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The People's Republic of China Tort Liability Law, which was adopted at the Twelfth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on December 26, 2009, became effective for implementation on July 1, 2010. Back in 2002, a draft of the law underwent initial examination by the NPC Standing Committee.  相似文献   

A theoretical forum was held in Bei- jing from December 23 to 24,2004 on entry of human rights into the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and legal protection of human rights. Jointly organized by the China Soci-ety for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS)and China Law Society (CLS), the forum was meant to promote a full implementa-tion of the constitutional principle "the state shall respect and protect human rights" and help ensure constant progress in legal protection of human …  相似文献   

More than a decade ago, at the lastWorld Conference on HumanRights in Vienna, the interna-tional community, with the sup-port of the Chinese Govern-ment, adopted the following decision:"The World Conference on Human Rightsreaffirms the important and constructive roleplayed by national institutions for the promotionand protection of human rights, in particular intheir advisory capacity to the competent authori-ties, their role in remedying human rights viola-tions, in the disseminations of …  相似文献   

<正>In recent years,reports of children suffering sexual abuse have consistently been on the rise.From May 23,2013 to May 22,2014,192 cases of suspected child sexual abuse were reported by the media.Of the343 alleged victims involved,those aged from 8-14 years old accounted for 85.42percent of the total.Frequent outbreaks of such cases clearly point to shortcomings in the current laws and the measures being undertaken.  相似文献   

On May 7,the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies affiliated to publishing conglomerate China International Publishing Group and The Bridge Tank,a French think tank,hosted a webinar on China-France cooperation and how the two countries can jointly promote a more just and equitable global governance in the post-epidemic era.Following the China-France Global Governance Forum in Paris in 2019,this webinar was the latest initiative to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on global governance between the two countries.  相似文献   

维护农村妇女土地权益问题是影响农村社会稳定与发展的重要问题,引起了党和政府及社会各界的高度关注,国家相继出台了一系列的法律和政策为农村妇女土地权益提供法律保障。然而,这些维护妇女土地权益的法律和政策在实践中很难落实,致使农村妇女土地权益严重受损。本文通过对法律文本和农村风俗习惯的分析,认为妇女土地权利遭受损害的原因主要在于国家立法上的缺陷、民间规约与国家法律的矛盾和冲突、缺乏有力的行政和司法救济手段三个方面。  相似文献   

<正>Over the course of a wholeday,all the candidateorganizations introducedtheir work and respondedto inquiries from panel members.Theselection meeting was smooth andsuccessful.I was quite impressed by themeeting and gained a lot from it.TheChina Society for Human RightsSociety(CSHRS)every year organiz-es a national meeting so that humanrights organizations can exchange ex-perience,summarize their experienceand present their achievements.Thedifference between this meeting andthe previous ones was better prepara-tion and deeper interaction.My firstimpression was"outstanding."Thecandidate organizations have excel-lent capability,performance and  相似文献   

DONG YUNHU 《人权》2010,(4):6-8
Here we are, at this springtime, at Tianjin-based Nankai University for this, the Second NationalConference for Experience-Sharing by Human Rights Studies Institutions. This gathering is an event of great importance to academic studies of human rights in China, highlighting the liveliness and vitality characteristic of our work.  相似文献   

Shen yubiao 《人权》2006,5(5):13-16
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are some of the stories about how migrant workers' rights and interests are protected in Zhejiang, one of the best developed province on the Chinese mainland. Through interviews with more than 100 migrant workers in the province, we found that migrant workers there enjoy equal treatment as their counterparts registered as urban residents, and that their rights and interests are effectively protected.  相似文献   

GU CHUNDE 《人权》2011,(2):6-7
I.The Necessity and Feasibility for Developing a Socialist Theoretical System for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics Development of such a system is needed to ensure success of the social transformation and transition ongoing up in China  相似文献   

<正>During the 2022 Spring Festival holiday in early February,Zero Tolerance,a documentary on the anti-graft campaign of the Communist Party of China (CPC),went viral online,with many applauding the central authorities for curbing corruption with an iron fist.The program also documented China’s achievements in advancing whole-process people’s democracy.  相似文献   

Giving green card holders nearly national treatment represents a milestone in China’s opening-up process China is rolling out the red carpet for permanent foreign residents,who will now in principle enjoy the same rights and shoulder the same obligations  相似文献   

Yuncheng is a city in the southwestern part of North China's Shanxi Province. It has a handicapped population of 223,000 or 4.5% of the total population of 4.985 million. The city has made big progress in protecting the rights and interests of handicapped people since the handicapped associations were set up at the city and county levels.  相似文献   

ZHANG AINING 《人权》2008,(2):33-35
Power balance is a systematic frame- work that facilitates the forming and existence of rule of law and is also a direct precondition for the forming and existence of rule of law. It is designed for restriction of the State power, and it is also for those who have the administrative power to use their power for safe- guarding the social justice. The lawyers' right to practice is an important part of social balance mechanism and is also an internationally accepted form.  相似文献   

<正>What does an ideal world look like?For many around the globe,the answer is quite simple:A much more friendly,helping environment compared to today’s society.Ever the peaceloving civilization,the Chinese concur.About 2,500 years ago,amid the chaos stemming from successive wars between vassal states,the philosopher and politician Confucius (551-479 B.C.) proposed a type ofgreat harmonyin which people live in peace and help each other grow,  相似文献   

On April 13, 2009, the Information Office of the State Council (IOSC) published the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2009-2010), which caused a widespread repercussion in China and the world over and won favorable comments. It was generally acknowledged that the publication and implementation of the Action Plan would help the entire Chinese society enhance its awareness of human rights protection and usher in an all- round development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

CAI WU 《人权》2007,6(1):4-5
尊敬的蒋正华副委员长,尊敬的各位来宾、各位朋友,女士们、先生们:首先,请允许我代表国务院新闻办公室对“尊重和促进人权与建设和谐世界”国际研讨会的召开表示诚挚的祝贺。借此机会,我也要对不远万里来参加本次研讨会的外国朋友们表示热烈的欢迎。  相似文献   

李晓 《人权》2013,(6):18-20
The draft of the human genome sequence was released in 2001, an im- portant milestone in the process of acquiring genetic infor- mation on human beings. Together with the Manhattan Project and the Apollo Program, the ambitious Human Genome Project is known as one of the three great projects in the history of human science. Differing from the former two projects, which focused on the atomic bomb and explora- tion of outer space, respectively, the Human Genome Project focused on human beings. This is a great shift. Thanks to progress in biotechnology and medical technology, people real- ized the prospect of greatly expanding life expectancy to more than 55 years in the second half of the 20th Century.  相似文献   

<正>Opening markets to foreign investment has long been a cornerstone of China’s opening-up policy.Both China’s economy and foreign companies have achieved significant development over the past decades.At the beginning of 2017,with trade protectionism casting a shadow on the global economy,Chinese President Xi Jinping made a pledge in his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland,that China would always be open to the world.  相似文献   

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