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公共安全乃国之大计.它是国家性质的本质要求,执政为民的重要工作,以人为本的重要内涵.我国正处于并将长期处于经济与社会全面、深度转轨的重要时期,也是突发公共事件高发和社会风险加剧的特殊时期.而目前我国公共安全保障基础却相对薄弱,与经济快速发展的矛盾越来越凸显,严重影响和制约了社会经济全面、协调和可持续发展.在这样复杂的背景下,我们要从战略高度出发,全面落实科学发展观,优化公共治理结构,健全公共危机管理体制,完善危机管理运行机制,加快危机管理法制建设,提高应对公共安全问题的能力.  相似文献   

刘海梅 《法制与社会》2010,(31):154-155
危害公共安全的犯罪侵害的法益是社会的公共安全,侵害行为与危害结果是否危害到公共安全是区分罪与非罪,此罪与彼罪的关键。然而目前我国刑法学界对"公共安全"的理解还有诸多不足,不同学者之间的分歧甚大,我国刑法规定公共安全的内涵可简单概括为"不特定或多数人的生命、健康或重大公私财产的安全"。  相似文献   

以危险方法危害公共安全的犯罪规定于我国刑法分则的第二章,是一类具有严重社会危害性的犯罪行为,其犯罪客体是“公共安全”,然而,对于何为公共安全,学界存在不同观点。本文旨在对公共安全这一犯罪客体的界定进行探讨,并结合四个案例进行具体分析。  相似文献   

我国正处于公共安全事件高发期,多发的公共安全事件不仅给人民生命和财产造成巨大损失,也严重影响着社会的和谐.本文以我国突发公共事件处理过程为例,分析了公共安全事件的处置与信息技术之间的关联,介绍了国内外公共安全应急信息技术发展现状和未来发展趋势.总结我国公共安全应急信息技术发展面临的主要问题及我国亟待突破的关键技术,提出了发展我国公共安全应急信息关键技术的四点对策.  相似文献   

5·12汶川8.0级大地震以来,学校安全一度饱受非议和重视.近年来我国大学城建设蓬勃开展,文章以广州大学城为例,反思了我国大学城的公共安全现状,并分析了当前大学城在公共安全管理中存在的一系列问题,如管理体系不健全、公共危机意识不强、危机认知水平滞后、应急预案不完善、安全防范技术薄弱、机制建设不成熟等.最后,在安全管理、教育、应急救灾和信息发布等方面给出了一些相关的建议,以期望能有助于推进我国大学城公共安全与防灾减灾能力建设.  相似文献   

从某种程度上讲,流动人口会给城市社会治安、资源与环境安全、公共卫生安全及经济安全等造成一定的风险.城市政府针对流动人口问题采取的传统管控方式已无法从根本上消除可能产生的安全风险.为此,政府在流动人口管理问题上需要实现由“管控”到“服务”的转变,变运动式治理为常态治理,通过制度建设促进社会融合,以此解决流动人口可能造成的社会风险问题.  相似文献   

社会公共安全产业就是为以预防和打击犯罪为主要内容的社会公共安全领域提供产品、技术或服务的产业。社会公共安全产业化是指形成社会公共安全产业的产品、服务或其活动以及支撑这些产品、服务、活动的科技等活动从不具有产业性质(或状态)逐渐转变到充分具有产业性质(或状态)的全过程,或从较少具有产业性质(或状态)转变到较多具有产业性质(或状态)的过程。  相似文献   

林宁 《法制与社会》2011,(7):192-192
社会稳定是一个国家、一个民族追求社会和谐的理想状态,它与公共安全紧密相连。社会稳定则公共安全事件爆发率就相对较低,反之则较高。由此,公共安全成为衡量社会稳定的一个重要因素,并纳入各国政府社会管理的重要范畴。  相似文献   

我国突发公共安全事件应对法制路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的突发公共安全事件应对问题引起法学界的极大关注,由于法治无法对应急随意性和不周延性进行全面规制,所以,我国的突发公共安全事件应对法制仍有优化的空间。突发公共安全事件应对的特殊性,在外在表现上,其不良后果大多具有连带性、辐射性、多样性等特点,这导致突发公共安全事件的影响领域愈加宽泛。在内在机能上,其对社会的运行机制造成了破坏。我国突发公共安全事件应对法制的路径选择有以下五种:一是逐步的法定化与规范化;二是逐步的体系化与专业化;三是逐步的网络化与社会化;四是逐步的人性化与常规化;五是逐步的研究化与统筹化。  相似文献   

公共安全乃国之大计,它是国家性质的本质要求,是执政为民的重要工作,是以人为本的重要内涵。针对中国社会转型期公共安全状况存在的问题,我们要从战略高度出发,借鉴国外先进经验,全面提升政府和整个社会保障公共安全和应急管理的能力。  相似文献   



This article reports the findings of a quasi-experimental evaluation of the impact of residential halfway houses (HHs) on public safety in the immediate vicinity of the facilities.


Instead of focusing on recidivism reduction or cost effectiveness, as is common, outcome measures for this study are limited to the impact on community crime rates, here defined as offenses committed within 1/8 and 1/4 mi radii around a subject facility. A set of fixed effect Poisson regression models were employed to assess the changes in monthly crime counts associated with the opening or closing of an HH (N =?19). A second difference-in-differences analysis (DiD) compares HHs that ceased operation to HHs that remained consistently open for the duration of the study period. A series of robustness checks were conducted.


We find the presence of an active HH is associated with an increase in crime within the immediate vicinity. We identify significant increases in monthly counts of overall crimes reported to law enforcement, as well as in counts for specific crimes of violence, including assaults and robberies with a firearm; property offenses, such as burglary; and in minor and misdemeanor offenses. A closing of an HH is associated with a decrease in reported crimes.


The location of a community-based correctional facility can have a significant and negative impact on public health, largely through decreased levels of local public safety. Evaluations of residential correctional programs should include indicators of community-level impact in addition to individual-level measures of recidivism, particularly when such programs are clustered in at-risk or vulnerable communities.

This study surveyed 393 citizens who were either crime victims or complainants in the jurisdiction of the Marietta, GA Police Department in 2004. In addition to examining their local attitudes toward police demeanor and police performance, the study also evaluated the impact of race, police experience, and perceived neighborhood safety. Important findings included that overall (1) the majority of respondents felt safe in their neighborhood and were satisfied with the police who handled their case; (2) the same amount of blacks and whites reported negative experiences with the police; and (3) although all three factors greatly affected attitudes, contact experience with the police was the most influential.  相似文献   

Because they are airborne artefacts, drones embody threats to people and property, even in normal operation, but especially when malfunctions occur in equipment or in the data communications on which they are heavily dependent. Some natural controls exist over inappropriate drone behaviour. General liability laws provide remedies for harm that arises from drones, and act as a deterrent against irresponsible behaviour. Specific air safety laws do, or may, apply to drones. Co-regulatory mechanisms provide protections, as may industry and organisational self-regulation. However, a review of current and emergent regulatory arrangements identifies a considerable range of gaps and uncertainties that need to be addressed, particularly in relation to small drones, including micro-drones.  相似文献   

保安处分适用的瓶颈及其解决   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟中东 《法学论坛》2002,17(6):28-34
保安处分在控制与预防犯罪方面具有重要价值 ,但是 ,由于保安处分的适用要件———人身危险性难以把握 ,因而 ,保安处分存在适用风险。本文在国内外学者研究的基础上 ,提出将具有可评估性的人格概念引入保安处分理论中 ,从而有效地控制保安处分适用的风险。  相似文献   

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