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1案件资料1.1简要案情7月某日凌晨1时许,某居民楼起火,清理火场时发现1具尸体。死者男,35岁,离异独居。现场为2室1厅钢筋混凝土结构,卧室被烧最重,除部分金属物件外,其余皆已烧毁。尸体位于卧室内一烧毁的弹簧床垫上,呈俯卧位,头面部垫有一枕头残片。1.2尸体检验尸表检验全身大部分体表皮肤烧焦炭化,仅右面部、胸腹部、右上肢前侧及外生殖器尚存有皮肤,残存皮肤周围可见充血水肿。头发烧焦缺失,左颞部头皮部分缺失、颞肌外露,其余部位头皮完整、未见明显破损。颜面部皮肤大部分炭化,双眼睑紧闭,右侧上眼睑肿胀,口腔、鼻腔有血样液体溢出,口…  相似文献   

火场中的尸体是法医病理工作者较常见的案件,在这种案件中,判断是生前烧死还是死后焚尸具有非常重要的意义。本文就相关文献关于火灾死亡案件的尸体内部、外部征象、现场特点、以及以COHb为主的实验室结果加以综述,目的在于阐明这些特征在实际案件中的作用和应用,为法医工作者解决此类案件提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析注射后死亡的他杀案件,为法医学鉴定提供参考。方法 收集上海市公安局刑事侦查总队侦破的6例注射后死亡的他杀案件,整理分析案件情况、现场勘验、尸体检验等材料。结果 6例案件均为有预谋的犯罪,5例案件的嫌疑人在私密的空间作案,5例采用诱骗方式接近受害者。6例案件现场无明显异常。6例案件的受害者体表损伤轻微或者无,尸斑颜色异常,针眼样损伤与常规医疗措施的表现不同。结论 注射后死亡案件为一种高度隐蔽性犯罪案件,极易被忽略。对尸体检验发现的疑似注射针眼样损伤,应认真检验、鉴别、分析,警惕有无注射毒(药)物的情形,做好证据固定、检材提取等工作。  相似文献   

在现实生活中,火灾时有发生,发生的起因也千差万别。火灾发生后,因火的燃烧,人为救火等诸多因素的影响,现场往往遭到较大的变动与破坏,许多反映现场的客观征象多已丧失;火场中的尸体,有的是生前烧死,有的是死后焚尸,还有除燃烧以外其它原因致死者。  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析精神病人尸体检验案例的死亡原因及死亡方式,为医疗卫生服务和司法鉴定提供参考.方法 收集中国刑事警察学院物证鉴定中心2004—2019年受理并结案的精神病人尸体检验案例105例,分为疾病死亡、自杀死亡、意外死亡及他杀死亡4组,统计各组的常见死亡原因,分析各组之间年龄、病程、体重指数(body mass in...  相似文献   

正1案例资料1.1简要案情及现场勘查米某,男,42岁。某日被他人发现死于一处临时安置房内。现场有明显的高温烘烤痕迹。室内张贴画、家具已全部烧毁,仅存混凝土楼板和墙壁,地面有多枚吸剩的烟头。死者仰卧于现场西北角,头西脚东,衣物烧损严重,体表有烧灼痕迹。1.2法医学检验尸表检验死者额面部见20cm×14cm范围擦伤,颈部右侧可见散在大小不等水泡形成,双眼球睑结膜淤血,角膜重度浑浊,瞳孔不能透视,口、鼻腔内可见血性液体,死者头面部、四肢表面皮肤见不同  相似文献   

本文通过对54例意外烧死尸体的法医学检验,结合文献进行分析,以供法医学实践参考。1案例资料1.1基本情况54例意外烧死尸体的相关资料均来自上海市2002年1月至2006年1月间委托尸体解剖的35起火灾案例。案件性质均认定为意外事故,其中单起事故中死亡2人以上的有8起,死亡人数最多的一起为10人。35起火灾意外中32起发生在居民住宅,且20年以上的老式居民住宅占多数(26起),3起发生在工厂仓库中;起火原因大多为电线老化和电器使用不当(33起),此外还有化学物质爆炸或爆燃等(2起);起火时间多为夜间(28起)。1.2性别和年龄本组案例死者中,男性33例,女性…  相似文献   

