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This note demonstrates that David Friedman's recent assertion that, because full ex post compensation means that the potential injuror is overcompensating, ‘it follows that he will be overdeterred from imposing risk …’ cannot be supported, a priori, except in special cases. It is argued that this finding actually strengthens the case for compensation which is ‘fair’ as defined by Friedman.  相似文献   

关于"税权"概念的法律思考--兼与张守文先生商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
税权的主体、标的和内容不具有同质性,难以总结出一般的特性和共性,只能对税权的各项子权利作个别的描述,所以无法将"税权"定位为所有税法权利的上位概念,而只能在非严格的意义上将其视为税收权利的简称.对任何法学概念,不管是借用概念还是固有概念,都必须严格界定其内涵与外延,不根据本学科内在发展规律的需要随意移植其他学科领域、特别是政治宣传领域的名词与制度,会造成学科理论基础的不稳定以及体系的紊乱,有碍于本学科的长远发展.  相似文献   

The responsibility for uncovering discrimination falls on bothscholars and civil rights enforcement officials. Scholars askwhether discrimination exists and why it arises; enforcementofficials ask whether particular firms are discriminating. Thisarticle investigates the points of commonality and divergencein these two lines of inquiry. We demonstrate a need for moreresearch focusing on discrimination as defined by the law andfor more enforcement building on the methodological lessonsin the research literature. We also show that disparate-impactdiscrimination cannot be identified with current enforcementtools but could be identified with methods in the scholarlyliterature.  相似文献   

A "realistic" prior probability is always based on case experience (Akten-a-priori). In serological opinions pertaining to parentage, the realistic prior probability is only one piece of information in the whole body of evidence before the judge and does not have any special significance per se. There is no such thing as a "neutral" prior probability. It either implies "ignorance," in which case it cannot be "information," or it must be taken in connection with the utility principle, in which case it is not a "probability." The utility principle is defined in law and cannot be expressed in figures. The utility principle takes effect only when the judge reaches a decision (on the basis of all the evidence before him). It determines the relative importance of the participant's objects of legal protection which are at issue in the case. The expert is bound to apply a neutral utility component, i.e., in a two-hypothesis case (the normal situation) the significance of both the null and the counter hypothesis must carry the same weight. A null and/or a counter hypothesis can combine several single hypotheses; the mean value of their frequencies is taken. As a rule, one should avoid using a "prior case probability" ("Akten-a-priori") when calculating a W value. An "expectation of error" should be as realistic as possible and hence be obtained using a "prior case probability."  相似文献   

This article reviews the evolution of Chinese law on food safety and the concerned system defined by the Food Safety Law (2009) and other related laws. Although being improved by this law, in comparison with the Food Hygiene Law (1995), food safety still remains severe today. In analysing the food safety problems in China, it is found that the issues, such as tension between security and safety, problems in agricultural products, difficulties in administration and supervision etc., cannot be solved by this law in the near future.  相似文献   

假冒专利罪疑难问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
假冒专利罪保护的法益是超个人法益,因此,假冒并不存在的他人的专利,以及未获专利却谎称已获专利的行为,构成假冒专利罪;非法实施他人专利的专利侵权行为,从应然的角度讲,应纳入刑法规制的范畴,但从现行立法规定来看,无法以假冒专利罪定罪处罚;在生产、销售的伪劣商品上假冒专利,或者还假冒他人注册商标的,均应数罪并罚;专利权的刑法保护以选择集中型和散在型相结合的立法模式为宜。  相似文献   

罪刑法定原则必须与时俱进,刑法规范内容的多样化必然带来罪刑法定原则内容的多样化,但罪刑法定原则长期被学界定位为犯罪与刑罚的法定化,无法充分体现其限制刑罚权滥用的制度价值。随着刑事司法中的最大问题由罪刑擅断到量刑不公的转变,罪刑法定原则的内涵亦应该有所拓展,即从"犯罪与刑罚之法定化"的二元格局迈向"犯罪、刑罚与量刑之法定化"的三元格局。其中,评价范围与评价方法的法定化,就是量刑法定化的题中之义。  相似文献   

Abstract . The author outlines limitations of the explanation capacity of Habermas's Discourse Philosophy, because of its problematic presuppositions. The main topics discussed are: (i) the legitimacy of legal systems; (ii) Habermas's concept of democracy; (iii) his theory of justice. Legitimacy cannot be based only on discourse processes, but it has to be defined by international law. Discourses in society are essential for democratic systems, but the discourses by themselves do not guarantee the optimal result as discourses may be disturbed by deceptive propaganda, by prejudices or by wrong political slogans. It is not convincing that discourse procedures guarantee impartiality and justice nor that in discourses better arguments always prevail.  相似文献   

