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尼采的传奇一生和独具特色的理论总是能不同程度的引起人们的关注.其强力意志、拒绝信仰、追求个性等观念让后人津津乐道.尤其是他著名的超人理论,更是闪着与众不同的光彩.尼采的超人思想重要的是其中关注教育的生命意义.以及为实现这一生命意义的精神性品质追求给当代教育的启示.  相似文献   

杰克·伦敦的自传体小说《马丁·伊登》的主人公马丁·伊登的人生轨迹就是一个冲突与毁灭的过程。在文本分析的基础上,本文试图从社会主义与个人主义、尼采超人哲学与对劳动人民的同情、身为严肃艺术家与文学商人、对成功的追求与对成功的怀疑等四对冲突的重叠交织来剖析马丁·伊登的痛苦心态以及矛盾心理,揭示其最终自杀身亡既是他的人生悲剧也是他所处时代和社会的悲剧。  相似文献   

“一个真实的酒神显现为多种形态”。——尼采:《悲剧的诞生》人类至今尚未摆脱自身历史的悲剧性时代。所以悲剧从来不是高贵的英雄们抑或我们所谓的正面人物的世袭领地,生活在悲剧时代的芸芸众生无一例外地都是悲剧性的人物,问题在于如何在艺术上得以恰如其份地表现。悲剧艺术的超越性在于全力穿透色彩  相似文献   

尼采将古希腊悲剧视作酒神和日神精神相结合的艺术品.阿波罗梦幻般的祥和、光辉的世界与狄奥尼索斯狂乱、迷醉的世界在古希腊悲剧中得到完美结合.生命短暂易逝、现实残暴凶险,无论对初识世界的古希腊人,还是对惶惑不安的现代人而言,艺术都是人们转化恐惧、寻求安慰的重要媒介.艺术之所以伟大,就在于它激发了被简化了的世界的表象.凡是在生活中饱尝艰辛的人,都需要这个表象,这便是艺术的慰藉功能.作为超经典的世界文学,无疑更具备这种慰藉的功能.  相似文献   

大多数学者认为尼采是一位反形而上学的哲学家 ,而反形而上学用尼采本人的话来说就是虚无主义。在尼采看来 ,虚无主义是一个历史过程。从柏拉图———基督教哲学到叔本华哲学的虚无主义过程 ,也是最高价值自行贬值的过程 ,而尼采正是这一过程中最后登场的哲学家。但是他的虚无主义不是目的 ,不是归宿 ,而是一种手段 ,其真正目的在于塑造一种新的理性批判精神。  相似文献   

赵亮 《理论月刊》2013,(3):46-51
人如何在思想的战火与硝烟中生存和发展?人如何摧毁理性与信仰的丰碑?自由又如何在卑贱与高贵的平衡中徜徉?肉体面对强大的灵魂如何生存?这些一直都困扰着施蒂纳与尼采。在经历了无数的思想碰撞和艰苦的时代磨砺之后,二人都发现了解决问题之道,施蒂纳给出的答案是"唯一者",尼采则是"超人",一个是随性唯我,一个是充满激情和生命涌动,二者时而志同道合,时而分道扬镳,但是,施蒂纳与尼采都用自己的方式回答了世人,给出了一条人的独特性发展之路。虽然他们的视角和立场不同,也仍没有从根本上彻底解决问题,但这种回答和解决问题的尝试却是难能可贵、值得称道的。  相似文献   

李艺怀 《传承》2010,(9):60-61
尼采的传奇一生和独具特色的理论总是能不同程度的引起人们的关注。其强力意志、拒绝信仰、追求个性等观念让后人津津乐道,尤其是他著名的超人理论,更是闪着与众不同的光彩。尼采的超人思想重要的是其中关注教育的生命意义,以及为实现这一生命意义的精神性品质追求给当代教育的启示。  相似文献   

黄怀军 《湖湘论坛》2009,22(3):38-40
田汉、成仿吾在留日期间接受了尼采思想的影响。这种影响在理论上表现为他们形成了“美的文学”观与“生命的艺术”观,在实践上体现为他们早年创作对诗化、美化风格的偏爱。唯美诗学与生命诗学的形成折射出田汉、成仿吾对文学现代性的强烈追求,而对尼采“超人”说的误读则昭示了他们对尼采思想的功利化取向。  相似文献   

