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《The Political quarterly》1988,59(2):261-282
Book reviewed in this articles:
T aking J apan S eriously : A C onfucian P erspective on L eading E conomic I ssues . By R onald D ore .
F lexible R igidities . By R onald D ore .
S elling T he S tate : P rivatisation in B ritain . By C ento V eljanovski .
T hinking A bout P eace and W ar . By M artin C eadel .
W ar in I nternational S ociety . By E van L uard .
C hoices . By O liver R amsbotham .
O pen G overnment : A S tudy of the P rospects of O pen G overnment W ithin the L imitations of the B ritish P olitical S ystem . Edited by R ichard A. C hapman and M ichael H unt .
P ublic A ccess to G overnment-held I nformation : A C omparative S ymposium . Edited by N orman S. M arsh .
T he G reen C apitalists : I ndustry's S earch for E nvironmental E xcellence . By J ohn E lkington with T om B urke .
P ositive D iscrimination : S ocial J ustice and S ocial P olicy . M oral S crutiny of a P olicy P ractice . By J ohn E dwards .
N ot O nly the P oor : T he M iddle C lasses and the W elfare S tate . By R obert E. G oodwin & J ulian L e G rand with others.
A n E dwardian M ixed D oubles : T he B osanquets V ersus the W ebbs . A S tudy in B ritish S ocial P olicy 1890–1929. By A. M. M c B riar .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(3):356-386
Book reviewed in this article:
C ommon G round on T errorism : S oviet -A merican C ooperation A gainst the P olitics of T error . E dited by J ohn M arks and I gor B eliaev .
T error . B y C onor G earty .
T errorism and M odern D rama . E dited by J ohn O rr and D ragan K laic .
T errorism in the 1990s. B y R ichard L atter .
T errorism R esearch and P ublic P olicy . E dited by C lark M c C auley .
V iolence , T errorism and J ustice . E dited by R. G. F rey and C hristopher W. M orris .
T he H ighest S takes : T he E conomic F oundation of the N ext S ecurity S ystem . B y W. S tandholtz , M. B orrus , J. Z ysman , J. S towsky , S. V ogel, and S. W eber .
N ationalism : F ive R oads to M odernity . By L iah G reenfeld .
M oney , P olitics and L aw . By K eith E wing .
I n the H ighest D egree O dious : D etention without T rial in W artime B ritain . By A. W. B rian S impson .
R ace and P ublic P olicy : A S tudy of L ocal P olitics and G overnment . B y S hamit S aggar .
G reen P olitical T heory . By R obert E. G oodin .
A treaty T oo F ar : a N ew P olicy for E urope . By M ichael S picer MP.
A S ingle M arket and B eyond . Edited by D ennis S wann .
T he EC and the U nited S tates . By P eter C offey .
M acroeconomic P olicy C oordination in E urope: the E rm and M onetary U nion . Edited by R ay B arrell and J ohn W hitley .
R eligion and M odernization : S ociologists and H istorians D ebate the S ecularization T hesis . Edited by S. B ruce .
R eligion : C ontemporary I ssues . Edited by B. W ilson .
I llusions of T riumph : A n A rab V iew of the G ulf W ar . By M ohamed H eikal .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(2):229-246
Book reviews in this article:
T he F irst W orld W ar : A n A grarian I nterpretation . By A vner O ffer .
G overning E ducation : A S ociology of P olicy S ince 1945. By A ndrew M c P herson and C harles D. R aab .
B ending the R ules —T he B aker 'R eform ' of E ducation . By B rian S imon .
T he E ducation R eform A ct : C ompetition and C ontrol . By L eslie B ash and D avid C oulby .
T he 1988 E ducation A ct —A T actical G uide for S chools . By M artin L eonard .
M anaging F inance in S chools . By T im B lanchard , B ob L ovell and N ick V ille .
S chools and P arents . By J ohn P artington and T ed W ragg .
T he T hatcher E ffect : A D ecade of C hange . Edited by D ennis K avanagh and A nthony S eldon .
A fter T hatcher . By P aul H irst .
A ccounting for P ublic P olicy . By D avid R osenberg .
M anaging C ompetition : M esso-corporatism , P luralism, and the N egotiated O rder in S cotland . By C hris M oore and S imon B ooth .
P olicing the W orld : I nterpol and the P olitics of I nternational P olice C o-operation . By M alcolm A nderson .
