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The research focused on identifying the rules or norms of positive law, relating to Article 64 paragraph (3) letter a of Act No.23 of 2002 carried through rehabilitation efforts, both within the institution and outside the institution. The treatment between the rights of offenders and the rights of victims is equal in the criminal justice system. Positive in criminal law today is more emphasis on the protection of non-physical rehabilitation of order been done "in abstracto" or indirectly acoords legal system in Indonesia embraces the Civil Law svstem,  相似文献   

Domestic relations courts continue to experience large caseloads. As the volume of cases in which families are in crisis continues to grow, policy makers, practitioners, judges, and attorneys struggle to meet the growing demand and seek more effective ways to address the needs and issues of those who are engaged in child custody processes. The present study provides an examination of parent attitudes concerning various aspects of the legal process and preferences concerning a variety of court‐based family services and interventions.  相似文献   

Typically, community legal education projects are ad hoc efforts where attorneys, law students, paralegals, or community organizers present how‐to workshops, develop manuals, or lead informational or training sessions for other attorneys, advocates, or members of the community. However, community education efforts can also promote and encourage public awareness, community engagement, and advocacy. This essay explores why community legal education efforts are needed and particularly well suited for youth transitioning out of foster care, and examines a specific community legal education effort that is being implemented with and on behalf of foster youth transitioning out of New Jersey's foster care system. The hope is that by studying this example, others may learn from it and be inspired to replicate it, as part of a state's or a community's overall effort to aid, empower, and engage foster youth.  相似文献   

After the policy on the local autonomy is implemented, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers has not yet been able to improve wellfare of farmers, due to some factors. First, the regulations have not taken sides to the welfare of the farmers and no synchronization exists, even there has been a disharmony in various regulations on the protection of the sugar cane farmers. Second, the farmers institutions have not been well organized, and this condition makes the bargaining position of the farmers weak when they face external powers, either the government or the capital owners. Third, land availability to plan sugar canes always decreases. The land possession of farmers is reduced among the macro-economic phenomenon. Ironically, at present 49.5% of farmers in Java and 18. 7 % farmers out of Java are not land owners. Therefore, philosophically, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers in the future should still refer to the rechtides as stated in Pancasila (Five Basic Principles). Sociologically, such a protection should reflect the factual condition, and give benefits for farmer welfare and juridically, synchronization and harmonization of the regulations should be quickly made.  相似文献   

This note addresses the process by which lawyers must determine their role and responsibilities with regard to a child-client. The authors engage in an analysis of current standards, such as AAML, ABA, Fordham Conference. and Jean Koh Peters, by employing a case study.which was modeled after an actual case that was being handled by the Hofstra University School of Law Child Advocacy Clinic. The case study is then applied to the four current standards and to the ethical standards proposed by The Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the Quebec Bar Association's findings.  相似文献   

Depositors and debtors are inherent in banking as an intermediationinstitution. The banking law has not given enough guarantee for banks to do their intermediation function, especially debtors need some protection in their transactions with banks from the pre-to post-transactions. The legal issue of this present research is a just legal protection of depositors and debtors in the banking law.  相似文献   

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