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影像技术是指摄影、摄像、电影等技术手段记录对象信息的科技。随着科技的不断发展,影像技术在社会各个领域的应用越来越普及,也使警务情报工作运用影像技术手段进行情报的采集、存储、分析和判研有了可以依赖的技术(物质)基础。在警务情报影像技术中,警务是应用领域,情报是内容,影像是载体和技术手段。当前在警务情报的理论研究和实战应用中,应该使影像技术手段和方式成为重要的组成部分,形成特色的专业理论体系,以期更好地促进公安情报学的发展,更好地培训、指导警务情报实战。  相似文献   

文章回顾了近几十年来西方发达国家城市公共安全战略所经历的由街面控制为主转向社区治安为主的变化过程,阐述了城市公共安全管理发展的基本趋势,分析了推行警务社区化的主要目的,探讨了社区警务管理新体制.  相似文献   

In recent years, regulation scholars and policymakers have increasingly turned their attention to the role of inter-governmental organizational design in effective governance. The existing literature on regulatory design has provided important insights into the advantages and disadvantages of alternative structural options. This article synthesizes and builds on that literature by describing a novel framework for characterizing, analyzing, and structuring authority across public institutions. Drawing on examples from a range of jurisdictions, it highlights the value of this framework in identifying the values tradeoffs that should drive policymakers' decisions to choose among competing structural alternatives. The framework is founded on two important points. First, inter-governmental allocations of authority can be structured along three different dimensions. Failing to appreciate the existence of, and differences among, these dimensions can prompt misassessments of the reasons for existing regulatory failures and selection of structural allocations that do not suit the problems intended to be addressed. Second, allocations of authority can, and in many cases should, vary for disparate governmental functions. Differential functional allocations of authority can minimize obstacles to needed structural reforms and tailor inter-governmental relations in ways that best promote chosen regulatory values, such as efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, as well as how allocational choices may and perhaps should vary depending on the governmental function being performed. Finally, the article suggests how future regulation and governance scholarship can harness this emerging framework to help build a body of empirical evidence upon which policymakers can draw in future regulatory design endeavors.  相似文献   

随着信息网络技术的快速发展,公安机关的信息化程度不断提高,在预防和打击违法犯罪过程中发挥了重要作用。但是,在享用公安信息网络高速快捷的同时,公安信息网络存在的安全问题已逐渐暴露出来,对整个公安工作的发展造成很大的威胁。拟从维护公安信息安全着眼,通过阐述公安信息安全的含义、保障公安信息安全的必要性及保障公安信息安全的措施等方面,对公安机关加强措施保障信息安全提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

公安信息共享的成效,不仅取决于信息化警务平台的技术先进性,更取决于基于信息化警务工作的特点和规律而对警务工作理念、模式、机制等的更新。加强公安信息资源共享,必须革新传统信息观念,制定共享政策法规,健全共享运作机制,完善信息管理模式,创新公安管理体制。同时,在技术层面上,必须统一数据标准、统一技术规范、统一平台接口,实现公安业务流程、系统功能结构的标准化。  相似文献   

Assessing the Effects of Public Participation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article presents the results of research designed to test participatory democracy assertions that high-quality public participation can affect participants' beliefs in desirable ways. It examines the relationships between exposure to quality participation and participant beliefs about the trustworthiness and responsiveness of a public agency and the value of including different viewpoints in public meetings. After participation in quality project meetings, participants were significantly more likely to believe the agency was responsive to public concerns. The results indicate that some specific aspects of quality participation are positively associated with expectations about the agency's responsiveness and performance. Positive associations were also found with tolerance for differences of opinion. These results have important implications for public administrators and theorists of participatory democracy.  相似文献   

情报信息工作是公安工作的重要内容,公安机关要履行三大政治和社会责任,实现全方位服务人民的宗旨,就必须构建情报信息主导警务战略机制,切实把情报信息工作置于公安工作的基础性、先导性位置,以情报信息引导实战,指导防范和打击犯罪。然而,当前基层公安机关存在的思想认识不到位、信息系统分散、信息化素质不高、信息研发滞后等问题,严重制约了公安工作的深入开展,因而有必要对基层公安民警的信息素养进一步加强和提高。  相似文献   

In an attempt to reap the purported benefits that "knowledge workers" bring to organizations, many police departments have shifted to a community problem–oriented policing philosophy. Rather than focusing on enforcement and incarceration, this philosophy is based on the dissemination of information to promote a proactive, preventative approach to reduce crime and disorder. In keeping with much of the contemporary literature on the "learning organization" (sometimes called the "knowledge organization"), police departments hope to deter crime through the knowledge benefits that derive from information and its associated technologies. With goals to stimulate productivity, performance, and effectiveness, police departments across the country are employing information technology to turn police officers into problem solvers and to leverage their intellectual capital to preempt crime and neighborhood deterioration.
Many public and private organizations are striving to change their operations toward this same concept of the knowledge worker. Information technology is often touted as a vehicle for capturing, tracking, sorting, and providing information to advance knowledge, thus leading to improvements in service–delivery efforts. Based on an extensive study of police departments that have attempted to implement a knowledge–worker paradigm (supported by information technology initiatives), this research explores the feasibility, effectiveness, and limitations of information and technology in promoting the learning organization in the public sector.  相似文献   

目前铁路公安技术工作在体制、管理、装备、人才、信息、保障等方面还存在很多的不适应,需要各级领导提高认识、加大投入,大力推进铁路公安技术专业化、规范化、信息化、现代化建设。只有强化铁路公安技术工作,才能更好地实现铁路公安机关维护铁路和社会稳定的需要,才能进一步提高铁路公安机关的执法水平,提高铁路公安机关的战斗力,有力地促进铁路公安机关现代警务机制的建立。  相似文献   

