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国际法院的管辖权包括诉讼管辖权和咨询管辖权。作为诉讼管辖权的补充, 咨询管辖权在通过司法途径和平解决国际争端方面发挥着重要作用。从国际法院咨询管辖权职能来看, 其既具有一定的局限性, 同时又对国际法发展做出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   

国际法院的管辖权包括诉讼管辖权和咨询管辖权。作为诉讼管辖权的补充, 咨询管辖权在通过司法途径和平解决国际争端方面发挥着重要作用。从国际法院咨询管辖权职能来看, 其既具有一定的局限性, 同时又对国际法发展做出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   

试论解决领土争端国际法的发展与问题--最新案例剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际法院在2002年连续对两个有关领土争端的案件作出了判决。笔者认为,通过这两个判决,国际法院在解决领土争端的国际法方面已经形成了一套相对明确的处理规则,即首先考察的是有关的国际条约是否已经对相关问题作出了规定;在没有相关国际条约规定的情况下,国际法院将在综合审查双方提交的证据之后,直接依据“有效控制”原则进行判决。对此,笔者认为,国际法院有必要在以后的此类案件中进一步发展相关的法律原则,以便能够在法律原则的确定性和维护争端地区稳定的必要性之间找到适当的平衡点。  相似文献   

试析俄罗斯联邦的司法改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1991年10月24日,俄罗斯联邦最高苏维埃批准了叶利钦总统提出的《俄罗斯联邦司法改革构想》。从1991年10月至今,俄罗斯联邦进行了3个阶段的司法改革,制定了大批司法机关组织法,颁布了宪法司法、民事司法、刑事司法、行政司法和仲裁司法领域的大批法律。本文拟在简要介绍俄司法机关改革和司法法律制度改革的基础上,分析俄司法改革的特点,评价俄司法改革的得失,同时探讨俄司法改革对我国的启示。  相似文献   

联合国创建60年来在推动世界经济发展和维护世界和平方面发挥了不可磨灭的历史作用。随着世界格局的变化,联合国的改革已势在必行。由于各成员国在国际秩序理念上的差异以及各自的国家利益,联合国的改革将是一个复杂和颇费周折的过程。  相似文献   

This article assesses the structure and operation of the International Criminal Court by setting out a case for the defence of the Court, a case for its prosecution and a verdict. Defenders of the Court suggest it has had a positive impact because: it has accelerated moves away from politics and towards ethics in international relations; it goes a long way towards ending impunity; it is a significant improvement on the previous system of ad hoc tribunals; it has positive spill-over effects onto domestic criminal systems; and because the courage of the prosecutor and trial judges has helped to establish the Court as a force to be reckoned with. Opponents of the Court see it as mired in power politics, too reliant on the United Nations Security Council and on state power to be truly independent; failing to bring peace and perhaps even encouraging conflict; and starting to resemble a neo-colonial project rather than an impartial organ of justice. The verdict on the Court is mixed. It has gone some way to ending impunity and it is certainly an improvement on the ad hoc tribunals. However it is inevitably a political body rather than a purely legal institution, its use as a deterrent is as yet unproven and the expectation that it can bring peace as well as justice is unrealistic.  相似文献   

美国国际组织外交是美国对外战略的一个重要方面,美国与国际组织的关系复杂而微妙。作为大多数重要国际组织的主要推动者和缔造者,美国对国际组织的认知却模棱两可,在参与国际组织活动上犹豫不决。文章以国际刑事法院为例对美国国际组织外交进行了具体分析,认为美国与国际组织关系的奇特模式是美国外交思想观念中的固有因素相互影响、相互作用的结果。  相似文献   


The International Criminal Court (ICC) was designed to try the worst war criminals for crimes against humanity, genocide, and other instances of mass human suffering. By providing a permanent, international mechanism to hold perpetrators of mass human rights abuse accountable, the ICC is also meant to be a deterrent—to prevent potential genocidaires from committing systematic human rights abuses in the first place. But what if the effect is actually quite the opposite? While advocates of international justice have made conjectures about the effect of the ICC on stopping human rights abuses, the existing scholarship does not empirically test assumptions about the relationship between international criminal justice and violence. This article outlines the causal mechanisms by which the ICC could affect ongoing violence and tests these assumptions using event count models of the relationship between the ICC and the level of violence against civilians in Libya during the 2011 crisis. These analyses suggest that the ICC’s involvement in conflict does have a dampening effect on the level of mass atrocities committed. The results also call for a broad and sustained research agenda on the effect of international accountability efforts on ongoing violence.  相似文献   

