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CHINA'S three most visited cities each offer a distinct experience: Beijing is the central witness of the creation and growth of the People's Republic, Shanghai is the nation's pulsating 21 st century metropolis, while Xi'an is China's living monu- ment to the country's ancient past.  相似文献   

China has a huge tourism market,and scenic areas throughout the country are vying for a piece of the action in hopes of boosting tourism revenue and developing service industry. Hefei,capital of central China's Anhui Province,is no exception.Picturesque Yellow Mountain has always been a main attraction for visitors to Anhui,but the province now has much more to offer.  相似文献   

FOR Chinese people, South China is synonymous with grace and romance. Depictions of the South in many grand poems of the Tang and Song dynasties - the golden period of classical Chinese poetry and prose - ensure successive generations of young Chinese continue to read and dream about the region’s easy charm. The South’s starlets are Hangzhou and Suzhou, whose myriad lakes and gardens embody the region’s delicate beauty. But Zhenjiang City, sitting at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal in Jiangsu Province,  相似文献   

In the past decade,the proportion of China’s urban population has increased 3.2 percent annually,giving it the fastest urbanization rate in the world. Of the global cities whose population exceeds 500,000,236 of them,or one quarter of the world’s stock,are in China. Construction projects in cities are reducing the architectural remnants of their traditional culture. The impulses that drive urbanization and modernization seem to contradict the values associated with cultural preservation. What is China’s approach to this dilemma? With this question China Today interviewed Lü Pintian,a researcher with the Chinese National Academy of Arts and a member of the National Experts Committee for Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage. As a veteran scholar on Chinese culture and arts,Lü Pintian champions mastery of all forms of cultural expression,believing the arts to be the touchstone of social culture and ecological balance. He advocates "reinvigorating handicrafts and activating folklore" as basic tactics for protecting China’s intangible cultural heritage. His academic works have won much acclaim.  相似文献   

THE bow and arrow craftsmanship of the Ju Yuan Hao workshop in Beijing was recognized as one of China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritages in 2006.It was among the first cultural traditions to be given the title.At the time,48-year-old Yang Fuxi was one of the few master craftsmen remaining adept at traditional Chinese bow and arrow construction.Yang’s workshop,called Ju Yuan Hao for generations,produces some of the more complex bow and arrow designs of ancient China.Creating them today still requires many hours of  相似文献   

WHAT the Chinese generalize as "ta." or "tower" for the convenience of cross-cultural communication, has its origins in the Indian "stupa," which means "tomb mound" in Sanskrit. Nowadays, a "ta" can refer to a tower, a pagoda, a stupa, or anything like them. The iconic Buddhist brick-and-mortar architecture of the ta was adopted by China in the first century when Buddhism crossed the border from India.  相似文献   

SOME Americans regard human rights as a critical issue in China-U.S. relations. Considering the different national conditions, history, cultures, social systems and developmental stages of China and the U.S., it’s quite normal that divergence or even friction about human rights arises between them. China welcomes well-intentioned advice, but resolutely opposes countries trying to interfere with her internal affairs under the pretext of protecting human rights  相似文献   

FROM September 14 to 16, 2011, more than 1,600 officials, economists and entrepreneurs from 90 countries and regions worldwide gathered in Dalian, China, for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos. They held nearly 100 discussions on topics including the development of Chinese and global economy, the low-carbon economy, new measuring index of growth, and intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

HENRY Kissinger’s latest book, On China, an ambitious combination of his memoirs as a professional diplomat and his understanding of Chinese politics, culture and history, attempts to f it Chinese leaders’ strategic intentions and diplomatic approaches into a historical and cultural framework. Opening with a look into the deep past, the book discusses the important in uence of Confu  相似文献   

"我在故宫门外徘徊了两年,终于在农工党中央的支持下走进了故宫。虽然无法完整地看到藏于地宫的11000件有关徽班进宫演出的资料,但300件影印本已经让我们对徽班这一非物质文化遗产有了更深的了解,真是不虚此行啊!"全国政协委员、农工党中央文体委副主任、安徽省戏剧家协会副会长侯露回望故宫高高的宫墙,感慨万千……目睹徽班文物费尽周折徽班进京是中国历史上重大的文化事件,是满汉文化大交流,在中国戏曲史、文化史上占有重  相似文献   

何欣 《今日民族》2013,(3):21-24
澜沧拉祜族民族文化保护、传承事业蓬勃发展,独具特色的民族文化不仅成为当地对外交流和吸引外地游客的"王牌",而且为民族文化传承保护提供了一个样本。澜沧是全国唯一的拉祜族自治县,也是多民族聚居县。2010年全县总人口491884人,少数民族人口占全县总人口的79%。世居民族有拉祜、汉、佤、哈尼、彝、傣、布朗、回、景颇等。民族文化丰富多彩、源远流长。  相似文献   

