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The Supreme Court's refusal to hear an appeal from the Fifth Circuit's ruling on the application of state action antitrust immunity doctrine leaves a split in the circuits as to the proper test to apply to determine antitrust immunity for public hospitals. The circuits have either adopted a "foreseeable conduct from state policy" approach or a "policy from foreseeable conduct" approach. This Article analyzes the approaches and demonstrates that the "foreseeable conduct from state policy" approach is the better of the two methods.  相似文献   

村民自治和居民自治在治理基础上存在着一定的差异,即在依赖实体、地方性规范、社会秩序和人情交往等方面并不相同,如果忽视了二者之间的差异可能会导致严重的后果。例如"让农民上楼行动",在治理基础未变的情况下改变治理方式,可能会给农村社会的稳定发展带来一些弊端:破坏了农民的生产生活方式,引发了农民因上楼致贫,造成了基层政府的管理困境。本文通过村民自治和居民自治的差异分析探讨了"让农民上楼行动"的弊端,旨在提醒政策制定者和实施者不要盲目地推进城镇化。  相似文献   

Research-based knowledge of the effects of affirmative action has been little help to policy makers. That is the case because there has been no means through which to organize into a policy-relevant whole the findings that have come from a variety of disciplinary sources. A heuristic schematic of the psychological ecology of affirmative action is proposed as a step toward developing a conceptual framework that can reduce this problem. A psychological ecology of affirmative action consists of the mutual relations between policy interest groups and the procedures used to implement these policies. A critical point that the ecological framework leads to is that the nature of affirmative action procedures has a major influence on the material and subjective links between interest groups. Given that claim, the schematic is used to categorize, review, and critique the multidisciplinary research on affirmative action. From that overview, a set of general guidelines for the design of effective affirmative action programs is proposed. Finally, a call is made for a shift in the unit of policy analysis from a focus on group justice to relational justice.  相似文献   

Europe faces major health challenges in addition to its well-reported economic and financial difficulties. Despite the overall improvement in population health, significant inequalities remain, with a growing gap between rich and poor. WHO Europe, covering fifty-three member states, is committed to helping European governments meet the complex challenge posed by the "silent epidemic" of noncommunicable diseases. In September 2012 WHO launched Health 2020, an ambitious new health policy framework and strategy. Its success requires a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to improving health and well-being, informed by the latest evidence on cost-effective interventions. This review considers the prospects for success.  相似文献   

Although it has been recognized that a large number of issues linked to the social policy of affirmative action are of a social psychological nature, research investigating such issues has not considered the social psychological importance of implementation procedures. Social policy analysts have differentiated implementation procedures on the degree to which they include relevant achievement criteria. In the present research this differentiation is couched within the theoretical framework of procedural justice and is utilized to critique the work of Austin et al. (1977). These researchers investigated the responses of individuals favorably treated in an affirmative action like situation and conclude that affirmative action is evaluated as absolutely unfair by these individuals. Based on the critique, a 2 (qualifications)×2 (history of discrimination)×2 (procedure) role play experiment was conducted. The results of the experiment unambiguously support the hypothesis that implementation procedure will greatly affect a variety of individual responses such as general affect, evaluations of procedural fairness, evaluations of outcome fairness, and evaluations of a relevant subunit of the involved institution.This article is based in part on a dissertation submitted to the Department of Psychology at the University of North Carolina in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. Special thanks are extended to the members of the dissertation committee, Drs. John Thibaut (Chair), David Eckerman, Chester A. Insko, Lynn Kahle, and John Schopler.  相似文献   

The so-called state action doctrine is a judicially created formula for resolving conflicts between federal antitrust policy and state policies that seem to authorize conduct that antitrust law would prohibit. Against the background of recent commentaries by the federal antitrust agencies, this article reviews the doctrine and discusses its application in the health care sector, focusing on the ability of states to immunize anticompetitive actions by state licensing and regulatory boards, hospital medical staffs, and public hospitals, as well as anticompetitive mergers and agreements. Although states are free, as sovereign governments, to restrict competition, the state action doctrine requires that "the state itself" make the decision to do so. Partly on the basis of problems in the political environment, the article criticizes courts for using a mere "foreseeability" test to decide whether a state legislature sufficiently authorized competitors to act in contravention of clear federal policy: "Few things are more foreseeable than that a trade or profession empowered to regulate itself will produce anticompetitive regulations."  相似文献   

Sources of Stigma: Analyzing the Psychology of Affirmative Action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous speculations exist about the psychological implications of affirmative action. One of the notions most prevalent among policy analysts is that affirmative action is stigmatizing and consequently is psychologically harmful to beneficiaries. In this article, the policy-analytic vision which leads to this conclusion is shown to have strong parallels with a particular interpretation of the formal social psychological framework known as Equity Theory. Flaws in both the policy analytic and the equity theory visions are highlighted through a reconceptualization of the policy in terms of the theory of Procedural Justice. The general argument is that psychological reactions to affirmative action are linked to the actual structure and perceived fairness of the procedures used to implement the policy. A review of the psychological research on the outcomes of affirmative action based on equity theory and procedural justice shows that psychological responses to the policy depend on the nature of policy-procedures. Since affirmative action procedures do vary and also seem to have legal bearing, it is argued that in order to develop an understanding of the psychology of the policy that is both valid, and relevant to policy design, a procedural justice conceptualization is necessary.  相似文献   

