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Nongovernmental diplomacy is an important component of China's diplomatic work. As early as in the 1950s Premier Zhou Enlai had already said that China's diplomacy is one that combines official, semi-official and nongovernmental diplomacy. Over the past half a century nongovernmental diplomacy has made an indelible contribution to letting the world know about China and China know about the  相似文献   

Nongovernmental diplomacy is an important component of China, s overall diplomacy. The Chinese-African People, s Friendship Association (CAPFA), a nongovernmental diplomatic organization, was set up relatively early in 1960. In the past over 40 years, closely coordinated with the country, s overall diplomatic work and adhering to enhancing friendship between the Chinese and African people, the CAPFA has done a great deal in promoting Sino-African political friendship, economic and trad…  相似文献   

Question: China achieved great successes inits diplomatic work in 1998, to whichnongovernmental diplomacy, as an important sup-plement to governmental diplomacy, made its duecontribution. Could you please give a brief accountof the CPAFFC's work in 1998?  相似文献   

In 2002 the CPAFFC gave full play to its characteristics and advantages, worked hard to serve the country's total diplomacy, economic construction and world peace, opened up new prospects in nongovernmental diplomacy, and made considerable achievements in various aspects of its work. It received 360 delegations with 5,478 person/times from 61  相似文献   

In the Fast Lane     
正A year-end review of China-Africa relations By He WenpingThe year 2015 is undoubtedly a milestone in Sino-African relations.In the beginning of the year,Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Africa,maintaining China’s tradition in diplomacy that the foreign minister’s first destination abroad in a new year should be Africa.The countries  相似文献   

<正>On Dec 24, Lin Songtian, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, gave an exclusive interview to China Media Group on the topic of major country diplomacy. He shared his opinions on the glorious history of people-to-people diplomacy, the situation and challenges the association faces, the highlights of this year’s work and prospects for the year ahead. Lin noted that people-to-people diplomacy in New China has a glorious history.  相似文献   

The year 1999 was of specialsignificance in the historyof China's development. Majorevents such as the 50th anniver-sary of the founding of the Peo-ple's Republic of China, Macao'sreturn to the motherland, break-throughs in the negotiation onChina's accession to the WorldTrade Organization, etc. havemade us feel elated and proud.Amid these happy occasions, theCPAFFC celebrated its 45thbirthday. As a major nation-widenongovernmental organization,the CPAFFC made positive con-tributions to enhancing Sino-for-  相似文献   

<正>China seeks to create a global network of partners China’s diplomacy experienced a"bumper harvest"in 2014,said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang yi at a symposium held at the year’s end.On the brink of a new year,China had established 72 partnerships in various forms and at differing levels with 67 countriesand five regions and regional organizations—  相似文献   

In 1994, China' s diplomaticwork was very active andachieved successes that attractedworldwide attention. Its non-governmental diplomacy was al-so flourishing, full of dynamismand vitality. Throughout the year, theCPAFFC played host to 251 del-egations with more than 3, 650guests from 58 countries. It or-  相似文献   

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's recent visit to five African countries continued the diplomatic tradition passed down for 31 years that China's top diplomat starts his first trip abroad in a year with an African destination.This not only demonstrates the friendship between the two sides but also reflects the important position of Africa in China's diplomacy.  相似文献   

THE keywords for China’s diplomacy in 2015 will be‘one focus’and‘two main themes,’"Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a press conference focusing on Chinese diplomatic policies and external relations on March 8,2015 in Beijing.He went on to affirm that the country will continue this year to forge ahead and expand all-round diplomacy by expanding its common interests with other countries while steadfastly safeguarding national interests.  相似文献   

The 40th anniversary of the CPAFFC is a remarkable occasion. In order to meet the needs to develop nongovernmental diplomacy, The Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the predecessor of the CPAFFC, was established in 1954, and thus started New China's people-to-people diplomacy. In the early years of New China, only the Soviet Union, India and some north-  相似文献   

<正>Chinese diplomacy has always been a topic of interest during the annual session of the National People’s Congress.This year,Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a pool interview with more than 500 Chinese and foreign journalists in Beijing on March 8,elaborating China’s position on a series of bilateral and multilateral issues.Selected excerpts of Wang’s comments follow:  相似文献   

This year sees the 35th anniversary of the ping- pong diplomacy between China and the United TStates. To commemorate this major historical event in Sino-US relations and push for further development of a sound and stable bilateral rela- tionship, the CPAFFC gave a reception on the evening of April 7 at the Diaoyutai State Guest House. Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Con- sultative Conference (CPPCC) and president of the China-…  相似文献   

In the last year of the 20th century, rich and colourful exchanges between the peoples ofChina and African countries pre-sented a gratifying picture。 In the year 2000 the CPAFFCaltogether received 19 delegations  相似文献   

At the invitation of China International Travel Service, on the afternoon of May 22, an American international exchange delegation visited the CPAFFC. The delegation, which consists of nearly 80 American students, is organized by the American Envision Program. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu met with the delegation and gave a lecture on China's non-governmental diplomacy.  相似文献   

The United States steps up to the plate and uses sport to improve its image in China Two teams of table tennis players from opposite sides of the world cracked the icy relations between China and the United States in 1971 when they played a series of exhibi- tion matches in Beijing.While the nine American players were in the capital city of China,they met with Chinese students and workers,attended social events and visited the Great Wall and Summer Palace.This ping-pong diplomacy helped to pave the way for the then President Richard Nixon's historic trip to China the following year—the first ever for a U.S.president—and the beginning of rapprochement between the two Cold War adversaries.  相似文献   

I N 1995, breakthroughs and head-way were made in China's foreignaffairs, which has ushered in a newphase of vigorous development. Bygiving full play to its advantages andcharacteristics, and through energeticefforts, a new situation has appearedin the country's nongovernmental di-plomacy.  相似文献   

China seeks to boost its public image globally China feels the need to urgently make up for lost time in a field it is unfamiliar with-public diplomacy.While most developed countries such as the United States,Japan and European countries have established mature systems of public diplomacy,China’s public diplomacy is still in its  相似文献   

In an interview with People’s Daily on December 23,2019,State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reviewed the diplomatic work in 2019 and enumerated the diplomatic priorities for the new year.Below is an edited version of the interview:People’s Daily:This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).What is your view of the international situation and China’s diplomacy in 2019?  相似文献   

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