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This paper investigates the issue of race as a variable in research ethics and the extent to which it is morally appropriate to regard the race of research subjects as a relevant factor for research outcomes. The author analyses the challenges posed to deliberation in Institutional Review Boards (IRB 's) on this matter. The first part of the paper consists of a conceptual analysis of the notion of deliberation, drawing on the work of Elster, Habermas, Rawls, Gambetta and others. Special attention is paid to the dialogical structure of deliberation and the complexities attached to the notion of race, as a social construct. Arguments in favour and against the proposal that race is a valid variable in biomedical research are systematically distinguished. The author comes to the conclusion, based on an extensive literature review, that race sometimes has to be taken into consideration, subject to clearly stated qualifications. In conclusion it is argued that deliberation, especially about such a controversial notion such as race should not be expected to yield definitive truths. The most we can expect is a series of (hopefully) progressive settlements that represent provisional beacons of insight on which we can draw in future conversations. Race represents a field of tension and contestation that will inevitably continue to permeate interpersonal contact and social relations for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

JOHN R. HEPBURN 《犯罪学》1977,15(2):235-262
Police intervention is thought to have an impact upon the juvenile's perception of himself and his role expectations. The data indicate the degree to which the frequency and severity of official delinquency, as well as the severity of disposition, office the juvenile's see-satisfaction. delinquent identification, commitment to delinquent others, commitment to future delinquency, and attitudes toward police. the results of partial correlation coefficients and stepwise regression suggest that police intervention has little impact upon the juvenile when socioeconomic status and, especially, involvement in delinquent behavior are controlled. It is concluded that the juvenile's perceptions of himself and his attitudes toward others, as they relate to delinquency, are more likely to be grounded in the experience of his delinquency involvement than in the experience of coming to the attention of social control agents.  相似文献   

We use the National Crime Victimization Survey to examine whether domestic violence is less likely to be repeated if it is reported to the police and if the offender is arrested. Our longitudinal analyses suggest that reporting has a fairly strong deterrent effect, whereas the effect of arrest is small and statistically insignificant. We find no support for the hypothesis that offenders retaliate when victims (rather than third parties) call the police or when victims sign complaints. We also find no evidence that the effects of reporting or arrest depend on the seriousness of the offense, a history of violence by the offender or sociodemographic characteristics. Our results suggest that the best policies for deterrence will be those that encourage victims and third parties to report violence by intimate partners to the police.  相似文献   

学徒制VS学院制 诊所法律教育的产生及其背后   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张红 《中外法学》2007,(4):498-512
<正>……法律实践与判案不是科学,而是艺术,是律师和法官的艺术。任何一门艺术中只有很少一部分是可以从书本上得到的,无论是绘画、写作还是法律实践。一门艺术最好的教育方式通常是在这门艺术实践中有着很高技巧的人的指导下进行学徒式的训练。这种方法在美国法学教育中曾被采用过。现在我们需要恢复这种方法。——杰罗姆·弗兰克(Jerome Frank)  相似文献   

CORINA GRAIF 《犯罪学》2015,53(3):366-398
A long history of research has indicated that neighborhood poverty increases youth's risk taking and delinquency. This literature predominantly has treated neighborhoods as independent of their surroundings despite rapidly growing ecological evidence on the geographic clustering of crime that suggests otherwise. This study proposes that to understand neighborhood effects, investigating youth's wider surroundings holds theoretical and empirical value. By revisiting longitudinal data on more than 1500 low‐income youth who participated in the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) randomized intervention, this article explores the importance of extended neighborhoods (neighborhoods and surroundings) and different concentrated disadvantage configurations in shaping gender differences in risk taking and delinquency. The results from two‐stage, least‐squares analyses suggest that the extended neighborhoods matter and they matter differently by gender. Among girls, extended neighborhoods without concentrated disadvantage were associated with lower risk‐taking prevalence than extended neighborhoods with concentrated disadvantage. In contrast, among boys, localized concentration of disadvantage was associated with the highest prevalence of risk taking and delinquency. Interactions between the immediate and surrounding neighborhoods were similarly associated with differential opportunity and social disorganization mediators. Among the more critical potential mediators of the link between localized disadvantage and boys’ risk taking were delinquent network ties, strain, and perceived absence of legitimate opportunities for success.  相似文献   

This article offers a divorce education intervention model that court systems can use to determine the level of programming that fits their goals for divorce education and their available resources. This model includes three levels of education that vary by extent of presenter and parent involvement: basic information, feelings and skills, and brief focused intervention. Eight program components are compared: goals, personnel, strategies, resources, examples, parental involvement, potential outcomes, and limitations.  相似文献   

Chronic truancy has far‐reaching effects, both for the youth who become disconnected from school and for society. Crime, unemployment, underemployment, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and risky sexual activity have all been linked to chronic truancy. In 1995, the Minnesota Legislature authorized the creation of diversion programs specifically for truants. That same year, in response to the growing truancy problem, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner directed her staff to create a program for early intervention in truancy cases. From its beginning, the goals of the Truancy Intervention Program (TIP) have been to reduce the rate of truancy, to increase school connectedness, and to improve high school graduation rates. The program has accomplished these goals and, along the way, forged strong bonds of cooperation with schools, law enforcement agencies, and service providers. Ten years after the creation of TIP, the graduation rates in the city of St. Paul, the largest school district in the county, have improved by over 50 percent; the number of students missing 15 days of school of more (excused as well as unexcused) has decreased by more than 50 percent; and a large majority of chronic truants and their families have been successfully connected to services to address underlying problems.  相似文献   

文字作品v.美术作品 对几个基本理论问题的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨明 《中外法学》2009,(2):246-266

The establishment of equator principles is a landmark in the financial market and even in the history of financial development.As their extensive application in the market of project finance,equator principles have gradually become the industrial standard and international conventions of project finance.However,compared with traditional legislations,equator principles are norms of self-regulation without the involvement of national forces,and their general principles and legitimacy source definitely break a new path.The evolution of equator principles experienced three phases:emergence,popularity and internalization,and the attribute of advocates of regulations,during which the nature of regulations and the character of financial industry played key roles.Meanwhile,factors such as "power,"' mutual benefits,co-determination,effectiveness and even internalization of regulations by international financial companies,constitute the "legitimacy" source of equator principles.Besides,pointing at the defect of "norms of self-regulation,"advocates and practitioners endeavor 1o improve the "legitimacy" of equator principles.  相似文献   

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