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This paper analyses whether geographic proximity favours specific channels of university–industry interaction when firms collaborate with universities and with government research centres. Our study also provides insights regarding the relationship between the associated channel and the role of firms’ absorptive capacities. Our results show that firms with higher levels of absorptive capacities tend to interact more independently of their location. Additionally, interaction with non-local universities generally includes the transfer of codified forms of knowledge, while links with local universities includes more tacit forms of knowledge. Policy implications derived from this analysis focus on fostering interaction at local and non-local levels.  相似文献   

Most studies concerning police-community relations have operationalized support for-law enforcement agencies in unidimensional terms. The present study dissects the notion of support for the police into two distinct dimensions: efficacy and image. Efficacy includes perceptions of the police ability to protect citizens, solve crime, and prevent crime. Image includes perceptions of friendliness and fairness of the police. A series of conventional individual-level and contextual variables are modeled in an effort to explore their relative influence on citizen perceptions of police efficacy and image. Data gathered from a national telephone survey of 1,005 citizens reveal that support for local police is both complex and multidimensional. Moreover, the results demonstrate that efficacy and image are independent dimensions, and that each is susceptible to quite different ratings depending upon which independent and dependent variables are modeled. Thanks go to Dennis Longmire, Barbara Sims, and Timothy Flanagan for providing the data used in this study.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether using carbon pricing as the major mitigation policy instrument is compatible with the implementation of the “common but differentiated responsibility” principle in a global climate agreement. We focus more specifically on China, a key player in climate negotiations. This is done by adopting the Imaclim-R model to assess the economic effect of carbon pricing on the Chinese economy in different climate architectures which, despite aiming at the same stabilization target, differ in terms of the temporal profile of emission reductions and the regional distribution of efforts (different quota allocation schemes). Model outcomes prove that neither temporal nor regional flexibilities provides a satisfactory answer since the Chinese economy remains significantly hurt at certain time periods. This suggests the recourse to complementary measures to carbon pricing in order to help smoothing the necessary shift toward a low-carbon society. This means in particular that, to build a climate policy architecture that could be compatible with the “common but differentiated responsibility” principle, climate negotiations must go beyond global top-down systems relying on cap-and-trade to include bottom-up measures likely to complement the carbon price and make carbon mitigation acceptable in countries like China.  相似文献   

In the case of Mexico, the prevalence of organized crime and drug trafficking can be explained more as a consequence of the weak and insufficient institutional bureaucracy that impedes the application of the law than the demand for narcotics in the United States. In this context, a study was undertaken in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, the state where one of the most violent criminal groups, Los Caballeros Templarios (the Knights Templar), a splinter group of La Familia Michoacána (the family Michoacán), is located. This article, which draws upon LaFree’s ‘social control’ research, raises the question of the urgent need to strengthen state and municipal government within an integrated strategy to combat organized crime. Failure to reform bureaucracies and the continued lack of local and state institutions that guarantee a modicum of compliance with the law will result in an institutional environment which continues to favor impunity and delinquency.  相似文献   

In The Economic Codetermination Right of Workers in the Firm, Böhm undertook the mental exercise of systematically analyzing all variants of economic systems discussed at that time, including their mixed forms, as well as codetermination at the company level and the board and industry level with all their combinations. This explains why his article extends over 230 pages. It is not feasible to closely discuss all of these variants. Instead, this article concentrates on those ideas that are still meaningful today or, in other words, on what Franz Böhm has to contribute to the question of the effects of codetermination today.  相似文献   

This historical–anthropological study of kinship on the Greek island of Syros examines kin terminology as an indicator of relationships. These terms have been traced in a series of notarial acts dating from 1750 to 1820. Departing from the case study, certain elements of the system of kin terminology have been placed in a broader territorial and cultural context. The aim of this comparative analysis is to achieve a deeper understanding of kinship on the microlevel of the case study. From a methodological point of view, this article points out the need for interdisciplinary research on kinship. History, social anthropology, and ethnology could be possible partners in such an approach.  相似文献   