对尸体的毁损通常见于杀人案件,其中尤以碎尸案件中多见。还有部分见于侮辱尸体案件中,而对墓中尸体进行毁坏、抛弃则极为少见且易误判为杀人碎尸,笔者在实际办案中曾遇1例,报道如下。1案例简介2004年6月23日,我市某乡村一农户柑桔园篱笆内发现一编织袋,袋内装有一人类头颅,拟为一起杀人碎尸案件。经检验,头颅呈干尸外貌,头皮散布白色霉斑,部分颅骨外露,综合现场勘验、尸块特征等分析,似有墓地棺材内尸体特征。沿此线索结合尸块识别信息展开侦查,两天后找到头颅来源,随即疑犯落网。后查明:死者与嫌疑人张某系同组村民,3年前因故发生纠纷,张…  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情某年2月23日07:30许,在一河涌内发现1具男性尸体,为明确死亡原因进行法医学鉴定。1.2现场勘验当地近1个月的平均气温为16.5℃。该河涌位于工业区,呈东向西流向,河涌两边是公路。河涌东端、西端分别与公路交汇,在两交汇处桥底均安装有拦截河涌垃圾的胶丝网。在靠近河涌西端南侧河面发现该尸体,正面朝上,全身赤裸,已高度腐败,尸体上覆盖两个黄色编织袋。把尸体及编织袋打捞上岸,见2个编织袋袋口套在一起,用两道绳子呈活结状绑紧,  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情某年8月13日晚,某水道中发现1具赤裸女性浮尸,当日20:30首次尸表检查后冷藏于殡仪馆。次日10:30进行系统尸体检验和毒(药)物检验,并对发现尸体处水样、尸体检材进行硅藻检验。1.2尸体检验8月13日尸表检查:全身赤裸,尸长155.0 cm,手足皮肤发白皱缩,全身皮肤颜色正常,胸腹部、双侧大腿前侧、双上肢腐败静脉网出现。尸斑浅淡,  相似文献   

Fei G  Yan JJ  Qin FM 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):44-45
法医现场勘查是公安法医检案的一个组成部分,与痕迹现场勘查各有侧重。本文通过室内、野外、运动空间三类现场初步分析了法医现场勘查的要点。  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the use of metallographic analysis and NIST's Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) program to identify the cause of an actual electrical fire. A severely carbonized steel plate and a cable with a bead were found inside a damaged switchboard from the debris of a factory fire. By metallographic analysis, the copper spatter on the steel plate was found to imply a short circuit has occurred and that this was the probable ignition source of the fire was supported by the presence of a small amount of copper oxide and by the cavities with the tree-like grain microstructures in the bead. The heat estimated to have been released per unit area of the switchboard in question (approximately 236.29 MJ/m(2)) served as key input data for applying the FDS simulation of the blaze. The simulation indicated that thermal insulation polyethylene (PE) played an important role in the rapid fire spread.  相似文献   

This short paper presents the preliminary results of a recent study aimed at appreciating the relevant parameters required to qualify forensic science as a science through an epistemological analysis. The reader is invited to reflect upon references within a historical and logical framework which assert that forensic science is based upon two fundamental principles (those of Locard and Kirk). The basis of the assertion that forensic science is indeed a science should be appreciated not only on one epistemological criteria (as Popper's falsification raised by the Daubert hearing was), but also on the logical frameworks used by the individuals involved (investigator, expert witness and trier of fact) from the crime scene examination to the final interpretation of the evidence. Hence, it can be argued that the management of the crime scene should be integrated into the scientific way of thinking rather than remain as a technical discipline as recently suggested by Harrison.  相似文献   

