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城市环境趋向好转,农村环境不断恶化这种二元趋势的凸现,提出了我国的城乡环境不正义问题。城乡环境不正义问题的出现,不仅与我国城市中心主义环境法制有关,更与我国农民实质自由严重匮缺相联系。走向城乡环境正义,不仅要消解我国环境法制中的城市中心主义,更要实现城乡居民在政治、经济与社会权利上的平等,并对农民权利实现的保障机制作出制度安排。  相似文献   

城乡环境正义的失衡是城乡二元社会结构体制的必然结果,从法律的效率价值视角思考城乡正义,这种城乡环境差异具有一定的合理性和历史必然性,当这种差异越过一定度时,城乡环境立法就要向法的正义价值回归。城乡环境正义的纠偏不能脱离环境效率价值的掣肘,我国新《环境保护法》对农村环境保护的目标期待能否实现、如何实现,关键在于农村环境保护的法律实施能否抓住效率这个核心,高效配置和利用农村环保资源,实现农村环境保护的根本改观。  相似文献   

尹大奎  韩大元 《法学家》2003,(6):154-160
通过法律调整追求和实现正义是现代法治的基本目标.由于社会结构的多元化和文化的传统,法的理想与社会生活,尤其是法律制度之间也存在冲突与矛盾.本文研究了这种冲突产生原因与解决方法.  相似文献   

苏红义 《法治与社会》2008,(2):I0004-I0005
旬邑县是我省新农村建设“十大红旗”单位,为全省乃至西部经济欠发达地区社会主义新农村建设做出了典范,提供了经验。目前,旬邑县立足于更高的目标定位和更强的发展导向,打破城乡“二元”结构,跳出单纯的“三农”模式,着力实施城乡规划一体化、基础设施一体化、公共服务一体化、社会管理一体化、现代农业和新型工业一体化工程,全面推动新农村建设和城乡一体化发展进程。  相似文献   

王诗文 《法制与社会》2013,(22):215-217
农村社会工作要坚持助人自助的理念,从工作方法与主体方面推进自身的社会化,同时为农民增权,完善农民就业方式,提高他们货币支付能力,引导他们参与农村社区建设,帮助社会化小农进入正常的社会化轨道,推进农村社会化进程。农村社会工作的开展,不仅要解决微观的社会问题,还要突破以往限于农村社区的局限,提升到宏观格局,促进城乡一体化,改善城乡关系,提高农村社会工作的可持续性。  相似文献   

近年来,县委、县政府围绕"一突三创一推进"目标,全力实施宝鸡市委、市政府"突破蔡家坡"的重大战略,大力推进新型工业化、农业产业化、旅游生态化、城乡一体化步伐,全县经济和社会保持了快速健康发展的良好势头。2006年,全县生产总值达到51.3亿元,比上年增长15.3%,同比增长39%;农民人  相似文献   

“司法能动主义”是舶来品,而“司法能动论”则是司法能动主义结合中国国情的产物,尽管后者被赋予了不少“新意”和“引申义”,但客观地说,这也是文化接受与传播过程中一种不可避免的现象.从法文化的深层渊源看,我国属于“大陆法系”国家,法官奉行“司法克制”的传统,从而大大抑制了“司法能动”的空间,但社会生活的快速变化与成文法废、改、立的滞后性这一矛盾又会呼唤“司法能动”的出场,以弥补法律的缺陷,达到实质正义的目标.这就为司法能动在大陆法系国家司法实践中的存在提供了一席之地.司法能动是司法克制前提下的能动,不是盲动妄动;司法克制又包容了司法能动的合理空间,不是对法律条文的僵化固守.两者追求的目标是相同的,即正义的实现、人权的彰显.  相似文献   

陈婷 《法制与社会》2010,(13):210-211
党的十七大报告提出了“统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”的战略目标。在这一目标的指引下,全国各地新农村建设知火如茶的展开了,在经济快速发展的过程中,农民的权益维护能否得到法律支持是至关重要的。农民是否需要法律服务?现行法律服务体系是否能满足农民需求?如何构建较为完善的农村法律服务体系?  相似文献   

李光明 《江淮法治》2009,(13):26-27
说身边的人讲身边的事,拿身边的事教育身边的人。“五五”普法以来,郎溪县充分利用乡村本土人力资源,发掘基层法律人才,激发农民群众参与普法的热情,创造性地提出了组建“农民普法讲习会”,将普法队伍建在农民群众之中,根据农民的法律需求,有针对性地开展法制宣传教育,协助村组化解矛盾纠纷,引导和推进群众开展法制自我教育和自我服务,促进了农民法律素质的提高和乡村社会稳定。  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展是解决“三农”问题、建设社会主义新农村的有效途径,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要,也是践行科学发展观的必然要求。党的十七届三中全会对新形势下推进农村改革发展的若干重大问题作出了决定,明确提出统筹城乡经济社会发展,建立促进城乡经济社会发展一体化制度,从根本上破除导致城乡二元结构的制度基础,扭转城乡差距扩大的趋势,促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收,开启中国农村发展改革的崭新时代。  相似文献   

The built environment and the organisation of public spaces reflect the normative notions of male and female. Public toilets, amongst other widely common public spaces, underline these two opposing concepts and challenge the presence of transgender. Within the boundaries of public toilets, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals become a crucial point of debate, scrutiny and controversy. Analysing the politics of such gender-segregated space, this article explores the notion of uniformity and challenges the idea of single-ness as the absolute expression of the self.  相似文献   

Crime Measures and the Spatial Analysis of Criminal Activity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Measuring the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Police Proactivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


To measure where officers engage in proactive, self-initiated activities, how much time they spend being proactive, and whether their proactive activities coincide with crime patterns.