Tian Longxin is known today as the "living soul of Tu-jia music" and "leader of aboriginal Tujia tblk music in China." Born in Hunan Province, Tian is fluent in the Tujia language and an expert in Tujia folk music. Having devoted himself to preserving traditional Chinese culture, Tian has amassed a library, of more than 3.8 million char-acters on Tujia folk music and operas. He has also composed tunes and performed many times for international audiences. In 2008, he was recognized as an "inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage."  相似文献   

QI Baishi (1864-1957) is regarded as one of the most renowned Chinese painters of the 20th century. His work Landscape Painting Compilation recently fetched RMB 194 million (US $30.55 million) at the China Guardian 2011 Autumn Auction, the highest priced work at that event. Record-breaking feats are nothing new for this particular work - in 1994 it set a price record for an auctioned Chinese artwork at RMB 5.17 million (US $810,000). Qi Baishi completed Landscape Painting Compilation in the fall of 1931 and presented it as a gift  相似文献   

江南丝竹、黄杨木雕、黄道婆棉纺织技艺、剪纸……这些饱含中国传统文化和精湛技艺的非物质文化遗产,离我们的当代生活既遥远又陌生。然而,在徐汇区长桥街道,居民们不仅可以近距离接触这些“高大上”的作品,不少孩子还利用课余时间刻苦习学、练为特长,化身非遗“小使者”。蔚然成风的“非遗”,正成为百年长桥的文化坐标。  相似文献   

古琴,又称七弦琴,是中国古代历史最悠久、地位最崇高的乐器之一。在古代社会漫长的历史中,“琴、棋、书、画”历来被视为文人雅士修身养性的必由之径。古琴因其清、和、淡、雅的音乐品格寄寓了文人凌风傲骨、超凡脱俗的处世心态而居于琴、棋、书、画之首,也成为中国音乐的灵魂与精髓。2003年,中国古琴被联合国教科文组织宣布为第二批“人类口头和非物质文化遗产代表作”。这表明。有着三千年悠久历史的中国古琴艺术的突出价值再次得到了世界公认。  相似文献   

春节不仅是中国一宗巨大的文化遗产,同时也是世界非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,享受、保护、展示春节文化是中国人的责任与义务,同时也是在为世界传承文化。春节,犹如高悬在民族天幕上的永恒明灯,以其独特的光芒辉映着当代中国社会生活。这样的光芒,对于我们来说光明而温暖。  相似文献   

千灯,位于江苏省昆山市东南部,毗邻上海,紧接苏州。历经2500年岁月流淌,铸就了“古韵今风”、“生态宜居”、“科学协调”的魅力品牌。她钟灵毓秀,人文荟萃,走出了因“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”而声震中华的伟大思想家、爱国学者顾炎武.孕育了“世界人类口述与非物质文化遗产代表作”——昆曲。她经济发达、环境优美,集聚了“国家火炬计划电路板基地”在内的众多优良产业、  相似文献   

<正>台州乱弹是现存中国戏曲中历史最悠久、演出形态最古老、剧目最丰富、表演艺术最具特色的剧种之一,被誉为中国戏剧的"活化石"。2006年,台州乱弹被国务院列入国家非物质文化遗产保护名录。台州乱弹至今已有400多年的历史,目前由于经济及体制等原因的制约,人才匮乏,优秀演员流失严重,剧团正走向消  相似文献   

基诺族创造出了许多至今还惠泽后世的,主要涉及语言、民间文学、艺术、风俗习惯、传统技艺等方面的非物质文化遗产,成为了中国少数民族非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,为全人类提供了一笔宝贵的精神财富,直到今天这些非物质文化遗产仍然还在发挥着重要的社会、文化、科学、经济等价值和作用。随着基诺族社会历史的发展,在经济全球化相关联的现代生活和外来文化的冲击下,基诺族的一些古老的传统技艺、  相似文献   

正ONE of the strangest claims about China that sometimes appear in the media is that it has a slow growth of consumption and living standards.In reality China has the fastest growth of consumption of any country in the world–whether this is measured only by household consumption or includes government consumption in areas vital for quality of life,such as education and health.Furthermore,indicators show that compared to other countries,China’s quality of life is better than would be expected from its present stage of economic development.First the facts regarding these issues are established and then they will be analyzed.  相似文献   

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