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As one of the conditions in its acceptance into the WTO, theChinese government is required to comply with TRIPS. Known forits poor IPR regulations and inadequate judicial enforcement,China has nonetheless done much in recent years to reverse itsreputation as an IPR-unfriendly country, especially with theemergence of domestic technological innovations. Yet many necessaryimprovements remain to be realized, and here we provide someadvice in navigating the difficult Chinese IP system.  相似文献   

在现行法律与奥林匹克国际惯例之间寻求平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现行中国法律和奥林匹克国际惯例之间存在着许多差异和矛盾,解决这些矛盾和差异除了采取适当的立法形式之外,在实践中更多采取的是将奥林匹克国际惯例视为一种特殊情况,根据具体情势加以变通的解决方式.这种做法为以后奥运会的筹办提供了一个模式,也为我国法律在更广泛的范围内实现与国际接轨开创了一个良好的示范.  相似文献   

论行政强制的瑕疵表现与救济途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政强制执行存在十种实体瑕疵、五种程序瑕疵。行政强制的救济途径是 :声明异议 ;行政申诉 ;行政复议 ;提起诉讼 ;国家赔偿 ;行政补偿。  相似文献   

在构建和谐社会的语境下谈我国刑法立法的积极与谨慎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,为适应打击犯罪的需要,刑法立法活动比较积极.由于快速发展过程中新的矛盾、问题、挑战仍将不断涌现,推动刑法不断发展的基本动因短时间内不可能根本改变,相当一段时期内刑法立法的活跃态势仍将持续.但刑法是把双刃剑,构建和谐社会,必须把刑法的负面影响限制在最小范围,这也是提高执政能力的要求.要坚持刑罚谦抑原则,将刑法作为调整社会关系的最后选项,防止动辄主张动刑的泛刑法化倾向.可以预见,随着和谐社会建设不断取得进展,刑法立法的趋势会不断趋缓,刑罚力度将趋于宽缓.  相似文献   

吴汉东 《北方法学》2010,4(4):157-160
2010年,世界知识产权组织将4月26日世界知识产权日的主题确定为“创新——将世界联系在一起”。我想从知识产权的视角对这一主题进行解读,谈三个问题:  相似文献   

The article begins by examining two arguments used by Derrida in work published in 1967. The first claims against Lévi-Strauss that an empirical pattern of events cannot be injected into or superimposed onto an historical pattern claiming universality, for then there can be no disconfirmation of what is said. (This argument is used against Marxian history by some who write in the wake of Existentialism, Paul Roubiczek for instance.) The second claims against Foucault that he does not distinguish between reason as part of thinking and language and reason as an empirical historical structure capable of modification along time. The article then discusses the use of very similar if not identical arguments in Derrida’s much more recent work on laws, Force of law. The intelligibility, the interpretability, of laws and their history comes after the laws, not before, and is thus not fully universalisable.  相似文献   

婚姻登记是我国《婚姻法》规定的结婚形式要件,但登记上有瑕疵婚姻效力问题,法律没有明确规定.是直接认定为无效婚姻,还是根据结婚实质要件来认定此类婚姻的效力,司法实践中很难把握,极不利于通过法律积极有效地调整婚姻关系.这类婚姻的效力应当根据登记时双方是否满足结婚的实质要件来判定,既不能一律视为无效婚姻,也不能完全等同有效婚姻.关键之处是看事实是否存在,双方当事人申请结婚是否是当初的真实意愿,是否符合法定结婚实质条件.  相似文献   

朱铁军 《北方法学》2011,5(2):48-57
刑法与民法在调整对象、规范、行为、法律责任上存在较多交叉、竞合之处。处理刑法与民法交错问题要有刑法与民法关联思维,对其进行整体性、交互式思考。要注意民法的前置分析,尤其是在刑法与民法之间具有规范效应的情形下更是如此。要提倡目的解释。  相似文献   

佘国华 《政法学刊》2001,18(2):33-35
新合同法是我国第一部法典性质的合同基本法。该法的颁布与施行,标志着我国合同主体行为的规范化已迈入新型的法治轨道。但是,新合同法在部分内容和逻辑语法上,分别存有某些瑕疵,如关于合同的定义与定性有失偏颇,法条之间有矛盾和逻辑错误等等,须予以矫正。  相似文献   

