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在中共十六大会议上,江泽民同志发表了重要讲话.他提出:要积极推进西部大开发,着力改善投资环境,引导外资和国内资本参与西部开发.他还指示要坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合,全面提高对外开放水平,鼓励和支持有比较优势的各种所有制企业进行对外投资,以带动商品和劳务出口.  相似文献   

粮食和石油一样,是重要的战略资源,它关系到世界各国的发展和安全,只有在保障粮食安全的前提下,各国才能实现可持续发展.美国权势集团从"取消世界粮食储备制度""农业商业化""绿色革命"到"基因革命"和"生物燃料革命",不断使用新技术以逐步控制世界粮食生产和贸易.在粮食商品化和粮食政治化的相互作用下,现在已有不少国家因引进美国的现代农业技术、转基因种子和化学肥料,导致其农业逐渐形成对美国的严重依赖.2005年以来,跨国资本已侵蚀中国的粮油市场,中国粮食安全堪忧.  相似文献   

东正教对罗斯封建制度发展的促进作用主要体现在三大方面:完善罗斯封建等级制度,即通过引进拜占庭"皇帝"观念、神化王权、调节王公内部纷争等方式巩固统治阶级,利用等级制度和宣扬阶级不平等手段安抚被统治阶级;教会本身成为封建大地主,有助于罗斯封建土地制度的巩固和发展;加快国家法制进程和教会法律参与国家管理,促使罗斯封建司法制度的形成.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中东欧国家引进了大量外资.引进外资的需要促使了外资立法的日臻完善,而引资的成就也得益于法律的保驾护航.随着中东欧国家相继加入欧盟,其外资立法也基本达到西方发达国家的水平.这种立法的快速转型一方面成就了"新欧洲"的崛起,另一方面也为中东欧国家经济埋下隐患,并在近期的金融风暴中显现出来.外资的大量撤离导致了中东欧国家经济系统性的危机,外资立法面临新的挑战.  相似文献   

杜娟 《拉丁美洲研究》2019,41(2):111-132
1850年奴隶贸易被禁止后,寻找新的劳动力来源成为巴西经济发展的头等大事。19世纪中后期,巴西数次引进大批华工的尝试几乎都陷于失败。原因在于:臭名昭著的"苦力贸易"引起了世界主要国家的抵制;晚清政府改变了之前对海外移民排斥、冷漠的态度,开始尝试控制和保护本国移民;与支持华工的势力相比,巴西国内反对引进华工的声音和力量更为强大。巴西的种植园主及其政治代理人、温和的废奴派基于其他国家输入华工促进经济繁荣的成功经验,认为华工具有廉价、顺从的优势,力主输入华工以填补巨大的劳动力缺口。而种族主义者、激进的废奴派和知识精英则鼓吹"黄祸论",以华工会成为新的奴隶以及华工不易被同化为由进行反驳,同时在"白化"思想的影响下积极鼓励引进欧洲移民。在这场争论中,外来移民对于巴西而言不仅是经济符号,也是社会、文化和政治制度符号,争论归根到底是新旧两种社会力量之间的较量。  相似文献   

作为美国的"俄罗斯通",奥巴马政府时期美国驻俄大使迈克尔·麦克福尔既是外交官,又是研究俄罗斯问题的著名学者.麦克福尔的涉俄经历为其俄罗斯研究奠定了坚实的基础,其学术成果也丰富了转型理论.他将促进俄罗斯"民主转型"引进学术研究,成为美国研究俄罗斯民主政治的代表,使美国促进俄罗斯民主转型有据可依,也使俄罗斯的民主转型进程有...  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设现代化和高等教育大众化,应用型本科教育应运而生.然而教育始终离不开教学,教材是实施教学的载体,因此高校应用型教材的编纂对高校应用型人才的培养有着巨大的现实意义.应用型院校俄语学科俄罗斯国情文化课教材的编纂应遵循针对性、科学性、系统性、应用性、人文性等几大原则.  相似文献   

