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随着城市居民生活的多元化需求日益高涨,对社区服务业形成了现实的需要,这为城市社区就业提供了发展的空间。但社区就业尚处于起步的阶段,还存在着种种问题。从理论研究、实践探索中寻求相应的解决对策,将对城市社区就业的健康发展大有裨益。  相似文献   

我国社区就业的发展趋势《云南财贸学院学报.社会科学版》2005年第6期刊有杨志银的《对我国社区就业理论政策研究综述及其发展趋势的研究》一文。文中指出,社区就业是把扩大就业与社区服务结合起来,依托社区阵地,发动和组织社会力量开展社会化服务,向社区要岗位,为社区居民提供  相似文献   

来稿摘登思路点滴来稿摘登非正规就业应成为新的就业途径上海市工会干部管理学院柏宁湘、郑永新撰文认为,非正规就业应成为新的就业途径。“非正规就业系指开展社区的便民利民服务、市容环境建设中的公益性劳动等为企事业单位提供的各种临时性、突击性的劳务,以及家庭手...  相似文献   

为鼓励高校毕业生参加社会主义新农村建设、城市社区建设和应征人伍,政府提出实行四项具体鼓励政策: ——基层社会管理和公共服务岗位就业补贴政策。其中涉及两项补贴政策:一是对到农村基层和城市社区从事社会管理和公共服务工作的高校毕业生,符合公益性岗位就业条件并在公益性岗位就业的,按照国家现行促进就业政策的规定,给予社会保险补贴和公益性岗位补贴。  相似文献   

宜昌市西陵区学院街道办事处位于宜昌市中心城区,辖区面积5.8平方公里,常住居民24481户、70636人。有下岗职工4429人,低保户1591户、4194人。学院街办自2002年5月被省委组织部、省总工会命名为全省社区下岗职工再就业示范基地以来,经街办工会统一运作规划,已初步建成“社区在线”电子网络呼叫系统、社区职工电教中心、社区职工文体活动中心三大硬件工程,在拓宽社区就业渠道、促进社区下岗失业人员就业工作中发挥  相似文献   

教育部日前下发《国家促进普通高校毕业生就业政策公告》,公布20条新举措促进高校毕业生就业。 公告鼓励高校毕业生到基层和中西部地区就业,其中规定,到农村基层和城市社区公益性岗位就业的,给予社会保险补贴和公益性岗位补贴;到农村基层和城市社区其他社会管理和公共服务岗位就业的,给予薪酬或生活补贴;到中西部地区和艰苦边远地区县以下农村基层单位就业并履行一定服务期限的,由政府补偿学费,代偿助学贷款。  相似文献   

1.建立社区工会的必要性《中华全国总工会关于进一步加强基层工会工作的决定》对加强社区工会建设提出了明确要求。这是因为:(1)城市管理体制的转变要求建立社区工会。党的十六大提出,完善基层群众性自治组织,发展城乡社区自我管理、自我服务功能。政府行政管理体制改革将使政府包揽的社会事务由社区承担,直接推动了社区建设和社区功能的完善,为社区工会的建立创造了条件。(2)维护职工权益要求建立社区工会。城市化进程的不断加快,使社区内的企业和职工人数不断增加。由于社区中的企业一般规模比较小,职工就业比较分散,在合法权益受到侵犯时…  相似文献   

刘兴攀 《工友》2014,(1):14-15
正伸出援手维权、助你就业创业、解您后顾之忧……在保康县歇马街社区,无论是农民工还是群众,无不让他们感受到社区工会的可亲可靠。歇马街社区位于鄂西北的秦巴山区保康县,"八山一水一分田"是这里地理环境的写照。近年来,随着打工经济的异军突起,很多社区居民转身成了农民工。社区农民工总数已达2000多人,占社区总居民  相似文献   

随着非公有制经济的发展和就业安置社会化,小型个私经济和非正规就业组织蓬勃发展,并吸收了大量城镇下岗待业人员和进城农民工等弱势群体的就业,对传统基层工会的组织设置和工作方式带来了考验。面对这一新形势,我国工会要顺应形势、与时俱进,以社区工会建设为依托,积极推进个私和非正规就业领域工会工作,提高工会组织的覆盖面,加强这一领域从业人员的劳动维权工作,并调动广大个私业主、雇员和非正规就业人员参与社会建设的积极性。  相似文献   

近年来,以去雇主化、平台化为主要特征的一系列新就业形态在稳定扩大就业、畅通经济循环、推动消费升级、增进民生福祉等方面发挥了积极作用,成为推动经济社会发展的重要组成部分。本文基于普惠金融视角,对无锡市新就业形态劳动者保险保障状况进行了问卷调查,并运用二元logistic回归分析方法对数据进行了统计分析,实证分析了新就业形态劳动者社会保险和商业保险的参保行为及其影响因素,并提出完善新就业形态劳动者保险保障制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

社区工会是社区管理体系中的重要组成部分,是促进和谐社区建设的一支重要力量。在构建社会主义和谐社区中,必须高度重视社区工会工作,充分发挥社区工会组织的作用。社区工会要明确定位,找准在构建和谐社区中的切入点,紧紧围绕协调利益、促进公平、维护稳定,着力在建立社会主义新型劳动关系上下功夫;紧紧围绕化解矛盾、反映诉求、规范行为,着力在营造民主法治氛围上下功夫;紧紧围绕排忧解难、提供服务、凝聚人心,着力在构建诚信友爱的人际关系上下功夫。  相似文献   