This paper describes a collaborative exercise organised under the auspices of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI). The purpose of this EU (European Union) funded group is to carry out research to enable STR loci to be compared between European laboratories, ultimately leading to the formation of a pan-European database. Accordingly, an exercise was designed to evaluate a prototype STR multiplex system manufactured by Applied Biosystems (ABD). Each laboratory was sent 12 samples to analyse along with a multiplex kit. Of specific interest was the definition of parameters to define the efficiency of the system. Stutter, split allelic peaks (differing by one base), pull-up, heterozygous balance and between locus balance were all objectively measured. Once the important parameters are defined it is possible to directly compare performances of different multiplexes and the different laboratories carrying out the tests. Since the multiplex used was a prototype system, this exercise cannot be regarded as a proficiency test.  相似文献   

The Lisbon Treaty (Article 11) recognises the provision on participatory democracy as a democratic principle of the European Union (EU), thus constitutionally legitimising the involvement of civil society in European governance. However, at least three issues relating to the democratic dimension of this practice remain unresolved. First, it is not possible to specify precisely how the participation of civil society relates to democracy. Second, having established representative democracy as the founding democratic principle of the EU (Article 10), the Lisbon Treaty does not allow assessing the provision on participatory democracy as an independent source for democracy. Third, the putative democratising potential of participation would not be construed independently, not only because representative democracy is defined as the founding principle of the EU but also because participation cannot be thought of as independent from the form of the consultation regime, the constitutional framework and the managerial and technocratic styles of policy‐making.  相似文献   

龙非 《财经法学》2020,(2):151-160
行政行为概念功能的变迁,同行政诉讼制度的功能定位有着密切联系。行政行为是为划定公权力边界而创造的概念,当权利保护进入无漏洞救济的时代,行政行为无力承担这一功能,从而不得不让位于主观公权利。如果对行政行为做过于宽泛的界定,可能会导致其本来肩负的程序法上的定型化功能和诉讼法上的类型化功能的衰竭甚至丧失。如果我国行政诉讼也要确立无漏洞权利保护机制,可能需要考虑加强对“合法权益”等概念的研究,以适应权利保护的完整逻辑体系。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The failure of the European constitutional treaty has not been taken seriously by the European constitutionalists. It is regarded as a kind of accident which will be repaired in due course. The article is a plea for a reopening of the debate on Europeanness. Europe cannot and should not be a 'superstate'; nor can it be a kind of revival of the European nation state which is threatened by globalisation. Even less can it be a community of post-national deliberators as Jürgen Habermas would have it. Europe should be constructed as an entity of its own which responds to the heterarchical relational logic of fragmentation which characterises post-modernity and globalisation of which it is a part. It cannot be its counterpart. Europe does not need a 'constitution', and it does not need a 'people' either.  相似文献   

从我国公司法的规定来看,勤勉义务和忠实义务不能完全涵盖董事对公司和股东造成损害的不当行为,亟待突破公司法关于董事勤勉义务和忠实义务的框架。在此方面,美国特拉华州公司法中的"善意"规则的演进对我国具有借鉴意义。在特拉华州,确认"善意义务"的独立性有其客观价值,但也存在逻辑困境,故存在巨大争议。我国学者对于引入董事的"善意"规则存在两种截然不同的观点。为应对实践中纷繁复杂的董事责任纠纷,我国应立足于实践需求,通过理论创新,将董事"善意"规则确定为董事信义义务制度的内涵,甚至将"善意义务"定位为独立的董事义务也未尝不可,但暂时不宜将公司合规确立为独立的董事义务。  相似文献   

In order to attain financial stability, equality, and quality of care, Israel placed its basic health insurance system under strict government regulation in the National Health Insurance Act (NHIA) of 1994. The act creates the National List of Health Services (NLHS), which outlines the minimal health services (including drugs and medical devices) that the four pre–exiting Sick Funds must supply to their members free of charge or for a relatively small defined co–payment
This article analyzes the mechanisms that update the NLHS to ensure the quality of health services provided to all citizens with respect to the constant developments in health technologies both for medical procedures and diagnosis, and for drugs.
The article's main conclusion is that Israel offers a unique model for explicit rationing. The process of updating the list of services leads to clear decision making at a national level, one which offers new technologies to all citizens by public funding each year within the limits of an allocated and defined budget. However, the Israeli model is far from perfect, especially as the act does not establish a defined mechanism for allocating an annual budget for updating the list. Therefore, the act cannot assure a health care system with the stability and certainty it requires.  相似文献   