尼采作为一位矗立在世纪交接线上的思想巨人,其身影长长地映入我们生活的二十世纪。不幸的是,长期以来他的思想被严重地误解了,尤以他的“超人”学说为甚。本文拟对这一学说的本意作一探析。一、“超人”是人的理想目标“超人”学说是尼采分析了十九世纪“堕落”和“虚无”的特征,揭示了西方文明追求“彼岸”、压抑“本能”的本质之后,针对病态的传统西方文明,为人类设置的一种全新的理想目标,亦是为了治愈西方文明的衰落而开出的一帖药方。  相似文献   

陈军 《求索》2011,(7):138-139,106
尼采将"存在"理解为求权力意志的虚无世界,基于此,在尼采的思想体系中,通过创造虚无,艺术(尤其是悲剧)成为把握"存在"的本源性方式。换言之,尼采颠覆了亚里士多德和黑格尔的经典戏剧美学思想,他不再把戏剧艺术作为模仿或显现理念的工具,而是把戏剧艺术理解为创造存在之意义的方式。  相似文献   

正Internet financial products have enjoyed huge success,but will they change the landscape of China’s financial sector?Wang Kang,27,works for a Beijing branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC),a major state-owned commercial bank in China and the largest bank  相似文献   

正China Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi severely criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine,calling it a brazen affront to people of all countries that suffered from Japanese aggression and colonial rule.  相似文献   

正"Reading books gives you access to the knowledge and culture of the people of different countries.The main problem facing China and Turkey in the field of literature is the lack of translated books."Chinese writer and Nobel laureate Mo Yan,calling for more translated literature works at a news briefing in Istanbul on February 22  相似文献   

正58 Number of approval items that the State Council canceled or delegated to lowerlevel governments to streamline administration on November 24 $2.3 blnvalue of agreements signed between businesses from Singapore and east China’s Zhejiang Province at the 10th SingaporeZhejiang Economic and Trade Council meeting held in Singapore on November 24 4% Decrease in business revenues in China’s telecom sector in October  相似文献   

正~~  相似文献   

正Backing a price war between cab-booking apps serves the larger ambition of China’s Internet companies Han Yonghui is a cabbie in Beijing.After a taxi fare increase in 2013,he makes roughly 5,000 yuan($823)a month,just about enough to feed his family.Recently,Han started using cab-hailing mobile software to pick up customers who order taxis via smartphone.Benefiting from an increasingly fierce competition of rewards between two of the most popular apps for this purpose,he can receive up to 2,250 yuan($370)  相似文献   

正Japan’s leader hopes to salvage his power by way of an early election Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolved the House of Representatives,or the lower house in the country’s bicameral parliament,on November 21.A consequent snap election will be held on December 14,two years ahead of schedule.In recent months,the Japanese economy has continued to slide and entered a technical  相似文献   

正Barack obama strives for a sound legacy Predictably,the U.S.Republican Party(GOP)took back the Senate after eight years in a landslide victory during the mid-term congressional election in November.While the GOP is still in control of the House of Representatives,it also gained ground in state governor elections in Illinois,Maryland,Iowa and Colorado—the traditional spheres of influence of the Democrats.  相似文献   

正The 15th Russia International Show of Construction Equipment and Technologies(CTT)was held in Moscow from June 3 to 7.Liuzhou OvM Machinery Co.Ltd.attended the exhibition with its prestressed products."At the moment,infrastructure construction such as housing,elec-tric power and railway is continuing to expand in Russia,and given that the country’s import of machinery  相似文献   

正China has declared Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe an unwelcome visitor following his recent visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine.When asked whether Chinese leaders would listen to his explanations for the shrine visit in person,a Foreign Ministry spokesman ruled out the possibility by saying that Abe has"shut the door"on dialogue.China is not alone.The U.S.State Department also expressed disappointment at Abe’s visit  相似文献   

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