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治安专业课教学质量的提高不仅需要专业教师的努力,更需要教学模式的改革。实践教学是对传统课堂教学的一种变革,也是专业课教学的发展。增加实践教学不仅使学生深刻体会了在课堂上学到的理论知识,而且通过亲自操作学会了工作方法;既丰富了学生的知识体系,又加强了学生的实际动手能力,使理论和实际紧密地结合在一起,同时也增强了警察院校学生的警察意识。  相似文献   

Training in quantitative methods is seen as essential for policy analysts, public administrators, and public managers if they are to make cogent and informed data‐based arguments. If our objective is to help students and future practitioners identify credible evidence, to make sense of that evidence, link it to their substantive knowledge, and thereby develop a defensible case for action, then this paper argues that our current approach to teaching methods is inappropriate. We need to take into consideration the learning styles and needs of our students in designing the delivery and content of our courses. Our current emphasis on teaching techniques needs to be replaced by an emphasis on teaching about the concepts underlying these tools and techniques. © 2008 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

As the world rapidly becomes more complex, there is a greater need for tools of research and data analysis to assist the public administrator. While many university programs recognize this need and include several methodology courses in their curriculum, there is little evidence that students are taking this knowledge into the field. In this article, the need for usable methodology courses are stressed. The first section of this article is dedicated to identifying those factors that make methods classes more practical. The remaining portion concentrates on two approaches to teaching that the author asserts will help students to use in the field what they have learned in the classroom.  相似文献   

Abstract: As Australia struggles to become technologically competitive and to raise its productivity to international standards, several reports have suggested that such productivity depends critically on the existence of an appropriately structured and trained engineering workforce. As a result, engineering education at all levels has come under close scrutiny and rapid change in the period 1987–92. The scrutiny has come from governments, industry and from the engineering profession itself. Some of the changes are consequent to wider administrative changes in education; others are inspired by industry training needs; still others have been brought about by the engineering education community in order to attract more high-quality students. The binary system of higher education has given way to a unified system. The state-controlled TAFE colleges are being brought under national standards. In engineering education a new three-year BTech degree is being promoted to fill the gap between two-year associate diplomas from TAFE colleges and four-year professional degrees from the universities, because of a serious shortage of para-professional engineers in Australian industry. Recent reviews and reports on engineering education have called for rapid expansion at all levels and a greater variety of courses. The use of competency standards is spreading from the trade levels into the professions, including engineering, threatening some traditional concepts of university education. The government has funded three Advanced Engineering Centres, modelled on institutes in other countries. Quality in higher education is under discussion, bringing the concepts of total quality management and world-best practice to teaching in the universities. Continuing professional education is being rapidly expanded by the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Many more women are now entering the engineering profession, attracted by the humanisation of engineering courses. Environmental engineering and combined degree courses are proving very popular. The level of technological awareness is being improved by bringing engineering students to assist in classes in primary and secondary schools. Cooperative education programs between universities and industry are proving attractive and effective.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, intelligence has become one of the most widely taught subjects in higher education. In response to this, a sub-discipline has emerged within Intelligence Studies devoted to thinking about how the subject is actually taught. One of the most common arguments to come out of this literature is that there should be more practitioner involvement in the university teaching of intelligence. However, it is rarely specified what exactly intelligence professionals bring to the classroom, save the largely self-evident point that because they have ‘walked the walk’, they are uniquely qualified to teach the subject. Drawing on student questionnaires, as well as interviews with serving and retired intelligence officers, this article attempts to probe a little deeper and identify the specific benefits of incorporating practitioners into the university teaching of intelligence. It is argued that practitioners ‘put a face on the profession’ and help to remove some of the mystique and misperceptions that surround intelligence work. It is claimed that practitioners, especially with their ‘inside stories’, give added meaning to academic theories and make the subject more exciting. Finally, it is argued that practitioners enrich the broader ‘student experience’. In UK higher education, now under a new fees regime, students are looking for departments to go the extra mile not only in terms of their teaching, but also in areas like careers advice and support. In this context, intelligence professionals are enormously valuable.  相似文献   

The development of policy rests on skilled practice by knowledgeable practitioners – ‘policy work’ – and it is important to know what skills and knowledge this work calls upon, and where these are learned. Although there is substantial academic knowledge and courses in this field, many practitioners will argue that policy work is ‘as much an art as a science’ and is something that ‘you learn as you go’. This article reports on an exploratory study of policy practitioners’ accounts of their practice, what counts as knowledge, and in what contexts it is ‘useful’. We examine the discourses through which policy work is accomplished, the way in which people learn to do it, and the place of academic work in the constitution of these discourses. Drawing on our respondents understanding of policy practice, we discuss what more might be done to facilitate learning about the work of policy.  相似文献   

《电工学》是五年制高技汽修专业的一门专业基础课程,也是汽车维修专业实践基础的一门很重要的课程,在教学中要做到重点突出、深入浅出,使学生尽快掌握及应用于实践。本文将就《电工学》教学中的方法谈谈自己的体会。  相似文献   

当前英语教学改革在各高校正如火如荼地进行,而公安高职高专院校的英语教学改革却易于被人们所忽视。本文对公安高职高专院校英语课程的设置、英语教学目标的确定和英语教学模式的采用作了尝试性探索,特别是对“学习者自主性”教学方法在公安高职高专院校的应用进行阐述,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