A T reatise on S ocial J ustice . Volume 1: T heories of J ustice . By B rian B arry .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(3):367-398
Book reviewed in this article:
B ig B usiness . T heoretical and E mpirical A spects of C oncentration and M ergers in the U nited K ingdom . B y S. A aronovitch and M. C. S awyer .
E conomic C oncentration . S tructure , B ehaviour and P ublic P olicy . By J. M. B lair .
C oncentration in M odern I ndustry . By L. H annah and J. A. K ay .
C ompetition P olicy . Including a research annex, C ompetition P olicy and E conomic P erformance in the U nited K ingdom . By A. H ughes .
T he E volution of G iant F irms in B ritain . A S tudy of the G rowth of C oncentration in M anufacturing industry in B ritain 1909–1970. By S. J. P rais .
D iversification and C ompetition . By M. A. U tton .
I nternational H andbook on L ocal G overnment R eorganisation : C ontemporary D evelopments . E dited by D onald C. R owat .
O ffshore S afety . R eport of the C ommittee . C hairman : D r . J. H. B urgoyne .
T he N ew A uthoritarianism in L atin A merica . Edited by D avid C ollier .
G ood N eighbour D iplomacy : U nited S tates P olicies in L atin A merica 1933–45. By I rwin F. G ellman .
C hile : A n A ttempt at "H istoric C ompromise ": T he R eal S tory of the A llende Y ears . By J orge P alacios .
T he A rmy and P olitics in A rgentina 1945–62: P erón to F roxdizi . By R obert A. P otash .
D efence P olitics : A B udgetary P erspective . By A rnold K anter .
D owning S treet D iary . By H arold E vans .
E uropean E lections and B ritish P olitics . By D avid B utler and D avid M arquand .
T he P eople's B udget 1909/10: L loyd G eorge and L iberal P olitics . By B ruce K. M urray .
T he L eo A mery D iaries . V olume O ne : 1896–1929. Edited by J ohn B arnes and D avid N icholson .
T.U.C. T he G rowth of a P ressure G roup 1868–1976. By R oss M artin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(2):227-249
Books Reviewed in this Article:
L ying : M oral C hoice in P ublic and P rivate L ife . By S issela B ok .
T he E thics of W ar . By B akrie P askins and M ichael D ockrill .
N uclear A rms in the T hird W orld : U.S. P olicy D ilemma . By E rnest W. L efever .
N uclear P ower and N uclear W eapons P roliferation . By T he A tlantic C ouncil's N uclear F uels P olicy W orking G roup .
N uclear F uel A ssurance : O rigins , T rends , and P olicy I ssues . Ry T homas L. N eff and H enry D. J acoby .
P olitics in I ndustrial S ociety . T he E xperience of T he B ritish S ystem S ince 1911. By K eith M iddlemas .
S low G rowth in B retain : C auses and C onsequences . Edited by W ilfred B eckerman .
B eyond I ndustrial G rowth . Edited by A braham R otstein .
C ontroversy : P olitics of T echnical D ecisions . Edited by D orothy N elkin .
T elevision , C ensorship and T he L aw . By C olin R. M unro .
T elevision and P olitical L ife . Edited by A nthony S mith .
M edia , P olitics and C ulture : A S ocialist V iew . By C arl G ardner .
I n on T he A ct : M emoirs of a L awmaker . By S ir H arold K ent .
R ethinking C ommunity M edicine . U nit for the S tudy of H ealth P olicy .
T he P alestine T riangle : T he S truggle B etween T he B ritish , T he J ews and T he A rabs , 1935-48. By N icholas B ethell .
L eadership . By J ames M ac G regor B urns .
T he R ussian M ind . By R onald H ingley .
T he F actory of G rievances : D evolved G overnment in N orthern I reland , 1921-1939. By P atrick B uckland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(3):360-361
Book reviewed in this article:
T he Q uest for P eace . T he D ag H ammarskjöld M emorial L ectures . Edited by A ndrew W. C ordier and W ilder F oote .
S ocial P olicy . By T. H. M arshall .
B ritain L ooks to G ermany : A S tudy of B ritish O pinion and P olicy towards G ermany since 1945. By D. C. W att .
B efore T he S ocialists . By R oyden H arrison .
P ublic A dministration in F rance . By F. R idley and J. B londel .
