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Based on the results of examinations of craniocephalic characteristics in 47 corpses of adults of both sexes, a method for identifying the head circumference and hat size has been developed for expert evaluation of skeletonized rudiments. Hats known to belong to the lost subjects are proposed to be used as the reference samples. The author emphasizes the importance of the time when the hat was made and its position on the head.  相似文献   

Comparison of X-rays was found to provide information just as accurate as dactyloscopy for person identification, which is attributable to the high variability of the skeletal system. Reported in this paper is the case of an unknown dead female whose body was found in a condition of advanced decay. That is why conventional methods of criminological identification were not practicable. Only inadequate results were obtained from a muscular sample, while no findings at all were obtainable from DNA analysis of two molars. Identification was achievable only after six months had passed from discovery of the corpse, when two X-rays of the presumed person's skull were retrieved. This case of successful identification has once again provided evidence to the fact that even in our era of DNA research X-ray comparison has retained a firm position in forensic diagnostics.  相似文献   

An improved method for computer-aided personality identification by the skull, based on the POSKID 1.1 software, consists in investigation of enlarged images of the skull and life-time photograph of the probable individual by coordinates of 49 anatomical points; independent quantitative evaluation of the aspect of each of the compared objects by the X, Y, and Z axes; formal evaluation of the results of comparative study of the skull-portrait by multidimensional discriminant analysis models. The proposed version differs from the POSKID 1.0 software in the method for evaluating the spatial position of the head on the portrait and adequate orientation of the skull in space, which necessitates the utilization of coordinate-regulated holder POSKID 1.1 method is based on multidimensional discriminant analysis and suggests a virtually reliable solution in 76.13-80.65% cases, a probable solution (positive and negative) in 11.61-18.06% cases, and motivated refusal from solution in 5.81-7.74% cases. In case of a probable or indefinite solution further investigations are recommended making use of life-time photographs with different aspects.  相似文献   

Restoration of fragmented skull in expert personality identification is attained by assembly of bone fragments, modeling of bone defects by means of special plastic, and mathematical prediction of the lacking craniometric parameters. The authors suggest 111 equations of multiple linear regression which can be used in restoration of fragmented cerebral and facial parts of the skull. Prediction of craniometric parameters is useful for control and correction of plastic restoration of the skull. Regression equations are the most efficient in cases when the mandible is absent or in defects of symmetrical right- and left-side fragments of the skull. All stages of restoration are illustrated with examples from expert practice.  相似文献   

It was proven as advisable to apply the electrophoretic method in sophisticated expertise cases for the purpose of defining the nature of objects in examinations of material evidence.  相似文献   

A difficult dental identification of fragmented Vietnam War remains was made without the benefit of roentgenogram comparisons. The identification was strengthened by the highly unusual finding of a healing extraction site.  相似文献   

中国汉族成人颅骨CT片同一认定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立对中国汉族成人颅骨CT片进行同一认定的方法。方法按照纳入标准收集100例中国汉族成人颅骨CT片,对确定的识别指标进行观察和测量,对各指标的观测结果进行分类编码,然后按观测顺序编制特异的12位颅骨CT片识别编码。运用SPSS13.0统计学软件对所得数据进行各指标年龄和性别差异的统计学分析,利用个人识别能力公式计算单个指标和总体指标的个人识别能力。结果12项识别指标中有6个指标存在男女性别差异;12项指标累计个人识别能力可达到99.9997997%。结论本文确定中国汉族成人颅骨CT片12项观测指标,利用指标分类编码法可进行中国汉族成人颅骨CT片的同一认定。  相似文献   

The authors propose to divide the process of forensic medical examination of a medical malpractice case into several stages and substantiate the possibility of their realization as a form of situational forensic medical expertise.  相似文献   

Superimposition has been applied to skulls of unidentified skeletonized corpses as a personal identification method. The current method involves layering of a skull and a facial image of a suspected person and thus requires a real skeletonized skull. In this study, we scanned skulls of skeletonized corpses by computed tomography (CT), reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) images of skulls from the CT images, and superimposed the 3D images with facial images of the corresponding persons taken in their lives. Superimposition using 3D-reconstructed skull images demonstrated, as did superimposition using real skulls, an adequate degree of morphological consistency between the 3D-reconstructed skulls and persons in the facial images. Three-dimensional skull images reconstructed from CT images can be saved as data files and the use of these images in superimposition is effective for personal identification of unidentified bodies.  相似文献   

The colour of the human skull was determined from 124 fresh skull samples using the tristimulus colour measurement system "Micro Color" and listed as The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L*a*b*-values. The skulls were found to be relatively light (L*=72.5), nearly colourless on the a*-axis (a*=-7.4), and slightly yellow (b*=16.4). No difference was found between the colours of the outer and the inner surfaces of the skulls. Including a small number (n=8) of skulls from diabetic patients in the study, we detected no colour difference between the samples from diabetics and non-diabetics. However, a hitherto unknown correlation between the subjects' age and the yellowness (b*-value) of the skull could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Mechanisms accelerating or retarding the disintegration of soft tissues are briefly discussed, as well as the need to reconstruct the missing profile for postmortem identification purposes. The application of X-ray and computer-based analyses is discussed in the context of providing data to predict and reconstruct the most probable soft tissue profile of a dry skull. In addition, information from extensive studies of the facial bones and profiles of veterans has been applied to methods in forensic medicine of determining age, sex, and racial background of unknown subjects.  相似文献   

Overload disease (OD) of human osseous system appears after microtrauma and excessive and frequently repeated load. Examination of 260 patients with OD was carried out. Radioisotope method revealed disease in all cases while radiological method--in 91% of cases. Sudden decrease in growth hormone (HGH) was noted in 95% of cases. Classification of 5 stages of OD which can be used for expert practical work was developed.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the video superimposition technique for the identification of a skull by comparing it with photographs of missing persons is based on the fact that the human skull, unlike any other part of the human skeleton, shows unmistakable individual characteristics. In order to obtain a quantification, the individuality of human skulls is defined in terms of craniometric data and their probability distribution. First calculations based on the coordinates of some important encephalometric points of 52 European skulls suggest that there are individual aspects comparable to those of fingerprints. Under certain conditions, the video superimposition technique can establish very strong evidence for the identity of an unknown skull, provided that it is applied correctly and carefully.  相似文献   

近些年,随着全民养生保健意识的逐步提高,选择中医治疗的患者越来越多,接踵而来的是因中医医疗技术损害引起纠纷的案件数量的攀升。但目前国内外大多数都是按照西医治疗的标准进行鉴定,一直未形成具有针对性、系统性、统一性的中医医疗纠纷鉴定的标准与原则。本文中,作者旨在结合《侵权责任法》中医疗技术损害责任的相关规定,阐述中医辨证论治的特点,审查分析中医医疗技术纠纷鉴定中的相关证据。  相似文献   

Wormian bones are small ossicles appearing within the cranial sutures in more than 40% of skulls, most commonly at the lambdoid suture and pterion. During the skeletal analysis of an unidentified male war victim, we observed multiple wormian bones and a patent metopic suture. Additionally, the right elbow was deformed, probably as a consequence of an old trauma. The skull was analyzed by cranial measurements and computerized tomography, revealing the presence of cranial deformities including hyperbrachicrania, localized reduction in hemispheral widths, increased cranial capacity, and sclerosis of the viscerocranium. Besides unique anatomical features and their anthropological value, such skeletal abnormalities also have a forensic value as the evidence to support the final identification of the victim.  相似文献   

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