This study uses Andresen’s Spatial Point Pattern Test to compare the spatial similarity between police proactivity and crime, as well as regression modeling to explore the relationship between proactivity and crime and the time spent on proactivity and crime.


In the jurisdiction examined, high levels of proactivity are noted. This proactive activity is more likely to occur in places where crime is most concentrated. Additionally, the number of proactive calls and the proactive time spent per crime-and-disorder call remain high and stable across spatial scales. For each crime call received at a street block, police initiated 0.7 proactive activities and spent approximately 28 min carrying out proactive works.


This study develops a way of measuring proactive activity by patrol officers using calls for service data. We find that not only do officers in this jurisdiction exhibit higher levels of proactivity to prevent crime (compared to reacting to crime), but they also do so in targeted, micro-place ways. Agencies may consider using similar techniques to gauge the levels of proactivity in their agencies if proactive activity is a goal.

以空间视角推动流域治理是现代环境治理的必然要求。基于当前流域法治存在流域立法未能体现流域空间诉求、流域规划缺乏流域空间整体统筹、流域空间管理存在体制性障碍等空间失语现象,需要按照"价值遵循—治理工具—组织基础"的分析框架,确立流域空间高质量发展的目标,坚持"人—地—水"和谐的流域空间法治基本理念,遵循整体统筹与分区管治相结合、目标引领与底线约束相结合、利益配置均衡与权责关系明晰相结合的基本原则,在此基础上通过流域立法、规划、管理体制、协调机制的改革、调整和完善系统推进流域空间法治进程。  相似文献   

The regionality of crime has been presented, debated, and questioned for over a centruy of this Nation’s history, usually involving a segmental approach to crime rates or treating the various crime rates separate from one another. This paper, using states as a real unit of analysis, develops two general crime dimensions using discriminant function analysis. These two dimensions, based upon complete estimation, demonstrate the discriminating power of crime profiles in assessing regionality. Also, region as an independent variable is shown to possess strong explanatory power regarding crime patterns. Although crime viewed at the state and regional level is highly generalized, it does draw attention to spatial and temporal consistencies in the general crime pattern. This level of analysis and this paper allows a greater understanding about the country and integrates available information on crime variations within our society. Finally, implications of this study for the current criminal justice system in the united States are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):543-564

Spatial variation in crime rates generally has been attributed to differences in culture, economic status, and the social organization of communities. Rarely have policies and practices of criminal justice professionals been examined as causes of this variation. If these policies and practices do place citizens at a higher risk of victimization, a sense of fairness requires that all communities in a region share equally in this increase. This article examines the spatial justice resulting from sentencing practices in Pennsylvania. It demonstrates that certain locations in Philadelphia bear an unequal burden because of these practices. The relatively high crime rates of these areas are due partly to decisions made by criminal justice professionals.  相似文献   

This study examines neighborhood economic improvement, what is occurring in nearby neighborhoods, and the consequences for neighborhood crime rates. Negative binomial regression models are estimated to explain the relationship between the increase in average home values (a component of gentrification) and crime in Los Angeles between 1990 and 2000. We find that the spatial context is important, as gentrifying neighborhoods located on the “frontier” of the gentrification process have significantly more aggravated assaults than gentrifying neighborhoods surrounded by neighborhoods also undergoing improvement. Furthermore, this effect is stronger in neighborhoods that began the decade with the highest average home values. Our findings indicate that the extent to which neighborhoods are more or less embedded in a larger process of economic improvement, and where the neighborhood is at in the economic development process, has differential effects on neighborhood crime.  相似文献   

The Optimal Classification method is applied to a newly created data set to provide a spatial map of the Italian Second Republic (1996–2008). A bi-dimensional political space was found in the XIII Legislature and virtually a one-dimensional political space in the XIV and XV Legislatures. In addition, the main dimension is explained along the government–opposition dimension rather than on the traditional left–right dimension. During the Second Republic, Italy experienced changes in the electoral system and in the format of parties. The data are used to discuss the implications of either change on the dimensionality space. It was found that the format of the party system was a more important determinant of the dimensionality of the political space than changes in the electoral system.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Criminology - The aim of this study was to explore the influence of “micro-” (e.g., pubs and fast-food restaurants) and “super-facilities” on area...  相似文献   

A total of 90 images of male cranes from different groups of horizontal profiling (120 +/- 10 degrees, 140 +/- 10 degrees, 160 +/- 10 degrees) were studied in experiment with the coordinate-controlled complex for turning angle (from the position full face to the right and left by 14 degrees with spacing 2 degrees). Each image was marked according to the system of 18 control points. Precision of the angle fixation was 0.1 degrees. Calculation of the angles of horizontal profiling and turning of the crane were made according to a specially devised program INPUTTING. Statistic processing of the computer data base made it possible to calculate precision rates of marking points and regression equation describing the pattern of cranial control points in turning. It is shown that presicion of the turning angle estimation with reference to horizontal profiling is much higher than without it. Basing on the data obtained a method of zeroing of coordinates of the control points (placing in position for correct scaling of the objects of craniofacial identification) was devised. The method allows greater reliability of the results of personal craniofacial identification.  相似文献   

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