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在我国,一方面由于对搜查笔录性质和证据能力问题的误解,使得搜查笔录作为证据使用不受限制,另一方面由于有关搜查笔录制作的法律规定过于粗略,使得搜查笔录作为证据使用太受限制。本文在厘清搜查笔录的概念、性质、功能、证据能力及其影响因素的基础上,结合其他国家和地区的相关规定,就如何解决这一悖论式的问题提出三点完善建议。  相似文献   

附带搜查是无证搜查的一种,但我国相关立法粗略,实践运用中具有随意性和不确定性,无法进行法律规制,本文就如何完善附带搜查作一探析.  相似文献   

一、我国搜查制度的现状 我国刑事诉讼法第109条至113条对搜查程序问题作出了规定。其中第111条对有证搜查和无证搜查作了法律界定。这是我国目前无证搜查制度在立法中的唯一依据。我国现行无证搜查制度具有以下特点  相似文献   

附带搜查是无证搜查的一种,但我国相关立法粗略,实践运用中具有随意性和不确定性,无法进行法律规制,本文就如何完善附带搜查作一探析。  相似文献   

在我国现行法律框架下无证搜查仅适用于"执行逮捕、拘留的时候,遇有紧急情况"一种情形,但这样的设计在实践中几乎没有适用的空间。为解决这一问题,立法应当作出调整,确立我国的附带搜查制度,确认该类型无证搜查的正当性。起赃是一种实质上的"同意搜查"。因此,从完善诉讼法的角度出发,我国应当在总结实践经验、借鉴相关国家制度的基础上,增设同意搜查机制,从法律层面上认可起赃及类似行为的正当性,并加以规范。  相似文献   

李娜 《法制与经济》2010,(14):19-19,21
搜查是现代刑事诉讼中常用的重要侦查措施之一。纵观世界上其他法治发达国家的法律规定,现代刑事搜查大体分为有证搜查和无证搜查。在我国只存在有证搜查和执行逮捕、拘留与有紧急情况下的无证搜查,并不存在同意搜查。随着刑事司法国际化,我国的刑事司法也需要进行相应的完善工作,研究同意搜查十分必要。  相似文献   

刑事附带搜查是现代刑事搜查制度中无证搜查体系的一个重要环节,以世界法治国家关于附带搜查的立法及判例为参考,在构建我国附带搜查制度时,需要协调我国现行刑事附带搜查法律规定的粗疏与司法实践较广泛适用之间的冲突,在附带搜查的前提条件,搜查的时空范围等方面进行细化,并设置非法证据排除规则等一系列救济措施来配套附带搜查制度的实施.  相似文献   

美国刑事诉讼中逮捕和搜查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国宪法规定"人民保护其身体、住宅、文件与财产之权利,以对抗无理由之搜查和扣押,不得被侵犯."根据这条宪法原则,在司法实践中,通过案例形成了美国刑事司法对于逮捕、搜查和扣押很详细的规定.本文详细介绍了美国刑事司法中的逮捕和搜查的法律根据,执行方法、有证逮捕和搜查与无证逮捕和搜查的各种区别.文章分析了违反法律规定所进行的逮捕和搜查引起的后果,并且对美国刑事司法中有关逮捕和搜查的一系列规定的历史和社会根源进行了探索.  相似文献   

搜查理由及其证明标准比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘金友  郭华 《法学论坛》2004,19(4):9-20
搜查作为对权利人“基本权利之侵犯”行为 ,国外及我国台湾等地区的法律在确定司法令状予以节制门槛后 ,仍难以避免搜查权力过度张扬而克扣、缩减个人正当权利 ,于是确立了搜查理由作为第二门槛 ,对此的证明标准因犯罪严重程度、搜查对象保护程度、搜查时间不同、被搜查权利人阻碍等差异设置了不同层次的要求。我国刑事诉讼法再修正时应借鉴其有益经验 ,在确立司法令状 (司法审查 )的框架内 ,针对搜查的不同情况 ,规定相应的搜查理由及其证明标准  相似文献   