T he R ise of the S oviet E mpire : A S tudy of S oviet F oreign P olicy . By J an L ibrach .
M andate M emories , 1918–1948. By N orman and H elen B entwich .
A C asebook of A dministrative L aw . By J. A. G. G riffith and H. S treet .
T he C ommons and T heir S peakers in E nglish P arliaments (1376-1523). By J. S. R oskell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1972,43(1):115-140
Books reviewed in this article:
A merican F oreign P olicy since 1938. By S tephen E. A mbrose .
T he R adical L eft and A merican F oreign P olicy . By R obert W. T ucker .
U.S. C hina P olicy and the P roblem of T aiwan . By W illiam M. B ueler .
T he , S eniority S ystem in C ongress . By B arbara H incicley .
A merican P luralist D emocracy . By D arryl B askin .
H ope for the C ities . Edited by R. L. C hartrand .
A merican G overnment and P olitics . S elected R eadings . Edited by R. C. M oe and W. A. S chulize
T he P oiitics of U nreason . R ight -W ing E xtremism in A merica 1790–1970. By S. M . L ipset and E. R aab .
T he C onspiracy T rial . Edited by J udy C lavir and J ohn S pitzer .
B etween T wo W orlds . T he P olitical T hought of G raham W allas . By M artin J. W iener .
T he L ife of G. D. H. C ole . By D ame M argaret C ole .
E ssays in L abour H istory , 1886–1923. Edited by A sa B riggs and J ohn S aville .
T he P lanning S ystem of G reater L ondon . By P eter S elf .
T roubled N eighbours . Edited by N eville W aites .
T he G aullist P henomenon . By J ean C harlot . Translated by M onica C harlot and M arianne N eighbour .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
T heeconomic L ife of S oviet R ussia By C alvinb . H oover , P h .D.
A C ontributive S ociety By J. R. B ellerby
C onstitutional L aw : A n O utline of the L aw and P ractice of the C onstitution . By E. C. S. W ade , M.A., L.L.M., and G. G odfrey P hillips , M.A., L.L.B.
C onstitutional H istory of the F irst B ritish E mpire B y A. B erriedalx K eith , D.C.L., D.L itt .
B ritish P olicy and C anada : 1774–1791 By G erald S. G raham
N ew I mperial I deals By R obert S tokes
T he H istory of P eace By A. C. F. B eales
T he F oreign P olicy of C astlereagh ,1812–5 By C. K. W ebster
P roblems of P eace
T he P rice of N ational S ecurity By H. E. H yde
N ewest E urope By M erton M aclaughlin  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P lough M y O wn F urrow . By M artin G ilbert .
T he O mbudsman : C itizen's D efender . Edited by D onald C. R owat .
P ersonalities and P olicies . By D. C. W att .
V ansittart in O ffice . By I an C olvin .
A N ew L ook at B ritain's E conomic P olicy . By J uliet R hys -W illiams .
V ietnam . A D iplomatic T ragedy . By V ictor B ator .
V ietnam and the U nited S tates . By H ans J. M orgenthau .
U ndercurrents in A merican F oreign R elations . By M. S. V enkataramani .
A frican S ocialism . Edited by W illiam F riedland and C arl G. R osberg , Jr.
T he F oreign P olicy of A frican S tates . By D oudou T hiam .
W illiam P ember R eeves . By K eith S inclair .
M odern B ritish P olitics . By S amuel H. B eer .
P olitics in E ngland . By R ichard R ose .
O n J ustice in S ociety . By M orris G insberg .
E conomic 'M iracles '. Published for The Institute of economic Affairs.
T he S ocialist R egister 1965. Edited by R. M iliband and J. S aville .
M iddle E astern A ffairs : N umber F our . (St. Antony's Papers No. 17.) Edited by A lbert H ourani .
P olice and G overnment . By G eoffrey M arshall .
T otalitarian D ictatorship and A utocracy . By C arl J. F riedrich and Z bigniew K. B rzezinski .
T he B ritish P olitical F ringe . By G eorge T hayer .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1984,55(2):201-220
Book reviewed in this article
W orld E ncyclopedia O f P olitical S ystems . Edited by G. E. D elurie .
I deals A nd D ogma : A C ritique O f P ure M arxism . B y D avid S immons .
