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This is the study of the author that refers about a case of a 46 years old man found dead inside his house, the death was related to cocaine intake. The police found the corpse laying in his bed with a sheet of newspaper rolled up and a few plastic coverings containing trace of cocaine on the desk. Toxicological analysis was performed and drug levels measured by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technology. Based on the autopsy findings and toxicological results the cause of death was related to an acute intoxication due to cocaine "overdose". In addition to the presence of cocaine and smaller alkaloids, in the sheet made of newspaper rolled up and eluted of the nasal mucosas has been highlighted the presence of 2,6-disopropylnaphtalene (2,6-DIPN), a fungicidal pesticide very health hazard for human. A very easy, simple and selective gas chromatography mass spectrometry method was employed for the detection of 2,6-DIPN in the cocaine powder.  相似文献   

This article develops a line of theorising the relationship between peace, war and commerce and does so via conceptualising global juridical relations as a site of contestation over questions of economic and social justice. By sketching aspects of a historical interaction between capitalist accumulation, natural rights and state hegemony, the article offers a critical account of the limits of liberal international law, and attempts to recover some ground for thinking about the emancipatory potential of international law more generally.  相似文献   

Institution and constitution building are very much in evidence and continue to lie at the heart of contemporary international governance programmes. The paper explores the underlying limitations of legality and associated institutional frameworks in the light of one of the most significant and, apparently, successful transitions to democracy of recent times, that of Brazil. Against the background of struggles over land, the paper discusses the actions of two leading state institutions specifically charged with implementing the 1988 Constitution, and a social movement, the Landless Workers Movement, which uses mass direct action techniques to demand implementation. Although the study highlights the profound limitations of formal legal processes and institutions, and stresses their socially and politically embedded nature, it also affirms the historical and contemporary significance of the realm of legality in the construction and reproduction of social struggles.  相似文献   

Recent information from various sources suggests that a new illicit drug, called "oxi", is being spread across Brazil. It would be used in the smoked form and it would look like to crack cocaine: usually small yellowish or light brown stones. As fully released in the media, "oxi" would differ from crack cocaine in the sense that crack would contain carbonate or bicarbonate salts whereas "oxi" would include the addition of calcium oxide and kerosene (or gasoline). In this context, this work presents a chemical profiling comparative study between "oxi" street samples seized by the Civil Police of the State of Acre (CP/AC) and samples associated with both international and interstate drug trafficking seized by the Brazilian Federal Police in Acre (FP/AC). The outcome of this work assisted Brazilian authorities to stop inaccurate and alarmist releases on this issue. It may be of good use by the forensic community in order to better understand matters in their efforts to guide local law enforcement agencies in case such claims reach the international illicit market.  相似文献   

"国酒茅台",模糊记忆里,这个词还是从爷爷那听来,爬满岁月痕迹的面孔上溢着尊崇和向往,分不清楚那种感情所寄托的是醇醇酒香,还是堂堂酒号.见到"国酒茅台"真身,依然在爷爷的饭桌上,坐在一旁,看着这个平日粗犷的老人轻啄一口的小心翼翼,看着这个酒量深不可测的人一盏酒后的满面红光,倏然明白,醉了这位古稀老人的是"国酒"却不是那53°酒精含量的玉液琼浆.  相似文献   

Given the often perplexing relationship between mental illness and substance abuse among offenders, this article looks at how a juvenile drug court staff's presumptions of a youth's mental illness affect its decision-making process. Based on thirteen months of ethnographic fieldwork at a Southern California juvenile drug court, this article uses Manzo and Travers's "law in action" approach to analyze how the staff readjusts its application of normal remedies (a concept developed by Robert Emerson) designed to respond to a youth's noncompliance when it suspects mental illness may be influencing the youth's actions. In doing so, it highlights how court staff's considerations of youth mental disorders arise out of its everyday work practices. Furthermore, the article discusses how staff negotiations around a youth's mental illness create tensions for the juvenile drug court's accountability-based model of therapeutic jurisprudence, because assessments of mental illness tend to mitigate responsibility for a youth's behavior.  相似文献   

章杰超 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):89-93
买卖不破租赁可以说已经成为学术界和实务界的共识,也成为学者们提出或支持所谓债权物权化的主要依据.本文从对债权和物权的分析及对买卖和租赁的比较入手,通过还租赁以其本来面目来否定债权物权化这一命题,驳斥传统的观点.  相似文献   

余能斌  程淑娟 《现代法学》2006,28(5):173-181
俄罗斯对国家所有权的规定体现了其社会转型的特点。它赋予国家所有权与其他种类所有权平等的法律地位,实现了国家所有权主体和客体的多元化。在国家所有权的实现方式上采用了两种不同的权利安排:一是对国有单一制企业和机构保留国家的所有权,该单一制企业和机构本身享有他物权性质的经营权和业务管理权;二是通过法人所有权作为一种中介性概念实现国家所有权。此外,俄罗斯国家所有权的取得方式、消灭和保护也都有自己的特点。我国要坚持社会主义方向,国家所有权的意义自然与俄罗斯不同,但物权法也应设计出最适合自己国情的国家所有权制度。  相似文献   