李娜 《天津检察》2009,(6):27-27
一、我国现行法律对搜查的规定及其缺陷 我国刑事诉讼法第109条明确规定:“为了收集证据、查获犯罪嫌疑人,侦查人员可以对犯罪嫌疑人以及可能隐藏罪犯或者犯罪证据的人的身体、物品、住所或其他有关的地方进行搜查。”这是侦查人员开展搜查的法律依据。  相似文献   

This article represents an analysis of the literature on sex‐based selection processes in the criminal justice system. It is only since the feminist wave of the sixties that sexual discrimination has been considered as an issue of importance in the study of the criminal justice system and that female criminality has been looked at more thoroughly. The article deals with the different assumptions and hypotheses which have come forward in the debate on the possible discrimination of men and women in the criminal justice process. In the first part of the article the various theoretical models are outlined: the chivalry and evil women hypotheses, the legal or etiological model, the social control theory, the family‐based justice model, and a multifactoral model. In the second part of the article, the results of empirical research relevant to these hypotheses are presented. American, British, Belgian, Dutch and some German literature has been taken into account. The review of the literature shows that the chivalry hypothesis cannot offer an all‐embracing explanation for the possibly perceived preferential treatment of women. Similar conclusions can be drawn for the explanatory value of the legal model. Although a more lenient treatment of women can sometimes be explained by legal factors, these factors can offer no more than a partial explanation for observed sex differences in the criminal justice system. Especially in the case of pre‐trial release and sentencing, more particularly when deciding whether or not to send a defendant to prison, a noticeable sex‐effect can still be found. In the literature we find strong suggestions — although not always confirmed — that an (initially observed) more lenient treatment of women at these stages can be explained by stereotypes and expectations about the personality of women as less dangerous and the specific role which women fulfill in western society.  相似文献   

This article asks, “What effect does the choice of a nation's electoral system have on the gender composition of its parliament over time?” I find that the electoral system has an important part to play, but previous work has overstated, by factors of between two and three, how much of a difference an electoral system can make. This article contributes an updated nonlinear theory of female representation, an improved dataset on women's representation across space and time, and more modern statistical techniques than previously used in research on this question.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of EU cultural policies on a EUropean (capitalized "EU" meaning only EU member states) cultural identity. Although EUropean integration began as an economic project, the EU has developed more and more statelike features over time and has brought the question of democratization to the fore. Such questions, in turn, led to questions of what constitutes the EUropean demos and how to conceive of its collective identity. The EUropean identity has developed in addition and as a complement to the national identities of the member states. The article argues for EU cultural policies that foster plural, multiple, and dynamic identities instead of a unified EUropean identity. The EUropean cultural policies should not be based on assumed common roots expressed in the cultural heritage of Europe, but rather should focus on contemporary and critical cultural and artistic expressions.  相似文献   

Despite the salience of health disparities in media and policy discourse, little previous research has investigated if imagery associating an illness with a certain racial group influences public perceptions. This study evaluated the influence of the media's presentation of the causes of type 2 diabetes and its implicit racial associations on attitudes toward people with diabetes and preferences toward research spending. Survey participants who viewed an article on genetic causation or social determinants of diabetes were more likely to support increased government spending on research than those viewing an article with no causal language, while participants viewing an article on behavioral choices were more likely to attribute negative stereotypes to people with diabetes. Participants who viewed a photo of a black woman accompanying the article were less likely to endorse negative stereotypes than those viewing a photo of a white woman, but those who viewed a photo of a glucose-testing device expressed the lowest negative stereotypes. The effect of social determinants language was significantly different for blacks and whites, lowering stereotypes only among blacks. Emphasizing the behavioral causes of diabetes, as is common in media coverage, may perpetuate negative stereotypes. While drawing attention to the social determinants that shape these behaviors could mitigate stereotypes, this strategy is unlikely to influence the public uniformly.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen increasing demands for greater accountability in digital governance. What, however, does accountability require and what normative goods does it serve? This article develops a general framework for assessing digital accountability focused on four normative goods: openness, non-arbitrariness, effectiveness and publicness. As the article will evidence, claims for digital accountability often refer to deficits relating to one or more of these goods. While scholarly attention has deservedly focused on tying powerful digital actors to rule of law guarantees, the article argues that accountability offers an important normative yardstick to allow citizens to contest digital decisions beyond strict legality. The framework therefore provides a basis for both conceptually disaggregating and normatively forwarding accountability claims in the digital sphere.  相似文献   

