resources that could be directed at the trafficking problem and reducing the hopelessness of many Ukrainian women who turn to the sex industry for work. The goal of this study was to examine legislation and law enforcement practices in Ukraine that have been unsuccessful thus far, and suggests meaningful prevention possibilities and intervention opportunities.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(228):53176-53177
The Federal allotments of +2.5 billion to States for social services under Section 2003 of the Social Security Act (Act) which were published in the Federal Register November 26, 1982 (47 FR 53502) were based upon the authorization set forth in Section 2003 of the Act at that time and were contingent upon Congressional appropriations actions for the fiscal year. Public Law 98-135, enacted October 24, 1983, amended Section 2003 of the Act, by increasing the authorization to +2.7 billion for Fiscal Year 1984 and each succeeding fiscal year. The allocation of this authorized amount for Fiscal Year 1984 is shown in Column 1 of the table below, and it too is contingent upon Congressional appropriations actions. Public Law 98-139, enacted October 13, 1983 appropriates +2.675 billion for allocation to the States under Section 2003 of the Act for Fiscal Year 1984. The allocation of this appropriated amount is shown in Column 2 of the table below. Accordingly, the promulgation made in 47 FR 53502, November 26, 1982, is rescinded and the promulgation, as revised, is set forth in Column 2 of the table below.  相似文献   

In 2009 the Australian National Broadband Network (NBN) began to be rolled out across Australia. The Australian NBN is the largest infrastructure project in Australia's history since the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme from 1949 to 1972 and it has a projected cost of between AU$37 billion and AU$43 billion. Its purposes are to provide high speed broadband connectivity to 93% of Australia's homes and businesses, to enhance productivity, to improve the delivery of education, tele-medicine and regional connectivity and to form the basis of the Australian telecommunications network for the 21st Century. However, the project does not have bi-partisan support and has been affected by high-level management changes and anticipated cost over-runs.  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - Globally, 3 billion people are without access to modern fuels or technologies for cooking/heating, 900 million people lack...  相似文献   

Senator Michael Kirby's committee says that the federal government should invest $6.5 billion more each year. It calls for the establishment of new national programs to pay for catastrophic drug costs and to expand home and palliative care.  相似文献   

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