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甄真 《学理论》2012,(14):17-18
面对当前社会转型期出现的诸如道德滑坡等现象,道德法律化便随之被提出并不断加以论证。然而,倘若一切违背公序良俗的现象都用法律的手段加以解决,其后果也许只能是泛法律化。因此,明确道德与法律的界限,认清道德要求法律化的危害,具有重要的特殊的意义。  相似文献   

胡珊 《学理论》2014,(20):122-123
我国当前道德的发展,体现出多元化、宽容性和利益化的特征,总的趋势是在多元发展的基础上、在经济发展的同时,不断得到提高和改善。道德与法律作为调节社会关系、约束人的行为的两种规范,存在于各自不同的领域;由于各种社会矛盾的复杂性,两者之间也出现"越界"和交融。如何把握法律与道德之间的契合点,剖析背后深层原因,强化政府职能才是更加值得关注的议题。  相似文献   

法律经济学是当代最具影响力的法学思潮之一,其运用经济学的实证方法,分析了法律与道德的制度共存、相互支撑和功能互补等共存与律动关系,提供了一种解析法律与道德关系的崭新而又具体形象的理论智识和研究方法,对我们深入理解和正确处理法治与德治的关系具有重要的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

道德与法律的关系是伦理学、法学与哲学发展的一个重要问题。社会主义道德与法律的关系问题是马克思主义学说的重要组成部分。“依法治国”和“以德治国”不是并列的、对立的,不能互相替代,而是互相促进、互相渗透、互为补充的。从某种意义上说,道德可以防患于未然,而法律总是事后诸葛亮,但惟其是事后诸葛亮,才能够亡羊补牢,以儆效尤。  相似文献   

在政治文明视野中,道德与法律之间表现出多层次、多维度的复杂关系,具体表现为:在政治价值上,道德与法律是本体与作用的关系;在政治规范上,法律与道德是主体与辅助的关系;在政治素质上,道德与法律是“灵魂”与“形体”的关系;在政治发展上,法律与道德是基础与提升的关系。  相似文献   

我国经济生活中交易道德的失范,不仅扰乱了市场秩序,造成了巨大的经济损失,冲击了社会成员的道德信念,破坏了人们之间的信任关系,而且在国际贸易中降低了我国的公信力,破坏了中国形象。因此,在新时代新发展阶段,谋求人民的美好生活和民族的伟大复兴,亟须加强交易道德建设。富有成效的交易道德建设,需要坚持法治与德治相结合的原则,实行内规与外治的有机结合,尤其需要发挥好法律的惩恶扬善作用,为交易伦理秩序的形成提供法律保障。  相似文献   

中国现存的法律解释体制将法律解释权集中于不参与司法实践的有权者手中,使得司法审判的主体——法官在处理法律解释问题上处于一种尴尬地位,严重违背了法律解释是为了更有效地适用法律的目的。通过法官解释法律的现实依据、本质特征、矛盾及矛盾分析、前景四方面对法官在司法过程中的法律解释进行分析,并由此确定法官解释法律的地位。  相似文献   

二战后,一系列关于告密者如何处罚的难题引发了了人们对于道德与法律关系的广泛争论。因循哈特与富勒的足迹,运用法哲学的分析方法,探讨道德在法律中的作用及其局限性,以及实证主义法学提倡的道德与法律分离所走入的歧途,在保障基本人权的前提下可有效解决道德与法律关系中的难题。  相似文献   

融合——道德与法律的终极价值追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐晓勇 《学理论》2009,(32):84-85
法律与道德是规范人们行为的两大社会约束机制,追求融合是道德与法律的终极价值目标,也是人们不断探索法律与道德关系的内在动力和思想源泉。同源、同行和同归的内在逻辑联系为法律与道德的融合提供了内在逻辑切合点。根据社会法制建设进程的需要,结合我国的社会的客观实际,从理念、机制、立法因素等方面来寻求法律与道德融合的有效途径是社会发展的必然要求,更是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求。  相似文献   

李映 《学理论》2009,(29):215-216
见义勇为是中华民族古老的传统美德之一,孔子曰:“见义不为,无勇也。”①这一品德和行为在现代社会仍十分重要,也是社会应大力弘扬和提倡的。但是随着经济转轨、社会转型的时代变化,人们的思想、人际关系、社会风气等都产生了巨大变化,导致人际关系的淡漠化和物质化,正义和道德崇尚的缺失,见义勇为成为一个极为沉重的社会话题。针对学生思想中的一些不同认识,我们在教育中要把握三个问题:第一,见义勇为是公民社会责任感的体现;第二,要健全和完善有关见义勇为方面的法律法规;第三,把法律衡量和道德评价结合起来。  相似文献   

王宏璎  王存河 《学理论》2010,(27):252-253
法学专业的实践教学一直是法学教育的核心问题,近几年来各个高校一直在探索着教学过程中的实践方案。本文认为全方位的仿真练习和每门课程的实践练习是法学实践教学的有效方案。  相似文献   

