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TO THE POINT: The Asian Development Bank sees bullish prospects for the Chinese economy, though inactivity is building in the export and investment fields. China reaps a bumper harvest with grain output totaling 546.41 million tons in 2010 despite numerous natural disasters throughout the year. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has issued a note of caution about frothy house prices across the nation. Two Chinese Intemet companies, Youku and Dangdang, have staged successful debuts on the New York Stock Exchange.China boasts the third largest number of dollar millionaires in the world.  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China,the central bank,published a report on the execution of monetary policy in the second quarter,saying there aremany difficulties and challenges confronting the Chinese economy.Lu Zhengwei,a senior economist at Industrial Bank Co.Ltd.,examined the report and pointed out the excessive bank lending in the first half of this year may give rise to serious loan problems.He shared his view in the China Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

China is expected to reap a bumper harvest this autumn, but grain security remains a long-term concern Despite sweeping natural disasters China is on track to achieve a bounti ful harvest for this autumn's grain yield,which usually accounts fo three fourths of the annual output,said Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu.  相似文献   

正Poverty shouldn't be a controversial subject, but it is. The World Bank, the World Health Organization, the U.S. State Department and pretty much every government in the world has a different definition of what poverty means. In China, absolute poverty is defined as 11 yuan a day; this is about $1.7. The World Bank disagrees and sets a higher number. In 2011 the U.S. considered people to be in poverty if their consumption was less than $21.7 a day. If that were the case, given inflation, almost all Chinese people outside of a few large cities would be in poverty. But living in China is different.  相似文献   

Foreign media slammed the Chinese Government's proposal that its ministries and agencies should purchase only Chinese products. But the government was forced to make such suggestion because domestic producers said they have been treated unfairly in bidding for government-supported projects. A World Bank report said China's economy was respectably sound during the first half of the year given the global financial meltdown. The country's fiscal revenue ended its sevenmonth decline and gained an encouraging 4....  相似文献   

The World Bank has played an important role in China's economic transformation since the late 1970s. China used the World Bank well and the Bank was responsive to China's needs. The Bank did not recommend early or comprehensive market liberalization or privatization, as it did in some other transition economies, but supported China's pragmatic—learning-by-doing—approach to economic reform. It pushed at the margin for critical institutional and policy reforms, presenting perspective based on international experience, while providing technical assistance in numerous areas, often through Bank-supported projects. As the Chinese gained expertise, confidence and access to international capital markets, the role of the Bank in China inevitably shrank. China now uses the Bank mainly for selective technical, institutional and conceptual innovations for development. China and the World Bank both gained from their interaction.

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