英国皇家警察厅在最 顾历史法案"的行动中,选择了一些很有参考与借鉴意义的奇特案例来作为当今警官们的经典案例教材,并相继刊载于今年的<英格兰传奇>杂志上.<阳光杀手>就是刊于最新一期<英格兰传奇>杂志上的真实故事,该故事发生在上世纪初的英国.  相似文献   

以色列科教兴国战略的特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
建国半个世纪以来,以色列根据自然资源贫乏、智力资源得天独厚的国情,继承"以教育为本"的民族优良传统,通过政府对教育和科技的高度重视和切实支持,建立适应经济发展的全民教育体系和科研体制,积极引进海外人才和技术,开展国际科技合作,成功地促使科技成果的有效开发和转化,从而有效推动了以色列由昔日贫穷弹丸小国奇迹般地成为经济、文化、科技水平名列世界前茅的新兴工业化国家.以色列的科教兴国战略无疑为21世纪中国的腾飞提供了有益的启迪.  相似文献   

广东省在"一带一路"建设背景下加大了对东盟国家的产业投资,然而广东省对东盟的投资不足,面临多方竞争以及其他困难,因此,应该加强政府的引导,持续跟踪调研东盟国家的政策举措,借助东盟当地华侨华人之力,同时加紧培养和引进相关人才,深化企业"走出去"策略。  相似文献   

This article investigates whether certain factors pertaining to the process of foreign policy decision making have a measurable, qualitative effect on foreign policy outcomes . The research is grounded in the groupthink literature but incorporates different dimensions of similar underlying notions from other international relations areas as well. Three different types of process factors are investigated: situational factors, such as stress and time constraints; factors associated with the structure of the group; and information processing factors. We test the influence of these factors on two types of outcomes—a decision's effect on national interests and its effect on the level of international conflict. We investigate this link in 31 cases of decision from 1975 through 1993. Scores for the outcome variables are based on survey responses from 21 foreign policy experts. For the process variables, we develop sets of operational definitions and then code each case based on extensive reading of case-study materials. OLS regression models are used to assess the hypotheses. We find that situation variables matter very little in terms of affecting outcomes and quality of information processing. On the other hand, both group structural factors and information processing are significantly related to outcomes in terms of national interests and level of international conflict.  相似文献   

Cable television news channels and online news sites appear to offer interested voters the ability to follow presidential election campaigns more closely than ever before. However, survey research looking at the extent to which Americans are taking advantage of these newer media is incomplete. Rarely is new media use adequately assessed in surveys, and no extant study has simultaneously examined exposure to contemporary news channels over the course of several weeks. The present study uses an aggregate-level analysis of naturally occurring news consumption behavior to determine whether public selection of broadcast news programs, cable news channels, and online news outlets follows the primary election schedule and fluctuations in voter interest in the election. The results suggest that people turn to cable news and online political content during key political events (i.e., the Super Tuesday primary period) but less so when the political stakes are much lower. In addition, the data reveal that news reading at local news sites during key events takes on a more local character than does reading at other times. In sum, the study demonstrates that aggregate-level use of the newer media is responsive to changes in the political environment. Audiences seem willing to take advantage of a growing number of options for finding information about politics.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of British foreign policy and the European balance of power from the late nineteenth century to the early Cold War. British attitudes towards the Continent, like those of the continental Powers toward Britain, are bound to remain ambivalent. When looking back to the history of these complex relations, two main readings stand out. The first is that Britain's attempts to underwrite European stability from Waterloo to the present day left the country exhausted and stripped of its Empire. The other reading perceives in these costly efforts a successful preservation of British integrity and independence. What allowed, for many years, the country to have the luxury of choices with regard to its relations with Europe was the underlying security of the home islands and the existence of a vast Empire overseas. Examining in broad brush strokes the idea and practice of the balance as Britain's international position altered in the half century or so before 1950, the case is made that whatever the reading of these complex relations, the British were always 'reluctant Europeans'.  相似文献   

