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目的探讨胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的关系。方法随机抽查400例鄂西地区成年男女,测量每个人的胸耻线长和颈臀线长及身高,用SAS软件系统进行多元线性回归分析。结果建立了8项不同性别、不同年龄段推断身高的二元线性回归方程。18-40岁年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性好,根据人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长推断身高准确率高。41岁以上年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性稍差,其推断身高的回归方程慎用。结论该方法可用于推断成年人身高。  相似文献   

中国汉族成人胸骨多项测量值与身高关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 研究中国汉族成人胸骨多项测量值与身高的关系,建立以胸骨推算身高的方法。方法 测量135例(男100,女35)已知身高的中国汉族成年人干燥胸骨的全长、柄长、体长、柄最大宽、柄最小宽、体最大宽、体最大厚、柄厚、柄最大厚9项指标,采用多元逐步回归分析的方法,分别求出由男性(分年龄组)和女性胸骨的多项测量值推算身高的多元回归方程式。结果 所建立的4个男性(分年龄组)和1个女性胸骨推算身高的多元回归方程式,其复相关系数(R)在0.6237~0.7350之间,标准差(s)在4.5720—7.0348之间。结论 根据人体胸骨的多项测量值可以推算其身高,准确性略低于四肢长骨的同类推算;相同身高组的男女性胸骨多项测量值均存在明显的性别差异,胸骨柄长不能作为单因素推算身高的测量指标。  相似文献   

中国汉族女性腰椎的身高推断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测量中国汉族女性腰椎,建立腰椎推断身高的方法。按人体骨骼测量方法,对第一至第五腰椎的10项指标进行测量,并将各腰椎的测量数据与身高进行相关分析,建立中国汉族女性腰椎推断身高的回归方程。获得的推断身高的5个回归方程,其相关系数(r)和标准差(s)分别为 r_1=0.751,s=45.0171;r_2=0.698,s=48.2804;r_3=0.758,s=43.3508;r_4=0.497,s=56.0890;r_5=0.606,s=53.3158。本研究建立的方法误差小,可以用于中国汉族女性腰椎的身高推断。  相似文献   

身高属于个体识别的重要指标之一,历来是法医人类学研究的重点和热点。近几年国内外对于身高推断的研究又有新进展。笔者主要对近六年来国内外学术界发表的相关文献进行查阅,并精选具有代表性的文献进行综述,发现主要有以下新的研究进展和趋势:(1)随着人类平均身高的不断增长,原有身高推断方程有不断更新修正的需要;(2)性别、年龄、人种、地域等因素对身高推断影响大,设计实验研究方案时应考虑加入上述因素;(3)医学影像学技术,特别是CT技术成为近年来法医人类学身高推断研究的新方法。  相似文献   

个体身高推断是法医人类学个体识别的重要内容之一,目前常借助直接测量或放射学技术收集一定群体的四肢长骨、不规则骨、体表解剖标志的数据建立回归方程来实现。由于人口流动性的增加、人类体质整体提高的影响以及种族和地区间的差异,身高推断的研究应成为常规性研究。本文对不同身高推断方法进行回顾性综述,简要阐述各方法的优缺点,并展望身高推断的研究方向。  相似文献   

推断身高是法医学个体识别的重要研究内容.人体的各个部位长短均与身高呈一定的比例关系.利用上肢和下肢的长骨长度建立的回归方程,推断身高已经被证实是较准确可靠的,但由于长骨的脆弱性,当发现时可能是不完整的,而足有鞋的保护及自身组织的特殊性,足的完整性更有可能保存下来.本文对利用足部推断身高的指标与方法进行回顾,并展望了足部...  相似文献   

根据枢椎推断身高的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对81具已知生前确切身高尸骨的枢椎进行了枢椎全高及枢椎椎体高的测量,并以此计算了推断身高的回归方程。为骨骼的身高推断提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

目的通过腰椎高度X线测量技术,建立四川汉族女性身高的数学模型,为法医人类学研究积累基础数据。方法收集206例四川汉族女性个体按年龄分为A、B、C 3组,其中A组(206例)不分年龄,B组(116例)为20~45岁,C组(90例)为45岁以上,并应用计算机X线摄影(computer radiography,CR)技术分别测量所有样本腰椎CR片中5个椎体(L1~L5)前缘、后缘、中央高度(x1~x15),脊柱腰段中央总长度(x16),同时测量每个个体真实身高,对各测量指标联合与身高的相关性进行线性回归分析,建立推断身高的数学模型,并重新选取62例样本代入数学模型,检验模型的准确性。结果所建立的数学模型经线性回归模型假设检验,均具有统计学意义(P0.05),回归方程的推断标准误为2.982~5.004cm,相关系数为0.370~0.779,复相关系数为0.533~0.834。对每组相关系数、复相关系数最高的方程进行回代检验,其中A组的y=100.33+1.489 x3-0.548 x6+0.772 x9+0.058 x12+0.645 x15的准确率最高,为80.6%(±1SE)、100%(±2SE)。结论本研究建立的数学模型适用于推断四川汉族女性身高。  相似文献   

目的 通过PMCT研究我国汉族人群骨盆特征,通过统计学方法分析盆部骨骼各测量指标与身高之间的线性关系,获得身高预测方程,并评价其推断身高的准确性。方法 筛选满足一定条件的尸体影像共420例,测量骨盆髂前上棘宽、中骨盆宽度、髂前上棘与坐骨结节之间的距离等14个指标。测量尸体长度。建立单一测量指标与多指标的身高回归方程。计算每个公式的相关系数(R)、决定系数(R2)和估计标准误差(SEE,cm),以评估回归的显著性。结果 除女性骨盆髂前上棘宽(X1,p=0.446)外,其他测量指标均与身高之间存在显著的正相关关系。单一测量指标LHAIT(X4)获得了最高的相关系数(R=0.726)和最低的SEE值(SEE=5.906)。多指标逐步回归分析可获得的最高相关系数为0.761。结论 在无法获得更理想的骨骼元素(如完整的长骨)时,使用盆部骨骼PMCT测量结果可能有助于我国华北地区汉族人群身高的推断。  相似文献   

