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In the Palestinian case, the police officers tried to provide some requirements and undertake some development initiatives. The issue of accountability was the most important part of them. Therefore, this research provides an assessment and analysis for the issue of accountability in the Palestinian police. It aims to identify the relationship and impact on the development of police performance. The researchers used a questionnaire for this purpose, which was distributed to a sample of 332 police personnel in the four largest police departments in the West Bank. The SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the elements of the Palestinian police system are subject to accountability through clear structures, mechanisms, procedures, and standards from inside and outside of the system. This system of accountability has a clear impact on the development and improvement of the performance of police elements.  相似文献   

In the process of European integration the member states have agreed to transfer substantial jurisdiction in the areas of economic and monetary policy to the European Community. In industrial relations, however, they have refused to make similar concessions. Despite its numerous attempts the Commission of the EC has not as yet been able to secure the political consensus necessary for a European model of employees' participation and codetermination. In the context of the Single European Market the national systems of codetermination are destined to play a decreasing role. With the continuing development of the single market and its interlocking business structures across national borders, regulations on codetermination that extend only up to such borders and no further can be expected to lose in significane. This paper traces the history of codetermination in the European Community. It also analyses the reasons why the various directives and regulations drafted by the EC Commission since 1967 have been rejected by the Council of Ministers.  相似文献   

论公安院校的警务化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丹 《学理论》2011,(35):206-207
警务化管理是公安院校的主要管理方式。警务化管理对培养公安院校学生政治性、纪律性和警察意识、方便管理等方面具有积极的作用。但是,随着学生个性成长及实践中警务化管理与教学的冲突,迫切需要进一步完善。警务化管理首先应当突出学生的主体地位,强调学生参与;其次应当以服务于教学为主要理念;同时要突出公安特色;在具体手段上,应当强调刚柔并济。  相似文献   

对我国森林公安民警实战技能训练的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉峰 《学理论》2009,(29):36-37
警务实战技能训练是森林公安民警教育训练的重要组成部分,是培养和提高森林公安队伍战斗力的重要手段,为此必须针对目前森林公安民警实战技能训练中存在的问题,加强对实战技能训练的目标定位、训练理念、训练内容以及考核方式等方面的研究,有效地改进和规范实战技能训练活动,使之在森林公安队伍建设中发挥出特殊的作用。  相似文献   

孙旭 《学理论》2009,(26):43-44
建设信息化武警,培养造就信息化人才,就要把握大局,在全新人才观念的指导下,着眼实际,统等教育资源,完善教育结构,改进教学内容,加快创新能力的培养,建立适应武警部队信息化建设发展的人才培养之路。  相似文献   

英美国家警察出庭作证是一种常态.而在我国,受侦查中心主义、警察行政特权思想等多种因素的影响,警察出庭接受控辩双方的询问和质询一直是一种设想.然而,随着我国法制化进程的不断加快,以及人权保障等理念的深入人心,警察出庭作证制度的确立在我国也将呼之欲出.  相似文献   

智慧社区是顺应时代的发展而产生的,是一种社区治理的新模式。论文首先分析了智慧社区的发展现状,提出智慧社区是以智能、人文、服务为理念,其未来发展要实现以技术为中心到以技术为人服务为中心的转变;然后基于深圳宝安区智慧社区网格化治理的实践探索,提出了智慧社区发展的路径选择。  相似文献   

社区治理视角下的社区工会建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济体制从计划经济向市场经济转轨,中国的社会结构发生了巨大变迁。在城市,由城市现代化带来的城市社会管理重心下移以及“单位体制”的逐步瓦解,引发了城市社区建设的兴起。1991年国家提出“社区建设”的思路,强调政府减少干预,居民通过自助、互助和他助,发展社区服务,增加居民社区归属感和认同感,逐步实现社区多元主体的共治局面。  相似文献   

Abstract. The article examines EC competition policy from a political science perspective, analyzing the political and institutional considerations which inform the development of the Commission's controlling capacities in competition. It concentrates on policy towards small businesses in manufacturing. We argue that the Commission's general capacities in the formation and the administration of competition policy have been growing in both the merger-controlling aspects and in the control of state subsidization. Against this background, the handling of state aid to small businesses presents us with a paradox: the more developed the enforcement system in competition, the less the Commission applied it to national subsidization of small-scale production. The role of EC competition policy and particularly the subtle handling of state subsidies should be analyzed as part of the developing system of Community policy vis-à-vis small business, encompassing measures at the EC and national levels. Community policy has emerged as a result of an accommodation between different EC institutional and domestic political objectives, and to some extent this accommodation has been achieved at the expense of policy content. The article traces the development of Community policy in this area from the early 1970s to the adoption of the first-ever detailed policy guidelines in 1992, and suggests an analytical scheme for explaining the emergence of small business promotion as an issue in EC institutional politics.  相似文献   

城市社区建设与社区自治组织的发展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
社会共同体的自治理念与现代宪政理论的发展是社区自治的理论与思想基础。在“自我管理、自我服务、自我教育”指导下的社区选举、社区财务、社区管理服务是社区自治组织自治性的具体体现。社区建设的发展对社区自治组织的自治提出了更高的要求,社区居民委员会自治能力的提高成为社区建设与发展的关键所在。通过完善与改进社区选举制度提高社区居民自主推举社区管理的能力,同时,提高社区居民委员会的财务自主能力和自我管理与服务的能力以及加强居民委员会的自身建设,是推动社区自治组织发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

Recent studies show a clear link between women in government and reduced concerns about corruption. Until now, it remains unclear which underlying attitudes about women explain the perception that they will reduce corruption. Using a survey question about adding women to a police force, with an embedded experimental treatment, we examine three distinct stereotypes that might explain the power of women to reduce concerns about corruption: gender stereotypes of women as more ethical and honest, the perception of women as political outsiders, and beliefs that women are generally more risk averse. We find that people do perceive women as more effective at combating corruption, and these perceptions are greatly enhanced when information about women's outsider status and risk aversion is provided.  相似文献   

李争录 《学理论》2011,(7):68-69
提升消防部队基层管理效益,必须从确立管理观念入手,积极贯彻以人为本的根本要求,不断改进管理方式方法,加强管理干部队伍建设。  相似文献   

The viability of local government‐sponsored community development of poor ethnic enclaves hinges on the perceptions of residents. If residents view the enclave in which they live as their “community of choice,” they will be more likely to join with local government to coproduce community improvement. Residents who see their enclave as their community of choice tend to hold positive perceptions of neighbors and neighborhood and are less fearful of crime. Conversely, those who see the enclave where they live as a “ghetto of last resort” commonly are not meeting their economic expectations, are uneasy about race related issues, and are concerned about the desirability of their neighborhood. Government should not employ a community development strategy to preserve a “ghetto of last resort” where most residents remain because they feel they have few options. The vast majority of the residents examined here view the enclave where they live as their community of choice.  相似文献   

Diverse societies present different challenges for police forces that have to gain the trust and legitimacy of minorities. Police forces must develop the ability to engage with diversity and overcome their own biases and prejudices in order to better serve minorities. Police reforms, however, may fail to address the challenge successfully if core problems are not clearly identified. In such a case, reforms may be misdirected and fail to achieve the desired results. This paper, based on a study of the Arab minority in Israel, suggests a bottom-up approach that concentrates on identifying the attitudes of minority groups as the basis for any reform plan. A survey was conducted among Arab citizens to identify general attitudes, perceptions of over-policing and under-policing and assessment of three potential reforms; recruitment of minority members into the police, community involvement in policing, and cultural training for police officers.  相似文献   

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