G overnment and U rban P olicy : I nside the P olicy -M aking P rocess . B y J oan H iggins , N icholas D eakin , J ohn E dwards and M al -C olm W icks
N ational P arties and L ocal P olitics . B y J ohn G yfokd and M aki J ames .
N ational I nterests and L ocal G overnment . Edited by K en Y oung .
T he D iary of H ugh G aitskell , 1945-1956. Edited with an Introduc-tion by P hilip W illiams
H igh and L ow P olitics I n M odern B ritain . T en S tudies . Edited by M ichael B entley and J ohn S tevenson .
D evelopments in B ritish P olitics . Edited by H enry D rucker , P atrick D unleavy , A ndrew G amble and G illian P eele .
P olitics in B ritain : A n I ntroduction . By C olin L eys .
P olitics and T echnology in the S oviet U nion . B y B ruce P arrott .
T he C omplete P eerage . Edited by G. E. C.
B lood : G ift or M erchandise . B y P iet J. H agan
A V ariety of L ives : A B iography O f S ir H ugh G reene . By M ichael T racey .
G ood T imes , B ad T imes . B y H arold E vans .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(4):491-515
Book reviewed in this article:
G eorge O rwell . A L ife . By B ernard C rick .
B lood of S pain . T he E xperience of C ivil W ar 1936–1939. By R onald F raser .
T he B ackbench D iaries . By R ichard G rossman . Edited by J anet M organ .
T he R ise and F all of the P olitical P ress in B ritain , VOLUME 1: T he N ineteenth C entury . By S tephen K oss .
A narchism . A T heoretical A nalysis . By A lan R itter .
A D iscourse on P roperty . J ohn L ocke and his A dversaries . By J ames T ully .
T axation and S ocial P olicy . E dited by C edric S andford , C hris P ond and R obert W alker .
I nequality in B ritain : F reedom , W elfare and the state . By F rank F ield .
T he C auses of T he P resent I nflation . By A ndrew T ylecote .
T he R ealities B ehind D iplomacy : B ackground I nfluences on B ritish E xternal P olicy 1865–1980. By P aul K ennedy .
T he M eaning of C onservatism . By R oger S cruton .
B iological H usbandry : A S cientific A pproach to O rganic F arming . E dited by B. S tonehouse .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1976,47(2):234-248
T he M odernisation of B ritish G overnment . By W. T hornhill .
C abinet S tudies : A R eader . By V alentine H erman and E. A lt .
The Cabinet office to 1945.
R oyal C ommissions and D epartmental C ommittees in B ritain . By T. J. C artwright .
P ublic E xpenditure in P ractice . By L ord D iamond .
S cottish P olitical , S ystem . By J ames G. K ellas .
L lw , J ustice and P olitics . By G avin D rewry .
K eir H ardie : R adical and S ocialist . By K enneth O. M organ .
K eir H ardie . By I ain M clean .
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of O ctober 1974. By D avid B utler and D ennis K avanagh .
S ocial S ervice B udgets and S ocial P olicy . By H. G lennerster .  相似文献   

T he N atiosalisation of B ritish I ndustry 1945–51. By S ir N orman C hester , C.B.E.
P ower , V iolence , D ecision . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
E xplorations in G overnment , C ollected P apers 1951–1968. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
O swald M osley . By R obert S kidelsky .
T he I mpact of H itler . B ritish P olitics and B ritish P olicy 1933–1940. By M aurice C owling .
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1942–47. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Volume V, The Simla Conference, September 1, 1944-July 28, 1945.
T he P ast M asters : P olitics and P oliticians 1906–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
C ommittees of I nquiry . By G erald R hodes .
T he P arliamentary O mbudsman . By R oy G regory and P eter H utchisson .
S ociology and S ocial P olicy . By P. T ownsesd .
S ocial P olicy and A dministration R evisited . By D. D onnison et al.
T he P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels : V ol . 1: M arxism and T otalitarian D emocracy 1818–1850. By R ichard N. H unt .
M arx W ithout M yth . By M aximilien R ubel and M argaret M asale .
M arxian and P ost -M arxian P olitical E conomy . By A run B ose .
M arx and M odern S ocial T heory . By A lan S wingewood .
M arxist A nalyses and S ocial A nthropology . Edited by M aurice B loch .
T he S tudy of G overnment . By F. F. R idley .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1995,66(2):248-264
Book reviewed in this article:
T rue B lues : T he P olitics of C onservative P arty M embership . By P aul W hiteley , P atrick S eyd and J eremy R ichardson .
