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初查制度是随着检察机关查办职务犯罪的发展而逐渐发展起来的一项特有的查案制度,至今初查行为仍是由司法解释所规范。初查未能纳入刑诉法,使初查活动面临很多问题。本文认为应该将初查由司法解释上升到立法规定。而本文是以将初查写入刑诉法为前提,重点对初查制度进行程序设计,包括启动程序设计、初查原则设计、初查期限设计及监督程序设计,期许对完善初查制度有所帮助。  相似文献   

浅谈“初查”制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"初查"在刑事法中的含义可以理解为"立案前的审查"、"初步调查"或者"有限的侦查"。初查源于刑事诉讼法的规定,是检察机关自侦案件立案阶段必经程序,初查获取的材料具有证据效力。检察机关应当规范初查线索,规范初查方式,规范初查标准,规范初查考核,全面加强初查工作。  相似文献   

最高人民检察院在相关司法解释和文件中将检察机关对案件线索在立案前依法进行的审查规定为初查,但由于缺乏法律的明确规定,职务犯罪初查在法律效力、工作机制和手段运用方面都存在很多问题.职务犯罪初查就其属性而言应当归入审查的范畴,在初查中引入调查不利于保障人权及诉讼活动的顺利进行.职务犯罪初查应定位为一种单纯的审查,由此决定在初查中应采用迅速审查、大胆过滤线索及放宽立案条件的策略,并通过合议审查、全面审查等方法推进对职务犯罪的查处.  相似文献   

检察机关作为法律监督机关,需要积极行使权力。为了发现犯罪,有力地打击犯罪,有必要采取一些非强制性的初查行为即初查,这是法律监督的本质要求,同时也是符合现行刑事诉讼法精神的。检察机关理性的初查行为不涉及对当事人有影响的强制性措施,初查制度与人权保障应当是和谐统一的。  相似文献   

初查活动是人民检察院办理贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等自侦案件过程中所采用的必不可少的一项工作程序。但由于新刑事诉讼法并没有明确规定初查制度及相关监督机制,使得检察机关自侦部门在司法实践过程中初查活动随意性较大。本文通过对阜新市检察院自侦案件初查活动监督机制现状的分析,认为目前初查权缺乏有效的监督和约束,提出从内部监督和外部监督两种方式对检察机关职务犯罪初查活动监督机制予以完善。  相似文献   

随着反腐败斗争的不断深入,职务犯罪初查越来越受到检察机关的重视。然而,由于刑事诉讼法未规定初查,以致引起颇多争议,不少学者及司法实务者甚至否认初查的合法性。笔者认为,职务犯罪的初查是检察机关行使职务犯罪侦查权的一个重要程序,其合法性不应怀疑,但是有进一步完善的必要。一、初查并非无法律依据。初查,顾名思义,是指初步性调查。职务犯罪的初查,是指检察机关行使职务犯罪监督职责而进行的尚未启动刑事侦查程序的一种调查活动。这种活动虽然置于立案前,但不能据此否认它在刑事诉讼中的合法性。刑事诉讼是解决犯罪嫌疑人、被告人刑…  相似文献   

从"司法论"与"立法论"相区别的方法论出发,实然的检察机关初查制度具有形式违法性,应然的初查制度具有实质合理性和正当性。因为作为初查制度之核心与基础的初查权本质上是宪政视域中的法律监督权的具体形式,是旨在监督公权保障人权的一种公权力。这决定了初查制度的价值目标是实现自由与秩序的动态平衡。而要实现此目标就要实行实然初查制度向应然初查制度的转向,如加强初查制度与国际规则的协调、完善初查权运行的程序机制、完善初查的法律责任制度等。  相似文献   

职务犯罪初查制度是一项具有中国特色的司法实践制度,自初查行为出现至今不到三十年,起源于我国检察机关的实践办案过程,并逐步演变形成的一种司法制度,成为规范性文件。本文通过对职务犯罪初查制度形成的背景、产生和发展等方面进行分析,重点探讨我国职务犯罪初查制度的必要性。  相似文献   

初查是办理职务犯罪案件的重要程序,在实践中发挥着重大作用。刑事诉讼法虽然并未明确其法律地位,但在职务犯罪案件中设置初查制度既符合立法本意,也是实施立法相关规定的必经之路。因此,经过合法程序取得的初查证据材料应当具有合法性,可以作为认定案件事实的证据。同时,应当采取相应措施,促使初查制度的进一步完善。  相似文献   

梯次初查是我们在1997年的反贪工作中.为适应修改后的刑事诉讼法而大胆探索的一种新的初查方式。它是对原初查方式的一种继承和发展。所谓梯次初查就是根据线索的来源、性质、内容等不同情况,将初查依据、范围、目的、方式等要素,分为若干层次的一种取证方法。梯次初查的各层次间既相互区别,又密不可分,前一阶段的初查是后面初查的前提和基础,后一阶段的初查是前一阶段的深入和发展。运用这种初查方式既能防止因对线索把握不准盲目投入兵力而造成人力和物力浪费,又能根据初查中出现的新情况随时变更策略,因而运用这种初查方式往往能…  相似文献   