The expansion of human rights provisions has produced an increasing number of human rights practitioners and delineated human rights as a field of its own. Questions of who is practicing human rights and how they practice it have become important. This paper considers the question of human rights practice and the agency of practitioners, arguing that practice should not be conceived as the application of philosophy, but instead approached from a sociological point of view. Whatever the structuring effect of political institutions, human rights is being defined more expansively by practitioners. The weakness of international institutions and the interpretive scope of human rights discourse produce significant opportunity for practitioners to interpret the meaning of human rights. Our exploratory interviews of a small sample of practitioners reveal widely varying histories, in which they interpret their own work as “human rights” practice in differing ways. Practitioners who in the past thought of themselves differently, now identify as human rights activists. They are also becoming more professional, but concerned about professionalization. Their self-interpretations reflect these concerns and also respond to the necessities of career events. Through the conscious and unconscious aspects of their practice, practitioners exercise considerable agency in adapting human rights discourse to their own concerns while also being critical of it.  相似文献   

双语教学是教学语言形式的"双语"与教学内容目标"双语"的统一。但是,我国西方哲学课程双语教学却面临着教会学生让西方哲学"说外语"还是"说汉语"的两难选择。该难题的破解,不能单独从强调教学语言媒介的双语性质或教学目标的双语性质入手,而是必须从二者的内在统一关系入手,教会学生把让西方哲学"说外语"与"说汉语"之间的关系理解为手段与目的内在统一关系。  相似文献   

王微 《学理论》2012,(12):189-190
领导学课程作为高校行政管理专业的一门专业基础理论课,从其课程教学情况来看还主要偏重于对学生的理论教学,忽视了对学生领导活动实践能力方面的培养。进行领导学课程教学模式改革,首先应理清该课程教学模式改革的思路,在此基础上,展开具体的领导学课程教学模式改革方案,从理论学习和实践环节两方面来提高学生的领导实践能力,这其中既需要师生间进行良好的配合,也需要高校对领导学这门课程的教学模式改革给予大力支持。  相似文献   

郭旭 《学理论》2011,(21):248-249
阅读课是高校英语专业学生十分重要的一门必修课,然而在阅读教学和学习的过程中仍然存在很多亟待解决的问题。主要从教师教学和学生学习方面阐述了高校英语专业学生英语阅读存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The development of leadership courses aimed at usefulness in practice requires new theory and pedagogy, as well as a hard look at assessing course effectiveness: How useful do students find the course materials for analyzing their past professional experience? How relevant and effective do students find the courses for understanding and intervening into politics and organizations after rejoining professional life? A summary is provided of the setting, theory, and methods for these courses, as well as the results of a survey of students after they had resumed their careers. The authors conclude with a brief discussion of the risks involved in teaching leadership.  相似文献   

彭春艳 《学理论》2010,(8):161-163
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论课是高校思想政治理论课的主干课程,全面提高本课程教学的实效性,是讲授概论课的教师在教学改革中努力实现的目标,也是积极开创高校思想政治工作新局面的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在大众化教育的背景下,通过教学改革,让专业课教学更贴近工程实际,结合应用型本科材料工程专业的专业课教学改革实际,提出了多元化课堂教学模式结合开放性研究型综合课程实验教学的新思路;通过增加实习实践环节课时,提高综合性、设计性和研究性实验的比例等措施培养学生就业技能。  相似文献   

Using data from a national mail survey, opinions on the local economic development process held by economic development practitioners working for a city, chamber of commerce and public-private agencies are compared. The data show that public-private agency officials bridge the gap between the perspectives held by chamber government officials. Economic develop- ment practitioners working for public-private agencies have more respect for both governmental employees and business people than do other economic development practitioners. They feel that it is possible to gain more control over the economic development process than do their business or governmental counterparts. And, they indicate the advantages for the local community of maintaining such control; for example, being better able to stop businesses from whipsawing disorganized communities into making unnecessary concessions.  相似文献   

In an effort to promote learning in classrooms, political science instructors are increasingly turning to interactive teaching strategies — experiments, simulations, etc. — that supplement traditional lecture formats. In this article, I advocate the use of student-generated data as a powerful teaching tool that can be used in a variety of ways to support learning. The “data-driven classroom” is one in which original student data are collected via survey at the beginning of the course and the results presented throughout the term. Examples and case studies across multiple courses and classroom settings are used to illustrate how the method may be applied in practice. Feedback from student assessment surveys reveals strong support for the method, even among nonmajors. The article concludes with recommendations for instructors interested in creating more data-driven classrooms.  相似文献   

在服装生产管理课程中实施任务驱动教学,进行探索实践。通过校企合作,运用案例实践教学,构建新的教学绩效评价体系,实现课程与学校、企业和市场的接轨。  相似文献   

杨淳淋 《学理论》2012,(18):273-274
语文课程是中等职业学校各专业学生必修的文化基础课,对于学生学好各科知识、形成职业综合能力、创业能力及继续学习和发展具有重要作用。但是大多数学生对学习语文的积极性不高,认为学习语文对他们今后的人生发展没有作用,这是令每一个中专语文任课教师头疼的问题,并且还是不得不面对、不得不解决的问题。针对中等职业学校语文课程教学中存在的问题进行剖析,并尝试给出解决方法。  相似文献   

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