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From March 29 through April 2, with the care of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, Zhu Rongji, a standing committee member of the Politburo of CPC and Prime Minister of the State Council, paid a second inspective visit to Shanxi Province after a space of three and a half years. For 5 days, the premier traveled thousands of kilometers in a bus, through dusty mountains; for 5 days, the pre-mi-er visited farmers' homes, toured factories and mines, having heart-to-heart talks with the people and showing concern and care for  相似文献   

<正> 影片由华纳兄弟影业公司荣誉出品的《极地快车》,将于2005年1月21日隆重登陆中国内地。这部影片主要是根据作家Chris Van Allsburg在1985年所写的一部同名冒险童话改编的,虽然原著只有短短的29页,但凭其精妙的构思、奇妙的想象,荣获了美国童话作品的最高荣誉奖项,凯迪克大奖(The CaldecottMedal)。对于Chris Van Allsburg,也许很多人对这个名字不太熟,但是提起《勇敢者的游戏》这部电影,应该是耳熟能详的,因为它就是改编自Chris VanAllsburg的同名小说。  相似文献   

今年是我国南极科考20周年。自1984年l1月20日中国首次南极科考队从上海出发,12月30日第一面五星红旗插上南极洲,我国已经组织了20次南极科考。极地科学考察,是人类探索自然奥秘、探求新的发展条件的重要领域,是一项功在当代、利在千秋的伟大事业。有人说:天上最难的事,是太空旅行;地上最难的事,是漫步地球的两极。两千多年前,古希腊哲学家亚里士多德就推断出,南半球应当有一块大陆。近代以来的人类科学考察,不但证实了亚里士多德的推断,而且发现,北极与南极之间,存在着惊人的相似。北冰洋的形态,与南极大陆非常吻合;北冰洋…  相似文献   

当下全球变暖已成为一个公认事实,而南、北极地区正是这种变化的敏感区域,也是全球最大的制冷驱动器。认识极地在全球气候变化中的作用及对中国的影响,有助于对中国制定应对气候变化战略和措施。  相似文献   

齐岳峰 《小康》2012,(9):54-55
正随着全球气候变暖以及北极冰川逐渐消融,北极正向世人展现其另一面——丰富的自然资源、重要的地缘战略价值。对于正融入全球经济的中国而言,这片正在变迁的极寒之地意味着什么?  相似文献   

坐在国家地震局地质研究所位梦华的办公室里,记者被眼前这位科学家的经历所震撼。自1982年10月去南极,18年来,位梦华的生命深深镂刻着极地的印迹。1992年6月,他独闯北极,深入到阿拉斯加北极爱斯基摩人聚居区进行了一个半月的考察,成为直接与爱斯基摩人接触并广交朋友的第一个中国人、位梦华拿出一张与爱人在北极的合影给我看“这是我第六次去北极考察,是和爱人一同去的,在那里呆了8个月。”他指着照片上的背景告诉我,这是北极巴罗爱斯基摩人古老的捕鲸站,两根弯弯的鲸骨高高地竖在那里,成为一种神圣的标志。牵挂北…  相似文献   

“云雾满山飘,海水绕海礁……”1月1日早晨5点半整,星星在苍穹上还眨着睡眼,露珠在草茎上滚动,在歌曲《战士第二故乡》的发源地东极东福山岛沸腾了,一下从天南地北涌来许多陌生人。他们早早起床,到山顶争睹新世纪第一缕曙光。世界上有南极、北极,在我们中国版图上  相似文献   

●恩和哈达,处于祖国版图的“鸡冠顶”,是中国的北极点。那里有神秘的大森林,清澄的江水,还有一道男子汉的青春风景线。  相似文献   

每个人都有自己的利益,国家也是如此。国家利益最基本的利益是维护国家统一和领土完整,确保政治稳定、社会发展和经济增长,保护公民的人身权利和财产权利。这是传统的界定。因此,实现国家利益的方法也是传统的,如建立强大的军队,保卫国家的领土,消灭侵略者和分裂分子;在政治上实现治理体系的现代化,把权力放到笼子里,治理腐败和低效率,提升治理能力;在经济领域实行市场化的政策,在社会领域实行社会治  相似文献   