社区建设作为经济体制转轨的重要承接点,将在社会生活中发挥日益重要的作用.大量下岗、待业、失业和外来新型工资劳动者(打工者)沉淀在社区,社区成了城市工会工作的一个新的领域.  相似文献   

社区是职工困难群体社会保障的重点地区。社区工会是职工困难群体社会保障的重要力量 ,因而必须要加强社区工会建设。  相似文献   

南京市总工会领导的小额创业贷款担保中心,对自主创业、自主经营的下岗失业人员提供创业贷款担保,扶持下岗职工创业。在提供贷款的过程中,担保中心认真做好前期审核、银行专业把关和回访督促,并在教育帮扶、回访帮扶、先进帮扶、法律帮扶、知识帮扶和培训帮扶等方面做好工作,满足了下岗职工的需求,也为工会工作社会化探索出了新路子。  相似文献   

以社区为依托组建地域性工会 ,是工会工作在城市管理体制改革中遇到的新课题 ,开拓的新领域。东城区社区工会将工会工作融入社区建设 ,在推动社区内新建企业建会 ,维护社区内企业职工合法权益等方面做出了积极探索  相似文献   

The commercial appropriation of the commons by displacing communities has been a historical feature of development. In recent years, however, this paradigm has shifted toward re-inventing the commons by creating new relations of production for both the market and subsistence. Such shifts in managing the commons are producing new forms of commoning instead of enclosure and dispossession. Through the analysis of community forestry programs in Nepal, this paper demonstrates that community-based development has been effective in mobilizing the collective potential of local communities and dynamics of commonly held forest ecosystems for the expansion of highly profitable commercial endeavors. Community forestry can be understood neither as an enclosure exclusively for commodity production nor as the extension of entirely subsistence economic activities. In Nepal, community forestry has become a form of accumulation without dispossession where communities’ ownership over the common forestlands is ensured but market apparatuses for commercialization are also institutionalized simultaneously. This paper argues that while transforming the commons and communities as part and parcel of capital accumulation, community forestry generates possibilities for both commercial and subsistence modes of production, reproducing the conditions for accumulation without dispossession.  相似文献   

Female religious communities and individual women religious confronted the monastic suppressions in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Italy by actively negotiating with authorities both during and after the suppression decrees. The lack of the voices of the suppressed women religious in current scholarship has led scholars to argue for top-down, predetermined reorganization and destruction of religious life in revolutionary and Napoleonic Italy. A comparison of the three main suppression decrees reveals, instead, an evolving approach to religious institutions during this period. The petitions by women religious underscore how compromise and accommodation characterized the interactions between female communities and local and central authorities. The suppression of monasteries was not imposed on monastic women unilaterally; rather, these women actively negotiated the suppressions to optimize the outcome for their communities and for themselves.  相似文献   

Assessed the feasibility of the Australian MindMatters program, a whole school mental health promotion program for application in the United States (U.S.). Forty-two participants representing school and community stakeholder groups from four U.S. communities (urban, rural, suburban, small town) evaluated the program for application in their communities through a research process involving discussion and endorsement ratings of relevance and likely impact. The majority of participants (85%) indicated that the program would help students in their community schools feel safe and valued, and participants indicated strong endorsement for MindMatters curriculum units focusing on suicide prevention and addressing bullying and harassment. Participants rated their own stakeholder group (e.g., teacher, school administrator, and parent) as being most likely to support and implement the program, suggesting that providing qualitative feedback on a program may help to increase a sense of ownership over it. Ideas for tailoring programs developed in other settings for application in local communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The standard approach to land issues is to consider that private property rights are more efficient because they encourage investment. Therefore, it is imperative to institute modern land rights to meet agricultural challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. Other authors stress the importance of the social role of customary law in farming communities. Establishing modern property rights would have exclusive discriminatory effects, especially on the poorest. This contribution attempts to clarify the links between land rights, technological change and social disparity using the agrarian system approach. Both the above-mentioned theories are put to the test here. The emergence of private property appears to be not the cause but the consequence of technical changes that arose as a specific result of the maintenance of customary rights. However, these same customary rights also paved the way for growing social disparity within farming communities.  相似文献   

The position concerning the mental health of black and minority ethnic women in Britain is closely linked to that of their respective communities in general. Issues concerning inappropriate care and treatment; lack of access to services; and service delivery based on assumptions and stereotypes govern the way in which black women and men experience mental health care and treatment. This article discusses the specific nature of black women's position, within the wider context of black communities' experience as a whole. While the term ‘black and minority ethnic communities’ covers a range of differing communities, the focus here is on the experiences of women from African, African-Caribbean and Asian communities. In relation to women in these communities, reference is made to issues concerning: (1) older women; (2) women of mixed heritage; (3) women's roles as care-givers; and (4) the position of refugees and asylum seekers. The article also explores and outlines the importance of self-help strategies including, e.g. befriending and counselling and the role of religion and spirituality in enabling many black people to manage their mental distress.  相似文献   

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