Zheng T  Huang Y  Zhang JB  Zhao H  Wang YZ  Shu YK  Deng ZH 《法医学杂志》2011,27(3):178-81, 185
目的 应用计算机X线成像(computed radiographv,CR)测量活体上肢骨及胫腓骨正位片上相关指标,建立适合当代中国四川地区汉族14~18岁人群运用上肢骨及胫腓骨推算身高的数学模型.方法 对194例14~18岁四川汉族健康青少年进行左侧肢体上肢骨及胫腓骨正位摄片,测量特定标志点间距离,同时准确测量其身高....  相似文献   

The foot measurements are important in forensic field as they can be used as body height predictors for an individual. The morphology of human feet shows the variations and therefore the aim of this study was to find the relation between stature and foot measurements and to generate population‐specific equations. We measured the stature and bilateral foot measurements of 71 volunteers ranging in age between 18 and 27 years using standard measurements technique. The results revealed nonsignificant bilateral differences in all sex groups (< 0.05). Sex differences were found to be significant in all foot measurements (< 0.001). The highest significant and positive correlation coefficients with stature were observed for foot length in males (r = 0.759), in females (r = 0.722), and in the sex‐mixed group (r = 0.865). According to the nonsignificant sex effects on the relation between stature and foot dimensions, the regression equations were computed only for the pooled mixed‐sex group. Our study provides equations that can help to estimate stature from foot measurements among Slovaks.  相似文献   

Abstract: Analysis of footprints can reveal very important clues which can be used as a forensic evidence and help in the estimation of stature and body weight of an individual. In this work, bilateral footprints were obtained from 50 male Egyptian medical students ranging in age between 18 and 25. Nine measurements were taken on each footprint. The result revealed significant bilateral asymmetry (p < 0.001) except foot breadth at ball. The significant and positive highest correlation coefficients with stature were shown by toe‐5 length on right side (R = 0.58) and with body weight by foot breadth at ball on left side (R = ?0.52). Regression equations presented smaller standard errors of estimate (3.52–4.69) in determination of stature than those in estimation of body weight (4.05–5.28). In conclusion, this study has provided equations that help to estimate stature and body weight from footprint measurements among Egyptians.  相似文献   

This study presents a method by which to estimate total body mass in modern young adult U.S. populations who self‐identified as non‐Hispanic U.S. White, non‐Hispanic U.S. Black, and Mexican American with anthropometric measurements from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) 1988–1994 dataset (N = 2532). Correlations of stature and bi‐iliac breadth with total body mass were stronger among males (r = 0.717–0.774) than among females (r = 0.549–0.661), yet these results were more accurate assessments of total body mass than existing techniques. This study also examined additional anthropometric measurements to estimate total body mass using an information‐theoretic approach demonstrating that some error in the stature–bi‐iliac breadth method is attributed to a nonsupported model with multimodel inference. The limitations of the current total body mass technique are discussed as well as the need for future studies to validate the method.  相似文献   

This paper tests the fidelity of a recent method that used the NHANES III dataset as a proxy to estimate total body mass from stature and bi‐iliac breadth in U.S. White males and females. The bi‐iliac breadths of 230 males and 152 females identified as non‐Hispanic U.S. White from the Bass Donated Skeletal Collection were measured, and along with stature from predonor paperwork, total body mass estimates were calculated and then compared to body masses recorded on predonor paperwork. Male and female samples were subdivided by body mass index (BMI [kg/m2]) categories established by the World Health Organization. Our results suggest that total body mass estimates can be accurately assessed provided that the individual is within 18.50 ≤ BMI ≤ 29.99 for White males and 18.50 ≤ BMI ≤ 24.99 for White females. Recommendations on how to report total body mass estimates are also presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: To analyze the relationship between stature and hand dimensions for forensic applications, the stature and hand dimensions of 400 healthy adults aged between 20 and 25 years were measured in a Han population of Southern China. The mean values of the stature are 170.49 and 159.72 cm in the men and the women, respectively. The statistically significant differences between the right‐ and the left‐hand dimensions were not observed in the men, whereas the bilateral differences are statistically significant in female hand dimensions. The correlation coefficients were found to be statistically significant for the hand dimensions in both the sexes. The hand length showed higher correlation coefficients than the hand breadth in both sexes. Linear and multiple regressions were developed in this study; multiple regressions showed higher correlation coefficients than linear regressions. Two regression models could be used to estimate the stature from the hand dimensions in this population.  相似文献   

目的测量跟骨侧位数字X线摄影(DR)片上相关长度指标,建立跟骨推算身高的回归方程。方法应用数字X线摄影方法,在393例(男性174例,女性219例)活体(四川汉族成年人)跟骨侧位DR片上测量5项长度指标,同时测量其身高。通过各项长度测量指标与身高的线性回归分析,建立跟骨推算身高的回归方程;并对所建方程进行身高预测值与实际值的配对t检验、残差分析、等方差性检验及共线性检验。结果共建立有统计学意义的一元回归方程10个,多元回归方程3个。回归方程的复相关系数(R)在0.653~0.218范围内,身高估计值标准误(SE)在4.59~6.68cm范围。结论本研究所建立的身高推算方程,可作为四川汉族人群跟骨推算身高的依据。  相似文献   

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