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人均GDP突破一千美元是推动经济持续增长、社会全面发展的平台,但也可能变为落入经济徘徊、社会动荡的"发展陷阱"的门槛.市场失灵和政府失灵的拉美化现象,已在后发国家成为不受地域限制的流行病.只有认真研究吸取"拉美化"的教训,逐个解决阻碍经济持续发展和社会稳定的矛盾和问题,我国才能稳步的实现和平崛起.  相似文献   

The Only Option     
<正>The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,a vast frontier territory in northwest China,has found no peace in the past several months.On April 23,15 people,including police officers and community workers,lost their lives during an encounter with a local mob in Bachu County.Then,on June 26 and 28,violent riots broke out  相似文献   

Patrick Mendis is a Rajawali senior fellow at the Kennedy School of Government’s Ash Cente for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University and a visiting fellow at Peking University’s School of International Studies.With his book Peaceful War being published in China in Chinese,Beijing Review reporter Bryan Michael Galvan sa down with Mendis and talked about his vision for China and its relations with the rest of the world.Excerpts of the interview follow:  相似文献   

Civil mediation contributes to dispute resolution with minimum harm to social relations Yang Jiuzhou,a people’s mediator in Luhe District of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province in east China,has a natural fl air for mediation.When he lived in a village,he used to settle disputes among the villagers and his effi ciency earned him their trust.  相似文献   

在当今以一些西方大国强权利益为基础而建立起来的国际政治、经济秩序的前提下,在错综复杂的国际环境中,中国将如何走一条和平发展道路呢?我认为中国必须坚持如下三条基本对外方针才能使自己立于不败之地:  相似文献   

A gathering to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the issuing of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan was held in Beijing on January 2,where President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech.An edited report by Xinhua News Agency on the event follows:  相似文献   

从孙中山的和平统一思想到两岸和平发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家和平统一思想是孙中山留给我们的最为珍贵的重要精神财富,成为我们两岸中国人共同的追求和责任.中国共产党和国民党基于对中华民族根本利益和两岸同胞福祉的关切,共同构建了两岸和平稳定发展的框架,共同开创海峡两岸和平、和解、和谐、合作之路,使两岸关系的发展出现了又一个春天.  相似文献   

Bilateral negotiations are the ultimate way to resolve the South China Sea territorial disputes between China and some Southeast Asian countries, said a recent China News Service article bylined Lu Yang.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

邓小平在新的历史条件下对和平共处五项原则作了进一步阐发 ,为其广泛推行做出了重要贡献。他指出 :和平共处五项原则是处理国与国之间关系的最好的方式 ;应以此为基础同所有国家从容地发展关系 ;以此为准则建立国际政治经济新秩序 ;和平共处五项原则最具有强大生命力。  相似文献   

<正>In 2015,which marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,Asian countries that suffered under Imperial Japan’s expansionism will call for international justice with one voice,demanding Japan take a responsible stance by acknowledging its past militarism.Early this year,U.S.Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert and spokespersons of the U.S.Department of State stated publicly that they hope Japanese Prime Minister  相似文献   

In his speech at the UN Office at Geneva four years ago,President Xi Jinping raised two critical questions:What has happened to the world and how should we respond?To this day,these questions remain valid.The world is undergoing a bevy of changes,many of them unseen in the past century.The novel coronavirus disease is yet to be contained and humans are standing at a crossroads,faced with some tough choices.Cooperation or confrontation?Openness or isolation?  相似文献   

General Secretary Hu Jintao set forth six guidelines for the peaceful development of the relations across the Taiwan Straits at the Forum Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Issuance of the Message to Our Compatriots in Taiwan. The six guidelines constitute a collected, systematic and complete exposition of the framework, prospects, structure, path, motivation, conditions, and internal relations of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations; the relation between peaceful development and peaceful reunification; and the strategic conception of and tactical require ments for peaceful development, and they put the ongoing progress of the peaceful develop ment of cross-Straits relations on track.  相似文献   

SPACE has become more and more woven into our daily lives:Satellites that orbit the earth send and receive signals and data that are used for Internet communication.Satellites also produce the GPS networks that allow us to navigate our streets,pinpoint our locations,and monitor our weather.Meanwhile the introduction of 5G capability will substantially increase the speed of the Internet andthe Internet of things propelled by artificial intelli-gence and the rise of big data.  相似文献   

<正>This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.A series of activities such as exhibitions and seminars were held for commemorative purposes,culminating in a military parade in Beijing on September 3,the Victory Memorial Day.Representatives from foreign countries and international organizations  相似文献   

对于"和平崛起"理论,我们不少人主要从外交政策和国际关系的角度去认识.其实,如果我们在理论探讨中忽视和平发展与执政党能力建设关系的问题,没有从理论上认识清楚执政党合法性的来源及其维护的问题,无法提出一套关于在和平发展环境下执政党建设的长效机制的话,就会影响国家的和平与发展.  相似文献   

两岸和平协议是两岸关系和平发展的最重要标志,现阶段海峡两岸仍然难以商签和平协议。两岸和平协议实质上是国家统一前的过渡性协议,“一中框架”是其政治前提。海峡两岸的认知差异应当通过协商谈判的方式获得合情合理的解决,采取灵活方式,循序渐进地解决相关问题,包括程序性问题与实质性问题。  相似文献   

胡沫 《桂海论丛》2006,22(3):55-57
和平崛起战略的实施,一方面使我国综合国力稳步提升,国际影响力与日俱增,国家政治安全系数增大;另一方面,也给我国国家政治安全带来了挑战。正确认识并积极应对这些挑战,是我们能否抓住这个重要的战略机遇,以巩固国家政治安全、实现中华民族的伟大复兴和昌盛的重要前提。  相似文献   

<正>I.Understanding True Human Rights Humans developed from primates—family living things—and,through long evolutions,finally broke away from the primate habitat and entered civilization.The more humans develop,the deeper the distance between humans and the primate animal world.In the long-term social life of human beings,humans gradually develop a sense of goodness;that is,humans treat other human beings with biological attributes as their own kind.Human beings finally have a sense of kind...  相似文献   

正The Belt and Road Initiative can play a crucial role in the development of theMiddle EastWhen it erupted five years ago,the Arab Spring was expected to bring about massive changes to the political,social and economic systems in the Arab world.However,after series of violent protests,years of civil conflicts and regime changes,the social situation in the region has for the  相似文献   

中共十三届四中全会后 ,以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体根据两岸关系的新形势和台湾岛内出现的新情况 ,提出了发展两岸关系、促进祖国和平统一的新主张 ;制定了加强两岸经贸和人员往来的法律法规 ;采取了遏止“台独”、反对分裂的重大举措 ;提出了按照“三个代表”要求完成祖国统一大业的新思想 ,为解决台湾问题、实现祖国的和平统一作出了新的重要贡献。  相似文献   

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