In the framework of the fight against international terrorismthe UN Security Council (SC) has adopted targeted sanctionsagainst individuals and corporate entities. Furthermore, ithas imposed on states a number of obligations of a general nature.The implementation of all these measures — some of whichbear on sensitive aspects of criminal law and procedure —is left to the Member States. This article attempts to providean overview of national implementation practices, based on thenational reports submitted by states pursuant to the relevantSC resolutions. Besides the many difficulties encountered bystates in implementing SC resolutions, the encroachment of anti-terrormeasures on human rights is a cause for concern. The currentattitude of the SC, which has integrated human rights considerationsinto the security concerns that inspire its action under ChapterVII of the Charter, should enhance the perception of legitimacyof its anti-terror policy and, arguably, improve the effectivenessof its measures.  相似文献   

卢博 《河北法学》2020,38(5):126-145
打赢脱贫攻坚战为我国如期实现全面建成小康社会目标的关键一环,是助推基层社会治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要抓手和载体。然在具体实践过程中,基层政府因对"专项治理"政策工具的特性洞鉴尚浅,实证背景研判不足,未能恰当处理"专项"与"常规"政策工具之间以及政策工具与治理目标之间的关系,进而使政策工具在基层社会复杂应用环境中"空转",导致治理效果不理想。基于以上问题及困境,以安镇脱贫攻坚行动为研究对象,在深度剖析两大政策工具之理论及实践逻辑基础上,全局把握科学革命的齿轮状特点与终极导向。并据此分析传统专项治理作为科学革命的重要范式,在脱贫攻坚战中发挥着营造环境、整合资源、利益驱动、权力生产、全面治理等正向作用,同时也存在"目标置换""精英俘获""临时应对"等局限性一面。因此,在总结科学革命经验基础上尝试性提出新的常规科学建立的理想模型,以期不断创新与完善中国基层治理法治化路径。  相似文献   

Study 1 assessed associations with the labels “diversity policy” (DP) and “affirmative action policy” (AAP) and perceptions of potential policy components. Student and community participants (N = 143) completed a survey assessing associations with one of the policy labels. Both policies evoked similar associations such as “race/minorities” and “equality/equal opportunity,” but the AAP was more often associated with “bias/inequality/discrimination,” “unfairness,” and “racism/prejudice.” When rating potential policy components, reverse discrimination was considered more likely under the AAP. In Study 2 we explored the evaluation of equivalent policy components associated with different policy labels. Student participants (N = 126) rated the policy labeled as the DP more favorably than the AAP. Both studies suggest more favorable attitudes toward the DP label.  相似文献   

"道德银行"是近年来推出的旨在推进公民道德建设的一种创新式的方式,其伦理实质是用一种功利化的方式推进美德建设."道德银行"的实施存在着理论与实践上的双重困境:在理论上,"道德银行"与美德存在着内在的冲突;在实践中,"道德银行"容易产生伪善."道德银行"所产生的困境给我们的主要启示是:道德建设应合理地明晰道德的层次,结合道德自身的特点;道德建设尤其是美德建设不能采用功利化的推行手段;应在充分考量现实道德生活环境的基础上合理地运用不同的伦理理论.  相似文献   

This article examines the charge that the "New Perspective" on health (as exemplified by the Lalonde Report in Canada, by Prevention and Health in the United Kingdom) represents an abandonment of liberal principles in favor of a collectivist and paternalistic role for the state. It looks first at the problems confronting modern health policy, and at the reasoning behind the New Perspective's approach. It then explores whether and how the charge of paternalism applies to that approach, and just what such a charge implies. The article concludes with a discussion of the "liberal paternalist" viewpoint towards health policy, a viewpoint that combines respect for individual liberty with an interest in taking effective public action to improve the health status of modern populations.  相似文献   

This Comment explores issues concerning the control of fraud and abuse in health programs financed with public funds, specifically the Medicare and Medicaid programs. It summarizes the nature, scope, and possible causes of what some regard as a fraud and abuse "crisis," and points out the difficulties and obstacles facing those who attempt to develop legislative and executive action aimed at controlling fraud and abuse. Recent federal initiatives in fraud and abuse control are examined, and a brief summary of key provisions of H.R. 3 (the Medicare-Medicaid Anti-fraud and Abuse Amendments, which may prove to be a landmark piece of legislation in this area) is provided. The author emphasizes that more effective control of fraud and abuse is necessary if further expansion of government financing of health programs, including national health insurance, is to occur in the near future. At the same time, caution must be taken not to neglect the appropriate use of other mechanisms necessary for reducing the costs of medical care and improving its quality. In addition, it is likely that efforts to stem fraud and abuse will raise important medicolegal and public policy issues that will require careful interdisciplinary consideration.  相似文献   