国际刑事法院逮捕令对苏丹的影响探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际刑事法院试图确立一种超越主权限度的法律秩序,国际刑事法院的司法实践是对传统主权观念的严重冲击,国际刑事法院所签发的对苏丹总统巴希尔的逮捕令,是国际刑事法院与非缔约国发生直接冲突的首起案例,这一冲突本身反映出不同法治模式间的碰撞.由于割裂了苏丹历史与现实的联系,低估了巴希尔总统对苏丹国家转型和社会发展所作出的贡献,国际刑事法院签发对巴希尔的逮捕令,本质上是对正确问题的错误答案.逮捕令短期内不会对巴希尔总统产生实质性影响,但从长远来看,却严重影响他作为国家元首的合法性基础,对苏丹脆弱的国内和平增添了不少变数.苏丹有必要积极寻求有效应对之策,以法治手段推进社会转型和民族国家建构进程.  相似文献   

赵可金 《国际观察》2006,30(4):25-32
随着经济全球化在社会各方面的展开,全球正义逐渐成为学术界全球范围内的话题.通过剖析思想家们对于全球正义的理论和逻辑,我们发现,对全球正义的理解必须从历史演变的社会生产和交往结构中去加以说明,全球正义是历史的正义体系.在全球化背景下,全球公民社会的发展是理解未来全球正义秩序实现的关键.因此,在全球公民社会创造的平台上,积极推进全球政治民主化,谋求实现全球正义,是当今时代的一个极其重要的历史任务.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks in September 2001 on the world's most affluent country have highlighted the need to address the increasing disparity between the wealth of different nations. Rather than seeing global distributive justice as a concept non-conducive to their national interest, the affluent states might begin to accept it as an integral part of it, as one of evidently many means to prevent the proliferation of political extremism. This article analyses the role that international relations (IR) theory in its current state can play in this process. Since IR theories purport to explain, and possibly predict, behaviour in settings in which states face problems for which solutions beyond states are required and since global distributive justice is one such problem, it should be reasonable to expect that IR theories provide some answers to these questions. To that end the article critically assesses the major scholarly trends in the field for their ability to accommodate two recently developed normative proposals on global distributive justice put forward by Thomas Pogge and Hillel Steiner. IR theory is found to be inadequate to fulfil the demands usually directed at a theory, in that it fails, firstly, to appreciate the significance of norms in international politics and, secondly, to prescribe and recommend alternatives to policy makers.  相似文献   

The negotiations which led to the adoption of the International Criminal Court Statute in Rome in July 1998 owe much to non-governmental organisations' (NGOs) activism. These non-state actors developed professional skills enabling them to match state diplomats and experts. They developed particular strategies of mobilisation and thereby achieved a double goal: not only does the Rome Statute bear their mark but also their role is consecrated both within the text itself and in their relations with institutional actors. Although one has to nuance the scope of the participation of non-state actors in international negotiations and to balance it in the light of the interlocutors they have to face, this case study analyses the expertise gained by NGOs and their growing role in law-making processes.  相似文献   

试述国际安全体系转型中的联合国改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合国集体安全机制改革是当前国际安全体系转型中的重要一环.国际安全体系的深刻变化是联合国改革的原动力,而联合国集体安全机制对国际安全体系和平转型的贡献,将取决于其改革和制度创新多大程度上能够适应和管理国际安全威胁多元化和复杂化的新现实,以及如何在国际体系转型中强化联合国集体安全机制的能力建设.  相似文献   

国际金融监管改革新动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007年“百年不遇”的金融危机重创世界经济,痛定思痛,国际社会普遍认识到,金融监管缺失是本次危机的重要根源。近期,美国、欧盟等主要经济体积极推出重大金融监管改革措施,国际社会也加快监管合作步伐,全球形成一股金融监管改革浪潮,其进程将对未来国际金融发展产生深刻影响,值得高度关注。  相似文献   

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