代表人诉讼制度设计缺陷   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实证调查表明,代表人诉讼制度不是法院处理群体纠纷案件的唯一方式。当事人人数多少及其相互关系、案件类型、审判成本、外部压力等都是影响法院处理群体纠纷方式的因素。代表人诉讼制度设计存在明显缺陷,导致这个在理论上和立法上被赋予高度期待的制度在实际运作中遭遇重重障碍,群体纠纷案件处理结果成为多方力量博弈的产物。该制度的缺陷提醒我们:法治建设过程中不能抛开国外法律制度产生的特定历史背景、文化基础和制度环境,简单化理解,甚至曲解他国立法,"为我所用"式地盲目借鉴。  相似文献   

There is an important moral difference between laws that criminalize drugs and prostitution and laws that make them illegal in other ways: criminalization violates our moral rights in a way that nonlegalization does not. Criminalization is defined as follows. Drugs are criminalized when there are criminal penalties for using or possessing small quantities of drugs. Prostitution is criminalized when there are criminal penalties for selling sex. Legalization is defined as follows. Drugs are legalized when there are no criminal penalties for manufacturing, selling and possessing large quantities of drugs. Prostitution is legalized when there are no criminal penalties for owning or operating a brothel or escort service, no criminal penalties for working as a paid agent for sex work, and no criminal penalties for paying someone for sex who is above the age of legal employment and sexual consent. The criminalization of drugs and prostitution violate the right of self-sovereignty in depriving individuals of important forms of control over their own minds and bodies, but nonlegalization does not violate this right. It is therefore consistent, as a matter of principle, to advocate decriminalization but to oppose legalization.  相似文献   

Secret Laws     
CLAIRE GRANT 《Ratio juris》2012,25(3):301-317
There is a thesis that legal rules need to be made public because people cannot guide their conduct by rules they cannot know. This thesis has been a mainstay of anti‐positivism and the controversy over it continues apace. However, positivism can accommodate the secret laws thesis. The deeper import of the debate over secret laws concerns our understanding of law's nature. In this regard secrecy merits attention as a candidate necessary connection between law and immorality. In addition the mediating role of lawyers as experts in ascertaining the law should be highlighted. It has been widely overlooked despite the fact that lawyers are criterial in Hart's concept of law.  相似文献   

习惯法为当代中国正式的法律渊源,当代中国宪法、法律、行政法规、地方性法规、民族区域自治法规、政府部门规章、中国缔结和参加的国际条约中都对习惯进行了认可,赋予习惯以法律地位,确认了习惯法在我国正式法律渊源中次要、补充的法律渊源地位。我国法律、法规认可的习惯的内容比较广泛,包括民族习惯、地方习惯、物权习惯、商事习惯、婚姻习惯、家庭习惯、继承习惯、丧葬习惯、生活习惯、宗教习惯、国际惯例等。当代中国法律对习惯认可的变化代表了一种“为生活而立法”的新的立法理念。  相似文献   

社区矫正(community—based corretion),发端于上世纪70年代的欧美国家,也被称为社区处遇。作为与监禁矫正并行的行刑方式,它是指将符合社区矫正条件的罪犯置于社区内。由专门的国家机关在相关社会团体和民间组织以及社会志愿者的协助下,在判决、裁定或决定确定的期限内,矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,并促进其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚执行活动。社区矫正被纳入检察机关的监督范围有充足的理论基础和现实意义。  相似文献   

在我看来,震惊全国的佘祥林冤案暴露了现行司法制度的诸多缺憾,尤其是直击了司法监督和司法救济制度的软肋。从某种意义上讲,每一起冤案都是一面司法的透镜,我们要为佘祥林冤案的曝光而感到庆幸,因为它的确为我们反思和完善司法制度提供了难得的契机。  相似文献   

中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會頒佈的法律《中華人民共和國水土保持法》(1991年6月29日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十次會議通過2010年12月25日中華人民共和國第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員  相似文献   

Laws of Empire     
The central characters in Hardt and Negri'sinfluential Empire are a globalized``empire' and the revolutionary ``multitude'opposing yet constituting it. Althoughinstantiated as substantial and achieved, whenclosely observed, Empire and the multitudebecome insubstantial and unachieved. Thesecontrary qualities can be combined in law. Somesuch resolution is signalled by the largeinitial emphasis which the work places on lawas the existential expression of Empire. Yetlaw plays at best a peripheral and fitful partin the rest of Empire. There is a blockon the uninhibited resort to a law which wouldcombine the contrary qualities and this blockis the monism infusing the multitude and thencethe Empire it constitutes. Nonetheless, thatlaw is sufficiently present in the work, notonly to counter and substitute for itsimpossible monism, but also to accentuate thesignificance of law in modern arrogations ofthe ``global' – as the little exercise whichnow follows will reveal.  相似文献   

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