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Dongguan Songshan Lake Science and Technology Industry Park is a paradise for innovation and green tech development.The tech center,one of China's pioneering industrial parks,sits in the geometric center of Dongguan,Guangdong Province,with an area of 72square km and a freshwater lake.Aside from the park's natural beauty and superior ecological environment,Songshan Lake just got a status upgrade-it's now a state-level hi-tech industrial park,which enjoys more preferential policies.  相似文献   

CHENZHOU is a small scenic city in the mountains and a major stop on the Beijing-GuangzhouRailway. The recently opened Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and National Highway No. 107 pass through the city, and it is only a four hour drive to Guangzhou and Changsha. Since opening of the Guangdong-Hunan segment of the  相似文献   

An international gathering of anthropologists and ethnologists opens Chinese academics to more conversations about cultures  相似文献   

正The Qinling Mountains, ranging 1,600 km long from east to west and 300 km wide from north to south in central China, is also known as the natural boundary between the north and the south of China due to its unique climate and geographic location. The area is extremely rich in biodiversity. They are home to 3,800 species of plants and 530 species of animals, including famous ones such as the giant panda, snubnosed monkey, takin, crested ibis and black stork. In addition, it has abundant mineral resources, such as molybdenum, nickel, and limestone.  相似文献   

HANK you for visiting my 'small black face' website I am Chen Jianjiao, depu ty to the eighth, ninth and tenth People's Congress of Hunan Province and chairman of the People's Congress of Taiping Town Shimen County, Hunan Province. The aim of this website is to help me live up to the expectations of a people's deputy in the new era; also to gear up rapidly to modern science and technology, and streamline my performance as a deputy to the People's Congress. "The name 'small black face' …  相似文献   

CHINAIShometomanyfamousmountains,suchasthe"FiveGreatMountains",thefoursacredpeaksofBuddhism,HuangshanandLushan.Mountainareascovertwo-thirdsofthecountry.TheFiveGreatMountains"TheFiveGreatMountains,"locatedincentralChina,werenamedaccordingtothecardinalpointsonthecompass,includingMountTattotheeastinShandongProvince,MountHuatothewestinShaanxiProvince,MountHengtothesouthinHunanProvince,MountHeng(saxnesoundbutdifferentcharacterinChinese)tothenorthinShanxiProvince,andMountSonginthecent…  相似文献   

贵州安顺市三股水小学足球队的孩子们最大的希望,就是能把学校里的一块空地开辟成专用的五人制足球场,这样就不会再因为在水泥地踢球而受伤.然而,花钱修建一个球场,对这个学校来说一时难以实现.  相似文献   

<正>构筑商贸物流中心建设生态宜居城市怀化,一座会呼吸的城市武陵探访系列之怀化这里是一方美丽而神奇的土地,层峦叠嶂,群峰竞秀,溪流密布,秀水拖蓝,充满秀气、灵气、志气和大气。这里钟灵毓秀,人文荟萃,千百年来众多文化名流、政界精英,或感怀于五溪,或结缘于怀化,屈原、王昌龄、李白、沈从文等名人大家的诗文赋予灵山秀水不一般的...  相似文献   

Moving Mountains     
正A region in China races to lift nearly 3 million villagers out of poverty Living in a remote mountain village in one of China’s least developed regions in the northwest,Gao Shiquan was used to hardships.The50-year-old farmer,struggling to survive on an annual income of less than 3,000yuan($448),couldn’t imagine things could get any worse—until a landslide  相似文献   

Well before the founding of the People’s Republic of China(PRC)in 1949,the Communist Party of China(CPC)had set up many strategic revolutionary bases in its battle against first the Kuomintang(KMT)as early as the 1920s and later the Japanese invaders during the World WarⅡ.These bases,nowadays referred to as the old revolutionary bases,mostly lie in the nation’s vast and remote rural areas.  相似文献   

正Beijing Review reporters have recently visited Xinjiang, recording what is happening there through photos, videos and stories to share with ours readers.Xinjiang today has been very stable with no violent terrorist incident occurring for more than four years. Tourists all sincerely admire the great improvements in the region's security situation, all the while tasting the various foods and enjoying the wide-ranging landscape.  相似文献   

XINGTAI County comesunder the jurisdiction ofXingtai City, HebeiProvince. It covers an areaof 1,983 square kilometers, with apopulation of 450,000. The countylies between the TaihangMountains to the west and theNorth China Plain to the east, andits terrain features mountains, hillsand plains sloping from west toeast. Xingtai County is among themost impressive afforestation andecological environment demonstration counties nationwide. Itborders Shjiazhuang City, only384 kilometers from B…  相似文献   

<正>Pakistan is committed to the Belt and Road Initiative The longstanding friendship between Pakistan and China is based on mutual respect, equality and common benefit as wel as noninterference in each other’s internal affairs. This friendship has stood steadfast despite vicissitudes in political, economic and  相似文献   

Nur Berkri, Chairman of the Xinjiang regional government,said during the 12th meeting of the 11th Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Regional People's  相似文献   

THE terms "clean," "safe" and "organic" are not usu-ally associated with Chinese agricultural output, but for Professor Gao Jie they are a mantra to live by. As the vice dean of Horticulture at Xinjiang Agricultural Uni-versity, his days are spent researching new ways to increase agricultural production without endangering the environment or consumers.  相似文献   

Senior diplomats from permanent missions of eight countries to the United Nations Office at Geneva visited northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on February 16-19 at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Edited excerpts of a Xinhua News Agency report on the visit follow.  相似文献   

HONGJIANG City is little known in modern times,but historically it was a key port and bus- tling trade center full of riches,spendthrift lifestyles and opium dens.Located in a mountainous zone in the southern province of Hunan,Hong- jiang's role as an important trade hub stretches back to antiquity.More than 3,000 years ago it lay on the trade route between China's interior and the Indian and Arabic Oceans,and the Red and  相似文献   

本文从社会政治、自然观以及"我与己"三个层面论述了陶渊明人生价值和思想境界的转化,动态地展现了陶渊明的价值观念体系,剖析了陶渊明思想转化的原因及其意义.  相似文献   

It is believed that Buddhism reached China through the Silk Road around the first century A.D., and subsequently, Buddhist arts and crafts arrived from countries like India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. An example would be the artworks found in grottoes built along the Silk Road in China. The Mogao Caves near the city of Dunhuang in Gansu Province in northwest China, the Longmen Grottoes near Luoyang in central China's Henan Province, and the Yungang Grottoes near Datong in Shanxi Province in north China are the three most important places in the country where Buddhist grottoes have been found.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a key battlefield in the fight against terrorism and extremism in China, extremist ideas once strongly influenced people's minds, particularly prior to 2016.  相似文献   

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