Mortgage fraud is a fast-growing form of white-collar crime that has received much press coverage in the United States of America. Mortgage fraud has an adverse effect on individual homeowners, communities, and many indirect victims of the crime. While past research has focused on the personal motivating factors behind the commission of white-collar crime, this particular article reviews several facets of the crime itself and explores the potential neighbourhood risk factors that help attract the crime. From a national perspective, mortgage fraud seems to occur more frequently in neighbourhoods that have low socioeconomic indicators. These associations become even more pronounced when the degree of fraud occurrences within the community is factored in as a variable. Upon disaggregating the data according to region, the fraud indicator variables also display differing trend levels, perhaps indicating that as mortgage fraud practices begin to mature within an area, its community dynamics tend to change as well. The article concludes with recommendations for policymakers, community organizations, and law enforcement officials as to how to address mortgage fraud once it appears within a community, and also addresses future avenues of research for what is largely an untapped area of financial crime research.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of joint commission through another person has a central place in the co-perpetration architecture of the Rome Statute and jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court. The concept of joint commission through another person envisages a commission of a crime by two or more individuals through one or more subordinated persons. Even though the concept of joint commission through another person does not expressly derive from the Article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute of the ICC, this article argues that an individual can be held responsible as a co-perpetrator of a crime committed jointly with another individual through subordinated individuals if he or she has joint control over the crime because of his/her essential contribution to the commission of the crime.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impacts of democratic transition on gender outcomes in Hong Kong, which has a unique path of transition. The author studies whether democratic transition in Hong Kong since the mid-1980s has brought positive gender outcomes. Specifically, this article examines the extent to which Hong Kong’s female legislators acted for women’s interests from 1970 to 2012. The study finds that after the introduction of legislative elections, female legislators were more likely to represent women’s interests than male legislators. Apart from gender, the study also finds that political orientation of a legislator significantly affected legislator policy priorities and/or gender outcome. Liberal legislators proposed significantly more motions related to women’s interests than conservative legislators. Finally, the study highlights that as the legislature was transited from an undemocratic to a semi-democratic body, legislators were significantly more likely to propose motions related to women’s interests.  相似文献   

The literature on the incumbency advantage in U.S. House elections has focused mostly on political variables, such as competition and incumbent resources. For this article, I identify an important sociological variable: a cohort effect that separates older generations from younger ones. Younger generations have been more likely to vote for incumbents, and the difference has endured over time, even as the political environment itself has changed and become more partisan. Moreover, the results hold even when one controls for partisan identification and general time‐period effects. The incumbency advantage may be a broader and more‐enduring part of American politics than has previously been recognized.  相似文献   

After the fiftieth anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act in 2016, criticism of the law is considerable. FOIA has failed to live up to its initial promise of peeling back the layers that too often shroud the federal government in secrecy, frustrating the news media’s efforts to contribute to an informed electorate. Issues with response rates, unorganized systems and subjective interpretations of the act’s exemptions are not uncommon. This article utilizes data gathered from 2008 to 2015 that indicate that across multiple metrics, FOIA has increasingly failed to provide records to requesting parties. The trends suggest that significant overhaul is necessary. Rather than prescribing more amendments that are little more than Band-Aids on a withering dinosaur, this article concludes with a detailed set of recommendations – highlighted by a crowd-sourced request database – that move far from FOIA’s original paper-based model that still rests at its analog core.  相似文献   

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