T he P roblem of P ornography : R egulation and the R ight to F ree S peech . By S usan M. E aston .
F ailure in B ritish G overnment : T he P olitics of the P oll T ax . By D avid B utler , A ndrew A donis and T ony T ravers .
I nheritance in P ublic P olicy : C hange W ithout C hoice in B ritain . By R ichard R ose and P hilip L. D avies .
C oming B ack B rockens : A Y ear in a M ining V illage . By M ark H udson .
T he D eath of P olitics : F rance U nder M itterrand . By J ohn L augh -L and .
R ethinking M iddle E ast P olitics : S tate F ormation and D evelopment . By S imon B romley .
T he S earch for J ustice . an A natomy of the L aw . By J oshua R ozenberg .
C ivil L iberties and H uman R ights in E ngland and W ales . By D avid F eldman .
R ights of C itizenship . Edited by R obert B lackburn .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(4):441-464
Book reviewed in this article:
M ichael F oot . By M ervyn J ones .
J apan A mong the P owers 1890–1900. By S idney G iffard .
E xperiences of C hina . By P ercy C raddock .
S owing the S eeds of D emocracy in C hina . By M erle G oldman .
C ultural P olicy and U rban R egeneration : T he W est E uropean E xperience . Edited by F ranco B ianchini and M ichael P arkinson .
U rban P olicy in B ritain : the C ity , the S tate and the M arket . by R ob A tkinson and G rahamoon .
C itizens and S ubjects . By T ony W right .
P olitics in an A nti -P olitical A ge . By G eoff M ulgan .
A C onservative R evolution : T he T hatcher -R eagan D ecade in P erspective . By A ndrew A donis and T im H ames .
P olitical I slam : R eligion and P olitics in the A rab W orld . By N azih A yubi .
T he R evenge of G od : T he R esurgence of I slam , C hristianity and J udaism in the M odern W orld . By G illes K epel .
R eligion in T hird W orld P olitics . By J eff H aynes .
T ower B lock : M odern P ublic H ousing in E ngland , S cotland , W ales and N orthern I reland . By M iles G lendinning and S tefan M uthesius .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1986,57(2):195-225
Book reviews in this article:
T he D iary of B eatrice W ebb . Edited by N orman & J eanne M ackenzie Volume One 1873-1892 G litter A round and D arkness W ithin
Volume Two 1892-1905 A ll T he G ood T hings of L ife
Volume Three 1905-1924 T he P ower to A lter T hings
Volume Four T he W heel of L ife
T he L ast D issenter : H. N. B railsford and his W orld . By F. M. L eventhal .
K eir H ardie : R adical and S ocialist . By K enneth O. M organ .
C arrington : A L ife and a P olicy . By P atrick C osgrave .
T he R eturn of G rand T heory in the H uman S ciences . Edited by Q uentin S kinner .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert A. D ahl .
Y ears of R ecovery : B ritish E conomic P olicy 1945–51. By A lec C airncross .
T he N ew S elect C ommittees : A S tudy of T he 1979 R eforms . Edited by G avin D rewry .
W ork and I nequality . BY S usan L onsdale .
W omen's R ights at W ork : C ampaigns and P olicy in B ritain and the U nited S tates . BY E lizabeth M. M eehan .
R eduntant W omen . BY A ngela C oyle .
B eyond E mployment : H ousehold , G ender and S ubsistence . Edited by N anneke R edclift and E nzo M ingione .
U nions and E conomic C risis : B ritain , W est G ermany, and S weden . By P eter G ourevitch , A ndrew M artin , G eorge R oss , S tephen B orstein , A ndrei M arkovits, and C hristopher A llen .
I ndustrial R elations in B ritain . Edited by G eorge S ayers B ain .
H istory and H eritage ; T he S ocial O rigins of the B ritish I ndustrial R elations S ystem . By A lan F ox .
T he B ritish S tate and T he U lster C risis : F rom W ilson to T hatcher . By P aul B ew & H enry P atterson .
I reland : A P ositive P rosposal . By K evin B oyle and T om H adden .
B ritish P olicy T owards I reland 1921–1941. By P aul C anning .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1970,41(3):341-372
Book reviewed in this article:
P resent at the C reation . M y Y ears in the S tate D epartment . By D ean A cheson .
