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THE keywords for China’s diplomacy in 2015 will be‘one focus’and‘two main themes,’"Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a press conference focusing on Chinese diplomatic policies and external relations on March 8,2015 in Beijing.He went on to affirm that the country will continue this year to forge ahead and expand all-round diplomacy by expanding its common interests with other countries while steadfastly safeguarding national interests.  相似文献   

<正>CHU TAKES CHARGEEric Chu,Mayor of New Taipei City in northern Taiwan,took office as chairman of the island’s ruling Kuomintang(KMT)on January 19 after winning a landslide victory in the party leadership election.In recent years,the KMT has promoted relations between Taiwan and the mainland in keeping with the principles of"peaceful development,mutual benefit and win-win results,"  相似文献   

正Tsai Ing-wen,candidate of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party(DPP),was elected Taiwan's leader on January 16.The following is an edited excerpt of a comment of Xinhua News Agency on Taiwan's leadership election:The result of the Taiwan's leadership election has aroused concerns about the development of the relationship between the  相似文献   

ENTERING 2016,President Obama embarked on his last year in office,and the presidential election campaign hit its home strait.According to media polls,the issues of greatest concern to Americans include the domestic economic  相似文献   

正2016年1月18日沙特是我今年首次出访的第一站,也是我担任中国国家主席后访问的第一个阿拉伯国家。沙特是中国的兄弟国家。一提到沙特,人们想到的是"石油王国"得天独厚的油气宝藏,伊斯兰教发源地的悠久历史,大漠落日的壮美辽阔。2008年,我以中国国家副主席身份访问沙特,沙特国家建设欣欣向荣,人民热情好客,给我留下美好印象。时隔8年,我将应萨勒曼国王邀请,带着中国人民对沙特人民的情谊和对发展中沙友好关系的期盼,再  相似文献   

The first ministerial meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States(CELAC)concluded in Beijing on January 9,2015.The meeting passed such major documents as the Beijing Declaration,a five-year cooperation plan,and the regulations on the China-CELAC Forum.It was a historic,high-profile and large-scale meeting.The foreign ministers and representatives of CELAC member states gathered in Beijing,creating a new record in the history  相似文献   

<正>Participants attend a roundtable discussion with the theme of"Building the Silk Road Consensus"during the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA)on March 26.The annual conference took place on March 26-29 in the scenic town of Boao on south China’s tropical island province of Hainan.Delegates from Asia and beyond conducted discussions on a diversity of topics ranging from economic growth to innovation.The BFA,a non-governmental and non-profit international organization founded in 2001,aims to promote cooperation between Asian nations as well as between Asia and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

正The U.S.policy of pivoting to the Asia-Pacific is expected to continueRecommendations made by the AsiaPacific Rebalance 2025 report have outlined a clear goal—the containment of China's growing clout in order to maintain the United States'dominant role in the Asia-Pacific region.The report,unveiled by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies  相似文献   

At the invitation of the IranChina Friendship Association(I C FA)and the Oman-China Friendship Association(OCFA),a 12-member CPAFFC delegation led by Vice President Feng Zuoku visited the two countries from October 17 to 25,2014.In Iran,the delegation attended the 5th Annual Conference of China-Iran Friendship  相似文献   

AFTER the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)in 2012 China proposed the exploratory concept of majorcountry diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.In other words,China,as a major country,will assume greater international responsibilities while its diplomatic policy continues to reflect distinctive Chi-  相似文献   

正2016年1月19日应塞西总统邀请,我将对埃及进行国事访问。这是我担任中周围家主席后第一次访问中东和阿拉伯国家,也是我2016年的首次出访。我将同埃及和阿拉伯朋友共叙友情、共商合作、共话发展,期待此访成为一次友谊之旅、合作之旅、共赢之旅。"埃及是尼罗河的馈赠。"16年前,我第一次访问埃及时,实地看到古代埃及人民把周期泛滥的洪水转化为农业发展的重要资源,体会到尼罗河是孕育埃  相似文献   

正2014年11月11日北京各位同事:我们用了一夭时间,围绕会议主题和三大议题进行了热烈而富有成果的讨论,就亚太发展愿景和亚太经合组织合作方向等问题深入交换看法,达成许多重要共识。下面,我来进行简要总结。一我们回顾了亚太经合组织过去25年的历史成就和宝贵经验,展望了亚太长远发展愿景和方向。我们决心承前启后,继往开来,发扬互信、包容、合作、共赢的精神,共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系,打  相似文献   

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