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郑列  孙龙 《犯罪研究》2002,(3):35-40
刚刚过去的2001年是中国的“打黑除恶”年。黑社会性质组织犯罪又称“黑恶势力犯罪”,属于在集团犯罪之上,向黑社会犯罪过渡的一个中间形态。当前中国的黑社会性质组织犯罪已步入一个新的阶段,犯罪普遍化、高度组织化、手段智能化、暴利驱动化、黑金政治化、犯罪国际化是其主要特点。本文对黑社会性质组织犯罪的概念、特征、当前态势、成因及打击对策等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Recent elections in France (2002 and 2007) and Italy (2008) were won on a law and order platform. This article asks why, and compares the strategies used by the new governments to implement their election promises. The goals are the same: to increase security and lower fear of crime levels, but there are noticeable differences in the perception of the underlying causes, such as the role played by illegal immigration. The solutions proposed also vary. France relies on increased police efficiency and more coercive legislation, whereas Italy favours almost exclusively emergency legislation including the deployment of 3500 soldiers. Prevention is not a priority in either country.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Accident, suicide, or homicide might have caused the death of Countess Agusta who fell from the 80-m tall cliff of her villa. Two mismatched slippers were recovered along the cliff. Use was made of microscope, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and microprobe techniques to compare 40 mg of soil collected from the slipper soles with samples from the villa garden. Structural details of the slipper soles were consistent with the lady wearing them during the fall. Analysis of the soil residues confirmed that they originated from the garden only. The features of a few, minute glass chips adhering to the slipper soles reasonably matched those of other fragments that were found on a small ledge on the cliff beyond the garden parapet. Based on this and other evidence, the case was closed with a verdict of accidental fall.  相似文献   

This article first explores whether Italy is under an obligationto implement the Rome Statute that it ratified in 1999. It thenidentifies the general sets of inconsistencies between Italianlegislation and the Rome Statute and analyses whether and towhat extent the former needs to be amended or integrated inorder to implement the substantive provisions of the latter,in particular in relation to the definition of crimes, generalprinciples of criminal responsibility, defences and other barsto prosecution. Finally, the exercise of jurisdiction by Italiancourts over crimes in the Rome Statute is discussed in the lightof the principle of complementarity on which the jurisdictionof the International Criminal Court is based.         Mere dreams,mere dreams!         W.B. Yeats,Meditations in Time of Civil War, I (1928)  相似文献   

冤案是如何发现的   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真正意义上的冤案是终审判决有罪,但实际上被定罪人未实施被认定的罪行的案件。以云南杜培武"故意杀人案"为代表的43个冤案进入再审程序的过程表明,我国刑事冤案的发现都带有一定的偶然性。其根本原因在于现行冤案申诉筛选机制没有很好地起到筛选冤案的作用。因此,应该在对国外三种申诉筛选模武进行比较分析的基础上,结合我国实际情况,提出设立独立的申诉案件复查委员会来统一受理、审查和筛选冤案申诉。  相似文献   

Twenty years ago last month “the troubles” began in Northern Ireland. The political, social and economic implications of the problems that now beset the province are well known. What is less familiar is the effect the troubles are having on architecture and environmental design in Northern Ireland. This paper seeks to examine the way the special demands of security and solidity of construction are reconciled with the political policy of playing down the visual impact of the troubles.  相似文献   

一、意大利检察机关的组织制度 随着1946年意大利共和国制度的确立,特别是1948年意大利宪法的生效,确立了检察机关是独立于行政机关依法设立的司法机关。从此,检察机关便从司法部分离出来。 意大利的检察机关与审判机关不是相脱节地独立存在,而是与审判机关处于同一司法体系内,其组织制度与审判机构的组织制度完全平行对应,即检察机关是按照审判机关的地域分布建立的,检察机关的地域管辖权和案件管辖权不是以完全独立的方式确定的,而是根据其所驻的法院依法享有的管辖权来确立的。  相似文献   

诉权及其行使问题在著作权纠纷案件中经常发生,本文以电影<无极>被侵权案为例,从论述诉权的一般理论及如何行使问题等基础问题入手,分析探讨了著作权专有许可合同当事人中谁有权起诉、谁能获得赔偿等实际问题.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):391-397
Professor Marcello Saija is the director of the Department of European and International Studies at the University of Messina; Dr Daniela Irrera is a researcher at the Department of European and International Studies of the University of Messina.  相似文献   

软件盗版已成为软件产 业发展的心腹大患。 在软件侵权案件中,由于软件本身的一些特点,收集证据非常之困难,因此如何合理的分配举证责任成为软件权利人的利益能否得到救济的一个重要前提。本文将结合软件侵权的特点对合理分配软件侵权案件的举证责任问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

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