C olour and C itizenship . By E. J. B. R ose , in association with N icholas D eakin and others.
P olitical C hange in B ritain . By D avid B utler and D onald S tokes .
N ationalism and E conomic D evelopment in G hana . By R oger G enoud .
S tudies on M arx and H egel . By J ean H yppolite . Edited and translated by J ohn O'N eill .
T he M arxian R evolutionary I dea . By R obert C. T ucker .
A n I nterpretation of the P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels . By J. B. S anderson .
T he C ollapse of the T hird R epublic : an I nquiry I nto the F all of F rance in 1940. By W illiam L. S hirer .
P lanning and the P oliticians . By A. H. H anson .
C ontending A pproaches to I nternational P olitics . Edited by K laus K norr and J ames N. R osenau .
C rises in F oreign P olicy . A S imulation A nalysis . By C harles F. H ermann .
C omparative F oreign R elations : F ramework and M ethods . By D avid O. W ilkinson .
I nternational O rganization : W orld P olitics . Studies in Economic and Social Agencies. Edited by R obert W. C ox .
T he U nited N ations E conomic and S ocial C ouncil . By W alter R. S harp .
I nternational P olitics . C onflict and H armony . By J oseph F rankel .
M easure for M easure : R eforming the T rade U nions . By S tephen F ay .
T he F oreign O ffice and F oreign P olicy 1898–1914. By Z ara S. S teiner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1970,41(1):119-132
Book reviewed in this article:
J udicial C ontrol of A dministrative A ction in I ndia and P akistan . By M. A. F azal .
S tatesmen in D isguise . By G eoffrey K ingdon F ry .
T he B ody P olitic . By I an G ilmour .
T he P olitics of L egislation . T he R ent A ct 1957. By M alcolm J oel B arnett .
T he C hanak A ffair . By D avid W alder .
B ritish F oreign P olicy since V ersailles 1919–1963. By W. N. M edlicott .
L abour's I nternational P olicy . T he L abour P arty in the 1930s. By J ohn F. N aylor .
T he E den L egacy and the D ecline of B ritish D iplomacy . By G eoffrey M acdermott .
F rance in the A ge of the S cientific S tate . By R obert G ilpin .  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article
T he P attern of C ommunist R evolution .
T he R ise of M odern C ommunism. By M assimo . S alvadori
E ducation and S ociety By A. K. C. O ttaway
P rincipia P olitica. By L eonard W oolf.
T he U undeclared W ar By W illiam L. anger and S. E verett G leason .
S oviet P olicy in the. F ar E ast, 1944-1951. By M ax B eloff.
C entral E uropean D emocracy and its B ackground By R udolf S chlessinger.
S oviet D ocuments on F oreign P olicy, 1917-1941. vol III, 1933-41. Slected and edited by J ane D egras.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(3):306-320
T he S ocial F oundations of W age P olicy. Second Edition. By B arbara W ootton.
S alaries in the P ublic S ervices in E ngland and W ales. By H ilda R. K ahn with a preface by B arbara W ootton.
T he S ecretariat of the U nited N ations. By S ydney D. B ailey.
D iplomats in I nternational C o -operation : S tepchildren of the F oreign S ervice. By M ichael H. C ardozo.
R eaction and R eform : E ngland in the E arly N ineteenth C entury (1793–1868). By J ohn W. D erry.
T he M aking of F oreign P olicy. By J oseph F rankel.
C uba and the R ule of L aw. Report of the International Commission of Jurists . Introduction by S ir L eslie M unro.
T he V oice of L atin A merica. By W illiam B enton with a foreword by A dlai S tevenson.
L atin A merica —D iplomacy and R eality. By A dolf A. B erle.
A frican O ne -P arty S tates. Edited M. C arter.
A frica in W orld P olitics. By V ernon M c K ay .
S ocial C ontrol in an A frican S ociety . By P. H. G ulliver .
T he R ise of D emocracy in P re -R evolutionary R ussia. Political and Social Institutions Under the Last Three Czars. By J acob W alkin.
I slam and the W est. By P. K. H itti
W orld C ommunism. By S. H ook.
T he I dea of R acialism. By L. L. S nyder.
I deas in C onflict. T he P olitical T heories of the C ontemporary W orld. By E. M. B urns.  相似文献   

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