论刑事政策对刑法理论的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从刑事政策定义的不同解读入手,通过对欧陆刑法学说史的研究以及对欧陆刑法学行为价值学说的辩证分析,正确阐释了刑事政策对刑法理论的影响及其相互关系。作者认为,现代欧陆刑法学说史证明了刑事政策思想决定刑法理论的走向,而不同国家坚持的不同刑事政策立场决定了一个国家主流刑法理论的选择。同时,刑法理论对刑事政策的制定和推行具有重要影响力或反制作用,我国刑事政策从偏离罪刑法定原则的"严打"刑事政策向"宽严相济"刑事政策的理性回归与转变,正好验证了"刑法是刑事政策不可逾越的藩篱"。  相似文献   

我国《民法典(草案)》将"生物识别信息"列入"隐私权和个人信息保护"的范围。目前,在外国以保护隐私权思路保护个人生物识别信息的民事诉讼实践中所遇到的困难主要包括:"类主体"与"类事由"化问题;侵权行为的"程序性违法"问题;传统"案件—诉讼—损害"的民事法理逻辑对损害赔偿的限定等问题。充分完善"类诉讼"制度;解决新兴权利的法律赋权问题;确定"程序性违法"的"损害"认定标准以及完善举证责任制度,是保证个人生物识别信息民事权利诉讼救济充分实现的制度优化措施。  相似文献   

我国当下公交民营化改革普遍受挫的背后隐藏着异常复杂的政府规制课题。作为公私部门合作治理的有益尝试,特许经营是我国公交民营化改革的基本路径。面对公交领域特许经营的诸多困境,地方政府应当尽快实现由"冲锋陷阵"的执行者向"身居幕后"的保障者的角色变迁,在坚守法治精神和契约规则的基础上切实担负起后民营化阶段的规制责任,努力促进公共福祉的提升。在公私合作的崭新背景下,通过对具体行政领域规制过程的观察和政策面的关怀,以回应真实世界为己任的新行政法已然兴起。  相似文献   

于飞 《法学研究》2012,(4):43-60
"背俗故意致损",是在权利和利益区分的基础上进行侵权法思考必然会遭遇的一个问题。德国民法典立法者设立第826条时,并不具有利用该条将法律与道德、习惯等法外规范相连通的直接目的。第826条的功能在后世学说的解释中形成了形式功能与实质功能两大功能群。试图为"背俗"设置实质判断标准的实质功能越来越受到学者的批判,并且在学说上出现了将纯粹经济损失保护作为第826条核心功能的观点。故意要件的本质是在缺乏社会典型公开性的纯粹经济损失领域维持行为人的预见性。法解释对该要件有所软化,但不宜将故意降低为重大过失。背俗要件的判断标准存在于判例之中。应当借鉴动态系统理论,以本土判例为素材,建构我国的"背俗故意致损"判例类型。纯粹经济损失概念并不表达一个真正的类别,而是包含了千差万别的事物,该领域不存在一般保护规则。"背俗故意致损"只是纯粹经济损失保护中的"最小值"。应当建立特别规范、保护性法律和"背俗故意致损"三层纯粹经济损失的立法保护体系。  相似文献   

犯罪化原则与我国的"严打"政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
游伟  谢锡美 《法律科学》2003,1(1):38-43
由于"严打"政策本身蕴含着强烈的犯罪化观念及其行动,因此,在"严打"政策法治化的过程中,必须正确处理好与犯罪化过程中的一些基本原则的关系.尤其要遵循最低限度干预原则、合理组织对犯罪的反应原则和刑法最后手段性原则,以免"严打"活动脱离法治的轨道.  相似文献   

Can legislatures effectively check unilateral executive power? One prominent and counterintuitive finding in previous work is that executives pursue unilateralism less often under divided government. While executives see greater potential policy gains through unilateral action during divided government, we argue that their likelihood of acting unilaterally depends on an opposed legislature's ability to retaliate. When polarization is high and majorities are marginal, executives are freer to act unilaterally given the difficulties legislatures have in statutorily responding. Unilateralism is also more likely when facing opposition if legislatures lack nonstatutory means of punishment, such as regulatory review. In the largest analysis of gubernatorial executive unilateralism to date, we use a new data set of 24,232 executive orders in the 50 American states between 1993 and 2013 to evaluate this argument and find strong support for its predictions. These results provide insights into how legislative policymaking capacity can influence the functioning of separation of powers systems.  相似文献   

“民事政策”的困境与反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"民事政策"是指国家对民事活动进行导引和规范的法政策,在我国民事立法和民事司法中有着特殊的地位。我国历史上"民事政策"功能"异化"以及民事政策与传统民法理念的冲突,使"民事政策"的研究与发展陷入困境。民事政策对民事法律制定和修改的指导价值、对民事社会理性调节的功能是客观的存在。将民事政策界定为民法非正式法源,明确和规制各法源的效力,利于缩短民法由静态的法转变为"活法"的进程。  相似文献   

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