法制是传统中国政治的重要组成部分,但严格执法却做得不够,甚至不大讲究。问题在于:传统中国是君主专制国家,奉行人治、礼治而非法治,其间阻抗严格执法的因素很多。主要表现为:法自君出,而君权无限,君、臣常漠视成法;德主刑辅,礼法冲突时,则屈法伸礼;法律虚无,狱吏位卑,舞文弄法、出入人罪;立法技术上的一些问题也使成法难守易破。这些因素共同作用,严格执法不仅难,而且无法克服。这使法律缺乏应有的威信与尊严,其消极影响是现代法治建设应当着力避免的。  相似文献   

加强实践教学管理提高实践教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张煜  果建华  马岩茹 《学理论》2010,(16):251-252
重点针对目前高等院校实践教学环节存在的主要问题,提出了如何转变教育思想观念,进一步加强实践教学环节的组织与管理,最大限度地利用好各种教学资源,提高实践教学的质量。  相似文献   

Advocating more repressive law and order policies along the slogan ‘tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime’ in their election manifesto, Tony Blair in the United Kingdom and Gerhard Schröder in Germany were elected in the late 1990s. Once in power, however, only New Labour substantially toughened law and order policies, whereas the German Social Democrats did not change the legal status quo, to a similar extent, during their mandate. This article tackles this puzzle, arguing that the preferences of the ministers and the formal and informal rules shaping the balance of power in government are crucial to understanding why two governments that initially advocated similar policies adopted a rather different policy stance. The results are based on meticulous process tracing and a series of elite interviews concerning two major topics in the realm of law and order during the 1990s: policies directed at sexual offenders, and policies responding to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.  相似文献   


Until the late 1980s, European integration was generally said to be based on ‘integration through law’. However, in the 1990s, a group of scholars observed that law seemed to be increasingly challenged and new modes of governance tended to distance themselves from legal integration. They were confronted with another group arguing that the EU was still subject to processes of judicialisation, juridification and Eurolegalism. Against this background, this special issue aims at understanding what triggers normative transformations, be it the hardening or the softening of law, at both EU and national levels. In this introduction, soft and hard law are given a definition based on obligation and enforcement. Then, normative transformations are situated in a framework which makes a distinction between processes, normative levels and political/administrative levels of transformation. Finally, three types of explanations are suggested to help us understand when and why transformations occur.  相似文献   

倪云 《学理论》2009,(11):117-120
诱惑侦查作为应对新型犯罪的有力手段,在我国侦查实践中被广泛的使用,但相应的立法规范却非常缺失,因此,带来一系列的问题。基于法的价值分析,诱惑侦查有确立的必要性,我国应当尽快立法完善诱惑侦查制度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of family law on the structuring of gendered citizenship in Syria where the state's family law accords male and female citizens different legal status, thus ordering the distribution of basic rights and duties along gendered lines. Partial centralization and fragmented secularization of judicial authority relates to the accommodation of religious groups, a policy which was continued after the establishment of territorial states in the 1920s. Family law maintained its religious tenets and was included as part of the state's jurisdiction. The impact of family law on citizenship is exacerbated in that membership in religious groups is mandated and monitored by the state. Citizenship is thus mediated through a citizen's membership in a religious group where the religiously based family law applies as state law. Seen in theoretical terms, family law plays a crucial role in structuring gendered citizenship in ways that limit the legal authority of female citizens as full members of the polity. Two questions are addressed: First, how and why does family law premise gendered citizenship in Syria? Second, what characterizes the debates regarding changes within family law that surfaced after 2003 following the political regime's liberalization efforts?  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening-up, especially in the new century, China's SMEs are rapidly springing up; they have become an important force of pushing China's national economic and social development. The rapid development of SMEs is playing an increasingly important role in stimulating the economy, increasing the state tax revenue, promoting the employment, pushing technological innovation and improving the people's lives. It is full of meaning for Chinese Government to provide a sound law and policy environment for SMEs, including mediating and regulating the behavior of domestic SMEs, promoting and protecting the prosperity of SMEs, if we want to pursue the economic prosperity. This article will analyze the status of the development of China's SMEs, and research on the related policies and laws.  相似文献   

宋琨  郝超  康金燕 《学理论》2009,(4):179-180
医生与患者之间的矛盾被称为“医患矛盾”,医疗体制虽然不断进步完善,但医患矛盾却呈现上升的趋势。本文从医疗单位、医务人员本身和患者三个方面详细地分析了“医患矛盾”产生的原因,并根据现存的问题对“医患矛盾”提出了相应的应对措施和建议,为“医患矛盾”的化解提供了有益的参考路径。  相似文献   


Tracing the history of legal concepts from the decline of European feudalism to the Reformation, this paper examines ways in which the concept of guilt shaped the first evolution of modern law, and it claims that the early revolutionary junctures in the construction of the law were centred around specific and distinctive conceptions of guilt. It argues that, through the history of medieval and early-modern European society, the law learned positively to abstract and account for itself through internally formative exchanges over the subject of guilt, and changes in law's observation of guilt reflected a growing refinement in law's societal sensibility, in its inclusivity, in its patterns of imputation and in its positive powers of self-legitimation. Guilt formed the term around which the law enacted the necessary stages of its social adaptation and produced constructs to underwrite the requirement for general, abstracted and positively inclusive law that constitutes modern society. The ultimate result of guilt's evolution as a legal figure became visible in the fact that the law progressively intensified its positivity and inclusivity, and it amplified the legal and normative resources that it permitted modern societies to store, utilize and reproduce.  相似文献   

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