再次法医解剖及组织病理学检查的案例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
剖析再次法医解剖及组织病理学检查的发生原因、鉴定注意事项及预防措施等 ,妥善地处理该类复杂案件。对 18例再次法医解剖及组织病理学检查的案件进行回顾性研究 ,按首次尸检方式及印象、尸检次数、再次尸检原因及方式、间隔时间及结论等归类、分析。较多见死于医疗纠纷 3例 ( 16 7% )、案件审查过程中 4例 ( 2 2 2 % ) ;首次尸检中 13例 ( 72 2 % )仅进行尸表检查或不完全解剖 ;再次尸检结论与首次尸检结论完全不符者 5例( 2 7 8% )。首次解剖的标准化与规范化及继续教育 ,不断提高法医病理学诊断水平 ,改善法医尸检的工作环境等对预防再次尸检的发生很有必要  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):758-767
Incorporating a simulated crime scene into one’s pedagogy in forensic science undergraduate courses allows students the opportunity to experience a realistic scenario while demonstrating their knowledge and enhancing their critical thinking skills. The purpose of this paper is to examine an active learning approach to using simulated crime scenes to provide an impactful learning experience for students. While potentially challenging for the instructor, constructing a crime scene scenario can provide students with hands-on practical experience while helping to dispel forensic science misconceptions. Through many years of creating crime scenes, best practices for using such high impact activities in forensic science courses are described in detail, including preparatory exercises that culminate in the final crime scene scenario, considerations in preparing and constructing a crime scene activity, and supervising and assessing students once the activity begins. Three major challenges to implementing active learning exercises such as simulated crime scenes in undergraduate forensic science programs include high workload for instructors, limited supplies, and lack of suitable facilities. Workload solutions include instructors and departments considering the cost and benefit of course releases to improve curriculum and student enrollment. Supplies and facilities solutions involve innovation in reuse and repurposing of supplies, and instructor flexibility in using classroom and outdoor spaces.  相似文献   

过敏性反应死亡法医病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨过敏性反应死亡的法医病理学特点,从而解决困扰法医学工作者对过敏性反应死后诊断的鉴定要点。方法对华西法医鉴定中心1995―2004年尸检检出的26例药物过敏性死亡案例进行回顾性分析。结果本组26例药物过敏所致死亡案例的死者年龄以31-40岁的例数最多,占了38%;26例因药物过敏所致死亡的案例中,12例为青霉素类药物过敏,为引起过敏最常见的药物;而药物使用途径引起过敏反应死亡的案例中以注射为主,共20例;以个体诊所及基层医院多发生过敏反应死亡的案例;18例在使用药物后出现典型的严重的过敏性反应的临床表现;15例为在用药后半小时内发生死亡;病理解剖可见咽喉粘膜水肿20例,其中咽喉腔阻塞大于75%2例,50 ̄75%5例,25~50%7例,小于25%6例,显微镜下检查嗜酸性粒细胞浸润咽喉粘膜者21例、肺组织18例;6例血清IgE检测值呈现出显著的升高。结论过敏性反应的死后诊断应结合死者的生前临床病史,死亡时间,生前临床表现,病理解剖发现及血清IgE检测值综合分析。  相似文献   

目的 分析卖淫女被杀案件的规律特点,为此类案件检验侦查提供参考.方法 采用描述性研究方法,对2005至2010年的100例卖淫女被杀案件进行回顾性分析.结果 此类案件66.7%发生于21时至3时之间,88.0%发生于城市.4、7两月发案最多.85.0%的案件发生于室内.95.0%的死者年龄在16~40岁.38.1%的死...  相似文献   

Management of a crime is the process of ensuring accurate and effective collection and preservation of physical evidence. Forensic botany can provide significant supporting evidences during criminal investigations. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of forensic botany in the crime scene. We reported a case of a woman affected by dementia who had disappeared from nursing care and was found dead near the banks of a river that flowed under a railroad. Two possible ways of access to crime scene were identified and denominated “Path A” and “Path B.” Both types of soil and plants were identified. Botanical survey was performed. Some samples of Xanthium Orientalis subsp. Italicum were identified. The fall of woman resulted in external injuries and vertebral fracture at autopsy. The botanical evidence is important when crime scene and autopsy findings are not sufficient to define the dynamics and the modality of death.  相似文献   

The forensic analysis of pollen involves the comparison of crime scene and reference pollen samples. Successful matches are frequently used to solve time- or location-related crimes. Despite its prospects in criminal investigation, forensic palynology is still underused in casework due to inherent shortcomings such as its limited evidential weighting, scarcity of skilled palynologists dedicated to forensic casework and the laborious nature of analytical procedures. To address these challenges, the current state-of-the-art in forensic palynology is transiting from the traditional light microscopic methods that dominated the early days of palynology to more contemporary approaches like Raman spectroscopy, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding. The major challenges of these methods, however, include a lack of optimisation to forensic expectations and the unavailability of robust databases to permit accurate data interpretation, and quests to resolve these problems constitute the theme of current research. While reiterating the usefulness of pollen analysis in criminal investigation, this report recommends orthogonal testing as a way of improving the evidential weighting of forensic palynology.  相似文献   

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