C.S. de Beer 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):155-171

In this tribute to Jacques Derrida my main aim is to emphasise the radical nature of his questioning of the assumptions of the Western philosophical tradition without ever turning his back on this very tradition. The focus is only on one aspect of his thinking, namely his views on the notion of communication. These views are interpreted as representative of his general approach, and certainly provide an excellent illustration of his broader intellectual work. Attention is given to his articulation of the traditionally accepted views on communication and his alternative to this tradition is explored in terms of his deconstructive approach. Reference is made to terms that feature in a prominent way in communication, namely idealisation, intentionality, context, meaning, reading and writing, among other things. This enquiry leads in a spontaneous way, and as a natural consequence of his style of thinking, to an ethic of communication made very briefly explicit in the areas of thinking, theorising, reading and writing.  相似文献   

Robin Frost 《Global Society》2004,18(4):397-422
This paper discusses, with an emphasis on the technical issues involved, some of the possible forms that nuclear terrorism might take, loosely referring to all forms of terrorism involving radioactive materials, such as crude nuclear weapons, radiological dispersal devices, and attacks on the nuclear infrastructure, including nuclear reactors. The first two forms of terrorism necessarily depend on terrorists' obtaining suitable materials, so the problem of nuclear smuggling, especially from the former Soviet Union (FSU), with its huge and decrepit nuclear complex, is addressed, as is the region's reservoir of unemployed or underemployed nuclear expertise. The West, however, is not ignored. As one observer remarked, Osama bin Laden might soon have more luck shopping for nuclear materials there than in the FSU. The paper concludes that although it is most unlikely that terrorists will detonate a true nuclear weapon, the other forms are real and pressing threats.  相似文献   

Because compensation and dispute resolution lie at the core of most resettlement proposals, this panel had two main objectives: to get an accurate grasp of the current Israeli approach to these challenges and to glean insights from relevant experiences in other settings. Before reading our panelists' presentations, one might be forgiven for reasonably thinking that "compensation equals cash" and "dispute resolution equals court." As our panelists discussed, however, such a straightforward view is simply inadequate to the needs of the resettlement problem — a much richer view of compensation and dispute resolution is required.  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区高新技术产业发展战略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西北部湾经济区开发已上升为国家战略,成为中国经济发展第四极。高新技术产业被列入北部湾经济区主要发展产业,目前北部湾经济区高新技术产业发展面临着重要机遇与挑战。北部湾经济区重点发展的高新技术产业主要有生物医药、海洋生物、电子信息、高新农业、新材料等产业,北部湾经济区高新技术产业发展对策主要集中于政府作用、创新源、产业链、品牌等方面进行和展开。  相似文献   

报刊文章标题是报纸的"眼睛",它的内容在一定程度上反映了文章内容,而且只要翻阅俄文报刊就会发现,文章标题中蕴含着丰富的知识:政治、文化、历史、国情,这些知识正是学生需要了解和掌握的。因此,在报刊阅读课程中把文章标题作为理解和掌握文章内容的切入点,将大大减轻学生的阅读负担,使其正确地理解文章内容,还会使学生学习到各种知识,进而提高其俄语应用水平。  相似文献   

俄国在修筑西伯利亚大铁路时,无论在建设方法、铁路选址方面,还是在铁路沿线开发方面,都广泛吸取了北美铁路的经验。在铁路建设过程中也不可避免地有外国公司参与,尤其是炸药、水泥、钢轨和其他建筑材料的供应商中都可见到外国公司的身影。  相似文献   

This article draws on Pierre Bourdieu's sociology to explain how a lack of fit between a repertoire of bodily practices accumulated through history, on the one hand, (here, Russian habitus) and the field in which it is employed, on the other, (here, diplomacy) can take shape in world politics. Such “hysteresis” provides a longue durée reading that challenges both the realist idea that similar outcomes are due to invariant structures and the constructivist idea that structures “socialize” states. Social stability stems from agency, more specifically, from habitus. Our empirical examples are breaking points in Russian relations with neighbors: the Rus’ and the Eurasian steppe empires (ca. 800–1500), Muscovy's diplomatic interactions with Europe, and Russia's bid to join European international society and situation during the twentieth century. In each case, Moscow's relentless quest for equal status prompted quixotic practices that were often dismissed by Western countries and hampered the security of both parties.  相似文献   

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