行政调查中权力的可能边界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王麟 《法律科学》2008,26(6):121-126
作为行政机关执行公务、实现行政职能的基础性手段,行政调查普遍存在于行政过程中。如果将其界定为纯粹的作出行政行为过程中搜集证据、确认事实的手段,则行政调查至多是一种事实行为,甚至附庸于相关行政行为中,没有单独规制的必要。如果将其界定为一种行政行为的形态,则行政法制度应当对行政调查给予全面规范。其实,行政调查是否属于独立的行政行为不是问题的关键,关键是要考察行政调查过程中对公民权利的可能侵犯能否通过既有制度予以监督制约;如果不能,则将行政调查作为一种独立的行政行为,通过法律规制达到既能够保障行政职能的实现,又能够保障公民权利的目的,或言厘定出行政调查权力的边界,是我们的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

陈闻高 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):62-65
侦讯是一种法律概念,通过讯问等相关概念的比较,凸现出其区别特征。侦讯系统由活动、法律、对策三要素构成第一层次。由主体、对象、环境构其讯活动要素;由涉嫌证据、侦讯记录、证据体系构成其侦讯法律要素;由谋略、方式、手段、技巧、气氛构成其对策要素。而每一子系统内又有其系统。如活动环境,则由案侦背景、人物关系、讯问场地、侦讯时间构成;用谋方式,由起点、方向、步骤、突破点和各种步骤方式构成;侦讯手段由利用矛盾、使用证据、说服规劝、心理测试构成等等。  相似文献   

Brian H. Bix 《Ratio juris》2020,33(2):124-133
This article offers an overview of the difficulties in Robert Alexy’s idea of law’s “claim to correctness.” The inquiry takes us deep into the nature of simple communication, back out to what it means to have a theory about the nature of law, and also in the direction of wondering about the interaction of legal theory and practical reasoning—reasoning about how we should best act. The article offers reasons to question whether law in fact makes claims, at least in any straightforward sense. Even if one brackets that matter, there are reasons to raise doubts about what is in fact implicit in the act of lawmaking. At one level, an act of lawmaking does implicitly assert the authority to act in that way. Whether it also implies that the content of the action is morally good, or at least not clearly morally bad, is, at a minimum, a harder question.  相似文献   

The outcome of batterer programs has become a topic of research and clinical concern in recent years. There has been little assessment, however, of the input of these programs and its implications. This study analyzes the records of 200 inquirers to a batterer program during 1989–1990 to determine the attrition rates based on the initial number of inquirers. The attrition from inquiry to intake is 73%, from inquiry to counseling attendance is 86%, and from inquiry to 12 counseling sessions is 93%. Only 1% actually completed the contracted 8 months of counseling sessions. The only background and protocol variable significantly associated with intake attrition was marital status. Those inquirers referred from informal referral sources and paying high monthly fees were more likely to attend over 12 counseling sessions. The 1990 inquiry-to-counseling attrition rates were higher than the program rates in the early 80s and higher than a comparable program with no separate intake session. The implications of these findings for pre-program protocol are discussed.  相似文献   

信访的制度性缺陷,使得涉法信访大量发生,公共信用和权威受到严重损害,从而动摇了国家法治的基础。在此情况下,以法治为内容的信访制度改革,是解决涉法信访问题的根本出路。而以社会主义法治理念为指导,进一步更新信访理念、规范信访事项、统一信访机构、完善信访机制,则是当前涉法信访工作的重点。  相似文献   

The various special procedures so far set up by the Commissionon Human Rights (CHR) to investigate serious violations of humanrights are very different from what can be achieved by a commissionof inquiry. There is almost no comparison in terms of the scaleof resources, the expertise mobilized, the amount of detailcontained in the Commission's Report, the precision and weightof the legal analysis, and the consequent power of the finalproduct to galvanize both public opinion and inter-governmentalaction. The Darfur Commission may also serve to expand the bridgebeing built between the Commission of Human Rights and the SecurityCouncil (SC). The practice of appointing commissions of inquiryhas immense potential in that it can provide the type of specialistinput necessary if the human rights machinery and the SC areto form part of a continuum. Commissions of inquiry reportsmay contribute to promoting transparency and accountabilityin the work of the SC, since the Council, when determining whetheror not to take action in a human rights situation, has to respondto a carefully documented and a well argued analytical report.Finally, the establishment of such commissions to evaluate whetheror not a situation warrants referral to the ICC provides anappropriate filtering mechanism before the Council takes a decision.  相似文献   

Considerations of the nature of explanation and the law are brought together to argue that computed accounts of AI systems’ outputs cannot function on their own as explanations of decisions informed by AI. The important context for this inquiry is set by Article 22(3) of GDPR. The paper looks at the question of what an explanation is from the point of view of the philosophy of science – i.e. it asks not what counts as explanatory in legal terms, or what an AI system might compute using provenance metadata, but rather what explanation as a social practice consists in, arguing that explanation is an illocutionary act, and that it should be considered as a process, not a text. It cannot therefore be computed, although computed accounts of AI systems are likely to be important inputs to the explanatory process.  相似文献   

Offering commentary on "Empirical and Ethical Problems with Custody Recommendations: A Call for Clinical Humility and Judicial Vigilance," we express our agreement with Tippins and Wittmann. We opine that professional activity stimulates inquiry and it is through inquiry that our knowledge base will be expanded and our skills will be improved. In the interim, we should be mindful of our limitations, and actively articulate the ways in which the incompleteness of our knowledge base and the deficiencies of our assessment tools limit the confidence that can be placed in the recommendations that we offer.  相似文献   

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