中国法学向何处去(下)——对苏力“本土资源论”的批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1978年至2004年,中国法学在取得很大成就的同时也暴露出了它的问题,而它的根本问题就是未能为评价、批判和指引中国法制发展提供作为理论判准和方向的“中国法律理想图景”。这是一个没有中国法律理想图景的法学时代。据此,要对“中国为什么会缺失中国自己的法律理想图景”这个理论论题给出回答,并对中国法学这一时代进行“总体性”的反思和批判。较为具体地讲,采用经过界定的“范式”分析概念,对中国法学中四种不同甚或存有冲突的理论模式即“权利本位论”、“法条主义”、“本土资源论”和“法律文化论”进行了深入探究。中国法学之所以无力引领中国法制发展,实是因为它们都受一种“现代化范式”的支配,而这种“范式”不仅间接地为中国法制发展提供了一幅“西方法律理想图景”,而且还使中国法学论者意识不到他们所提供的不是中国自己的“法律理想图景”;同时,这种占支配地位的“现代化范式”因无力解释和解决因其自身的作用而产生的各种问题,最终导致了作者所谓的“范式”危机。正是在批判“现代化范式”的基础上,我们必须结束这个受“西方现代性范式”支配的法学旧时代,开启一个自觉研究“中国法律理想图景”的法学新时代。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court of Canada held on 5 July 2006 that membersand former members of a defined pension plan in the form ofa trust cannot unilaterally compel termination  相似文献   

自然之债是经由诉讼不能实现的债,债务人的履行或者承诺履行将激活债对债务人的强制力,债务人一旦自动履行即不得请求返还。自然之债是债的"亚类"。用"自然"加"债"来表达有两个含义:一是它不同于一般的作为法定之债的民事债,无论是债因还是效力;二是它不同于非债,不是纯粹的社会、道德或者宗教义务。用"自然之债"将"债"与"自然"连接可以体现出,这一类债的债务人可以拒绝履行,但一旦履行它就是债的履行而非不当得利或者赠与。这一点同罗马人区分契约与准契约的思路如出一辙。罗马人将"准"与"契约"相连,就将介于契约与侵权之间的地带统一起来。同样,"自然之债"也统一了处在法定义务与纯粹的社会义务之间的灰色地带。  相似文献   


Intertemporal law governs the applicability of international legal norms ratione temporis. According to often used terminology, intertemporal law has two different branches. This article provides clarification of the so-called ‘second branch of intertemporal law’. It does so by refuting two commonly held assumptions. First, as established in section 2 of the article, the second branch of intertemporal law is not an exception to the first branch of that law. It cannot be, since both branches of intertemporal law centre on the same legal principle: an action or a factual state of affairs must be assessed in the light of the law which is contemporary with it. Secondly, as implicated by the line of reasoning in section 2, and further confirmed by the inferential evidence cited in section 3, the practical relevance of the second branch of intertemporal law is not confined to the application of the law on the acquisition to territory. It pertains to a more widely defined group of norms in international law.


恐怖主义犯罪的界定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
恐怖主义犯罪的界定应当立足于犯罪学的角度 ,而不应限于刑法学或者政治学的范围 ;恐怖主义犯罪的目的具有层次性和多样性的特征 ,而不应锁定为纯粹的政治性目的 ;恐怖主义犯罪是有组织犯罪的一种表现形式 ,个人不能成为恐怖主义犯罪的主体 ;恐怖主义犯罪的手段不限于传统的暴力范围 ,而是日益呈现出高科技化的发展趋势 ;恐怖主义犯罪的袭击目标是特定的 ,但受害对象却具有广泛和不确定的特征。恐怖主义犯罪与恐怖犯罪、政治犯罪与黑社会性质犯罪等相近概念之间的界限有必要加以明确。  相似文献   

罗嘉航 《时代法学》2012,10(3):114-121
引渡本属被请求引渡国为请求国提供的司法协助,但由于人权运动的兴起,引渡活动越来越重视被引渡人的合法权益。为保障人权,同时维护请求国的法律尊严并实现对于犯罪的惩罚,附条件引渡应运而生。附条件引渡是被请求国同意引渡时,要求请求国答应一定的条件的引渡活动,其附加条件必须与引渡后的司法活动紧密相关,对司法权的侵犯也应当在一定限度内,并可以分为程序条件和实体条件。对于附加条件的承诺也属国家行为,应由代表国家意志的机关决定并作出,承诺应当得到履行,不履行承诺应当承担一定的国家责任。  相似文献   

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