打着已经被取消的中央电视台“田园大舞台”栏目总制片人的旗号,腰里揣着公章,手里拿着批文,嘴里口若悬河。演艺圈巨骗章日升从北京骗到珠海,从澳门骗到云南……最后他被自己骗过的“朋友”骗到珠海后,被警方捉拿归案——  相似文献   

The Chinese government attaches much importance to the protection of the rights and interests of the handicapped people. In 2001, it started to implement the Outlined Program for the Development of the Handicapped for 2001-2005. With the protection of the basic living and strengthening the grassroots handicapped people as the emphasis, the program sets the tasks and targets and main measures for the cause of the handicapped people during the tenth five-year plan period. In the meanwhile, the state has strengthened legal protection of the rights and interests of the handi-  相似文献   

ng in universi ties, the author analyses the harmfulness of vulgarization that causes the devia tion from the university's attributes,the damage to the principle of educational eq uity, the injury to the university's reputation of moral pattern, and the distor tion of the academic standard. The article discusses the reasons for university' s vulgarization from the per  相似文献   

Following the first set issued in 2000 by the State Postal Bureau, this set ofstamps is second in the series depicting Class-I state protected wildlife. The current set features 12 animals. They are the takin, the Chinese paddlefish, theDavid's deer, the acipenser dabryanus, the north goat, the haliaeetus pelagicus,the wild camel, the snow leopard, the sable, the high-nosed antelope, the blacknecked crane, and the wild yak. Numbers of wild animal species in China arediminishing at an alarmi…  相似文献   

As to the whole country,in the Yellow River Delta,the loss of cloning the economic mode of the YangtzeRiver Delta and the Pearl River Delta on the sacrifice of the precious ecologic environment outweighs the gain,But,where is the new evaluation criterion?  相似文献   

China's entry into the WTO firstly is the government's entry into the WTO. After entry into the WTO, the government will greatly adjust and improve policy regulations, the managerial system and controlling mechanisms according to the principles of the WTO and the Chinese government's promise of entering the WTO. As far as the Chinese government is concerned, entry into the WTO is not only the transition from non-mem-  相似文献   

At present, the marriage registration agencies of dis-tricts and counties in Beijing have made the promise that itwill take only 3 days to perform the procedures for a divorce. According to the provisions of the Regulations ofBeijing Municipality on Administration of the MarriageRegistration, the period for going through the proce-dures for a divorce is within 30 days. Now, as a resultof the increase of work efficiency, the period of 30 dayshas been decreased to 3 days, which signifies the im-portant change of the administrative function of the civiladministration system. In the past. the personnel of the  相似文献   

Article 1 For the purpose of guaranteeing the implementation of the overall planning on land utilization, bringing into full play the macro-control function of land supply and controlling the total volume of the land used for construction, the current Measures is formulated in accordance with the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and the Decision of the State Council on Deepening the Reform and Rigidly Enforcing Land Administration.  相似文献   

蔡名照 《人权》2015,(1):6-14
In June 2012,with the approval of the State Council,the State Council Information Office issued the National Human Rights Action Plan(2012-15)(the"Action Plan"),the second national plan under the same theme.In the past two years,under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping,the Action Plan  相似文献   

The Dragon Pavilion Park is located at the northwestern corner down town in Kaifeng and is built on the ruins of the royal palace of six dynasties. Its main part is the big hall of dragon pavilion, one of the major protected relics in Henan Province. It comprises the following scenic spots: the Median Gate, the Bridge of Jade Belt, Songhu, the Worshipping Gate, the Screen Wall, the Worshipping House, and the Longevity Palace Architectural Compound built in the  相似文献   

Guarding Privacy     
Protection from the media and the Internet for young offenders requires improvementOn August 29,the trial of a high-profile gang rape case in Beijing concluded.In the months leading up to the trial,the case,which involved the son of a famous Chinese singer,attracted a great amount of attention from the media and the public.Meanwhile,the debate over the privacy of juvenile offenders was also brought to the forefront of public discourse by experts who raised concerns over the publicity of the case.Some claimed that the relentless media reports and online sharing of every-minute detail of the suspect infringed on his right to privacy,particularly  相似文献   

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