What research supports the view that compact, walkable, diverse (CWD) neighborhoods are beneficial for urban residents? To make this assessment, we searched the literature to try to understand the current status of evidence regarding claims about the CWD neighborhood. We find that research linking CWD neighborhoods to effects on residents coalesces around three main topics: social relations, health, and safety. We conclude that on the basis of the literature reviewed, most of the intended benefits of the CWD neighborhood have been researched and found to have significant, positive effects for urban dwellers. While physical factors are but one element affecting behavior and outcomes, and the issues of self-selection and causality remain, overall, key dimensions of the CWD neighborhood have been found to positively affect social interaction, health, and safety.  相似文献   

Interoperability is more than “digital plumbing”—making sure that computers talk so that bits of data flow properly. Fundamentally, interoperability is people talking and sharing information. Sharing information reduces the “paperwork burden”on the citizen, streamlines work processes, and enriches the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policy. Building on prior theory and research, this research has developed empirically derived, practical findings and recommendations to support thedevelopment of appropriate interoperable systems.  相似文献   

铁路公安二级刑事技术网络是指由分布在基层派出所的技术点承担一般案件现场的勘查取证及重大案件、事故现场的现场保护和前期处置,由技术科负责重大案件、事故现场勘查及检验鉴定工作的刑事技术网络。铁路刑事技术队伍建设必须从加强基层所队技术点的网络建设着手,包括技术点的建立、现场勘查设备的配备、技术员的培训等。加强铁路刑事技术网络建设,对提升铁路公安机关与刑事犯罪的斗争能力具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于公安院校刑事技术专业课程设置的现状,分析归纳刑事技术专业各门专业课课程的内在联系,结合刑事技术工作岗位的要求,提出公安院校刑事技术专业课优化设置的基本思路和建议。  相似文献   

对情报源不平衡分布及流动特征的科学描述,就是情报源分布规律。公安情报源的分布规律有:集中——分散规律、变迁规律和扩散规律。对公安情报源的评估通常包括以下几方面:情报量、准确性、新颖性、时效性、适用性、情报获取的便利性和情报使用的经济性。为有效开发利用公安情报源,应提升公安民警的情报意识和能力,创造性地开拓情报源;建立健全机制,强化情报源的开拓;坚持实用性,从情报源中精心筛选情报;利用情报的再生性,深化情报源的开发。  相似文献   

This paper sheds light on previous inconsistencies identified in the literature regarding the relationship between medical marijuana laws (MMLs) and recreational marijuana use by closely examining the importance of policy dimensions (registration requirements, home cultivation, dispensaries) and the timing of when particular policy dimensions are enacted. Using data from our own legal analysis of state MMLs, we evaluate which features are associated with adult and youth recreational and heavy use by linking these policy variables to data from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97). We employ differences‐in‐differences techniques, controlling for state and year fixed effects, allowing us to exploit within‐state policy changes. We find that while simple dichotomous indicators of MML laws are not positively associated with marijuana use or abuse, such measures hide the positive influence legal dispensaries have on adult and youth use, particularly heavy use. Sensitivity analyses that help address issues of policy endogeneity and actual implementation of dispensaries support our main conclusion that not all MML laws are the same. Dimensions of these policies, in particular legal protection of dispensaries, can lead to greater recreational marijuana use and abuse among adults and those under the legal age of 21 relative to MMLs without this supply source.  相似文献   

城中村是中国快速城市化进程中的特有现象,是一种介于农村与城市社区的过渡形态.城中村本身的存在与发展又是具有生命周期的,城中村改造应该建立在基于对城中村性质与作用的正确认识基础之上.以广州市城中村作为主要分析对象,通过对城中村性质与作用的再思考,我们认识到:城中村不是城市的毒瘤而是城市的伤口,不是进行简单的切割就能痊愈,而需要一个系统的社会工程来改造.  相似文献   

Political Behavior - Controversial cases of police use of force against minority civilians have become a ubiquitous feature of news headlines, and videos of these interactions between citizens and...  相似文献   

This article introduces the special issue on “Assessing the Effects of Immigration and Diversity in Europe” to the JEPOP readers. The article starts with a summary of the controversy generated by Putnam's 2007 article “E pluribus unum”. Next, it provides a brief account of the state of the art in the scholarship analysing the link between diversity, trust, social capital and social cohesion. The article continues with a discussion of a number of key problems that affect the existing scholarship, and highlights how the contributions to this special issue overcome some of these limitations. After this, the article considers the implications of this debate for the study of elections and public opinion. It concludes with a succinct overview of the contributions to the special issue and a discussion of how they help move forward the scholarship in this area.  相似文献   

The people we associate with everyday have an important influence on our exposure and reactions to political stimuli. Social network members in particular can have a dramatic impact on our political views and behavior. Prior research suggests that these attitudinal differences may reflect the information available in a social network: attitudinally congruent networks expose individuals to supporting positions, bolstering their views, while heterogeneous networks provide information on both sides of an issue, generating doubt and ambivalence. In contrast, the current studies examine the effects of individuals’ networks in motivating them to find and engage with new political information on their own. Using ANES panel data, a laboratory-based information board session that examines behavior in detail, and an experimental design that manipulates network composition, we find that individuals in attitudinally heterogeneous social networks are more likely to seek out and attend to political information. They spend more time looking for political information, and then (having found it) spend more time reviewing that new information compared to those whose network members are more like-minded. An experimental study further demonstrates that network composition causally determines these information-seeking preferences. Implications for democratic citizenship in light of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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