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CHINA'S Three GorgesWater Conservancy Project,with the huge amount ofhydropower it generates, istransforming some of thetraditionally tourist-oriented cities alongthe Yangtze River. Manufacturing isbooming, and Hubei's Yichang City hasseen the birth of a phoenix - the YichangChangjiang Machine Technology Co.,Ltd. (Changjiang Machine).Changjiang Machine rose from theashes of the now defunct ChangjiangMachine Tool Plant. The new company,with its advanced production facilities,occupies…  相似文献   

正Shaxi Town along the centuries-old Silk Road forges a new path in restoration Between two of the best known tourist destinations in southwest China's Yunnan Province,Lijiang and Dali,another ancient town has sat,largely overlooked,for much of the past century.Shaxi,an extraordinarily well-preserved small town in Jianchuan County,houses trea-  相似文献   

Known as the gateway to Guangxi, Wuzhou has long been a significant trade hub in southern China. It became a trade port in 1897 and a customs office was built in the same year. Over the next half-century, it became known as a "mini Hong Kong." During the 1930s the Encyclopedia Britannia defined it: "Wuzhou, the largest commercial city in Guangxi."  相似文献   

<正>The dual-track approach emphasizes peace for resolving the South China Sea disputes When it comes to the South China Sea,China aims to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maintain regional stability.Accusations that China is taking advantage of the situation to accelerate its naval buildup in an attempt to control the Western Pacific are unfounded and irresponsible.Parties directly involved in the disputes include China,Viet Nam,the Philippines,Malaysia,Brunei,Indonesia and China’s Taiwan.Therefore,  相似文献   

正FOR China’s policy practice,the Chinese Dream embodies the spirit of international,mutually beneficial cooperation.A corollary of China’s rise and peaceful development is win-win partnership with other countries.The Chinese Dream is the dream of the people,of the nation,and also of the world.After it was elaborated by Chinese President Xi Jinping,some people regard it as the core of China’s national and international discourses.Being an international dream means paying close attention to other countries’interests,rather than exclusively act-  相似文献   

<正>Recycling joint venture utilizes innovative technology to reuse plastics Recycling,despite its green connotations,can be a messy business.In China,more than 400,000 companies are engaged in plastic recycling,but 70 percent of them are family enterprises,  相似文献   

On the 40th anniversary of the normalization of China -U.S. diplomatic relations, a diverse group of diplomats, athletes, entrepreneurs and economists has advocated a more creative approach to resolving trade tension between the two largest economies in the world, with the bottom line that the bilateral relationship had endured in the past and would continue to do so in today's era of greater engagement.  相似文献   

IT was at the beginning of the1950s that Chairman Mao Ze-dong decided to develop heavyindustry in China's northeasternprovinces of Jilin, Heilongjiangand Liaoning. Soon, with the guidanceand supervision of experts from theSoviet Union, a host of automobile,heavy-duty machinery, petrochemicaland other industrial giants were up andrunning in China. The next few decadessaw a prosperous Northeast, as state-owned enterprises provided millions ofjobs, as well as housing for employeesand schoolin…  相似文献   

正Vladimir Putin is elected Russian president for a third term The West and the opposition have denounced him as an "autocrat." But many Russians regard him as the hero of Russia and are crazy about him. Vladimir Putin declared victory in  相似文献   

正Since the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as general secretary has led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups of the country in the new journey of opening-up and modern construction.Chinese people benefit more prac-  相似文献   

解放思想、更新观念是实现大开发、大发展的前提条件。我国改革开放 2 0多年的经验充分证明 ,解放思想既是改革的先导 ,也是改革的突破口。解放思想的精髓在于创新 ,只有打破僵化、落后、保守的思想观念 ,树立适应社会主义市场经济发展的新观念 ,才能最大限度地解放生产力 ,才能实现经济的大发展。  相似文献   

<正>Reading has somewhat dwindled as a habit in China.The number of books per capita annually read in the Middle Kingdom has remained under five for several consecutive years,a sum far lower than that of Japan,South Korea and many Western countries.The inadequate level of reading of the Chinese has caught the attention of the Central Government.At a press conference in March,Premier Li Keqiang noted  相似文献   

正Kishida unlikely to improve Sino-Japanese ties On October 4, Fumio Kishida replaced Yoshihide Suga as Japan's prime minister. In his inauguration speech, delivered on October 8, Kishida vowed to stay ahead of the COVID-19 crisis, implement new capitalism and strengthen diplomatic and security guarantees.  相似文献   

With 102 evidences of U.S. interference from five aspects, Fact Sheet: U.S. Interference in Hong Kong Affairs and Support for Anti-China,Destabilizing Forces, released by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 24, is considered by experts to be a strong response to the U.S. bullying acts.  相似文献   

THE industrial economyof northeastern China'sHeilongjiang Provincewill continue to flourishin the year 2001.It is estimatedthat this province's industrialadded value will realize 125 billion yuan, a rise of 11.8 percentover that of 2000, while its profits and taxes, and net income,will reach 82 billion and 58 billion yuan respectively, showing arespective l.2 and 2.2 foldincrease over the previous year.Over the past three years, theprovince has basically achievedits objective of reforming it…  相似文献   

AUNT Fei lives in Yan'an W.Street of Huai'an City,Jiangsu province.This community,little more than a slum just five years ago,is now generally  相似文献   

<正>Gold-inlaid lacquerware finds new market ‘When the greasy filth is wiped off, those vessels appear in front of me, beaming and shining. I feel like I am traveling back to ancient times to talk with my ancestors,” Hou Xue says proudly whenever he mentions repairing and restoring cultural relics in the Palace Museum in Beijing.  相似文献   

ANIMAL husbandry is the new leading industry within Fujian's rural economy and in certain localities contributes appreciably towards increasing farmers' incomes. In Guangze County, for instance, more than 60 percent of rural households are involved in animal husbandry, and earnings they generate from it account for 55.6 percent of their total income. "In the past, farmers earned RMB 400-500 per mu (15 mu = 1 hectare) of farmland. Since the Sheng-nong Group was established in Guangze County, they have been making almost  相似文献   

SIXkilometersawayfromGyangzeCountyseatinTibetAutonomousRegionandlocatedonthesouthernbanksoftheNyangRiveratanaverageof4,000metersabovesealevel,NudoiVillageisanexampleofculturalandethicalprogressinChina.Itissaidthatthepeoplehereliveandworkinperfectharmonyandpeace,andhelpeachotherwithoutstealing,robbing,arguingandcheating.Withdoubtfulmindsandmorethanalittlecurious,wedrovetothevillageintheafternooninearlywinterThevillageissurroundedbyaring-likemountainandinfrontofitisaleveledplain.Oneafterano…  相似文献   

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