This work seeks to contribute to technology transfer case study literature, by exploring the possibilities of an international trade between Mexico and Quebec in dairy industry under an international agreement??s environment. We report this probable exchange on an exploratory study, based on previous studies made at HEC Montréal at the International Technology Transfer course. This was explored in terms of knowledge and technology transfer, involving an innovative product. We present evidence based on public information and company interviews?? results which, analyzed through a theoretical framework of knowledge and technology transfer, suggests a possible future partnership, involving knowledge transfer. Our results show that, even if the two companies selected have similar cooperative-type structures, they do not behave in similar way. Both enterprises could better complement each other in terms of R&D, marketing, benchmarking, process and entrepreneurial capabilities. Furthermore, our research indicates that both enterprises could better face on industry??s threats in domestic and international competition, which could be used as a basis for further research in international technology transfers.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to test the theory that there is a natural occurrence of petrol on the carpet or carpet mats of motor vehicles that would interfere with the potential determination of arson residues. Part of this study was also to determine what levels of background interference due to the carpet matrix are likely to be encountered in the general population of motor vehicles. The study was conducted in three parts.
  • 1.A persistence study was conducted to determine the evaporation and persistence of unleaded petrol on carpet. The results indicate that small volumes of petrol (less than 100 μl) are unlikely to be detected on carpet after a 24 h period. Larger volumes will be detected after this period, but will generally not be detectable after 1 week.
  • 2.A known history study was conducted by the insertion of carpet mats, for varying lengths of time, into the driver area of separate vehicles, with subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. A ‘history’ sheet was completed by the occupants of the vehicles during the insertion periods to record the frequency of contact with petrol, and general usage of the vehicles. The results indicate that petrol will not normally be found on previously uncontaminated carpet mats after a 6-week period of use in a vehicle, however, the occupation and behaviour of the occupants can affect the types of compounds deposited onto the carpet.
  • 3.An unknown history study was conducted via the collection of carpet or carpet mat samples from vehicles with an unknown history, and subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. Six of the 150 samples examined contained petrol. These results indicate that only a small proportion of motor vehicles will exhibit the presence of petrol on carpet or carpet mats, and then only as evaporated petrol.
All of the above findings increase the evidential value of finding significant volumes of fresh or slightly evaporated petrol on carpet products in motor vehicles.  相似文献   

In this paper the case against the principal-agent modeling of most economic transactions is made about liberalizations of professional services that introduced in many European countries schemes of professionals’ remuneration contingent on outcomes—i.e. “contingent fees” for lawyers. If the relationship between the professional and clients is seen according to the principal-agent model, contingency fees can be economically justified. The case is quite different, however, if the situation is seen as one of authority under bounded rationality and unforeseen/asymmetrically gathered events. A game theoretical thought experiment aimed at checking the case for or against using agency models is carried out. It shows that (i) in the case of a self-interested professional, notwithstanding that overall utilitarian efficiency may be safeguarded, contingent fees leads to not respecting the fiduciary obligations (to detriment of Pareto optimality, impartial and loyal treatment of all clients, and the obligation to promote all the clients’ welfare). (ii) In the case of the professional’s willingness to comply with deontology standards—requiring impartial protection of all the clients’ rights and welfare, under a condition of minimal individual rationality—contingent fees lead nevertheless to making useless deontological motivations and to a loss of efficiency in utilitarian sense. A Pareto optimal, impartial, as well as efficient, arrangement aimed at maximizing the total volume of damage compensation is then considered. Nevertheless the main result is that, even if motivations to conform to such principles were available, under a contingent fee contract the professional could not carry out them because of the logic of the incentive contract. Thus, notwithstanding its widespread acceptance in the law and economics literature, agency theory seems not suitable in general for designing efficient and fair contracts and economic institutions.  相似文献   

Hypernatremia has been causally linked with subdural hematoma (SDH), but more recently this has been called into question. Conversely, there is a well-established link between SDH and injury. We wish to examine the evidence base that hypernatremia in infants and young children causes SDH.We present 2 cases of children with severe hypernatremia whose intracranial contents were assessed by imaging in the first case and postmortem examination in the second. Neither demonstrated SDH. The first case was important as the hypernatremia was iatrogenic occurring in a controlled hospital environment.We also searched the literature from 1950 to 2007, collecting data on all reported cases of hypernatremia in children younger than 7 years whose intracranial contents were examined by imaging, surgery, and/or postmortem examination. Of 124 cases reported in 31 articles, 112 cases developed hypernatremia in the community, and 12 in the hospital. Subdural hematoma was demonstrated in 7 cases, all of which had developed hypernatremia in the community under circumstances that would make it difficult to exclude nonaccidental injury. None of the 12 cases that developed hypernatremia in a controlled hospital environment had SDH.The evidence base supporting the hypothesis that hypernatremia causes SDH is poor, depending on isolated reports with uncertain histories.  相似文献   