原告许某不服被告国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会(以下简称商评委)作出的<关于第×××号"国部"商标驳回复审决定书>,向北京市第一中级人民法院提起诉讼. 商标评审委员会认为,"国部"商标由中文"国"和"部"构成,其整体无含义,"国"字的基本含义之一是"最好的、国家级的"等,"国部"商标作为商标使用在果酒(含酒精)、鸡尾酒等商品上,易导致相关公众对产品质量产生误认,构成<商标法>第10条第1款第(七)项所指的"夸大宣传并带有欺骗性"的情形.据此,商标评审委员会决定:申请商标予以驳回.  相似文献   

媒介传播时态下的“微政治”:基本认知与中国语境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自媒体作为典型的媒介传播正在以一种前所未见的技术力量深刻地塑造着后传统社会的生态与情境,并将人类带入了微政治的全新时代。微政治不是传统的阶级政治,它是以网络传媒为代表的新兴技术力量嵌入并塑造的社会;是将普通人的日常事务纳入政策关切,从而带来治理结构转型的一场政治社会运动。微政治也对中国的社会政治结构变迁提出了挑战。  相似文献   

Since the detention of General Pinochet in London in 1998 on charges of crimes against humanity, Chile's judges have sentenced more former officials of the military regime for human rights violations than judges of any other country in Latin America. This article argues that the prosecutorial turn reflects the judiciary's attempt to atone for its complicity with the dictatorship. The London arrest created pressure for prosecution of Pinochet-era human rights violations; but it is the contest over the judiciary's legacy, as an important piece of postauthoritarian memory struggles, that explains why Chile's notoriously illiberal judiciary ceded to that pressure. By reconceptualizing judicial culture as contested, heterogeneous, and dynamic, this article opens the door to richer understandings of judicial politics, transitional justice, and the reception of international human rights.  相似文献   

范愉 《法学家》2013,(1):1-14,176
中国法律史的最新研究成果表明,古代中国尽管确实存在着相对"无讼"的现象和"息讼"的努力,但实际上有不少区域呈现出"诉讼社会"的景象,诉讼滥用、欺诈诉讼、恶意诉讼等甚至成为一些地方严重的社会问题。除了深刻的经济、社会和文化原因外,中央集权下发达的司法体制与民间社会自治的相对弱势,是形成诉讼社会的关键要因。当诉讼超出社会和司法的承受力之时,官府对诉讼的限制乃至打压,就成为不可避免的潜规则。滥讼与讼难交织的恶性循环,既破坏了司法的公信力,也必然导致社会治理的混乱和道德失范。历史经验表明,"诉讼社会"和"无讼社会"这两种理想类型,都不能独立成为社会治理的合理模式,现实的选择只能是通过多元化纠纷解决机制来应对各种社会需求和危机,从而形成国家法律机制与社会自治的协调,逐步接近善治。  相似文献   

日本知识产权立国论评介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日本首相小泉纯一郎 2 0 0 2年 2月 4日在第 15 4届国会上发表施政演说时提出要将战略性地保护和利用知识产权、加强日本企业的国际竞争力以后 ,日本成立了知识产权战略会议 (2 0 0 2年 3月 )。该会提出了知识产权立国论 ,制定出《知识产权战略大纲》(2 0 0 2年 7月 ) ,国会还通过了《知识产权基本法》(2 0 0 2年 11月 )。设立了知识产权战略本部 (2 0 0 3年 3月 ) ,推出了《有关知识产权创造、保护及其利用的推进计划》(日本知识产权界称之为“知识产权战略推进计划” ,以下简称“推进计划”)。在短短的一年半时间里 ,日本政府已从提出政策…  相似文献   

梁启超的<新中国未来记>是一部体裁模糊的作品,它有小说的外壳,却内含大篇幅的政论.其中,黄克强和李去病之间的辩论是全文的一大焦点.作品中有对未来中国的想象,也有对现实中国的描述,更有采用两位主人公激烈辩论的方式探讨如何改变中国现状,无论是从形式还是从内客看,他并没有全盘接受西方民族国家思想,而是清醒地意识到中国国民的精神状态与民族国家的基本要求存在着巨大的差距,力图通过国民精神价值的重建而为政治理想的实现找到一条道路.由是现之,<新中国未来记>充分体现了梁启超的民族国家思想.  相似文献   

人民公社解体以后,我国提出依法治国的方略。为了整合农村发展,国家通过立法、执法、司法、普法以及建立村民自治制度等方式大力推动"法律下乡",由此形成了"法律下乡"的国家主导模式。上世纪末至本世纪以来,由于权利意识和法律意识日益高涨,农民通过自觉学法、用法维护自身合法权益的情形在各地兴起,这一过程使国家立法透过农民的需求加快嵌入农村,调整乡村社会关系,进而构成了草根需求下的"法律下乡"模式。当前"法律下乡"模式的二元化具有重大意义。两种模式在产生原因、实现方式、具体目标、发展程度等方面存在差异,但它们在实践中相互促进、彼此衔接,同时,两种模式都有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

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