“The Problem of Social Cost” is rightly credited with helping to launch the economic analysis of law. George Stigler plays a central role in the professional reception of Coase’s work and, in particular, of the idea that came to be known as the Coase theorem. While Coase’s negotiation result was taken up in the scholarly literature not long after the publication of “The Problem of Social Cost,” it was Stigler who gave the theorem its name and introduced it to scores of readers in The Theory of Price (1966). His remaking of Coase’s idea into a “theorem” had significant rhetorical force, which, combined with the challenge that it pose to received thinking about externality problems, both lent credibility to the idea and made it a force to be reckoned with. The present paper analyzes Stigler’s various commentaries on the Coase theorem with a view to getting at both how Stigler understood the theorem and its import and why he exhibited such a fascination with it over the last 30 years of his life.  相似文献   

Neurosarcoidosis carries a mortality of 10%, over twice that of sarcoidosis overall, although it has been rarely reported as a cause of sudden death. The current evidence suggests that sarcoidosis results from an enhanced immune reaction to a variety of antigens, non-self or self which causes CD4 (helper-inducer) T-cell accumulation with a ratio of helper-inducer T cells to suppressor-cytotoxic T cells usually high in affected organs, activation and release of inflammatory cytokines, and formation of granulomatous lesions. Numerous cytokines and other mediators are produced by both activated macrophages and T lymphocytes bearing the CD4-helper phenotype during the granuloma responses. A number of data suggest that interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-2, and IL-18 play a critical role in the formation of granulomas. In this article, we describe the clinical and pathological characteristics of a patient who suddenly died due to acute respiratory failure. Neurosarcoidosis with massive and extensive involvement of the brainstem was established as the cause of death. Western blot analysis in the patient demonstrated the TNF-α presence as a 51-kDa protein in the brain tissue. The immunohistochemical analysis showed a poor positiveness for CD4 in all samples around the granulomas, as well as moderate positiveness for CD8, CD15, and CD20; CD45 and CD68 showed a strong positiveness in all the brain samples. Histological findings, immunohistochemical analysis, and proteomic studies addressed the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis with involvement of the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem and central hypoventilation as the cause of death.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that the way in which questions are presented (i.e. framed) has the capacity to influence responses to subsequent questions. In the context of stalking, perception research has often been framed in terms of whether or not particular behaviours constitute stalking. The current research investigates whether the framing of the opening question (question frame), conduct severity and the perpetrator–target relationship influence perceptions of stalking. Two studies employed experimental 3×3 independent factorial designs: one to examine question frame and conduct severity, the other to examine question frame and the perpetrator–target relationship. Participants in both studies (total N=449) were presented with vignettes and asked to answer six questions relating to the behaviour described. Question frame was found to impact on the classification of behaviour, with a greater proportion of participants indicating that the behaviour represented harassment or stalking rather than an illegal act. Consistent with previous research, conduct severity and the perpetrator–target relationship influenced perceptions of stalking. However, there was no evidence to suggest that the framing of the opening question influenced these perceptions. The implications of these findings for previous perception research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent events have illustrated the reciprocal nature of the relationship between emergency management actors and law enforcement agencies. Emergency management and disaster studies, as fields of practice and academic scholarship are inherently interdisciplinary. Primary among the fields impacting their development is criminal justice. This relationship is confirmed as criminal justice departments continue to include specialized Homeland Security curriculum. However, even as universities and colleges around the country are integrating emergency management into traditional criminal justice programs, there remain gaps in recognition of the unique practical skills and perspectives disaster scholars bring to criminal justice programs. In many ways, disaster scholarship complements existing law enforcement-focused programs by expanding the breadth of what is considered public or community safety. During each phase of the disaster management cycle (preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation), emergency management research highlights the assistance of volunteer community disaster response organizations that are utilized to assist victims and survivors, and to distribute necessary aid and information. This essay provides a discussion of the linkages between emergency management, disaster studies, and criminal justice, and supports a call for a broadened, integrative approach to human security that fully recognizes the role of each.  相似文献   

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) and the Youth version (YLS/CMI) generate an assessment of risk/need across eight domains that are considered to be relevant for girls and boys and for women and men. Aggregated across five data sets, the predictive validity of each of the eight domains was gender-neutral. The composite total score (LS/CMI total risk/need) was strongly associated with the recidivism of males (mean r = .39, mean AUC = .746) and very strongly associated with the recidivism of females (mean r = .53, mean AUC = .827). The enhanced validity of LS total risk/need with females was traced to the exceptional validity of Substance Abuse with females. The intra-data set conclusions survived the introduction of two very large samples composed of female offenders exclusively. Finally, the mean incremental contributions of gender and the gender-by-risk level interactions in the prediction of criminal recidivism were minimal compared to the relatively strong validity of the LS/CMI risk level. Although the variance explained by gender was minimal and although high-risk cases were high-risk cases regardless of gender, the recidivism rates of lower risk females were lower than the recidivism rates of lower risk males, suggesting possible implications for test interpretation and policy.  相似文献   

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